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Lost You Forever 长相思 [2023]

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The latest publication of the novel finally arrived today. Truly gorgeous, the covers of all 3 books combining to make a spectacular panaroma, while the book inserts depict breathtaking illustrations and key prose from iconic scenes between Xiao Yao and the three men who love her. Am in love all over again!




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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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@peperomia and @ktcjdrama


With Princess Agents, the showrunners did not finish filming the drama which is different from this situation. I don't think there was even a complete script when the show ended. This show as far as i can tell is complete. There are clips from Part 2 already floating around online.

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"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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@peperomia @ktcjdrama @40somethingahjumma Unfortunately, the most recent news is that S2 will air next year after all. I just hope that we don't have to wait too long. The withdrawals are bad enough as it is.


@40somethingahjumma Thank you very much for sharing the BTSes. I love just how happy and warm the set is, which makes the fan wars that are so prevalent now that much more disappointing to see. In particular, Cang Xuan-Xiao Yao BTSes are intense and goes to show just how much Zhang Wanyi and Yang Zi poured their hearts out into those scenes, which in turn resonate with us as viewers.


For Yao-Liu fans who have read the novel and find it difficult to move on, here is a long, well-written (based on how what I've read so far) Chinese fanfic 不负相思意 which seamlessly takes place after the conclusion of the novel.

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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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19 hours ago, liddi said:

The latest publication of the novel finally arrived today. Truly gorgeous, the covers of all 3 books combining to make a spectacular panaroma, while the book inserts depict breathtaking illustrations and key prose from iconic scenes between Xiao Yao and the three men who love her. Am in love all over again!

Indeed, such gorgeous design! Where did you get it from? So tempted to buy also 😄

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29 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Indeed, such gorgeous design! Where did you get it from? So tempted to buy also 😄

@ktcjdrama I got mine from Shopee but I have seen it offered on Lazada and even eBay as well - just do a search for "长相思 小说". I am currently torn - I want to wrap the books to protect them, yet don't want to since I won't be able to see the covers within the dust jackets. Decisions decisions! :laugh:


There is also a manhua version of the novel published this year, but I can only find Vols 1-3 so far, which ends with Shiqi's confession to Xiao Liu in Dragon Bone Prison. Interestingly, it also prematurely features the novel epilogue, which hurts to see, even though it is still early days yet based on the manhua timeline. Hopefully the rest of the story will be made available soon since I believe the manhua was already completed.



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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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2 hours ago, liddi said:

I am currently torn - I want to wrap the books to protect them, yet don't want to since I won't be able to see the covers within the dust jackets.

I probably will just leave it as it is, not wrapping them. Not like I am going to lend them to anyone. Under my possession, the books will be just fine. I handle my books very carefully. Most can go back to the shelves in the store and be sold again like new books 😆 But anyway, you can use the transparent plastic kind, no? Except that the inside cover will still see the margin of the plastic folded in from outside. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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@ktcjdrama My books are well kept too, but I still can't help but be nervous! I do use the transparent book wrap, but since the book cover will still be wrapped within the dust jacket, there is no easy way for the covers to be seen. Guess I'll just leave them unwrapped and just keep a hawk's eye on them!


The main cast of Lost You Forever were on Hi6 variety show (of which Tan Jianci is a regular member) twice. Though the filming was done two consecutive days, their time there was broadcast first early Jul before the drama aired, and once in mid Aug before the finale. So good to see them let their hair down and just have fun, with hilarious antics aplenty!




Edited by liddi
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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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@liddi @ktcjdrama @40somethingahjumma Thanks for the clarification on the 2 seasons. Good to know filming has already been completed, but due to current rules, it is just getting split into 2 parts. Not airing season 2 until next year is a long gap though. Hopefully, timing is early next year.


On 9/1/2023 at 4:56 PM, liddi said:

And yes, thus far, iconic scenes and dialogue are pretty much faithful to the novel though some scenes were shifted around, omitted or changed. I do feel though that there seems to be a greater emphasis on Xiao Yao's feelings towards Tushan Jing, at the expense of the details in the novel about hers towards Xiang Liu, and I truly hope this does not carry over to S2 since there are rumours about Xiang Liu scenes being cut or replaced with Tushan Jing. With Tong Hua at the production helm, fingers crossed it does not get butchered.


