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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Hahaha of course, of course. I should come to all your minds when it's a Jasper/ LJW update (And hopefully the news are never scandals!) I've just been seeing fan speculation news and schedule shots, but definitely nothing official - no agency statements about even being in talks yet:
  2. Awwww bros Despite not officially following each other on Insta , they probably communicate more with each other than the people they actually follow LJW also promoted this drama through his Insta stories: I heard someone on Twitter say that this first episode felt like they were trying to do too much with the story. I haven't seen it yet, so I'll reserve judgement till I actually watch it. I like good pacing...but I guess fast is not always good if it feels cramped?
  3. Looks like it so far. No one has confirmed to be cast...only confirmed to "be in talks" MGY, KJW and KSH have been confirmed to be in talks for the project... Last I heard, KJW was offered 3 projects and she's looking to take something with another station...and since MGY is now confirmed...I guess it's likely she turned it down since they both don't play SL? As for how LJW got thrown into that mix, I think his name turned up on a schedule or something, so it's become a rumour floating around...especially since KSH is considering another project and don't know if both will clash? Wouldn't be surprised if a LJW fan just made it up because they were desperate to hear from him though. He didn't post on socials for 2 weeks and people were losing it. I have not seen anything from VAST mentioning that they're in talks on his behalf?
  4. I forgot this was starting! Need to catch up on all this pretty content too I probably need a break from live dramas since this is my 5th Live drama at the moment, but still gonna watch this live since Rowoon ...and I hate spoilers
  5. Haha, this country is too big! But I'm gonna keep the hope too...I mean, we need something to look forward to, right? Ooooh Thank you so much for following this up for me @NiteWalker! I'm going to check it out and see if I can learn to hard sub Yeah, I think it can take a long time especially if you're not use to doing it...someone I know does it using the instashot app on your phone, which is amazing! But not sure I could deal with doing everything on my tiny phone screen! Hahaha, I'm not sure if I'll ever finish anything long...I've only ever soft subbed through Youtube, coz it's quick! But yeah, I have mad respect for those who do the hard subs! Especially if they make all the fonts matching to the Korean/ Chinese texts on screen Totally understand...a drama break is necessary once in awhile! I'm going to go on one too - gonna take a break from live dramas in any case... She says...as she decides to start 'Sunbae, don't put on that lipstick' Hahaha I'm not surprised either!
  6. OMG @eNDe Your edits are so so so beautiful! Such nice matching pictures and the colour palettes are so aesthetic! You have a natural knack for editing...no wonder your friends thought your tennis magazines were actual publications!!! Haha did you end up going into a design job?? I hope you don't mind, but I'm saving all your pretty edits....they really do look like the LJW x GAR photo shoot we never had but deserved! In the words of Lala, Your fan art is "Good, Good, Good!" Hahaha, same same...those two zombie series are on the top of my lists too @purplefin...Nah, you're not weird, everyone has their own tastes...oooh thanks for opinions on Black - I have a lot of watch first anyway! Hahaha, yeah, every fandom does have some scary fans...but the big LJW fans should be happy because he posted 3 selfies today to end the drought of not posting since NY day: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKLXIC1nS5Z/ I'm not a KJW fan, so wasn't keen on the pairing, but it looks like she also hasn't agreed to the role and it might go to Moon Ga Young (True Beauty actress). She is super cute and fun and only 2 years older than LJW... Nah, I think it's not just because LJW looks mature that they pair him up with older actresses. A lot of young actors get paired up with actresses that are at least 4-20 years older than them: Lee Do Hyun (18 Again), Kim Min Jae (Do You Like Brahms?), Yeo Jin Goo (Hotel Del Luna). I believe it's to help new actors learn to develop their skills with more experienced actors. In several interviews, LJW mentioned that he learnt a lot from GAR especially because he's not someone who watches Rom coms or has acted as such a sweet character before. I thought that it was nice that he credited her as guiding him with his acting I think it's still not clearly confirmed for any of the actors yet - KSH also hasn't confirmed that he will take this role so he's not locked in either. I think LJW was rumoured because his name popped up on a schedule or something? If LJW is tied to that project, I'd prefer him working with MGY than KJW, since they already met when he did the True Beauty Cameo...and I quite like MGY as an actress. But if MGY ends up acting with KSH, I think it is definitely a good reminder that pairings can happen again...I hope some director becomes friends with both GAR and LJW and offers them a project they can't turn down...or a director saw their Netflix chemistry and realised it'd be worth it to pair them together again! Yep, I think he's such a versatile actor and one who is happy to take on some very diverse characters. Jun was so sweet which was different to Baek Kyung, who was pretty abusive at the start of Extraordinary You - it'd be hard to see them as the same person (Also LJW said Baek Kyung was very challenging to play because of the high energy needed to be constantly angry) I like that he has also played dislikeable and unattractive characters like Marco from Memories of Alhambra. I totally agree that he hasn't just tried to be the rich, pretty boy love interest (haha, all good, I'm not a LMH fan ) Also I found these gifs today and I love them....
