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Everything posted by SnowBlob

  1. @SilverMoonTea your dimple oppa def will look much (quote) dapper (unquote) at the end of ep 6 (and I'm guessing you'll get to see him in that style in ep 7). BUT...think he's gonna be the 'bad' guy in ep 7 If it's so, do you prefer him looking daggy but a good guy...or looking cooler but a sly guy??? @mademoiselle don't forget to show this drama some love~~
  2. wow... we got the perpetrator in ep 7! and in one episode... suddenly everyone else seems to be 'kind' and 'normal' (of course excluding KJM). Glad that finally our two ML now seem to be on the same page yayyyy~ BUT since @abs-oluteM posted the article about NOOOOOOOOOOO~ I feel like I'm getting played at the moment. I feel like I shouldn't be happy with how it ends tonight Was there different perpetrator? Was there an accomplice? Will our duo's trust and teamwork be put to test again (please don't.... their doubting each other has gotten to the point that it's quite repetitive and too much...so I hope from now on it's truly they're being supportive of each other).
  3. @mademoiselle I certainly know what you're talking about (wink wink). How cool it would be if the actor playing Daniel would return to play the dongsaeng character...since I like him ! I've seen the actor in at least 1 drama and 1 variety (I still remember with this brain of mine!) but pretty sure I've seen him in more dramas. @Darkarcana some watchers' observations are just crazy...I would have not picked those kinds of clues out...(nor would I spend any time analysing each picture to find clues like that ). I'm gonna check out the writer when I have time..want to see which other dramas s/he wrote in the past~
  4. But didn't the Head Hunter kill Daniel's sister out of 'revenge' too? because she didn't want to give him any offspring? If JBR is a psychopath, can a psychopath be kind to animal?? Wow this discussion thread is going too fast for me~ I hope it's not based on 7 deadly sins. Just because that formula has been used quite 'often' in other dramas. :P I'm expecting something new from this drama! Thanks @mademoiselle for pointing out the 'little brother/sister' dr Daniel Lee was searching in the first ep. What would be this dongsaeng's connection with the overall theme? On a lighter note..I'm not sure how I feel when I found out this drama is going to be 20-episode long. I already can't wait to find out who is who and what.. and I don't want to be tortured for the next 8 weeks (which almost equal to 2 months!!!) only to get to the end But on the other hand, I wonder if I'd miss this show and wish it would be longer when we get to the end.
  5. hello Sorry i dont read all the other comments previously coz I just joined and we're already on the 14th page I'm up to date now but I didnt watch ep 4 that carefully (I was trying to hide the screen from my kid and also had to do some other stuff). So first question that was shown in ep 4 but i missed: who leaked the telephone recording to the press? I thought that person looked like moo chi's hyeong? But it couldnt be right? Really surprised by the revelation at the end of the ep but whether or not BR was the serial killer remain to be confirmed. My guess: BR and the son of head hunter could be an accomplish? I am also with @Warm Paws I also feel mo chi's brother suspicious... It would be daebak if it turns out he's the killer and that he turned psychopath because he witnessed a psycopath killing his parents At this point of time, i'm under the impression that SYH's mum knew what he's up to. And that made me dislike her. She knew her child murdered her other children and husband....why did she do nothing about it? I liked her in the first two eps where she decided to reveal her husband's lie..to me she seemed like a strong woman then. She decided to keep the baby also sat right with me. But if she did nothing but hide his crime after he murdered her family member...then.. Ok. I stop my rant here..cant wait for next week!
  6. I didn't even think of the fact that SJI shouldn't actually remember her past time (the very original one prior to the lady aide changed it). I don't think the writer will address that inconsistency JW's character does seem to be a bit more on the emotional side.. apart from believing KYJ ..he then went berserk and decided he wanted to kill SGT Really looking forward to ep 7. Hopefully that episode will tell us more on why he suddenly chose to be a politician. I just truly hope that this drama won't flop in its second half! So far it hasn't disappointed me. I can tolerate some inconsistencies to certain degree.. but not too much please.