Thanks @liddi I'm happy to hear the drama adapted the key scenes and dialogue of the novel. Adaptions are usually difficult to capture all the details in the narrative of the novel which is why I was worried about the drama leaving out certain things. I like both Tu Shan Jing and Xiang Liu so I hope by the end, the emphasis on the 2 characters are at least equal. I also hope they don't emphasize on the 2 being love rivals, but they do have a mutual respect for each other. From what I understand though, Xiang Liu is Tong Hua's favorite character so I think she'll make sure he receives the audience's love that he deserves, especially in season 2.


I will watch this for sure, but I might hold off a little. I'll definitely come back here when I do. 

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书生说 The Scholar Speaks conducted an interesting interview with Tong Hua back in 2019 in conjunction with the publication of the latest revised edition of 长相思 Lost You Forever. In it, she speaks about 步步惊心 which launched her career as an author, Lost You Forever, and her thoughts on adaptation, among other things. Now I am curious what exactly she has improved from the original novel. Does anyone know?






Hello everyone. I am Tong Hua. This is my work Lost You Forever, which will see a new revised edition in 2019. Lost You Forever is the last historical romance out of my 10 works. Written in 2012, I felt at the time that it was the most well-written of my works, but upon reviewing it after many years, I still feel that it is lacking in some areas. This revised edition is not able to make up for all the regrets, but it has done its best to address all the areas that it can. I hope everyone will like it.


In what way has 步步惊心 Scarlet Heart, which propelled you to fame, influenced your subsequent works?
This novel holds especial meaning for me. It is my first work. It is also the work that made me famous. In a sense, it changed my career path, and influenced my life plans. As such, it is particularly meaningful for me. Let's put it this way. If Scarlet Heart was not well-written and was not well received, I would very likely have continued working in my area of expertise, which is finance, instead of seriously going down the writer's path. It was Scarlet Heart's success that made me realise that my works are loved by many readers, and as such changed my career.


During the creative process, do you work out in advance the ending of each character?
I normally do not write an outline for my stories, which means I myself actually have no idea how the character would end. As I write, it's sometimes based on my own deeper understanding of the characters or like being pushed. Or perhaps sometimes it's the character who guides you slowly towards the end of his fate. So it is not deliberate, but a natural progression.


Many of your works have been adapted into dramas. What do you think these drama should retain? 
My greatest hope is that the characters and their emotions are retained. Novels are two-dimensional while dramas are three dimensional. As such, when a novel is adapted into a drama, changes are inevitable. Some changes are due to funding requirements. One can be unrestrained with the descriptions in the novels, but such scenes cannot be filmed in reality. Such changes are understandable. However, I personally hope to retain the integrity of the character and their emotions. Although the plot or scenes may change, if the character's integrity can be upheld throughout, then the adaptation is a good one in my eyes. 


You have written so many romance novels. What is your own view on love?
My own take on love - as a woman, I will talk about it from the viewpoint of a woman. I feel that firstly, is to be the best version of yourself which is to achieve mental and financial independence. Only by ensuring independence in these two areas can there be true equality in love. 


Please recommend a book that has greatly influenced you and elaborate the reasons for your recommendation.
A book that has greatly influenced me would be Tolstoy's Anna Karenina as it is a classic, a great literary work. Different people derive different aspects from it. I read it when I was much younger, so at the time my focus was on the romance. Tolstoy's Anna had a destructive, tragic love line, which gave me a lot to reflect upon. Personally, I feel that this is something women should reflect upon, regardless of the era [they live in]. As such, I recommend this book. 






My first novel was a story set in ancient times, which is Scarlet Heart that everyone should have heard of. Lost You Forever is my last historical story to date. 

Is there a story between Lost You Forever and Once Promised?
Yes. At the time, there were plans for a story, and I had actually written about 100K to 200K words. However, I was extremely dissatisfied with it because I felt that I failed to properly convey what I wanted to express. As such, I put it on hold and went on to write Lost You Forever.


Why are most of your novels tragic?
Actually that's not true. I'm not saying that I prefer tragic stories. To me, Once Promised is a tragedy, but Lost You Forever is not considered as one. All the characters in Lost You Forever found their proper place in life, so to me, Lost You Forever is not a tragic story. 


