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Everything posted by Dhakra

  1. Episode 7 Holy smokes, 1501 apartment. With his reserves he could stay in his room for years, he could easily provide food and stuff for the whole apartment. (Only the good people ofc). He really stockpiled everything. His apartment is a bunker. And his living room? Excuse me? All the fancy interior with masks and stuff? It's a palace. His apartment really looks like he has tons of money. He is one rich kid. Compared to this 1201 looks like homeless shelter. Gosh even the door of his apartment looks amazing. 1501....The Penthouse. The way SB ate the nuts was priceless. So awkward. He can be so glad SB played along and even put her head on his shoulder. Seo Yoon is such a smart kid. I really thought 401 writer ahjumma was smarter than this. It was so obvious that releasing him would backfire. YH & SB Tag Team is awesome. Their zombie fight was incredible! I need more of this! Being a zombie can't be good for your spine. All this bending must do bad stuff to it. How ruthless TS is. He killed gym guy without raising an eye brow. Again, Seo Yoon is so smart, she knew right away something is wrong after he began to talk about SB. She has a very good sense to not trust certain people. That semi-ahole really shot the door open to get YH bitten, I mean he helper her at the end and shot the zombie, but holy, he really is desperate to find a cure. He even will sacrifice SB to achieve this. Remember when I said I felt satisfied and loved it when SB kicked 601? That's nothing againt the satisfaction of YH punching TS. THAT felt awesome. Totally deserved. YH really does anything to protect SB. Is TS aware that he could have avoided all of this if he just asked SB to get tested from the start? I mean, SB even asked if they need a blood sample of her and if that's the reason why he is here. He could have just said yes, you may have an anti-body in you, could you please come with me and get tested? So much easier! But let's be real. The way YH saved SB was legen....wait for it......dary! So did give TS weapons to YH? Must have been funny for SB to see that YH is one man army now. So Seo Yoon's parents are both infected. That's a bummer. Please no love line between supermarket girl and 302 selfish broadcast jerk. YH grabbing the hand of SB was so cute. We will get a real couple soon. I know it! Great episode as always. Looking foward to episode 8 tomorrow
  2. Oh my god that's so funny! Damn, I can't wait to finally watch todays episode. This looks awesome. They are both so quick and relentless. I'm sure they soon will be a real, real couple. He puts so much effort into saving her over and over again and she cares for him all the time. They compliment each other perfectly.
  3. Can't wait for SB singing this one during the last two minutes of the drama while dancing around remaining zombies getting kissed.
  4. Well, then they would begin to dance after the kiss!
  5. Or we do something hella cheesy Sae Bom gets bitten, still no cure available, she's about to turn, he is crying and in a last, desperate attempt to save the love of his life, he kisses her and during the kiss the zombie transformation stops, she completely turns back to normal, a little tear runs down her eye aswell. And due to that, they learned that the cure is love! Exactly, barricade the door. Only communicate via zoom or, if the internet is broken, via morse code or between doors. I may let supermarket girl in though.
  6. Supermarket girl was never with the group to begin with. She probably stayed at the supermarket all day & night during the lockdown. Just after the group rescued her, she went with them. Exactly! Me too, I wouldn't offer anyone a deal aswell. I would live like 1501, hid in my room and sit it out. True, but I think at least SB would have forced her way in somehow. She totally would have shot the glass or found another way in. But you are correct, SY earns credit aswell. And the tension between the OTP from 2:18 onwards, at the end I thought he was about to kiss her. It it so weird to see 601 so friendly and laughing. He is such a good actor.