  7. @abs-oluteM that sounds like a.... horrible ending Gahhhhhhh what kind of drama is this??? ....... Ok..lets' leave it at that..I'm just speechless that's all. And sad that at first it looked like a very promising drama...and then..an ok way..and then below ok..and now... Anyway thanks for your 'resilience' in posting on this thread until the end
  8. First..I agree with @mademoiselle ... this drama somehow has a lot of conversations..aka ..they talk too much The same with some of you, I'm also glad that we finally found out the true perpetrator behind KMJ's death. However, I somehow feel..that he might be the murderer for ALL the dead/missing women investigated by HJW. Only a few out of all those 8 women lived in Munju area and the rest...who knows. And I don't think Jin Mook ever lived somewhere else apart from Munju..unless that detail has not be revealed. Jin Mook might not be mentally challenged, but he's definitely mentally ill. He might not be the not-so-bright person he tried to portray, but he could very well be a psychopath or the like. I wonder whether his daughter comment on how she found him creepy triggered the crime (now until this point of time, we can't be certain yet whether or not she truly dies? although I'd think that she would have). And I for one, wouldn't be too happy if in fact Dong Shik already knew all along that he was the perpetrator but decided to help Jin Mook escape his just punishment. I hope Dong Shik is doing this for other more 'valid' reasons...maybe because there wasn't any body and therefore Jin Mook won't be able to prosecuted or something... or perhaps he still can't be sure 100% that Jin Mook was responsible for all disappearances and murders. Anyway..gotta go back to my study~ ciao
  9. Okkkk.... I feel like I made the right decision on dropping this drama based on this comment alone So spoil me... What does the ending look like @abs-oluteM ? Is it really a tragedy? What happened to the main couple and their baby?
  10. @40somethingahjumma I enjoy this show very much surprisingly. I started watching...just because... but the pace and the plot until the latest ep are still able to keep me interested. I haven't watched Kairos..and maybe that's also a factor why I haven't gotten bored with this drama yet? (shrugs). But yes definitely it has some Signal's elements. I'm not sure whether you want to read my answer on this... not spoiler spoiler..but anyhow
  11. Ep 6 Ok..we're half way now and I feel starting from ep 7, somehow the format will change? Or not? I'm really happy with ep 6 as well ending with both reporters meeting each other face to face for the first time in 2020! And what..JW is now a president? or a presidential candidate?? Also... the revelation that the connection between 2020 and 2014/2015 happened to the lady aide and the guy aide in the past...WOW. It resolves the mystery of why the change happened to SJI in the first place and why the lady aide seemed to know something about SJI's confusion in the first few eps! In saying that, now I can't wrap my head around how the phone calls between the aides affect JW and SJI's effort in changing the past.... @@ I'm looking forward to ep 7. And I'm so happy to see the change of style in Lee Seo Jin's look~ hahahahah
  12. I'm back again~ seems I'll be talking to myself from now on Finished episode 5...and the writing below contains SPOILER Another great episode! Again we're offered something 'new'. Of course there were some twists. I never suspected that the lady aide was behind Do Kyung. She looked so kind, although I must say I did suspect her but her character was portrayed so nicely I brushed off the idea. And another twist was that Seo Ki Tae was shady as well!!! This one also I suspected at first, but just like the lady aide, I brushed off the idea. So this episode delivered two double blows on me ~ The next episode will now be looking at how to prevent Seo Ki Tae's murder by none other than Jin Woo himself, the one who has been helping to prevent past assassination attempts! How clever is this drama! Can't wait to watch next episode but that has be to be put on hold for tonight at least
  13. @abs-oluteM I went watching this drama without realising it's only 12 eps! I suppose it's a good thing it's only 12 eps or it's going to be pretty draggy I can imagine. Please do let me know how the finale goes~
  14. Ok..I finished ep 4. So far... I'm really loving the pace though and we're offered something 'different' on each ep. In the last 2 eps, we found out that also, the 'victims' escalated from the original time. It was supposed to be only SKT, but when they altered the past the first time, we got 1 casualty (the hit-and-run victim). Then they altered it again, and this time 8 more people died. Luckily they managed to prevent that and now SKT is alive and well... only for us to be served with another information: that it might be SKT who killed JW's brother! During watching ep 4, I thought to myself that if I were Do Kyung, I would either kill SJI in 2015 or kill SJI in 2020. Alas! One of them came true on that very episode...the 2020 DK tried to kill the 2020 SJI! Nice! Of course time travel drama always poses some questions that can't be answered. Apart from, why SJI in 2020 didn't ask JW to let her speak directly to her father in 2015 or at least one of the faithful aides back then so they could prevent the accident, ep 4 also made me wonder, how the 2020 could be changed when JW had not yet done anything - I'm guessing it was because the lady aide Kim Young Soo pushed the schedule for SKT meeting KJC earlier. But that didn't make sense.. I mean the 2020 should have already known that. But oh well~ I don't know how this drama can serve us with something new each ep for the remainder of 8 eps. But up to this point, I'm really happy with how this drama is going. Writer-nim, please don't ruin it
  15. @SilverMoonTea i love i have a lover too...although i skipped the first few eps coz i cant take the angst. But love their chemistry there! And glad to see JJH takes action role this time :)
  16. @mademoiselle i will one day..but actually i kinda enjoy Times very much. Liking ep 3 too and what more it's only 12 eps
  17. Wow..I actually thought the first 2 episodes were nicely done Especially the ending of ep 2. I didn't see that coming. I thought the whole drama would just deal with the original day when the to-be president got assassinated. I was so pleased to find that they're able to prevent it from happening and to find out that we will be having this in repeat because apparently there's the mastermind behind this plan (and I'm currently guessing it's the present day president HAHAHAH). For me I still think the news desk ahjussi very handsome
  18. Finally a trailer for Undercover https://www.instagram.com/p/CMBmQ73DAHj/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link I don't have Twitter and also not sure how to search using Twitter~ It's been a long time since there's anything in relation to this drama. Now the release date is stated as April 2021 in Asianwiki
  19. @mademoiselle owwww Hidetoshi Nishijima -san Combining food and detective?