Are there any plans for new books?
Lately, I have ideas for two stories in my mind. Both are modern stories, so some readers might be disappointed because they feel that I should revisit historical stories. Nonetheless, for now, my inspiration lies in modern stories. The ideas for the two stories are there but I personally do not know yet whether I will be able to complete them because there is a still a long process from taking an idea to actually writing it. 


Will you let your children read your works?
I think that is challenging because my child is a young boy. I feel that on the whole, boys are... my books are mostly romances, more geared towards women, so he may not necessarily enjoy them. However, I think I will let him read them when he has grown up.

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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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Lost You Forever Season 2 obtained its broadcasting license yesterday. No idea when it will air, but apparently it has been reduced from 35 to 21 episodes. I am concerned if this is true since there is still so much left to cover from the novel. Hopefully it will be seamlessly done and no crucial parts omitted. Looking forward to its broadcast.

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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone shared a screenshot of Tong Hua's old post on Weibo, before 长相思 Lost You Forever was first published in March 2013, where she alludes to Xiang Liu, and her own grief when she thought of him. Can't share the Weibo screenshot but here is the translation:


从超市出来,风很大,阳光很灿烂。透过车窗,看到蓝天很蓝,白云很白,想起了九命 (偶故事中的人物)一袭白衣,九曲红尘,本该是何等逍遥的妖,却因责任困住了自己。总喜欢用雪去形容他,想着正伤感,突然下雪了,雪花打在车窗上。我惊愕!明明阳光还十分灿烂,老公说,太阳雪!很少见!

Coming out from the supermarket, the wind was strong and the sun was bright. Through the car window, I saw that the blue skies were really blue and the white clouds were really white. I thought of Nine Lives (a character in a story), all dressed in white, living nine lives in the mortal realm, a demon who should have been so unfettered and free but instead trapped himself with responsibility. I always love to use the snow to describe him. Just as I was feeling sad, it suddenly started snowing, and the snowflakes hit against the car window. I was shocked! The sun was clearly still shining brightly. My husband said, "Sunny and snowing! It's a rare occurrence!"

-- 桐华tonghua @ Weibo, 26 Feb 2012


cr. 芒果捞智多星 Weibo

Edited by liddi
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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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A little late joining this party. I had recently come across posts about this drama on IG and in reading the raving reviews, I decided to give it a try. My goodness, I watch all episodes in 2 days. Needless to say, I am very sleep-deprived. :laugh:


I am so very glad I decided to give this a try because IT. IS. SO. GOOD! 


I have not read the novels (I want to but don't know where to find them! And are they available in English?) so I didn't know what to expect. The first few episodes sets the stage for Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan but as you watch the drama, it makes it impossible to tell who Xiao Yao is supposed to end up with!


Personally, I do not see Cang Xuan being a match for Xiao Yao. At most, he is her big brother who loves and protects her. 


I did not even consider Ye Shiqi. The way his character was introduced was so subtle that without having read the novel, I thought he was just a side character. A person that enters her life who is going to likely be her right-hand man or something like that. 


The person I thought most suited for her is Xiang Liu. I loved their chemistry right from the beginning. So I was really surprised to learn (through Google) that the main CP is Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing. 


Like everyone here, I also felt frustrated at how indecisive and passive Jing is, especially when it came to dealing with his family. But I think I understand why. His gentleness, loyalty and warmth is what made Xiao Yao love him so it is both his greatest strength and weakness. I agree that his character in the drama falls short of the magnificence everyone talked about prior to his disappearance and I want to read the novel to better understand his character. 


The scene where he finds Xiao Yao's body hanging from the trees and how he breaks down as he gently holds her while the fire around the burns.. that scene was done beautifully. 


I love, too, how Jing always knows how to find her. Every time she has gone missing, he is always the first to find her. I would say that the only inkling I see of his supposed brilliance is in the way he deals with situations. He is always calm and always seems to know the best way to handle situations to keep Xiao Yao safe and also help the people she cares about (Cang Xuan). It was him who gave Feng Long the advice about moving Cang Xuan to the Central Plains. Jing is highly intelligent but I love that despite everything he has to offer, he never uses Xiao Yao as a bargaining chip. Although he feels jealous and intimated by the men around Xiao Yao, he never gets upset with her and instead tries to sincerely win her heart. I think this is the problem - he feels the need to earn her but this has led to his downfall.


