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I promise you its not draggy, well maybe around ep 10 a bit. But if I can finish this drama means its not draggy. You know I also got short circuit shortage, always dropped drama one. I think my patience is actually as thin as thread lols @abs-oluteM

Or yeah okay, you try to review the abs first 🤤


Do you like BWGM @stroppyse? Can you help me sell this to them? 😂

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@Tofu I'm a bit confused about Jasper and Qin Lan's drama. So that clip I posted is drama right? But what's the variety show about and how is it similar and became a drama?


I tried to find that clip I saw before but unsuccessful. I just remember the guy came out with it (finally?) and was yelling on the footbridge "I like you! I like youuuuu!" in front of the guy he likes. Then he kissed him!! They separated and stared at each other for a bit...and I couldn't watch anymore. xD


I have no idea which country made it. One of the guys spoke a bit of Japanese but not fluent and then spoke Mandarin again.

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11 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

I'm a bit confused about Jasper and Qin Lan's drama. So that clip I posted is drama right? But what's the variety show about and how is it similar and became a drama?

The variety show pairs two actors (one female and one male) and together they have to write, produce, and act whatever they create. Each episodes shows the couple getting to know each other or doing something for whatever they're creating. The "drama" ends up being multiple clips that tells a continuous story. Jasper's and Qin Lan's segment on the show is quite fluffy and more than what I can handle. There's another couple (Hou Ming Hao and Yang Chao Yue) who are funnier to watch because they banter all the time. 


I would assume that it's probably a Taiwanese project because it probably wouldn't have made it on air if it was from China? Haha! Netflix is actually getting a lot of content like this which is probably why it's kind of all over social media?


2 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

are u sure u only 1 oppa? You seems to have as many as me! Haha please come clean... You also keep changing your DP... (Looking for ally to accompany me as oppa eater, so I don't look that bad 😂)

I had one that I added this month. Chen Zhe Yuan already made it to my list. Would you like me to add him too? 

I know, it's because I wanted Tor as my DP and then I made some cute CZY gifs so I changed it. I won't change it anymore. :laugh:

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55 minutes ago, Tofu said:

f you're seeing that, it's most likely from a Taiwanese project. They do not have the same censorship as China so LGBTQ+ films are more easily produced there. If it's a Chinese film, it's most likely independent and will probably be banned at some point or it's fanmade. Haha! 

Taiwan is the first country in Asia to legalize same gender marriages. So yes, it’s very easy to film LGBT dramas/films there. In fact, there are more than a couple produced already. 

I agree Taiwanese dramas have improved now. But unless highly recommended, I would probably not start as well. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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3 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

@JenL @SilverMoonTea Does Jasper show off his abs in every drama? 


Hahaha, To be honest, I didn't realise how often who showed off his abs until @Tofu said she didn't know if Jasper had ever done a topless scene....and then I suddenly remembered multiple times I had seen this happen :laugh:

These are the ones I know of, now that you're all making me think about this. I guess he does go topless in many of his projects :idk: And here I was just  following him just for his sweet goofy nature :lenny:



- Pleasantly Surprised/Love Myself or You

- I Am Sorry I Love You

- When I See You Again

- In Time with You

- Lost? Me Too: Chloe

- Before We Get Married

- Triad Princess

- My Goddess




-More than Blue


Oh and he's done artsy photos for his good friend from uni, who is a super hipster LGBTQI photographer: https://ent.ltn.com.tw/news/breakingnews/1240651


3 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:


I know at least 3 dramas he did! @JenL's oppa quite showy! Not that I complaining lols... I'm just worry he will catch cold :laugh:


Hahaha, admit it, you love this :lenny:


3 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

@JenLI probably will check My Goddess, WISYA, Triad Princess. Any other suggestion? 


Those are my favourites! A lot of people also like his films: More than Blue and Take Me to the Moon


3 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Btw , this thread become like oppas dictionary too, sharing knowledge abt oppas lols 


Hahaha so true. Oppa tracker and encyclopaedia :laugh:


3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

@Tofu Is Jasper your Oppa too? If yes, apologies for not tagging you.


@abs-oluteM It's called When We Write Love Story (平行時空遇見你). The Chinese title doesn't even match with the English, LOL. Typical. Someone on my TL was drooling over his abs last night so... yeah... thought I'll bring it over here to share.


Haha, yes! He is also @Tofu's Oppa. 


I tried to watch When We Write Love Story, but just found it kind of boring to be honest. This clip was so cheesy :lol: But Jasper was pretty to look at :SquirtleNiceAhah::heiboi:

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Currently watching: Cinderella at 2am // Love Next Door

Current Obsessions: Moon Sang Min is a dream. And Yoon Park is an old fav. Excited to see Lee Je Hoon!!!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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I genuinely would enjoy a BL drama of cause it needs to hit some of my personal drama tropes to ring the bell for me @Tofu but I have to say, it’s typically quite enjoyable for me cause I am someone who loves to just watch male actors :laugh:. I don’t really give actresses a chance, I only give them my time if I find them enjoyable to watch. So having just all male cast, I give it a +2 point on my marker. :laugh: That’s why I love the poop out of Strangers from hell. 1. All male casts as leads. 2. Wah Dong Wook called Si Wan honey (makes me fall sideways):smug:


yes. Same siwan from run on being called honey by another guy haha

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“A romantic who likes flowers.”



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20 hours ago, JenL said:

Hahaha, I didn't think this was your cup of tea. I feel like we're more into the goofy sweet Twogether Jasper 


Correct! And that's why I watched My Goddess instead. Give me cutie Jasper. :SquirtleWonderfull: But I thought that drama showed that he can be versatile.