  7. Wait.....I am confused. What timeline are we talking about? 302 lost his phone on the way back from the supermarket directly in front of the building. Cutey supermarket girl also mentioned it in last episode. When they rescued supermarket girl and brought in all kinds of supplies from there, he lost it in front of the building. I doubt after they went back into the building, supermarket girl returned to the supermarket, because YH & SB also closed the fence before it. They also blocked the entrance from the apartment complex completely. She just noticed it when it fell to the ground. I rewatched the scene and it seems she really just hid behind the counter after they rushed in, because she saw they have weird eyes. So it looks like she was aware that they were already zombies and went into turtle mode. She didn't even know if they left. Still, if I would say: "Jen, if I give you 50 Million Won, you go outside to a place potentially flooded with blood-thirsty zombies, risking your young life, retrieve my phone and give it back to me? Wouldn't you at least check if I really have the money? I mean, if I would risk my life for a total stranger, I would at least make sure the deal is genuine. I totally agree. Let's be honest. Without YH & SB everyone would be a zombie by now and the drama would have lasted two episodes.
  8. I would agree if the virus would be afar, but she saw it directly with her own eyes. The whole thing happens right in front of her. Maybe I am too much of a logical thinker, but I would want to deal with the issue at hand first. I guess she still worked at the supermarket after the lockdown, because she couldn't go nowhere, got a big fat raise and things weren't as bad at the time. I think she just saw him loose the phone on their way back in. I doubt she was just coming from outside. Sigh, I think I am just disappointed in my cutie supermarket girl. Still, she must have noticed that there were zombies in the supermarket and that they aren't there for a cool, fresh zombie halloween party with a fancy sweet little dance-competition. I mean, even if they rushed in for just water, haven't turned and looked normal, after some time, you would look where they are right? If you see normal people entering, but not leaving for hours, you would take a look, especially before the end of the day. You would need a lot of repression to avoid everything. The only reason to hide and ignore everything is when you know, there are dangerous zombies in here and I should not move an inch. But that's information we, the viewers, have. Supermarket girl doesn't know anything about him. She probably doesn't even know he lives at home, has a channel, pays no rent or earns crypto. And I doubt she has any use for crypto either.
  9. The mistress would probably push them both aswell. All of them have a very, very bad personality. They wouldn't hesistate to sacrifice another life to safe their own. Yeah @Tofu Join this happy side. Just friendly zombies with party hats on! Maybe he is aware that her life is only superficial. Since her apartment looks so empty, maybe he knows she doesn't have as much money as she tries to display. 1201 is really dedicated to give others the feeling of them being wealthy and better than others. I think her brother doesn't fit her fake perfect life. Yay, got it too. The moment they turn the don't see human at all. I would totally go ham on them, especially if they are aggressive towards me or others. Unfortunately we can't give all of the character food names. Supermarket girl should have name based on candy though, because she's sweet. SLS kicking in. Time will tell, but things are going down these days. Austria has officially anounced a compulsory vaccination, Germany is thinking about it too. They want to avoid a fifth lockdown at all costs. Due to this a lot more protests are about to come, some are still against the vaccine at all costs. Every day I realize how many dumb, uninformed people with a tin foil hat we have in a seemingly smart country. We were the country of poets and thinkers.
  10. @TofuEven I had to convince lil' stroppstropp to give it a try. I was at the point where I more or less kneeled down and begged her to watch it. I was so glad she made some room. And now she loves it aswell. Even to the point where she recommends it to others. I really needed her here and the more people we are, the funnier it gets. It really is a gem of a drama. Which puts me even in more disbelief. She saw it upclose, she probably spent one or two whole nights alone in a corner of the supermarket and knew there were zombies around her. Which surprises me quite a bit. For such a dangerous task, I would want to see hard proof the money exists or I get it upfront in form of beautiful bills. Or at least a transaction to my bank account. During the scene he had similar vibes as the 601 killerguy. Only focused on himself and not caring for others. Maybe he was hoping something would happen to her too. 601-killer, influencer-boy and lawyer-trash would make a great team. They should be a suicide squad. Even worse. Both were close to be bitten, but SB/YH saved them seconds before it. They did careless stuff, were all about personal profit, but were saved by the sympathy for life from our OTP. They received humanity, although they never even showed the same behavior. Both would never safe someone and would be the first to throw others into the arms of zombies. I am absolutely sure lawyer-trash would throw his wife in front of zombies to safe his life. And just a few minutes later he would be with 601 mistress.