My heart hurts for Xiang Liu/Feng feng Bei. Ugh, every time he is with her, I ache for him. You can clearly see how much he loves her but he holds himself back because of the debt of gratitude he has toward his adoptive father. The constant push and pull between them drives me crazy! I find myself screaming, "just be with each other already! Just run away together and be happy!" :laugh:


I cannot wait to see how Season 2 unfolds!!


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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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On 9/5/2023 at 6:04 PM, liddi said:

All the characters in Lost You Forever found their proper place in life, so to me, Lost You Forever is not a tragic story. 

I am so glad to read this!... Haha... I've cried quite a bit, but mostly for touching moments though.


7 hours ago, Mouse said:

I watch all episodes in 2 days.

Wow! I wish I can quickly finish watching too. Still under ep.20 now. Will catch up soon, now that most of my kdramas have ended. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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@Mouse https://www.novelupdates.com/series/lost-you-forever/

You can find everything translated here. I read the novel twice. Though its translated and the purists will tell you that some essence will be lost, but beggars can't be choosers. I've read tons of comments and seen the wars between the two camps (Camp XL and Camp TSJ). IMHO, the cousin brother is out of the game, and the main contributor to the title of the novel, he truly lost her forever. [Though in Chinese, that's not quite what it means.] For me, Jing is more husband material, XL is someone to have a good time with [I cannot condone a woman marrying a guy who throws her off the bird and makes her swim all night to reach land, treats her like a blood bank and is harsh towards her]. I am not doubting his sincerity towards her, to the extent that he saves her time and again, never asking for anything in return and hiding all evidence of what he did. It's foolish yet noble at the same time. To me, just as he got to experience a mother's love by masquerading as her son, Xiao Yao allowed him to experience romantic love (even if somewhat one-sided of sorts) and live a life of 'been there, done that'. She did give him an opportunity once and told him she would follow him if he could give everything up but he chose not to do so because of his allegiance to his adopted father. And for this reason, he can never be Xiao Yao's choice as she wants someone who puts her first above everything else. 


I also found an audio-book version (in Chinese) and because I have read the English translation, surprisingly I could follow the audio-book. If anyone wants a link to the audio book, let me know, you have to download an app but it's free. And I think the author must have paid some voice actors to play the characters. I know this because I was also following the My Journey to You audio book which was read by an AI-bot. So it's one voice for all characters as compared with this one which has different voices.  It's quite a fun experience having someone read the book to me (my listening skills are better than my reading, LOL).

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@Mouse @IpohBanana Welcome! I lost everything I was writing in response to your posts during a power trip... argh! Anyway, lemme try to recall what I was rambling about.


Koala did a brilliant job translating the entire novel here at Chinese Novel Translations section, under Lost You Forever (Chang Xiang Si 長相思). Her translations also include references to Once Promised (which features Xiao Yao's parents' love story). Do note that Koala's translations were based on the original 2013 novel, where names of characters and places were lifted directly from Chinese origin mythology (something which caused quite a lot of controversy). In 2019, the novel was revised and certain names and locations changed (which is reflected in the drama as well) e.g.:


颛顼 Zhuan Xu - renamed to 玱玹 Cang Xuan
蚩尤 Chi You - renamed to 赤宸 Chi Chen
共工 Gong Gong - renamed to  洪江 Hong Jiang

九黎 Jiu Li, the tribe where the lover's bug originated - renamed to 百黎 Bai Li


While the novel retains the original names of the kingdoms, the drama also renamed those:

神农 Shen Nong   (辰荣 Chen Rong in the drama)
轩辕 Xuan Yuan   ( 西炎 Xi Yan in the drama)
高辛 Gao Xin       (皓翎 Hao Ling in the drama)


As for the title of the novel, 长相思 literally means Eternally Yearning for Each Other. 

Revised editions of the novel from 2019 onwards added a new volume title for Vol 1

Vol 1 如初见 As When We First Met
Vol 2 诉衷情 Love Confessed
Vol 3 思无涯 Unending Yearning


S1 did an excellent job adapting the novel, and for the most part, is extremely faithful to the source material. There is a leaked script floating around, which shows substantial departure in S2. I usually keep a pretty open mind as far as adaptations and remakes go, but assuming the script is authentic, I do have concerns about the direction it will take, especially when a major part of a theme that underpins the novel is suddenly made irrelevant and makes no sense. Keeping fingers crossed that these concerns are unfounded and S2 will be just as beautifully crafted as its predecessor.