  7. I think it's better if both leads were replaced rather than just one because people get pre-drama shipping mode especially if they wanted KSH x KJW....so if both leads were different, I guess it'd just be a whole new drama! I personally would prefer a LJW x MGY collaboration True Beauty hasn't been the best drama, though it is a fun light hearted watch, but I found MGY has brought a lot of warmth to the character and I think she's a fun actress. Also they met through his True Beauty cameo! Not confirmed though! Both names are still just linked through a rumour (through non-Korean sites and socials)...so hard to know what to believe until the agencies/ TV stations in Korea confirm this.
  8. So far this one is just a rumour The role was offered to Kim Seon Ho first and he still hasn't confirmed if he has accepted or rejected this offer. I've seen the posts, but only from Indonesian sites rather than Korean sites. If it does happen, I'm not sure about whether I would watch...haha still missing Lala and Jun and Kim Jiwon isn't really one of my favourites. But I would give most LJW dramas a shot. As for GAR, I think @eNDe said it may be awhile before she accepts something Hahaha, I wonder if any staff members would post anything new after awhile of any behind the scenes. I mean it looks like there were a lot of people who worked on DDSSLLS...surely someone got some extra footage! All this talk about casting makes me think of when these two were cast. Here's a continuation of the casting pictures from before....feel free to add any if you want to
  9. Not sure how true this is and there's definitely no confirmation yet, but there's rumour circulating on socials that Lee Jaewook might be replacing Kim SeonHo in the role for 'Link' with Kim Jiwon??? Not sure that's a great move, I feel like anyone who replaces KSH is going to get slaughtered a little at least before the drama airs https://www.instagram.com/p/CKIrHvkJsT1/
  10. Hahaha well La la Land is worth a watch as it is really beautiful. I think the Director said you have to view it in with the idea in mind that it's not a love story. It's more like a story about career and dreams and life. But it's very aesthetic and dreamy and colourful with a bittersweet ending, so the style reminds me a little of DDSSLLS...It's funny that I mentioned this film and then on Instagram, I saw someone had made some mash up fan art of DDSSLLS x La La Land @twinkler0415 Haha, I definitely have way too many theories about DDSSLLS still in order to try explain the ending and the writer's choice I don't think all my theories are right or definitive, but I guess they offer different ideas that people can take away to make sense of what happened...without some sort of explanation, people get caught in a limbo and I think the annoyance makes people feel annoyed at the drama. I prefer if they can explain it in some way and think of DDSSLLS with some fondness even if there's some sadness there, rather than anger Hahaha, funny how we have different tastes!! I'm not a horror watcher for sure. I don't like gore and I hate that people get killed off so quickly and easily. But I really like zombie films/dramas since the revival a few years ago because for me, I think zombie genre is less horror because of the creatures (though they are often scary). It's more a reflection on the human race and how people react in times of panic...do they help people or do they harm them to help themselves? Often it's not the zombies that people have to avoid...but the other human beings! I loved Train to Busan for this reason - because of Ma Dong-seok's character changing Gong Yoo's character and making him a better and less self-centred person. Also in Kingdom the characters were so powerful, both good and bad and it said a lot about humanity... I remember the people more than the creatures themselves. @twinkler0415 I also watched Walking Dead until a season or two after Glenn's ending. The show's writing was terrible after that! Also a lot of zombie stuff is also more B-grade horror and often mixed with comedy - there was a good Korean film called The Odd Family: Zombie on Sale which was a fun one. So, I'll say no to LJW or/and GAR doing horror but zombie films/ dramas are different for me....don't worry LJW (or GAR), I'll definitely watch if you choose to do a zombie series, even if no one else will! Actually Netflix was advertising GAR's Black to me the other day which looked kinda scary! Haha, I'm constantly on the SLS bandwagon too! I think I'm so used to it now I almost expect to prefer the second lead a lot of the times (Speaking of Run On, I'm currently watching and I prefer the second lead male more too ). But I have to watch everything, skipping drives me mad, so I just suffer through it Hehe, is Jun's dad evil in MH too? I know. The more senior actors often get known to me as someone's parent. There's also Lala's dad who is literally everyone korean actor's dad I always wonder why K-dramas don't do a test run of endings with focus groups? I don't think you need to please everyone, but I think you need to know if your ending is going to irritate and anger everyone! Finding out then you could at least think of another way to