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Everything posted by bai

  1. ahh thank you all uwuuuu soo mostly fave is really the hug! ✨ this is a very @gilaswan too *ahem hahahahahaha LOLOLS yeah to going through dilemma of what scenes to be used is kind of pain, becauseee somehow there are sooo many good frames of them(???) I'm screwed by these twooo. I doubt it is a lot of re-watch because I'm having bit by bit day by day(??) I'm not actually re-watch it. But yeah to pick it, I'm just mostly ogling and smile excessively how beautiful both of them, stopped in the random point & distracted a lot for hyping it or exploring more side of YY/DD and ended up not picking any (especially you know who lah HAHAHAHA)
  2. OH MY GOD hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha THIS!!!! that's why it is really defining right, to categorize this feeling is it Yu Tu or YY? 😂😂😂😂
  3. oooh iconic Jaeon yeah, it makes me remember I haven't write my final sentences in Nevertheless thread just on my way to watch ep 3 now bookmarking this tweet bcs I do really find the seaside village is interesting:
  4. awh why twitter embed doesn't work for your device yeah based from what you've told me it does really interesting comments there lol. Fighting! for those who are also missing Yu Tu Jing Jing presence as couple: https://youtu.be/IdF2iWQmsQ4 I zipped their sweet moments into category #1 his food deliveries #2 their food-bond #3 hugs & strokes #4 THOSE glances (their silent adoration!) #5 empathy & glory #6 their domestic (yes, the snippets of ergonomics chair are here) + 1 epilogue: ultralife (their fun fun energy) AAAAA hahahahaha tagging people that might be interested here: @gilaswan @NiteWalker @ktcjdrama @mademoiselle @themarchioness @40somethingahjumma
  5. so he is not?? The character description still much ambiguous to me so I keep thinkin' he is by the trailer cuts HAHAHA gonna watch first two episodes in one time, it has movie feels no?
  6. @mademoiselle oooooh the photosssss HAHAHAHAHAHA he is so lil bro compared to JCW at that time LOL his real is literally 180 degree, moiii 😂😂😂
  7. You really know how to rod mee It can be for the show (frying the CP) in Happy Camp but I really don't know about the childhood photos post bcs I read somewhere it isn't even in official promotion schedule. 🤡 I'm adding YangDi to my HyunJi tortures. But who knows they can be the next BinJin lol yeah 🤡🤡 Yeah this! Me too..
  8. gawd! Thank you! I haven't resume yet my watch (still on the quarter E1), will pin E3 for priority if I'm looking for happy pills. Lol I told yall his lame is funny (I still can't get over him vs JCW arm wrestling + there are other evidences in tiny bits) or am I in the phase of slowly fallin' in love so everything that person does it just simply funny like Songhwa to Ikjun (tho majority will agree Ikjun is funny) AAAAAAAHHH HAHAHAHA
  9. new stills for upcoming ep. 3 source love the moonlight reflection shot
  10. lolols, oh dangggg AHS looks so fresh in that interview! Drawn to his bright eyes. He is kinda different from his Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim S2 (in a really goooooddddd way, his weight is so fit now!)