What I find particularly incredible about the drama and the novel is how I love Xiao Yao's relationship with each of the men who love her. Cang Xuan in particular holds a special place in my heart due to of the precious bond they shared ever since they were just innocent children, his vow to claim the Xi Yan throne because he was powerless, and that was the only way he knew to protect her. I still tear up each time I hear little Cang Xuan's desolate cries as he watched Xiao Yao disappear from his sight to Jade Mountain. After they were reunited, it was as if nothing has changed - their devotion to each other, Xiao Yao who would fight and kill for him even though she had no personal ambition in his journey to the throne - but he knew it was no longer the same, her heart already given elsewhere, their innocent promise to marry each other so that they would not be apart no longer holding any standing for her. As such, my heart breaks for him with every yearning look he gave her when she wasn't looking, every tear he shed even as he masked it with repeated assurances to protect her so that no one dares treat her badly. Zhang Wanyi embodies Cang Xuan, and I can't wait to see how he delivers the extremities of his character in S2.


I adored Ye Shiqi from the moment he shielded Xiao Liu from the dripping wax of the burning candle, long before he knew she was female. That was our very first introduction to him as a person - unfailingly kind even to someone he had just met, and his subsequent abject adoration for Xiao Liu, his indulgence towards her and her foibles, and his attitude towards the brother who subjected him to such horrific torture just served to cement the impression of his gentleness, warmth and strength, particularly impressive in the face of his ability to forgive, living with physical scars which could never be removed but not allowing his emotional scars to change the essence of who he was. His brilliance as a tactician would be instrumental in propelling Cang Xuan down the right path to claim the throne, yet he was content to stay out of the limelight, wanting simply to exist as a part of Xiao Yao's life, caring not for power or fame. It was ironic then that such an exceptional mind would be entrapped into a position and marriage he did not want, and even more frustrating that he would not come clean to Xiao Yao, allowing her to find out for herself with Yi Ying's pregnancy. I can understand his fears, knowing that it meant losing her, but how long did he honestly think he could have kept it from her? Not for the first time, I find myself questioning how Jing is portrayed in the drama, and feel that his characterisation suffered due to being seen as indecisive and solely wallowing in romantic love, when Jing of the novel is far far more than that. However, I was extremely moved by how Deng Wei delivered Jing's utter devastation when he found Xiao Yao strung up lifeless in Plum Forest - quiet, heartbreaking tears as he desperately begged her to live, then resigned himself to follow her in death while protecting her body from the flames that would engulf them.


What can I say about Xiang Liu, whom Tan Jianci brought to life, a feat I didn't think possible? He evokes so much lingering sadness that leaves me with all the what-ifs, and in a different life if fate had been kinder, if indeed Xiao Yao had been the one to save him when he escaped the death arena, things could have been so different for him, for them. However, this was the man whose fate was already sealed way before Xiao Yao was born, he who suffered horrifically as a child - brutally tortured and forced to systematically kill in order to survive - who even as a demon despised by the deity tribes, did not give his word lightly, but once he did, would give his life to keep it. We see this in his promise to the real Fangfeng Bei, the degree to which he cared for the ailing mother, allowing her to finally die in peace and contentment. We see it in his pledge to his foster father Hong Jiang and his comrades, despite clearly knowing that theirs was a futile cause and their end already written. It is notable how his love for Xiao Yao differs from her other suitors. Where they would protect her from danger, he empowers her to protect herself, so that she need never be reliant on another person to keep her safe. And what makes his love for her doubly poignant was that it was not unrequited, because deep down in her heart, Xiao Yao loved him too but dared not allow herself to go there because of their opposing stances. This is evident as the lovers bug was successfully planted in both of them, and never once retaliated in what would be the 120+ years that it was in them. He taught her to cherish life, from the first time they gazed at the beautiful sight under the full moon, to the years he spent with her as Fangfeng Bei. The following is my translation of the novel which describes Xiao Yao's thoughts of their times together beautifully.:


In the past two years, the two of them accompanied each other to explore every nook and cranny of Xuan Yuan city. He would sometimes disappear, then sometimes appear, carefree and spontaneous. Xiao Yao felt that they could continue playing together for an eternity because they were too similar. They cared for nothing, were willing to try anything, were interested in all things, and everything could make them smile. They appreciated all that was beautiful but wanted to own none of it. Their lives were at the juncture of light and darkness. If they chose to face the light, behind them were thousands of miles of desolation. If they chose to face the darkness, behind them was the glittering splendour of the world. But even if they faced the light, they were still stepped in darkness. It was not that they could not understand what it was to be in pure light, but they could never forget all the pain they experienced before, the pain that followed them like a shadow. They were strong, independent, indifferent, so no matter what they encountered, they could go on living well.