alter the ending so it's not so disliked. If they were afraid of focus group viewers ruining the ending, there could be legal waivers to stop people from disclosing the ending anywhere etc. I'm not sure if an alternative ending by DDSSLLS's writer would be better or worse. I feel like having written 2 other dramas (which I hear had happier, more palatable endings)...I think they were either trying to be experimental or maybe even write a possibly sadder ending than past works...so I wonder if the alternative would have been more traumatic People under value the importance of a well-written happy ending! Hahaha, I hope it was LJW's view of GAR...it's clear that he felt this way watching her do things like dig up crabs on the beach and when she made crazy reactions to things in interviews Thanks for reminding us that LJW would totally have done a commentary with GAR At least the thought keeps me happy! Haha don't know if I've ever seen LJW post any photos with fan gifts before, though he does pose with his food trucks that's for sure! Yeah, he's been missing in action since the year started and it's driving his fans a little crazy. I think he's just having a break since it's been pretty continuous for him these past few years and it's probably good for his mental health....but someone attacked me on Twitter for saying that Fans get a little too crazy sometimes! It would be nice if he was on social media a little more, but I guess he's pretty careful and reserved about his image Yes, for sure! I would love to know the actor's opinions on their characters' actions or their feelings about the way the scenes went. And if the cast could talk in a conversation format, it would be so much fun. Any sort of additional content with DDSSLLS cast would have been welcomed! Hahaha maybe if we're good at telepathy (better than GAR and LJW)...we can send the thought to whoever owns that hidden away DDSSLLS content! So beautiful, isn't it? Just now, the pianist of DDSSLLS's piano music (like Twenty Fingers and Pleasure of Love) reposted the video of the ladies from DDSSLLS eating dinner together when the show finished. It seems she is the person we didn't recognise from this video: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKIkN5MFcTX/
  11. Totally unrelated topic...but does anyone here hard sub videos? Like putting the subtitles on the actual videos as opposed to through Youtube? I've always wanted to learn, but am not sure which programs people use. I also can't remember who does it here on Janghaven...hehe, please let me know if anyone knows!
  12. Episode 9 & 10 - Upon a second watch of the kiss scene at the start of episode 9, I didn't think it wasn't as bad. To be honest, I felt like this kiss was better than the one in Run On except that Run On set a better tone for a peck kiss to be acceptable -I was surprised they choose to reveal JK's bare face secret to SJin since the webtoon has her secret safe and sound to everyone except SH and SJ (who obviously don't care about her bare face) ...but I guess they needed to give her the power to be evil. And now it looks like it'll actually happen since Sjin also has a crush on SH and is clearly competitive and jealous about it -Selena - this is a definitely a big change to the webtoon (unless revealed later in the drama)...but in the webtoon, Selena is SH's sister! -Plenty of cute moments between JK x SJ. I thought the photoshoot between JK x SJ was super cute. Haha, that cliche thing about "Being a man" was actually cutely handled by MGY's version of JK being totally clueless. But damn those couch photos were very pretty and tension filled...SJ sure knows the moves And the way he ran to her when she got injured at the cafe! I did think HIY and MGY had better chemistry in the photoshoot before the show started, but it's probably because they're from the same agency. - Also a lot of cute JK x SH moments though: Karate scene and then the date at SH's house after her clothes get splashed. Heh, it was cute that SH was so jumpy about horror movies...and then when JK's dad reached out from under the table, I laughed that he had his leg curled around JK! -JK's dad is totally irritating though. Like who stays at someone's house and drink their finest alcohol and sneaks pizza out of the box when they're hiding out the table?? His character doesn't exist in the webtoon from memory though? -That manju making scene was just so damn hilarious!! I couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculously exaggerated they made both guys' manju making skills and how they sped up their competitive dough rolling scene. The manjus did look good though -Second leads: I'm loving how SJ does follow his character in the webtoon in that even if he liked JK, he doesn't do anything out of line to really force her apart from SH and he understands her so well of course with her SJin situation. Even though SJin is quite different to the character in the webtoon, it looks like they have decided to make her bad which follows the webtoon where she secretly looks down on JK. -The sister's storyline is so much more interesting in the drama and I'm really liking her character and how she's always cornering her school teacher and