  11. Jeon Do Yeon And Ryu Jun Yeol Talk About Why They Chose To Appear In “Lost” Despite Its Emotional And Difficult Themes by C. Hong source: soompi On September 2, JTBC’s upcoming drama “Lost” held an online press conference with Jeon Do Yeon, Ryu Jun Yeol, and director Hur Jin Ho. The Korean title of “Lost” translates to “Human Disqualification,” and director Heo Jin Ho explained, “It’s about the loss and scars that accumulate when someone feels that they aren’t living up to the qualifications that define being ‘human.'” Jeon Do Yeon said, “I had decided that even if it took a long time to find a good project, I would avoid content that was too dark or heavy. But when I read this script, I decided that I would take it on, even if it was dark, because it was about trying to find the light. I cried a lot when I first read the script. I got a lot of questions from the people around me. ‘Can Jeon Do Yeon really pull off a story about someone who hasn’t been able to become anything in her life?’ But somehow I could really relate to Boo Jung’s feelings.” Ryu Jun Yeol said, “The script was good, but I really wanted to join the project because I would be working with director Heo Jin Ho and writer Kim Ji Hye. I begged them to use me. It was really easy to decide on the project. My character’s story in this drama is also about youth, but it’s different from the ones that I’ve done until now. Before now, I played coming-of-age stories, but Kang Jae loses his way after he starts to doubt whether what he thought was the right answer for him was wrong all along. I wanted to show a new side of youth, the kind of loneliness and bitterness that comes when you’ve lost your way.” Asked about key points to look out for in the drama, Ryu Jun Yeol said, “I think it’s relatability. We talk a lot about the two main characters’ stories, but there are other stories in the drama that are really interesting. There are lots of diverse characters, but I want to emphasize that they are all ‘ordinary.’ That’s the important focus of the drama.” Jeon Do Yeon said, “Boo Jung is someone who is tightly closed off, so I worried a lot about how she would open up through the course of the drama. I really worked hard in order to understand the character of Boo Jung. But as filming went on, as time went on, regardless of the work I put in or not, her heart opened to Kang Jae of its own accord. I opened up to Ryu Jun Yeol in the same way as Boo Jung did to Kang Jae. I personally would like it if the viewers went in to the story not knowing anything about Boo Jung. There are people in our lives that we might know without really knowing them. It would be nice if they just watched over her and cheered her on.” “Lost” premieres on September 4 at 10:30 p.m. KST. ~~ Interesting!
  12. Lost press conference photos Ryu Junyeol, dir. Hur Jinho, Jeon Doyeon dir. Hur Jinho and Jeon Doyeon have been know each other for a long time. He chooses to direct this drama because of a good script. he think that there would be a lot of memorable lines in this drama. when he received the script, he think of Jeon Doyeon and Ryu Junyeol right away. [excerpt translation source: lunatrava_] when asked about chemistry, Jeon Doyeon said that she never imagined Ryu Junyeol would be cast as Kangjae. When she knew that they casted RJY, she imagine Kangjae appearance would be similar with RJY character at movie "Money". She always ask staff while monitoring "are we look good together?" [excerpt translation source: lunatrava_] when asked about chemistry, he told a story about how he met Jeon Doyeon at elevator in 2016 and when he knew that he would starring a drama with JDY, he keeps thinking about that moment 😂 [excerpt translation source: lunatrava_]
  13. no no no NOT that disco-ball camouflage 😂😂 XZL kinda look alike but different ah.. I'm still ogling this one @mademoiselle I started Irresistible too just in very first episode, quarter of it lol
  14. thats a great investment 😆😆😆 I think the regulars there are already interested much in Korean foods, familiar, and kinda waiting for the team to take them out exploring? 😋😋 And yes nice to see captain Armand really did his homework!! Hahahahahaha they are so cute
  15. AAAAAAAAA good day! WANT that bbokeumbap after grilling so badddd 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 I miss that gorgeous smell
  16. first and last photo!!!! Dayummmm the workout gif really made it into your adoption?? 😆😆
  17. I think he still watched it for curiosity despite rant on discord too mention you 😂😂😂😂😂
  18. this. Hshshshs I searched the Empire of Lust bcs Kang Haneul. Lul The Treacherous aigoo.. Really treacherous Real Kim Soohyun.. Just a really random(??) @TRaNz you already watched the trailer & still scanning it? Why you scan for heartbreak :(
  19. exactly, we just kind of in discussion of it & you took much initiative @TRaNz smashing keyboard phase of him add: I'm still crying over this potential of two @mademoiselle
  20. @mademoiselle I just find something really random in my YAMG video analytic how the heck nabi jae on is here is this because Nabirama? LOL JK. But I really had no idea this is so random it could be someone search for n fmv but landed on yamg instead, but the relevance is too far. Hahahaha
  21. I think it is new because it means farewell Yu Tu from YY. Ahhhhh I like this video so much. Goodies. Found the translation from here (thread):
  22. by far, yeah still don't know the size of actual slider. In YT channel customization we have: for the best results on all devices, use an image that’s at least w x h pixels and max size or less. Kinda. But here they-regardless of size, everything will be focused on the center & with static width lol? So we use format based on trial & find it's best. I hope they can develop into something like this: really, the viewable sketch will be really helpful & gratify. Huffff.. Huahaha oh Gawdddd hahahahahaha she is with Kang Haneul there right
  23. cmiiw = correct me if I'm wrong hiehiehiehie ahhhh yess that autumn shot 😍🍁
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