Last night, when she realised he was Xiang Liu, she felt no surprise at all. It was as if that was how it was meant to be, and the heavy burden in one corner of her heart was lifted, but weighed down at the same time in another part of her.



Okay, I have rambled far too much again. Am on tenterhooks waiting for S2, while hoping against hope that the last 21 episodes will be just as unforgettable as the first 39. And wishing 檀建次 Tan Jianci a very wonderful 33th birthday today!

Edited by liddi
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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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@liddi What a wonderfully well-written and organised description of each male lead. I agree with what you have written, and I believe each of them had choices that led them down different paths. Interestingly, I had a discussion with someone much older than me today, and we both concurred that we are likely to have a long-lasting romantic relationship with someone who complements us, meaning different in the key aspects. For example, where XY was unforgiving, TSJ was forgiving; where XY was distrustful, TSJ was trusting. Too much similarity ends up causing conflict in the long run. IMHO, their (XY and XL) similarity is great for friendship, but not as long-term partners. In fact, when XY was Wen Xiao Liu, I often thought of her relationship with XL as bordering on a case of the 'Stockholm syndrome'. I can see why there are aspects about TSJ that irritated her - she called him out for being indecisive and not assertive enough, but later she told Cang Xuan that those were qualities she lacked (forbearance and kindliness) and she came to realise, could be seen as his strengths. 


As for Cang Xuan, what can I say? He had the most opportunity and access to her. But the belief that more and more power would allow him to protect XY, to the extent of using her as a pawn to win alliances, is just something I cannot come to terms with. There's what he thinks is love, and then, there's love. And I think XY best summarised it: in her heart, Cang Xuan was the closest to her, and whatever he wanted, she would give her life to help him achieve it. She thought he felt the same way; whatever she wanted, he would get it for her. Anything she treasured, he would treasure it too. But clearly, this was her wishful thinking.  


Btw, can you place in spoilers what you have heard from the melons about changes made in S2? Even Zhang Wan Yi in his interview, said there were changes. And I am really curious as to what these were.


Though I doubt it has anything to do with XL's fate because there were leaked photos of his bloody appearance where he met his end. And Deng Wei said he got the girl too....





@Mouse the link I gave you seems to be acting up. Best you use the link Liddi gave.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@IpohBanana Thank you very much for your kind words. With grown children myself, I am definitely not young. In some ways yes, it is good to have a life partner that complements your personality. However, for me, in the long run, two people who are similar in terms of core values, interests, life views have a better chance of making a relationship work than those who are not. As time goes by and the first flushes of romance have worn thin, the differences either grate even more, or get smoothed out, which means that at least one person has to compromise or change. Just my point of view.


In any case, I don't think any of the three men loved her any less. And based on the novel, neither Xiao Yao nor Jing would have survived and been able to be together in the end if not for Xiang Liu's selfless love and sacrifices. So Tan Jianci described it best when he said ultimately Xiang Liu 相互成全 - he fulfilled her wishes to have the ability to protect herself, have lifelong companionship (by saving Jing and ensuring he could return to her) and a place to go to (the vast ocean and the countless unnamed islands outside of Cang Xuan's jurisdiction); and he too fulfilled his own destiny - loyal to his foster father and his comrades to the end, ensuring they will be interred in the homeland they longed for but could not return to in life. The winged fox demon Sir Bi described Xiang Liu's heart to be clear and incorruptible, not swayed by enchantment, power, wealth or glory. As such, it is doubly hard for those who love Xiang Liu, knowing the fate life had in store for him.