making him blush...but she's also trying to find justice for SJ and SH's friend. -Car accident with both of them!! I think only SH was in hospital in the webtoon, but they'll include the same scene where they make up from this point onwards....but it looks sad that JK will mostly be by SH's side rather than SJ's Not surprised about SJin due to her character trajectory in the webtoon, though I guess they held out on it for many episodes and made her genuinely JK's friend before turning her into a scheming SL, which in some ways is worse. In the webtoon, she's like another influencer who befriends JK, but secretly looks down on her and thinks she's less pretty than herself or something like that. It's kind of a bit disappointing that often in dramas with SLs the second lead guy will be made to look like a hero that got snubbed, but a second lead female tends to be quite mean when subbed? So sexist...why can't the second lead female just be sad but not scheming, but then find something else/ someone else to focus on?
  13. This show has grown on me on a little more. I have always liked the dialogue which I find to be so original and at time quite satirical and reflective of life (even though technically I think people rarely do speak in such a frank but polished way). I like all the broken stereotypes in this series - I just wanted to say I like SG's mum weirdly enough. She's not like a great mother in the sense that SG always had to put up with her putting her career before him...but she's also not an awful one in that they still have a good relationship...and she seems to like MJ at least as her "fan." Also I laughed when she was playing the role of a 'Vegan murderer' Also found it funny when she heard the rumour about her son dating Choi Tae-ri and she was like "Why would she date him?" when most mother's in KDramaland would be like, of course she would date my son Haha, I like that they actually mentioned that DA seemed like a psychopath in the last episodes. I think I wrote it somewhere earlier on this thread that I thought she seemed a bit psychotic sometimes and wondered if I sounded harsh. But hey, if the characters think that way too, it's not just me I think she's another original character since women are often meant to be empathetic...but she's not really, probably due to her upbringing. I do find people with no/little empathy to be highly frustrating (Not just in dramas, but real life too. Also not just women, but definitely men too!)...so I guess now I understand why I sometimes have a hard time watching her. However, I do think they've justified why she is the way she is (with her dysfunctional family and her dad also trying to marry her off...ugh!). They've also made her at least quite fun to follow as she is observational and does like to mess with people in way that they deserve Eg. she likes messing with MJ but she also made sure MJ spoke out her feelings about letting SG stay over. I totally agree - the confession of SG and MJ was refreshing because it was so chill and awkward and needed a whole lot of courage on both their parts. I also feel like it's more realistic to have a no-fuss confession like this than one with the fireworks And they both knew they had these feelings, but just didn't know how to bring it about, which is often what happens in life. The kiss wasn't super exciting, but I think it worked with this scene and their characters. While I do like slow-burn a lot, I do think this show has a level of calmness/ dettachedness that has taken awhile to get use to as well. I personally like my romances to have an element of high will-they-won't-they tension when both characters are still unsure of their feelings. I dislike overly dramatic cliches or melo, but I am used to certain tensions driving the story forward. For Run On, I think SG's dad is awful, but even he doesn't seem like a big deal. Whenever SG and MJ disagree, I think I'm somewhat confused because it seems so trivial? Like why exactly is MJ mad when he gives her the running shoes as a gift? I'm a little confused at times about why she feels he's making her seem stupid and why she thinks he's building a wall...I don't find his character all that expressive, but I felt like he was trying to close that gap there? I like LYH a lot and if I had to pick a favourite character of the 4 it would be him on the basis that he's so warm and maybe a bit more easier to understand in his aspirations and motives than some of the other characters. But like SG, he's also not afraid to speak up when he believes something to be right or wrong...which makes their funny friendship more believable I agree that it was a good scene - I like that LYH is able to hold his own ground as an artist against a person of higher wealth and status who he also has feelings for! Also, as someone who is warm, but honest, I feel like he'd be able to teach DA more about empathy and having a sense of dignity beyond just money. Sorry for the back and forths with my thoughts btw...I feel like this is one of those dramas that I should somehow love...but am puzzled why I'm not more into it since a lot of people around me are quite obsessed with it But I can see a lot of excellent things about it.