  11. But the will to survive is strong in everyone. And in their current situation, it's not like you can spent whatever money you get immediately to improve your life. Getting the phone will not change her life in any way within the complex. What surprised me how weak her will to live got so suddenly. When she hid behind the counter in the supermarket, while zombies were storming in and killed other people, she seemed to do anything to survive and to not get caught. And then one random guy was enough to convince her to go out and risk her life? How much money is required to forget your own life and put yourself in such danger? Maybe I'm just disappointed, because I thought she is way smarter than this. And on top, look at WHO offered her money to get the phone. A random, delusional guy living in a small room with his (grand) parents. How much money can he have? The 601 guy at least carried large amounts of money around and gave it away like christmas candy. 302 doesn't look like he can offer that much money.
  12. That something I actually admire towards YH and SB. They still see them as human and try to safe their lives. If it would be me, the moment they turn into zombies and attack me. I would stuff them with bullets like it's thanksgiving. Yeah, yeah, zombies are cruel and stuff, it does get a little messy, but a little in between doesn't hurt anyone. One of the best things about the drama is actually the possibility to call each character just by their unit number. I need to learn a lot less names and can use their apartment number. Numbers are so much easier than names. I wish I could call everyone around me with just the number of their address. Perfect advertisement. Get vaccined now before you turn into a zombie. German speaking countries are the worst when it come down to statistics in Europe. So many protests and people still believing covid and the vaccine is a hoax. Instead the take some untested anti-worm stuff for horses. Because that's "safer". We live in the first world and still some random people think they are smarter than any scientist in this world. He still is. He absolutely still is thinking of having an affair with her. That's the sole reason why he offered her a room.
  13. I feel like the transformation has to be triggered somehow. Even due to stress or overwhelming thirst. So far it seems she doesn't have both. Even gym guy was pretty gucci until 601 provoked him and made him lose his pantalones~ I hope so, but still, it looked like he purposely brought a zombie on top to attack her. Since he was also just standing by, it means he is willing to sacrifice her. But the potential of YH chasing the car and jumping on top of the hood gives me excitement. Maybe this will show SB also, how much YH loves her.
  14. Which does make sense, but the way to get it is.....questionable. If YH really does see this, he will go on a rampage. TS won't survive this. You're welcome stropp. I just knew this is up your alley. So I was certain to somehow get you to watch it, even if it needs me to beg you for it. Having you in these kind of dramas is something I don't want to miss out on. The way he asked his mom for her phone made me mad aswell. He has absolutely no respect. But he didn't even pay her in advance. If I would do such a dangerous task, I would make sure to get the money first and then do whatever neccesary. Sigh, my protective instincts go wild when I see a girl putting herself in danger, especially when some kind of jerk put her willingly in such a situation. Seems like she is fine though, but now the complex is filled with zombies soon. It was like YH mentioned, zombies will find an easy way in due to mistakes. I guess you are right. I never had a lot of contact with any lawyers though in RL. It even looks like they are in need of money. They seem to be rich only on the outside. She needs to be the representative to make any money at all. It even sounded like they were about to sell the apartment. I think to purposely infect people and kill them. He already tried to do the same to SB and YH. It would not surprise me if he tries to place the drugs into food or drinks or anything else to get rid off the people that try to lock him up. @JenLYeah, a few happy zombies from your local neighborhood. It's such a cute and bubbly show
  15. Episode 6 Oh boy, so now we know when and how the CEO bit TS wife. That was really sad and hard to watch. No wonder TS is so dedicated to find a cure. He is also the one who created "Next". Based on the look of his wife, she also seemed to have transformed already a couple of times. Her skin is stretched. I wonder what it did to the child. 1201 apartment, although they act like they are really rich and look down on other people, their apartment looks kinda empty and "normal". It actually looks like they don't own that much. But she also has the fakest smile ever. You can clearly see on her face if a smile is not genuine. OH SHIT! Gym guy really transformed! I didn't expect that one. But it was kinda nice to see who his first, almost victim was. But daaamn, I was at a point where I really thought gym guy was clean. I have never seen something more satisfying than Sae Bom kicking 601. Gosh, I want a 10-hour loop of it. Sang Hee (601 girl) is so evil. So spoiled. Constantly forcing skinship with the lawyer and acting against his wife. She is such a gold digger. Since SB shows up in the preview in the next episode, it looks like she is fine. YH gaze and words were so powerful though, he literally will kill everyone who gets too close or harms Sae Bom. But TS "sacrifices" SB to get a cure in the preview? He wants her to get bitten? Why? To see how she is able to resist and turn it into a cure? These will be long 6 days of waiting for ep7 What bothers me the most about this is that she really is a loving, caring, beautiful and dedicated wife and he really treats her like dirt. For him she is his personal employee, that has to do whatever he says. He is all on himself, even enjoying the gold digging of 601 girl, and doesn't see that he has a real gem next to him. Calling her uneducated was so, so.....evil and rude. For that alone I would throw him under the bus. He annoys me as much as you. He hardens my view on korean lawyers in dramas. All he cares about is himself and his business. I swear, if that jerk kills of my cutey supermarket girl. I'm gonna kill him myself. He is completely obsessed with his little channel. He think 1000 subscribers are the world. Why would she put herself in such danger.
