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Times - 타임즈 [2021]

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Oh the rating is quite low. But there were so many new ones last week and some are quite interesting so perhaps it is also difficult to compete. So far, it looks to be an average drama. Let's see if the pace picks up.


I don't mind repeated time travel plots, if the show is suspenseful.


I've only seen Lee Seo Jin in MITH, where he couldn't stop touching Yook Sung Jae 😂

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Ep 2

It become funnier, and the pace is better too. 


So the reporter also have some backstory with his brother suicide and he kept asking the police to investigate. 


Jin Woo seems earnest & quite cheerful in personality... haha I kept comparing grumpy Lee Seo Jin on it 😅 I just realized I watched him more in reality show than him in the drama.


He's quite funny too when he try to ask what he have become in future, and is he rich?



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@SilverMoonTea Poor your oppa.. He's doing all the hard work in ep 2. He ran all over the place, fight the culprit and even got shot by the SWAT team while trying to stop the culprit from escaping.


I think no matter how hard Jung In tries to prevent the death of her father for now, every thing that she and Jin Woo tried will end up the same. Because she keeps seeing the article of the assassination attempt. I wonder why she only read the title and not the detail of the story of the news :thinking:


The suspect of this case probably the right hand of President Seo, the assemblywoman and the man who in 2020 become the current president. Maybe the chief police (Jin Woo's friend) might also take part in hiding the truth of the case? 

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K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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Wow..I actually thought the first 2 episodes were nicely done :PsyWhat: Especially the ending of ep 2. I didn't see that coming. I thought the whole drama would just deal with the original day when the to-be president got assassinated. I was so pleased to find that they're able to prevent it from happening and to find out that we will be having this in repeat because apparently there's the mastermind behind this plan (and I'm currently guessing it's the present day president HAHAHAH). 


For me I still think the news desk ahjussi very handsome 


He's also in Stranger 2


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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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On 3/1/2021 at 1:57 AM, SilverMoonTea said:


Lee Seo Jin give us some hint. To understand the timeline take note of his hairstyle 😄 Not sure his kidding or real haha...

Hahaha I can't take him seriously but more like his answers made you feel like he's not answering them seriously. I feel like I'm watching a variety LOL.


@SnowBlob You might wanna try out Mouse actually. It's got mystery, crime and detective genre in it.

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Ok..I finished ep 4. 

So far... I'm really loving the pace though and we're offered something 'different' on each ep. 

In the last 2 eps, we found out that


Secretary Choi lied and

Han Do Kyung was the one instructing ppl to kill SKT


also, the 'victims' escalated from the original time. It was supposed to be only SKT, but when they altered the past the first time, we got 1 casualty (the hit-and-run victim). Then they altered it again, and this time 8 more people died. Luckily they managed to prevent that and now SKT is alive and well... only for us to be served with another information: that it might be SKT who killed JW's brother! 


During watching ep 4, I thought to myself that if I were Do Kyung, I would either kill SJI in 2015 or kill SJI in 2020. Alas! One of them came true on that very episode...the 2020 DK tried to kill the 2020 SJI! Nice! 


Of course time travel drama always poses some questions that can't be answered. Apart from, why SJI in 2020 didn't ask JW to let her speak directly to her father in 2015 or at least one of the faithful aides back then so they could prevent the accident, ep 4 also made me wonder, how the 2020 could be changed when JW had not yet done anything - I'm guessing it was because the lady aide Kim Young Soo pushed the schedule for SKT meeting KJC earlier. But that didn't make sense.. I mean the 2020 should have already known that. But oh well~ 


I don't know how this drama can serve us with something new each ep for the remainder of 8 eps. But up to this point, I'm really happy with how this drama is going. Writer-nim, please don't ruin it :yoongibtspls:

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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I'm back again~ seems I'll be talking to myself from now on :lol:

Finished episode 5...and the writing below contains SPOILER


Another great episode! Again we're offered something 'new'. Of course there were some twists. 

I never suspected that the lady aide was behind Do Kyung. She looked so kind, although I must say I did suspect her but her character was portrayed so nicely I brushed off the idea. And another twist was that Seo Ki Tae was shady as well!!! This one also I suspected at first, but just like the lady aide, I brushed off the idea. So this episode delivered two double blows on me ~ 


The next episode will now be looking at how to prevent Seo Ki Tae's murder by none other than Jin Woo himself, the one who has been helping to prevent past assassination attempts! How clever is this drama!  


Can't wait to watch next episode but that has be to be put on hold for tonight at least :SquirtleSquadCool:

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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Ep 6


Ok..we're half way now and I feel starting from ep 7, somehow the format will change? Or not? 

