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  1. LJH vlive - answering questions (and probably talking about food). If only i have more free time on my hands this days(
  2. Yeah this some anime visuals here (kinda detective conan vibe)) P.S. - There are three things you can watch forever: fire burning, water falling.. and LJH munching snacks.
  3. Ace Factory delivered - Me atm -
  4. I have a long lasting bias - Lee Joon Hyuk, Kim Ji Hoon and Lim Ju Hwan. So #appreciationpost❤️ again yay)) Lim Ju Hwan - tremendously talented but his role choices.. (but Ugly Alert always gonna be my happy place)
  5. So #appreciationpost❤️)) Kim Ji Hoon - real Benjamin Button of our days (he was so cute in Joseon X-Files, but now he is absolutely illegally hot ) Hope to see him as mlead again soon.
  6. Yay! Ty @abs-oluteM for this shrine)) Yes a lot of delicious upds these days. after seeing this photoshoot i feel attacked)) And his interview for Singles -
  7. I think i found it - Yeah, he is absolutely my bias. I love that LJH finally have so much traction now days.
  8. Same o same o)) Everyone seems to be guilty of something at the moment (well except our main duo). I'm tryna sort all this information out and failing miserably to be honest. So many details and suspiciously insignificant information (i'm still not over this moment - - it must mean something? Right?)) For now it seems that this season was written with season 3 in mind, but i have faith in writer nim and her ability to tidy up all loose ends. Love that Shi Mok is finally starting his own investigation. I love that step by step our dynamic duo SM and YJ getting their groove back. And I'm starting to think that Choi Bit and Woo Taeha (and their relationship) are the other side of the coin to SM and YJ. Cop and prosecutor duo with shared past working together, but with completely different goals in mind. My only complaint - why did this episode (10) have to end with cliffhanger again. On the other hand what did i expect really?)) By the way i'm so in love with creativity of SF fandom - all the fanart, fanvid and all -
  9. @abs-oluteM yay)) glad to join this thread, just created this acc - probably gonna lurk around a lot)) thanks for welcoming me Yeah, gonna binge ep9-10 today. I am enjoying season 2's complex storyline and the different cases involved. But I felt terrible for SDJ. He was a ray of weasely opportunistic sunshine in this kingdom of fog and secrets. I hope he survive through this ordeal. By the way It was stated that DJ have two kids, but we only see the younger one (giving hair for DNA, watching police briefing on tv..). Where is the older one? Or am i missing something.. Could the older kid be involved somehow? The person who read the comments under the video seemed youngish.. To be clear I don't think that DJ was beaten by his own child, but the absence of his older kid is suspicious. Anyway so far so good, most of the time i just trying to connect the dots but have a feeling that i'm missing some facts - Uhuhu can't wait
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