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Everything posted by SnowBlob

  1. @Tofu now who is this min tae gu again...dont tell me they're played by the same actor @OsmanthusTea not sure what this panda is doing..but i'm like this panda about Voice season 1 LOL
  2. @mademoiselle @ktcjdrama Ehhh...I actually did watch Voice season 1 (and all subsequent seasons too)... no wonder that name Mo Tae Gu sounds familiar. However...pardon my really bad memory...even just then I checked Asianwiki for Voice and saw Kim Jae Wook's pic and the YouTube video ktcjdrama gave... I can't recall!!! What's wrong with me??? Really... only a few scenes were familiar but even that I can't connect it with anything. I suppose Voice Season 1 didn't leave that much impression on me then since I only watched it for Jang Hyun and the genre
  3. Who is this mo tae gu you ladies are talking about? So popular but not yet chosen? @mademoiselle no worries if you miss some rounds.... You can still win if you re lucky! Hehehe
  4. @im0202 come and join whenever you can if you want... As @LaLa you can always join even just 1 round or 2 or more it's up to you Thank you @LaLa for summarizing what Cham Cham cham game is like yes the EO will be on the offense side... And the good thing is there s no punishment if you lose (but feel free to knock your head yourself with plastic hammer if you are that keen hahaahhaahhahahaah) @SilverMoonTea this game purpose has side railed... I was creating it NOT for the purpose of showcasing the jawline and the coolness of oppas looking left and right @Darkarcana huh? So Busted actually is a game of catching serial killer?? Ahahha unfortunately this game isnt gonna be as dark as your fav drama genre :p
  5. @Darkarcana @mademoiselle @Chocolate all your pics are LOL even you can find Hyun Bin role as villain @Chocolate >.< @mademoiselle hope once the game starts then it becomes clearer to how it's played out....err...hopefully I've never done this before either..in my mind it's gonna work...irl...who knows :P @NiteWalker heheheheh... isn't 2 considered 'multiple'?
  6. @katakwasabi if you want to but as long as the direction is very clear or else it won't be counted :p
  7. @NiteWalker LOL...just choose one You're just like @katakwasabi ..she's also asking for multiple villains to be allowed ...well although really it doesn't matter how many villains you have but the thing is you can only have 1 post per round (which I haven't stated but I will edit my first post soon).
  8. @NiteWalker can! Who said we have to hate a villain in the dramaland
  9. @NiteWalkeryes absolutely. The villain can be anyone from any drama...kdrama cdrama jdrama...other dramas. Can be male female ahjussi...ahjumma..little kid...haahhaahahah
  10. Tally 7 Kang Woo Hyun from Trap (played by Lee Seo Jin) @SilverMoonTea 4 Flower Killer from Busted ('played by' Lee Seung Gi) @Darkarcana 8 Lee Sung Hoon from Duel (played by Yang Se Jong)@mademoiselle 8 Min Tae Gu from The Negotiation (played by Hyun Bin) - not to be confused with another villain with different surname )@Chocolate 7 Oh Young Seok from Designated Survivor (played by Lee Joon Hyuk)@abs-oluteM 4 Kim Soo Young from Sky Castle (played by Kim Seo Hyung)@LaLa 0 Han Yoo Ra from Man in a Veil (played by Lee Chae Young)@NiteWalker 14 Shin Sung Rok, the villain who has stolen her heart@katakwasabi 0 Mo Tae Gu from Voice 1 (played by Kim Jae Wook)@OsmanthusTea 2 Choi Sung Jae from Oh My Ghost (played by Lim Ju Hwan) @Tofu 3 Jang Do Han from Lookout (played by Kim Young Kwang)@Alice Wonderland 8 Kwon Jae Hee and Nam Gyoo Han from The Girl Who Sees Smells and Remember (played by Namgoong Min) @ktcjdrama 9 Cha Luo from Bloody Romance (played by Jill Hsu) @oppasaranghaeyo 0 Lee Yoo Bum from While You Were Sleeping (played by Lee Sang Yeob) @AwkwarDerp 2 Choi Soo Yeon from Whisper (played by Park Se Young) @Dhakra Result Round 1 (+1) - won against Eriko Osawa: Min Tae Gu; Kim Soo Young; Cha Luo Round 2 (+2) - won against