I'm really happy with ep 6 as well ending with both reporters meeting each other face to face for the first time in 2020! And what..JW is now a president? or a presidential candidate??  

Also... the revelation that the connection between 2020 and 2014/2015 happened to the lady aide and the guy aide in the past...WOW. It resolves the mystery of why the change happened to SJI in the first place and why the lady aide seemed to know something about SJI's confusion in the first few eps! In saying that, now I can't wrap my head around how the phone calls between the aides affect JW and SJI's effort in changing the past.... @@  


I'm looking forward to ep 7. And I'm so happy to see the change of style in Lee Seo Jin's look~ hahahahah

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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It's not bad considering that it comes hot on the heels of Kairos. The plot is surprisingly involving and it moves. I wasn't planning to pick this up just yet but I'm out of action currently and OCN is normally my go to station at some point. I remember the male lead actor from his stint in Contract Marriage which went down well with me.


Times certainly takes more than a leaf or two out of the Frequency/Signal/Kairos template so we know what to expect and how the timey wimey gymnastics work. What I did like about the first two episodes is the limited histrionics. Hysterical behaviour was kept to a minimum. The female lead true to her occupation caught on quick and put on her thinking cap fast. Also I appreciated the fact that the show very quickly established the relationship between the leads without trying (unnecessarily) to add more mysteries than the assassination. The 12-episode format really keeps the show trim, taut and on its toes.


What Times does a bit differently too is that it suggests that there was an original prime timeline that was disrupted or erased. At least that's how I understand Jung-in's initial confusion about discovering her father had died after finding herself in Daily Search. There seemed to be a timeline in which the former journalist turned assemblyman did serve as president for 4-5 years and she was working for DBS. But for one reason or another all of that was erased. I wonder what happened. Did someone else find a way of going back in time and taking out Seo Gi-tae? There seems to some indication of that. I am also surprised that there's some explanation regarding how the temporal device works -- a power malfunction in the communications network. Wires have crossed somewhere but of course it isn't enough to cause people in different time periods to connect. :psweatduck:


For some reason OCN generally hits the right notes for me. They're also getting better in the way the female characters are written and portrayed. I don't know the FL but she's a good pick for the role so far. 

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Currently Watching: Joy of LIfe 2, The Auditors


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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@40somethingahjumma I enjoy this show very much surprisingly. I started watching...just because... but the pace and the plot until the latest ep are still able to keep me interested. I haven't watched Kairos..and maybe that's also a factor why I haven't gotten bored with this drama yet? (shrugs). But yes definitely it has some Signal's elements. 

1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

What Times does a bit differently too is that it suggests that there was an original prime timeline that was disrupted or erased. At least that's how I understand Jung-in's initial confusion about discovering her father had died after finding herself in Daily Search. There seemed to be a timeline in which the former journalist turned assemblyman did serve as president for 4-5 years and she was working for DBS. But for one reason or another all of that was erased. I wonder what happened. Did someone else find a way of going back in time and taking out Seo Gi-tae? 


I'm not sure whether you want to read my answer on this... not spoiler spoiler..but anyhow


You'll be glad to know that this question is not going to be neglected by the writer..it will be answered...'somewhere' in the first 6 episodes ;)


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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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Crap! This show is full of surprises. All the twists and turns... yowsers... the so-called baddies definitely know what they're doing. And now we know why! But Jin-woo! Wow! I didn't expect that at all! I'm sure the show is trying to distinguish itself from others of a similar stripe but still it's going in all sorts of crazy unexpected directions. This could be very very good but could work against the drama when it tries to disentangle all the various timelines and memories. Technically Jung-in shouldn't really have certain memories of the original timeline when Dad becomes Prez since she had nothing to do with the reset... but whatever.


As far as pacing goes, the show is relentless. There's plenty going on but I am nonplussed that Jin-woo swallowed Kim Young-joo's story so easily. I would have had that recording examined first before pointing revolvers at the man who may or may not have killed your brother. Honestly, maybe I'm just over sensitive but Geun-woo's voice on that recording sounded odd. Like a cut and paste job actually. There's also so much that doesn't add up. Jin-woo's so obviously being scammed with breadcrumbs as there's really nothing concrete at all to point to Seo Gi-tae as the mastermind. Just because someone is at the scene of the crime doesn't mean he's the criminal. I would have thought that as a journalist he would be a lot more street savvy. Having some pieces of the puzzle doesn't mean you have all the pieces of the puzzle. Maybe that's why he started Times while Jung-in is working at DBS. The writing of Jung-in up to this point feels a lot more consistent. She's a lot more level-headed and circumspect whereas he seems to me to be more malleable and wildly unpredictable. I know that they're trying to make him more of renegade but still... he is surprisingly naive. 


