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Goodbye to Bai


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Dear @bai, I'd always remember how sweet  a mango pudding you were. Although we haven't interacted more the recent months, I've always thought of you as one of the best in JH, and my co-admirer of a beautiful Cdrama goddess. 


It seems just yesterday that I was chuckling over the posts of your brother @abnoch with his cafe and coffee costumers encounters. So was that time I've asked him of you, how were you, then he gave the wonderful news you've recovered. I still remember you talking of studying overseas.


You're both together now @bai, free from pain and the difficulties of this life. In your blog, you've been missing your brother so much, perhaps @abnoch missed you just as much...


Rest easy @bai ❤️ 

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Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero

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@zmalge Thanks for sharing. I know this isn't the easiest time for you. Please note that we are here for you and that Bai will always be remembered fondly by all of us here. From the tweets , I can see how she's touched so many with her posts and edits. I hope she knows that she's truly left a legacy , not just in the form of her creativity but also through the friendships she's built here and elsewhere. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm still coming to terms with the news. I didn't know bai on a personal level but I remember how affectionate and positive she was when we interacted. Her passing is still shocking to me. I knew bai was sick but I didn't know she was very sick. I lost my friend to cancer last year after several years of fighting. She too had a very positive outlook on life and her passing was deeply felt by all of us. Bai's passing reminded me of my friend. I skirted this thread for a long time, I finally have the courage to sit and read through the posts. I can't help but cry as I read all the comments posted here and as I read her blog posts too. Her blog posts are heart breaking, but it also made me reflect on life and relationships. Her bond with her brother was truly special. Rest in peace to both of them. Rest in peace Bai and Abnoch.






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81NYo5.gif - Royal Hotness x Coffee

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I'm not very good at processing grief so I've taken a while to post here but Bai, you are greatly missed. I've read your notes to us all and I've seen your scheduled posts and each time I think how lucky I was to have known you; you brilliant, sweet thing. You went through so much over the past few years and while I'm still in disbelief and filled with sadness that you're gone, I'm glad that you at last get to be with @abnoch and Catch. This quote from your scheduled post hit me hardest:


To be honest, if d word for me came soon, it doesn’t mean I prefer joining my family there more than to be with people I love in the present. I truly respect all of you who shared your love with me.. It’s just sometimes turbulence hits hard.

You've brought a lot of love and life to this community and you will always be missed. I hope that wherever you are, you are happy and free from pain.


Love you. Miss you.



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MDL                  Currently Watching: Hidden Love, Fireworks of My Heart, Erkenci Kus, King the Land


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  • 11 months later...

I know I am a little late, but reading this hit me quite hard this evening. I think I need to say something too, Bai. 

Two days ago my little sister kokodus, I know you and some of you know her, messaged me and asked me if I am still alive. When I replied in my usual little sarcastic, funny way, she scolded me for not messaging her regularly. She misses the old days and the people back then. We talked about USAFarmgirl and I mentioned catch, you and your brother, not knowing anything. 
Sis then told me about abnoch and it already hit me, then I thought about you and ended up here.......:pandasadspoon: 

Things can happen so quickly and out of nowhere.


I write the following sentences with a very heavy heart, Bai, you had to go through so many struggles and hardships, you lost so many precious people at such an early age, faced catastrophes in such various way. We all shared such a deep bond that went across the world when all these bad things happened to catch. Even after all these years, I never took down the video I did for her. It's still on YouTube.

Although we didn't talk much, it was always fun to read you and joke around on every thread we participated in. 
Bai, you will be missed and it hit me so hard to read that you left this world over a year ago. I hope you met catch and your brother in heaven. 



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2 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

@Dhakra I am so glad you stopped by and see you here. A year has gone by since Bai's passing, I do think of her from time to time.

Hope all is well with you. Come by the drama threads. 


Yeah, I noticed the thread is from last year. I felt a bit bad I just learned everything so late. I was so devasted when I read all messages. 


I will come by, just have to find a nice drama that suits me.

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A year and a few days after since you left. Things have been hard—there were things that I wished I could have shown to you like the different covers I made for the books I’ve been writing before you left. There were times at night which I would think about the time we spent together chatting and it would often tear me up. It was hard for me to go through the month of September because I kept thinking about the day you sent your letter to us and the day that I’ve read the letter. Thank you truly and I hope that if you are out there and up and above the clouds, you will be at peace and be happy with your brother. 



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“A romantic who likes flowers.”



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