Moo Jin Hyuk: Kang Woo Hyun; Flower Killer; Kim Soo Young Round 3 (+3) - won against Vincenzo Cassano: Kang Woo Hyun; Shin Sung Rok Round 4 (+2) - won against Suga: Choi Sung Jae; Shin Sung Rok; Lee Sung Hoon Round 5 (+1) - won against Master Shifu: Shin Sung Rok; Kim Soo Young; Lee Sung Hoon; Min Tae Gu Round 6 (+3) - won against Detective Conan: Min Tae Gu; Oh Young Seok; Jang Do Han; Cha Luo; Shin Sung Rok Round 7 (+1) - won against Kong: Namgoong Min; Oh Young Seok; Min Tae Gu Round 8 (+2) - won against Hua Mulan: Namgoong Min Round 9 (+2) - won against Si Mok + Yeo Jin: Kang Woo Hyun; Flower Killer; Lee Sung Hoon; Min Tae Gu; Shin Sung Rok; Namgoong Min; Cha Luo; Choi Soo Yeon Round 10 (+3) - won against The Avengers: Lee Sung Hoon; Oh Young Seok; Shin Sung Rok; Namgoong Min; Cha Luo
  11. @katakwasabiohh that's a nice clip..i wonder if i can find a short clip that goes just up to ..cham cham....... Anyway, i'll be waiting to see which villlain you choose
  12. Nice clear pics there @SilverMoonTea ! Oh woww...what a twist (but now i do see that coming ). I'm looking forward to Times... But ur oppa wont be villain there :0 @katakwasabi LOL...just choose oneeee hahahahahaha....unless you re gonna have all villains played by SSR? :p
  13. Cham Cham Cham - Battle of Villains ~Who is the luckiest of them all?~ Hello Villains Are you tired of being beaten (ehemm...always) by the so called 'heroes'? This is your chance to shine! Although we hardly win, but surely we excel in other things don't we? So... this battle is designed for you. It will test your villainous qualities: your vigilance and your luck! What you need to do until Thursday the 25th of Feb (11:59pm KST) Introduce yourself (aka the villain) - the actor/actress' name; the character's name; the drama and why you choose this villain Post TWO (two) pics of yourself (aka the villain of your choice): 1 clearly looking to the right and 1 clearly looking to the left The Cham Cham Cham Battle will begin on Friday and will last until Monday the 1st of March (12pm KST). Please read the following carefully: There will be 10 rounds in total across the 3.5 days Each day may or may NOT have the same number of rounds Each round will start/end at random times chosen by the EO - However, once the tallying up points finishes, the next round will begin immediately Winning each round will give the winners random points (NOT haven points) assigned by the EO The post which indicates the starting of each round will go "Round (eg) 3. Cham cham ...." However, the next post containing the direction of EO's hand will be hidden until that round finishes and the thread is locked for the points to be tallied up (we promise, we will not change the direction nor the point once the hidden post is posted :D ) You win if you avoid turning your head in the same direction as EO's hand You can only post 1 post per round (either looking left OR right) - subsequent posts in the same round indicating other direction will be disregarded (if your gut strongly tells you to change direction, then please edit your first post for that particular round) Points will be tallied up at the end of each round The winner/s will be the villain/s who gather most points after all 10 rounds. Prizes: The luckiest villain/s will receive 75 haven points. 2nd place : 50 haven points 3rd place: 30 haven points Everyone who participates will receive 10 haven points (and don't forget you'll get haven points every time you post!) So what are you waiting for? Come and join to be crowned the luckiest villain and get rewarded with haven points (and then go and buy yourself a nice little badge from the Member Shop ) EO cc: @stroppyse Note: you can still join the battle even if you miss the introduction. However, it will be nice if you can introduce yourself (the villain) and it's also to ensure that your pics are eligible to be used in battle. Confusing/unclear pictures (eg not clearly indicating where the head is turning to) will not be considered.