@SnowBlob Yes, I see what you mean and it's interesting how the magic 5G phone behaves as a storytelling device. It's turning out to be a bit of a pandora's box. I was reminded of Macbeth actually. Kim Young-joo and Nam Sung-beom somehow got wind of the fact that Seo Gi-tae was trying to get rid of them in the future so they plotted via magic phone to rid themselves of him preemptively. They cursed ingratitude except for the fact that with all the plotting and scheming they did to get rid of him, they gave him plenty of reason to investigate them and try to get rid of them. They inadvertently created a self-fulfilling prophetic loop when they became architects of their own downfall.


Clearly there's someone behind the scenes pulling strings handing out these magic phones to disrupt and create instability. Conversations between KYJ and NSB point to that. Of course Jin-woo going into politics is a fascinating wild card although something of a leap. All the plotting and scheming in the world probably didn't factor that move. I'm all for throwing the cat among the pigeons but it didn't get the kind of build up that it probably needed for that step to be taken.

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Currently Watching: Joy of LIfe 2, The Auditors


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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I didn't even think of the fact that SJI shouldn't actually remember her past time (the very original one prior to the lady aide changed it). I don't think the writer will address that inconsistency :jiminbtssigh: 

JW's character does seem to be a bit more on the emotional side.. apart from believing KYJ  ..he then went berserk and decided he wanted to kill SGT :psweatduck: 

Really looking forward to ep 7. Hopefully that episode will tell us more on why he suddenly chose to be a politician. 

I just truly hope that this drama won't flop in its second half! So far it hasn't disappointed me. I can tolerate some inconsistencies to certain degree.. but not too much please.

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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@SilverMoonTea your dimple oppa def will look much (quote) dapper (unquote) at the end of ep 6 (and I'm guessing you'll get to see him in that style in ep 7). BUT...think he's gonna be the 'bad' guy in ep 7 :lol: If it's so, do you prefer him looking daggy but a good guy...or looking cooler but a sly guy??? :heiboi:

@mademoiselle don't forget to show this drama some love~~

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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I'm way way wayyyy behind @SilverMoonTea

Only just finished episode 4. Lee Jin Woo ran his car towards Han Do Kyung and the collision didn't trigger the airbags, how is that possible?


It's not Seo Ki Tae that killed Geun Woo, right? Right? Although it's impossible to have a politician so just and upright. Pfft. LOL.


@SnowBlob You asked me to show this drama some love, I thought you're the thread creator, but you're not. Hahahaha.



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2 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

I'm way way wayyyy behind @SilverMoonTea

Only just finished episode 4. Lee Jin Woo ran his car towards Han Do Kyung and the collision didn't trigger the airbags, how is that possible?


It's not Seo Ki Tae that killed Geun Woo, right? Right? Although it's impossible to have a politician so just and upright. Pfft. LOL.


@SnowBlob You asked me to show this drama some love, I thought you're the thread creator, but you're not. Hahahaha.



It will be reveal later @mademoiselle, hang on for more haha.. 

@SnowBlob helping me sell lols... 

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@SilverMoonTea I think ep 7 and 8 will make me 'de-sell' this drama to @mademoiselle 

I can see the change in pace and the change in 'theme' in these two episodes. The pace has suddenly become a lot slower to me due to the change in their direction. It seems like this drama is no longer about the present connecting with the past to bring about changes instead it becomes just a political drama focusing on the two parties trying to outsmart one another :cry: 

I really hope they bring back their original theme..and in order to do that they must somehow figure out how to bring back the phone to the plot line again. If this drama follows current direction, I think I'll get really bored :heiboi:


On 3/13/2021 at 11:26 PM, SilverMoonTea said:

But I prefer him dapper & evil then.

Ooooo....I really dislike him in ep 7 and 8 although he's looking dapper :lol: I think I def prefer him looking daggy but nice :PsyWhat:

SPOILER to whoever hasn't watched


So Seo Ki Tae truly received bribes~ so he's really not clean unlike the image he tried to build. 

And I thought we already found out that JW's brother was killed by HDK??

Anyway, while watching ep 8, suddenly a thought popped up~ how cool it would be if next time, it's no longer the present SJI contacting JW...but the present JW contacting the past SJI and the roles are reversed! 



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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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@SnowBlobI love the scene when his aide criticize him, and LJW asking the driver "Do you think you will vote for me?". He said yes, but unsure for what reason. And suddenly he himself unsure about why he's in this position aside than for his brother's revenge.


Glad that LJW hasn't lost all of himself, as he don't want to use employment corruption fake card using JI.


@mademoiselleImo, this drama now moving at the right direction, I like it. The preview for next episodes also looks interesting & fast pace. 

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