Both Yang Zi and Zhang Wanyi alluded to changes in S2. Based on the leaked script (no idea if it is the finalised version though), there are substantial changes in S2, which I balk at since it takes away from the underpinning narrative of the novel. Some of the changes are as follows:


  • Spoiler
    • Cang Xuan colluding with Hou to kill Jing is just a product of an illusion created by his grandfather, to remind him of the consequences should he give in to his inner desires and kills Jing over Xiao Yao
    • Xiao Yao's hair apparently turned white after Jing's death, but was restored in the end
    • Xiao Yao never sees Xiang Liu's true form, and by extension her clinging on to Xiang Liu afterwards because the first assassination attempt by the seagull demon was omitted.
    • Left Ear does not make an appearance in S2, and is never recruited as Xiao Yao's bodyguard
    • Xiao Yao, not Jing was the target of the assassination which led to Jing's disappearance and presumed death. The assassination was masterminded by Xing Yue
    • The blood Xiang Liu extracted from Xiao Yao to save Jing the last time she saw him, is now changed to being fed to her after he destroys the lovers bug in her
    • A Nian was the one who brought the unconscious Xiao Yao to Jade Mountain at Xiang Liu's request, with the knowledge of the Royal Mother. Xiang Liu later extracts an oath from her never to reveal anything to Xiao Yao
    • Jing survives not because Xiang Liu saved him, but of Xiao Yao's blood pill and him using a puppet which took the arrow during the attack. He was trapped in an underground cave, and would not have survived if he had not taken Xiao Yao's pill to regain his strength and clawed his way out
    • Xiao Yao found out about Xiang Liu's death before the wedding. This time the scene ends with the song she sang to lure Fei Fei
    • A Nian was the one whom Xiang Liu entrusted to give the big bellied doll to Xiao Yao. She also requested Xiao Yao to specifically to bring it with her wherever she goes so that it could see the world on her (in actuality Xiang Liu's) behalf
    • Xiao Yao and Jing leave for Qingshui town after their wedding, instead of going to the ocean to settle down in one of the many uncharted islands

    Things that are questionable:

    • By taking Xiang Liu's role of saving Jing out of the picture, it makes no sense how he could have thought it possible to ensure Xiao Yao has someone to rely on for life. If this is indeed the final script, it is regrettable that they would sacrifice logic just to allow Jing to have a more active role in his survival and subsequent return back to her
    • Her not settling down at the ocean, but at Qingshui town negates all that Xiang Liu prepared to enable her to always have a place to go, including preparing the map of the sea for her. Unless they are planning to go down the route of she will always be able to breathe under the ocean and retreat there whenever it suits her, the script effectively demolishes 2 out of the 3 things Xiang Liu sacrificed to prepare for her
    • Feeding Xiao Yao the healing pill made from her own blood makes no sense at all, since the very same blood flows in her body already.



In any case, I really hope this script is not the finalised version, and that they found a way to iron out glaring inconsistencies and massive plotholes. Fingers crossed.

Edited by liddi
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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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  • 9 months later...

I'm once again amazed by the quality of the posts here. So well written. And also provides the answers to questions I have after watching 20+ episodes - mainly who is the main CP?! 🤣 (which I will now try to forget lol).


Though the looks of the 3 MLs don't typically appeal to me, this got me thinking - what's so bad about a woman having 3 men? 🤣🤣🤣


Like everyone, I also like Xiang Liu the best. The tension between them sizzles (except when XL shows his vampire teeth which makes me laugh everytime), and the bickering! Nothing beats good conversation, which is so lacking with Tushan Jing.


It's only been 2 episodes since Fangfeng Bei appeared. But I love that he takes on a new character - perhaps because it gives him a way to "court" Xiaoyao without being "hampered" by being Xiang Liu. That scene when they are first introduced in the garden and she feeds him the antidote, wow And that scene where he asked her to not be a princess and wander the world with him and she says ok, if he will give up everything - that yearning from both of them 😭



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This a very long drama, especially for what is essentially a romance - 62 episodes! But it is interesting enough to keep chasing. I'm about 10 episodes from the end.


My feelings for the 3 MLs have been fluctuating. It's very rare that one could support all 3 MLs, like, it's ok whoever she ends up with at the end.


Regarding Tushan Jing, some earlier posts mentioned that his strength and brilliance is not fully shown in the drama vs the book. I think it helps to keep this in mind/imagine it while watching his scenes so that it gives him weight. His moral character is exemplary (which is of course the cause of all the wishy washy decisions). Thus, in a way, you can admire him. That said, the romance between this pair could probably have been written better - it's quite dull 😅


Whereas the scenes between Cang Xuan and Xiaoyao are quite hot! I absolutely love the way he looks at her (and also the way their grandfather and Haolin King notices it too), especially every time he needs to marry a new Queen/concubine - such anguish and helplessness. And that scene when she was trying to encourage him to marry Nian, and he leans over her in the chair and almost kisses her... faint! I wonder if Xiaoyao ever finds out how much Cang Xuan loves her (not as a sister).