  14. More oppas more life This is also true. There's one oppa they will fight the world for Meh, I like my celebrities, but I would rather not burn a thousand bridges with people around me for someone who doesn't actually know I'm alive Glad Singapore has things under control! I feel like your country is very systematic though, so this would be the case. I hope we get to form a travel bubble soon. It's so hard for different countries to co-ordinate their times though! Australia's so big that sometimes it's fine in one state but terrible in another! At the moment my state is going ok, but not sure about the others. Hahaha, was twittertacked over an opinion (that it was good for an actor to probably take a break since he hasn't announced new projects/ posted anything lately). So controversial, right? All good now though. Twitter can be such a salty place - I guess this is why I never talk about politics or life things on there! Hahaha ahhhh, good old Piapa gao! I laughed when one of my Australian actor friends recommended it to me when I said I had an itchy throat once. I'm not sure how he found out about it but he said it had saved him many times when he was in stage production and starting to feel sick. True. I also think people don't like to let things go They obviously have not learnt the main lesson from Frozen...
  15. It's so true! Those are two entirely different things. I'll never understand why people want to control other people's views when it comes to being a fan It also doesn't reflect well on that celebrity if their fans are known as the crazy ones! Yesss!!! Actually that's true for everything! If everyone could have more tolerance for other views (as long as they are not dangerous views that incite hate or violence or abuse), I think the world would be a much more happier and peaceful place! Hahahaha, I think because we're a little more objective/realistic here. I think it's normal and fine to like certain stars and still say things like you don't enjoy their current projects or that you support an artist but don't talk about them for months because they're not working on anything. Doesn't make anyone an anti/ disloyal...it just makes you flexible as a person I think some fans are over sensitive because maybe they don't have much else going on, so it's something to fixate on to fill in a hole in life? And then there are those who worry about the celebrity getting depressed from antis....but as long as it's not a whole bunch of people who are nasty for no reason/ fake reasons and scarily obsessive, celebrities don't have the time to notice or care. I think most people know you can't please everyone with what you do! Hahaha, so louuud My hearing will be gone
  16. Hahaha, I always end up replying to things in the Dabang thread, so if I forget to get back to you, don't feel sad...I just have worse memory than a grandma Vaccinations haven't started here yet....But I think they're about to get underway, it'll be older people first so I think younger age groups won't be till the end of the year or so @NiteWalker Aaron's hair looks like it's got lots of hairspray....but hairspray after awhile makes it looked unwashed
  17. Eh, I'll get back to everyone tomorrow...but saw this idea on Twitter which I really liked. Someone made a thread of all the casting photos (Photos the media/ bloggers put together when lead actors are announced for a drama) of their favourite pairing...I thought it'd be fun to do one for LJW and GAR... Sometimes I like it when the articles pick two pictures of them with somewhat matching actions, haha
  18. Hahaha I started watching the first episode on Viki but got bored waiting for Jasper to appear so put it on pause and never went back to it... I think I just need to skip straight to the Jasper parts! Your mention of LSG made me remember that he also posted some Twogether throwback photos recently! I miss that Bromance so much! More here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CJbE3FnAeAd/
  19. Haha haven't been as good at updating because I'm not so into Chinese dramas or variety shows...I'll give it a go once Jasper's dramas are released this year...But we'll see It's nice to see Jasper update his Instagrams again...there was a quiet period earlier this year. But these silhouette photos he put up lately are so pretty!