  16. When Sae Bom hugged him after he apologized I honestly wanted a kiss instead of a hug
  17. I was on the absolutely same page. When he confronted him, I was ready for YH to smash that jerks face, throw him into the next zombie cluster and enjoy the sight of him screaming. He isn't human, while still being human. His mistress sickens me aswell, not only does she ignore the fact that he killed his wife, she let's it slide for her own benefit and lives with him under the same roof. She even acts as his girlfriend again. And if that's not enough, she throws herself at the married lawyer. She is a succubus. A beautiful, but evil tongued demon. She sometimes questions his behavior, but the sight of money lets her ignore everything. I also fear it only gets worse, based on the preview a lot of residents try to get benefit out of the situation and the drug. But I liked how contradict two scenes were in such a small timeframe. SB teased YH for being so honest and sacred, even wanting to pay while being in a zombie apokalypse. Just a few minutes later SB saw YH "dark side", the absolutely not sacred side, smearing blood over YH face, ready to almost kill him. He lost himself for a moment there and Sae Bom saw a different side of him.
  18. Episode 5 Disconnected from the signal tower, TV not working. They really cut them from the outside world. Remembers me from a US series I watched quite some time ago called "The Dome". I have to say, the sound engineer does a tremendous job in creating the right sounds and atmosphere. The moment the drama starts and YH is at the entrance, you are dragged into the drama, because it feels so oppressive. Usual comment about how cool and fearless Sae Bom is. Sigh....she just needs to open a door and I am all for her. Gosh it sickens me so much to see 601 with his "girlfriend". It makes me wanna puke. Does she really try to seduce the lawyer and did he actually check her out? I guess @stroppyse, we know what kind of guy he is now and what his intention were with his "wife". Actually liked that 401 stepped up for her brother. She's a goodie. Sae Bom threatening 601 to kill him probably wasn't a wise choice though. This could backfire in front of the law, especially since she is the soon-to-be-wife of the investigating detective. Oh...in a week all will be infected......coolcoolcoolcool.... "I avoid dangerous places because it's dangerous." Best live advice ever. How to scare the crab out of 1201. Lesson 1. Also gym guy is potentially 1201 son? Cute supermarket girl is safe. HOOOOORAAAAY I was really worried about her. @abs-oluteMDid you see? YH and Sae Bom were holding hands again after locking out the zombies and running away with the cart. Even 601 girlsfriend, who seemingly doesn't have a sense for justice and doesn't own any conscience, is sickened by his behavior. But it felt so, so good when YH smeared blood all over his face. This time SB had to stop him. Everyone realizes now he is evil and all are aware there are zombies out there. Based on the preview....I would say YH words of threatening someone to kill SB if she dies, is directed at Tae-Seok. He probably enters the building from the garage, stands in front of the door and asks if Sae Bom can come with him, to create a cure. She comes with him and YH threatens him, that's also why the glass is between them. Gosh, the next episodes will be SO INTERESTING. Fantastic drama. What a gem by the end of the year.