  14. Can no longer remember whether I'm plus or minus...but I'm keen on getting haven points hhahahaha so 34 Sushi roll
  15. I haven't read any of the comments above to avoid spoiler but just watched the trailer and wowww....Cho Seung Woo is NO LONGER Hwang Shi Mok I think I'll give this a try when I have time. Or otherwise wait until the drama finishes and I can binge watch it~~
  16. @LaLa havent seen the latest special ep but I saw on insta and ppl were like...thank you for IkSong crumbs! Once subs is out I better check it out Update: I watched it quickly unsub... I understood none of it hahahahah but it doesnt seem to have important 'crumbs' other than what's already shown in the drama?
  17. Ep 5 & 6 I pity Zi O very much - I'm surprised that he had not turned into a psychopath or something with a 'father' and 'mother' who are 'crazy' like that. What kind of human made another to undergo testings/trials/experiments like what they did to Zi O. Oh I'm sure such people really do exist in real life but they're just simply inhumane. How lonely Zi O must feel. After all these hardships, he's still alone. At this point of time, even GR hasn't really pledged her loyalty or offered sincere friendship to him, which is understandable from her POV coz she is yet to be sure of who he is. If I were Zi-O, I would definitely learn what I could do with my superpower exactly and how I could use it more than just simply electrocuting bad people when I were in danger after all these :P Gu Reum, you're one stubborn lady. I think there are already two people telling her to let go of the past (one was the professor who got killed in ep 5) and another was her boss in the latest episode. I'm not sure...if you're in her position, what would you do? Would you let go or would you doggedly try to find out the criminal even though the statute of limitations is expired already? I feel that there's the truth in what the boss was saying that you couldn't live like that, you must let go. @abs-oluteM I might miss something (coz tbh I at times watched while I was doing something else) but what's with Yi Son's obsession with Zi-O's arm???? And what made him and the gang pursue Zi O relentlessly anyway after sensing that the people who 'hire' them are shady as well? Is it because they won't get the injection to keep their new arm and legs if they don't it? Hmmm....so is Zi-O a clone? Was he made by human hands? Or was he born just like normal baby but then got injected with all these animals' DNA later on?
  18. So I'm guessing soon we will be seeing this poster as the new poster for 1n2d season 4. This poster was chosen by luck in the episode last week. What do you think? Do you like this new poster? Do you prefer the other ones? I personally like it. Although I like the other two as well (the one with them in suit and the Scissorshands one). So glad that they didn't choose the last one - for some reasons I don't like it (shrugs). For me the last 2 episodes are fun! Love the concept of them reenacting popular movies. They gave the members 'suitable' props and voila I was surprised and pleased with their 'transformations' HAHAHAHAHA. The Duo game thing was also fun to watch. Goodness me, I would have failed that game miserably although they came up with some ahjussi actors whom I like such as Hwang Jung Min and Song Kang Ho. LOL at Jong min who seemed to always get and failed at Bae Yong Joon
  19. Thoughts on ep 3 and 4 I agree @abs-oluteMthe pace is getting better and though we still got that intense chasing game (I'm guessing this chasing will not stop until the end >.< coz it's probably the whole point of the drama) but at least we got a few touching moments and a bit of relief here and there. More and more this shows screams tragedy to me I just hope Zi O and GR and the policemen... none of them die in the end. puhleaseee I also found GR a little bit annoying in these 2 eps. Yes I love how she's no nonsense and don't bend easily to pressure, but I hope she will soon find herself being able to trust her team, especially her boss coz I think he really cares for her. It's still early on, but I surely hope that Kim Sang Ho's character will play a more important part in this drama other than just being fooled again and again (or so it seems) by GR. These 2 eps also did a good job in making me pity the villains at times (in this case Yi Son and Yoo Na). We found out that they might actually be tricked into this special program where they got their arm and legs. I wonder, once they find out the truth, will they be able to return to the good way...or they will be far too gone in their current path. shrugs. But won't it be cool if they team up with Zi O? If they do though, then there won't be any enough powerful enemies and the drama will be boring hahahahahah. On side note: enough of the boy's (Zi-O as a child) screaming please T_T and LOL why Lee Yong Nyeo often plays this type of character....well she does play it very well I must say
  20. @SilverMoonTea by any chance, is that pic taken during HP2 filming? :P @LaLa I haven't been keeping up with the special eps. I suppose they won't be giving too much IkSong BTS that's revealing that they will be the endgame? Coz that will kill the anticipation for season 2?
