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  1. hey, guys I haven't been on much this week. I was feeling a bit low. I am back now Somehow the wait for this week is feeling extra long. I haven't caught up on all the posts, but for the wait to go faster I want to share of few of my thoughts ep 12. I found a ep.12 a bit of filler episode. I do like how everything is connected the gold is connected to this file. The one thing that has been running in mind even more than the finger flick scene was the ending scene. It wasn't Mr.Cho but Vicenzo. We really got to see his evil side in the basement which i had overlooked a little bit because of the principles he follows and him wanting to fight for good. Even I still remember the look he had when he say the gold it made me uncomfortable. I wonder the depths of this side. Will we see this side more? I don't know how others feel about that or got that sense? Because of this sort of wake up call I wasn't able to enjoy the finger flick scene as much. Also, another thing I was wondering why was his hair down in this episode? Even with the sort of wake up call I still am invested in the plot. Lastly, relating to episode 13, is his fake crying in the preview is related to the gold. I mean how could he lose the gold because wouldn't Vicenzo have backup plan like he usually does? Mr.cho also betrayed once before and the excuse he gave was phony. one quibble: I wish we get cha's POV at times What about you guys?
  2. The whole episode was about showing biggest cracks in the evil side while the good side is starting to grow bigger even though we still shouldn't trust everyone. Getting suspicious of the elder monk. He definitely know something. Also the gold.. Vince still wants it. I think that might cause the right between him and Cha.. I know she still trusts him but today is outburst about everyone knowing about it... made sort of suspicious of him today
  3. I know.. they tease all the time.. but even this is enough for me.. it's part of the slow steady process. I am all for it. Thank you @abs-oluteM @stroppyse @ssteph for the warm welcome. I am too excited for tomorrow. How do I sleep! I am so excited to Spazz with you all!
  4. Okay! I am new on Jang Haven! Hello! I started watching vicenzo live from ep 8. Okay that previe got my hear fluttering. It seem as Vince was making her stay. He wanted he company and trying to muster up the courage to confess but she started talking about the hug and he seemed so nervous Sorry my last post was so rushed but needed to get me thoughts down and the sexual tension is so palpable
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