  20. I agree. I think it's kind of like if you're not an idol, or a big shot actor or on the climb up to be one of those big shot actors/ from a more controlling agency...you're probably good to post whatever you want, especially if it has good promotional value for your current drama. I always find it a bit sad that some fans read too much into posts...there might be some more fun BTS posts if there was more chill! Hahaha, Taiwanese actors are the best in this department. Jasper Liu/ Simon Lian/ Greg Hsu/ Marcus Chang all do very good fan service when their dramas are on. They even do well even when not in a current drama. I like it when they post pics running into old co-stars at awards/ fashion shows/ just hanging out. Not gonna lie, I live for the Jasper + Puff (https://www.instagram.com/p/B0-h5cLgpUH/) and Simon + Vivian friendship and collaboration posts. Hahaha, you have so much knowledge of ZEA @Tofu I feel like weirdly enough, I knew he was from a well off family...somehow I have seen his parents before on something - a variety show? It would have been around the time of Strong Woman Do Bong Soon which I was quite obsessed about Hahaha, the weird things we find out about them! (And who even knows how!) This is very true. I have seen some people make it work for the most part, but not sure if they're also secretly sneaking out cigarettes when I'm not hanging with them... But yeah, like anything addictive, it's hard to just put a cap on it. That's true, I remember than happening like 4 years or so ago...also not into kpop, but definitely haven't heard about ZEA for years and years now. Wait which one is your Mr Dimples? Your Japanese actor Tomoya Nakamura? Or Kim Seon Ho (seems to be popular nickname for him)? Doubt it's Jasper Liu (who also goes by that nickname) Wow, I like them both, but I feel like Park EunBin is stronger in the acting department...need to see Rowoon with improved acting to match. Hmmm, can I make myself watch a historical drama??
  21. A bit of both ...I'm not hugely invested in either project until I see the trailers and marketing posters/ actor instagrams etc and then sometimes I change my mind completely and love the drama....but I can pick if it helps you out as both contains an actor I care about and have watched large volumes of their works (Gong Yoo is my original Oppa! But I tend to not research his projects...I just watch when they come out) Honestly, I think I'd probably have ended up picking That Night so result would still be the same?
  22. Hahaha, it's ok I forgive your smilies But cannot forgive putting my nomination up against Hospital Playlist 2 It's doomed! Haha, Oh I thought I was the only person who didn't watch Hospital Playlist! I know a lot of people like it and think it's very heart-warming...I'm not much for medical dramas, but I haven't tried this one so I wouldn't know. Did I read somewhere that it wasn't your cup of tea @mademoiselle? Also lol! Is Seo In Guk one of your oppas @Tofu?? Oh this is hard. Kim Soo Hyun v. Gong Yoo. I love them both, but both have also had popular projects that were underwhelming to me before...I love Gong Yoo more as an actor, but That Night sounds like one of those justice stories I like more... Ughhhh, it's too hard.... Let me think and maybe I will.
  23. Hahaha, I have friends who are like this. Mostly the idea is that they smoke only when they drink...and then they only drink socially. Don't know how addicted they are though! I feel like I need to see Jirisan visually in a trailer before I'm interested. I'm always a little confused about drama plots when they come out because they don't always make sense/ things are lost in translation...so I don't know if I'll like it! Hahaha I didn't realise ISW was in the same group as Park Hyung Sik! Also his English is pretty good...could give Mi Joo a run for her money I really wish I was more into the Run On couple. Not sure why I'm not deeply into the series like most people, even though I definitely enjoy the dialogue. But I do like ISW for posting matching Instagram couple shots with SSK....definitely would bring joy to their shipper hearts! It's so rare for male actors/ idols in Korea to post couple-y shots! LOL again, love new drama and character descriptions. His character sounds real deep @Tofu This guy is soooo pretty I've never watched a Thai drama before. Are they long? His dancing is pretty hilariously extra! I'm glad you found your Jan oppa!
  24. Hahaha true, true Everyone should have a black book of oppas I don't have too many I love deeply, but I still have a lot of mild crushes and flings when the main ones are not very active Haha, I know my oppas are not loyal to me, so I reserve the right to check out others when they're away So true....no time to get overly sensitive at all if you have to keep up with 100 oppas and track them in your Oppa tracker And if you're like @SilverMoonTea, you just keep stumbling on more and more Oppas to drool over ... This validation makes me feel better :) Thank you lovely sane people of Janghaven!
  25. Aiyahhh!!! Can't believe you put my nomination up against the popular Hospital Playlist 2 I feel like you were trying to make my show loose... Also, I thought you would go easy on me since my eyes were twitching from those chopped up smilies before ( I'm very happy that @Chocolate fixed them up for you. They're so beautiful and neat now )
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