  19. I guess I will share my list soon aswell, just want to make sure to add 'Happiness' aswell. Traditionally I haven't watched as many dramas this year and soon my Weightlifting Fairy Rewatch is happening aswell. Must be the 5th time watching.
  20. Well, since they are apartment owners instead of renters, I think her potential plan worked out quite well. It will be interesting to see how both of them behave if things get crazy/dangerous. He looks like the kinda guy who would throw his wife under the bus. Interesting overview. I wonder if the units are ordered by wealth. 1501 must be one hell of a rich kid.
  21. Wha-wha-what? Which drama? Which woman? Bairama, stop confusing me I can't handle more than one girl at a time. And I am all into Sae Bom from Happiness right now. And I rarely watch dramas later. Soo... make me a case... awaken my interest Gosh, I love these panda Emojis.
  22. Yeah, he fits this description. But he was also able to kill his wife with a golf bat. So he at least has some evil mojo energy going on. It kinda seems random. There is no clear factor that makes them go back. Didn't TS also mention that some zombies aren't going back to their normal state at all? Actually, a similar thought crossed my mind when he asked her to go to the meeting in the gym. It didn't feel like he was concerned about her, it felt like he was directing a subordinate to attend the meeting and hand out business cards. Maybe she loved him and he just took the opportunity to get a free secretary. 401 Girl Hyun-Kyung and her brother(?) give me similar vibes. She does look like a normal, decent girl, but her brother looks shady. It wouldn't surprise me if he turns into a zombie after doing something bad to make profit.
  23. But you can also lock the door, wait until his wife finishs off SB and then unlock the door. Same idea. No one would be able to tell if the door was locked or not due to no witnesses. See? Well done....me. Ohhh! Great call, too. She could be immune or created some kind of anti-virus in her body. And since she saved YH as "I'm his lifesaver", this could be the case. She would save his life again. Perfect ending for the lovestory. It felt like he could control when to transform, but while transformed he looked like your average, brainless, blood thirsty zombie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also wondering about the lawyer couple, maybe it's just my common trope of korean lawyer's in kdramas being corrupt or evil, but so far it felt like every apartment unit we met had a (dark) secret or issue of any kind. I wonder what their role will be instead of just gathering clients.
  24. Yaaaaaaaaay. Hoooraaaaaaaay! You are heeeere So glad you chose to take a bit of time and watch this gem. But I think you mixed YH and SB up in your text. Sae Bom is the our my heroine and YH is our charming cop You are right though, YH loves SB, whenever she's in danger he immediately heads to her and nothing can stop him. It was so cute when they shut the door and he just barged it open again to save her. So cheesy, but so good aswell. No need to thank me. I called you her because I know you would like it and because it would improve my viewing experience aswell. I am a sucker for your insights. You always seem to see more than I do. Actually, it surprised me more that the door wasn't locked up. After 601 guy pushed her into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, I was totally in belief that he also locked the door behind her. When SB just opened the door, I wondered myself why she chose to get into the shower cabin, she could have just turned around and open the door again. Maybe he was pushing against the door, but actually SB seems to be stronger than him. I think she let her out because 601 guy already proved that he doesn't value life. He sent SB into a death scenario, so he lost his priviliges to be saved. And when it comes to survival, I actually value SB's life more than 601 guy. I haven't watched it too and I think I will postpone to watch it until next year. YAAAAAY! Stroppy is hooooked. I called pretty early that I think Sae Bom or Yi Hyun will be bitten, but won't transform and get a cure. This could also happen to Seo Yoon in form of a scratch. They won't turn a kid into a zombie, but she could get get sick and get the cure. Jung Kook would be the obivous drama choice to let a beloved character, which is close to the OTP, die and create some form of upset. Andrew seems to be a mystery. Why would he scratch off his name on his ID card? Maybe to visualize that his "real"-self is gone and he can control the disease? Why did he chose to work at the building without getting minimum wage? Maybe he is a zombie general and can control his disease.
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