  20. Hi I think I'm up to date but with my short-term memory... I'm skimming some comments and went 'huh? fake fingers?' Hang on.. were those fingers fake??? Did I miss some scenes again? At this point of time I don't know whether DS was hallucinating or whether he was truly the one who put those fingers there. This is another show which makes almost all of its characters suspicious So I still have no idea who is or are the perpetrators.. It might be DS (but please I hope they don't go the route of he's having multiple personalities). Or it could be someone close to him (eg the shop owner as some ppl mentioned). So there were these other murders which didn't happen in Manyang. Did they happen where DS was working at those times though (coz DS only came back to Manyang recently and he's working somewhere else before)? Honestly, I feel that DS as a character is a bit 'weird'. His young self seemed to be a bit strange - like..crazy or sociopath or psychopath? And now his adult self likes to grin or laugh (not just one time or twice but actually several times) in situation that normal people wouldn't. Not that I have knowledge about those traits... I'm saying from how drama normally portraits those traits. Am I the only one who thinks so? The other thing is ... I feel that HJW's mysophobia might have something more to it. Like something really traumatising happened in the past and that connected with how he was so obsessed with this serial killing case?
  21. I only ended up watching ep 9 half way ish. Couldn't really take it anymore with the casualties for this week. And I just feel that Zi O's end would have to end up pretty tragic or at least jailed. After all..he did kill that red-hair girl.... and after she hit her head and bled out from the head, he did nothing (of course ..why would he..but from my POV..since I kinda like the girl..I felt really bad for her). With that, wouldn't he at least be held responsible for manslaughter? Or could it be considered...kill or be killed? shrugs. I also feel so sad for Zi-O's friend. Here we have two alpha males go for each other but they end up killing each other's close friends. @abs-oluteM
  22. Hello I'm back again Thought on ep (can't remember which ep now)..the ones with time travelling concept... LOL... there wasn't any surprised or twist whatsoever..KSH ended up winning the major battles although he lost the sleeping bok bul bok :P I think with Ravi+DinDin+YJH combo...they weren't really funny LOL. Latest ep saw Ravi went to be banished in the middle of nowhere. He would soon be joined by DinDin Not sure about their chemistry when left alone just the two of them on the island before being joined by other members. I really want Kim Seon Ho to lose this time.. but I think he actually might be the one who ends up not going (coz in the trailer I could almost hear everyone's voice except his).
  23. @mademoiselle thank you for pointing that one out i truly missed her (it wasn't intentional ). And yes...you would have been so upset if you changed your answer
  24. Who is the luckiest of them all? SHIN SUNG ROK @katakwasabi Congratulations on your villain winning this battle event! Awards: 75 points: @katakwasabi 50 points: @oppasaranghaeyo 30 points: @mademoiselle @Chocolate @ktcjdrama 10 points will be awarded to all other participants who at least posted on one round: @SilverMoonTea @Darkarcana @LaLa @NiteWalker @Tofu @Alice Wonderland @Dhakra @abs-oluteM Thank you so much for participating in the event. Hope you all have fun. Note: Points will be awarded a little later. cc @stroppyse If you have any doubt, @LaLa and @im0202 can confirm that EO followed the plan thoroughly
  25. Round 10 answer 3 points WOWWW>...most of you defeated the Avengers!!!!! except @SilverMoonTea awwwwwww
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