Edit: Oh no, did CX plot to kill Jing? 😨 Guess that answers my question.

Edit: 😅



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@Chocolate or anyone here consider watching Chang Wan Yi who plays Cang Xuan in a new drama called Are You The One?

I love the story and I am considering opening a thread if I am not the only one watching it . :laugh:

It should air soon. 

Super long 10 minute trailer...






There's a synopsis here


Link to the novel


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I've finished! And cried buckets at the end.


Who do I think loved Xiaoyao the most? The one who died - Xiang Liu. He was the most selfless. All the things he did for her, and without letting her know too. Yes, you can say he chose his commitment to his godfather and the rebels (which is senseless btw) over her, but so did Tushan Jing (to his family, to his "son"). Jing was just more fortunate that his situation could be resolved whereas Xiang Liu's could not.


I will check out @40somethingahjumma's recommendation Under The Skin.


3 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

@Chocolate or anyone here consider watching Chang Wan Yi who plays Cang Xuan in a new drama called Are You The One?

I love the story and I am considering opening a thread if I am not the only one watching it . :laugh:

It should air soon. 


And I will try Are You The One! Though whether I can finish to the end... look what happened to that Elvis Han one. This trailer and synopsis looks interesting. Please buzz me when it starts! Thanks.



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Congratulations on finishing the drama! 

I envy you for being able to marathon the entire drama in a short period of time. It has been a year-long wait for me, after watching S1 when it first aired Jul last year. Needless to say, I followed the live broadcast of S2 as well. 


I saw someone mention this on Weibo about the wait - "We waited a year to say farewell to an old friend" and that just had me tearing up, because for Xiang Liu fans, that's exactly what it is. Waiting an entire year to watch him die at the end. Knowing early on that he would die, having read the novel and seen BTSes and clips of the final battle, did not make it any easier and I was tearing up on a regular basis from Ep20 onwards.


Have you read the novel? How do you find S1 as opposed to S2, or do you feel that the narrative and performances remain consistent across both seasons? Who did you root for to be with her in the end, if anyone at all? I personally felt that the pacing in S2 suffered, and I balked at many of the changes from the novel, but in the end, the cast's interpretation and performances saved what could have been very problematic scenes based on the leaked script. 


Fun fact: The scene where Xiang Liu sends Mao Qiu away was not in the original script, but added after Tan Jianci asked the producer and director what happened to Mao Qiu. And his studio self-produced a Mao Qiu extra video, which just had me bawling all over again:


Am glad you're planning to check out Under the Skin! Can't wait to hear what you think of that drama too.



Did you watch Zhang Wanyi in Lost You Forever? He delivered a truly stellar performance as Cang Xuan, capturing all the nuances of his love for Xiao Yao - the affection, the yearning, the ultimately uncontained love, and even the darker side of him, even if the drama dared not allow him to go past the point of no return, unlike the novel.


I will give Are You The One a go, though I don't know how long it can retain my interest. Have you read the entire novel? I am going in blind, so I don't know what to expect. From initial news, I had hoped that Zhang Wanyi would play a dark role here, but seeing the comedic elements in the trailer, I am not as sure it will be the case. We'll see.


The bonus footage of the LYF cast during their stint on H!6 last year, which was finally released last week - so good to see their antics again, and wish they could have been guests as an ensemble cast this year too.



Edited by liddi
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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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@liddi I didn't watch this series and but I have watched so many of ZWY's clips that I know he was very good in it though I think it was kind of tragic how it ended for him?  I rarely watch this genre, there are only a handful of xianxia dramas that I have even attempted. The only one I really liked was Ten Miles of Peach Blossom and didn't mind the one aired this year- The Legend of Shen Li.  


As to Are You The One, I haven't finished the novel yet but I know some who read it and really liked it . @Lynne has read it. I know the teasers seem rather comical but the story line is actually quite heavy.  I already like his grey character since he starts of lying to the FL, and will end up regretting it. The romance here is the sort that would grip me - since it starts of with deception :laugh:


I have opened the thread here

@Chocolate @rocher22 



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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