  21. 1N2D: Real Wide Road Variety Every Sunday! Broadcast station: KBS2 Start date: 5 November 2019 Schedule: Sunday, 18:30 KST Genre: Variety, reality PD: Bang Geul Yi Writer: Noh Jin Young About: Members (usually) visit different places in South Korea to introduce local attractions and food. Missions are given for the members to win privilege such as eating and sleeping indoor and/or to avoid punishments. Cast Kim Jong Min Yeon Jung Hoon Moon Se Yoon DinDin Ravi Source: Wikipedia
  22. Finished ep 1 and 2~ Should I say first that I just finished a sci-fi drama only to jump into another sci-fi drama - so I think it might somehow affect my feeling about L.U.C.A. Let me get to the parts which I love first: - The two leads are just gorgeous and easy on the eyes LDH is really pretty and tall and yay that KRW is taller than her (right?). As absolutem, I also love LDH's no-nonsense character...and she def doesn't mince her words. In this sense, Z-O is the same...he's also harsh with his words. Eeekkk..I wonder what's gonna happen irl if two people who are just so to the point become a couple . I suspect the chemistry is going to be great and intense but let's see how it goes. - Love the fighting scenes choreography. They're fast-paced and with some 'oomph' ness. I also loved how the fighting scene on the lift was shot - there was this short part where it was shot through the eyes of Z-O. - So far the pacing of the drama itself is quite good. Oh man, must I say by the end of watching these 2 eps I already feel so 'tired' because the chasing has not stopped at all! - Happy to know it's a 12-ep drama! - Since I'm an ahjussi lover hahahahahah.... I love Kim Sang Ho!! So glad to see him in another cop drama. I really hope he doesn't die in the end. BECAUSE ... I was actually so pleased to see another fav ahjussi Lee Won Jung early on ep 1 .... SPOILER Now.... Do I feel like 'wow these eps are so awesome'? No not really. I don't think they're bad at all. They are decent enough so I will continue watching ep 3 and 4. I think part of the reason of why they don't super impress me because as I said I just came from finishing another sci-fi drama (and probably at this point of time I need to watch a different genre). And although I like the pacing, but the part of making me feel tired this early on... is another off point (and again, maybe in different time, I'd actually welcome this type of relentlessness). It seems from the trailer that in ep 3 the chasing is going to continue and I'm surely hoping there will be a break from it (not sure in what way..and not sure whether it will be even possible viewing it from the flow of the narrative). And thank you @abs-oluteM for recapping xx
  23. @abs-oluteM havent watched first nor second episode..but i will def do that beforw this weekend (still trying to finish Circle here... 5 more eps to go). So i havent been reading any comments here just to avoid any spoiler. But will get into them once i watch the first two eps
  24. @liddi I'm just amazed how you still remember on which season which episode each of the case shown in the original version (gasps). How could you still remember all of them??? I'm hopeless... don't even ask me anything from last episode of season 2..I will have no idea what they are about :P In saying that, since you remember very well, is it still as exciting when watching the J version as you'd already know who the true perpetrator/s on each episode? @ktcjdrama Welcome~~~~ and yes most of the eps are standalone so you really don't need to watch from season 1 (although there will be background stories that might carry to the next eps throughout each season). Let us know if you like this :)
  25. Ep 6 (again no recap but below comment still contains spoiler) So glad that the vice was only away from the team for one episode. I thought he was out for good. Although I enjoyed seeing the oldest detective took the responsibility as the 'boss' but I also like it when the 5 of them are together. yay~ This episode: another tragic case (why now I just realise most of the cases are tragic :( )I feel for these women. What were they to do? No one, not even the justice system stood up for them and even this time around, the police focused on finding the killer of the man who raped them. When they found out who it was, again who was being let down again...the rape victim. So I felt the frustration of the lady detective at the end of the episode, after all..it was because she kept pursuing the truth to find the killer that brought about the arrest of one of the women's beloved brother. And again, if the brother didn't kill the rapist back then, who knew what the rapist would do to all the victims who confronted him. So really in the end, there was no win situation for the victims in this scenario. Honestly, not looking forward to watching ep 7 because it seems the victim is a small girl.. it might be another unsettling case for me. But let's see. I might skip ep 7 and watch ep 8 (shrugs). 4 more eps to go~
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