22 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

@Tofuare u sure u only 1 oppa? You seems to have as many as me! Haha please come clean... You also keep changing your DP... (Looking for ally to accompany me as oppa eater, so I don't look that bad 😂)


Really! How have I not noticed this yet! :Mimed:  

Edited by Jane
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3 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Sorry girls, but I cringed with the way she is applying the medicine 😆  Apply, check expression, apply, check expression, apply check expression. 

In her defense, I think if we're being put on the same situation, its might be a very natural response for it. See the abs, put ointment, see again the abs... and repeat the flow 🤣🤣🤣 Who cares about the wound healing lols


@TofuYeah as long as the love for the oppa is rekindled and you haven't put his name this year, then you must add him! Yay so tofu got 2 oppas... 😂🎉🎊 Everyone else please be noted and come clean. 


@JenLI agree that Qin Lan x Jasper too cheesy for me too... It's not enough forbidden feeling or the chemie to make me want to watch it. 

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39 minutes ago, JenL said:

A lot of people also like his films: More than Blue and Take Me to the Moon

@SilverMoonTea don't watch More than Blue if you're not in the mood for heavy and depressing stuff. It's a pretty sad movie. 


35 minutes ago, Darkarcana said:

I genuinely would enjoy a BL drama of cause it needs to hit some of my personal drama tropes to ring the bell for me @Tofu but I have to say, it’s typically quite enjoyable for me cause I am someone who loves to just watch male actors :laugh:. I don’t really give actresses a chance, I only give them my time if I find them enjoyable to watch. So having just all male cast, I give it a +2 point on my marker. :laugh: That’s why I love the poop out of Strangers from hell. 1. All male casts as leads. 2. Wah Dong Wook called Si Wan honey (makes me fall sideways):smug:

Haha, that's good to know! If I come across any good all male cast dramas, I'll let you know!


28 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Yeah as long as the love for the oppa is rekindled and you haven't put his name this year, then you must add him! Yay so tofu got 2 oppas... 😂🎉🎊 Everyone else please be noted and come clean. 

Hahahaha!! I guess I'll add Chen ZheYuan to my list then. I'll also add Wang YiBo just so you don't feel lonely with your seven. :eeeee:


This is you (@SilverMoonTea), maybe all of us too, right? Haha!




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23 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:
3 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:


In her defense, I think if we're being put on the same situation, its might be a very natural response for it. See the abs, put ointment, see again the abs... and repeat the flow 🤣🤣🤣 Who cares about the wound healing lol

I guess I am not much a romantic person then. For me it’s like, you can still see/reach it, you apply it yourself 😆😅

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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@JenLtheir 1st kiss left him marks lols in Pleasantly Surprised and they need to wear mask. Omg they're just so cute 😀 No wonder you like this drama so much!


@abs-oluteMcheck this link for more of his abs : lols I just gotta brainwash AbsM with highly doze of abs lols


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9 hours ago, Tofu said:

Yes, but don't worry about it at all! My love for Jasper is a bit dormant right now because he doesn't have any projects out. I think he wrapped up a few Chinese projects so those will air in maybe a year or two. :laugh:


Haha, I know...I feel like my love for Jasper can't compare to @SilverMoonTea at the moment :laugh:I haven't been keeping up with his China projects...kinda hoping they get released and they're good...or he goes back to doing some TW dramas/ Netflix projects.


9 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

@SilverMoonTeaPleasantly Surprised with Puff?

Every time I write Puff Guo's name, I always think Taiwanese & HK girls seriously give themselves some weird English names. Like why would you name yourself Puff? LOL.


I once met a HK girl whose name was Amourous. And her parents gave her that name. I wonder if they knew it meant having sexual feelings :psweatduck:

Maybe they pick names which they think have good meanings since that's how it works in Chinese?


9 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Yeah the drama is Pleasantly Surprised, Jasper fashion style a bit meh. But I must be really love him, cos it didn't deter me from watching. 


You must because you've persisted with watching full series and haven't mentioned dropping them so far and I'm impressed! :laugh:


9 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Sorry girls, but I cringed with the way she is applying the medicine 😆 I dunno, all just feel so unnatural. Apply, check expression, apply, check expression, apply check expression. And the way he sat? knelt? (whatever that position is called) was also so awkward. I am like, just get on to it already... we all know what is coming next. Nonetheless very nice color scheme and nice room. 


Haha, you're not alone. I love Jasper, but had to cringe at how contrived that scene looked. I just thought it laid it on a bit thick :lol: But I liked looking at Jasper anyway :BulbaOWO:


9 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I just check that there's some fair amount of abs/skin and good enough to share with Jasper's wives here hahahaha


LOL Jasper's wives :laugh: 


9 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

BTW, what do you all think of this Jo Byung Gyu's movie?


From that trailer alone...looks like it was shot in one room? I'm not sure it's too my taste...humour a bit obvious? :idk:


7 hours ago, Tofu said:

I'm sure @JenL will agreed that Taiwanese dramas have improved a lot in the last few years. They still have some that drags on but for the most part, they are getting better! 


@abs-oluteM @mademoiselle @SilverMoonTea


On the topic of Taiwanese dramas...I think a lot has been changing in that industry and there's a lot of potential soon to happen. Last year proved a lot for TW dramas I think and it's nice to still see a fresh wave of viewers showing a lot of love for things like YongJiu Grocery Store, Victim's Game and Someday or One Day. :hearties:


But I do see the drag/ storylines not making sense/ cheese that still happens. :idk: Most of this tends to be for more of the 20 Episode series by the mainstream channels like SETTV. GTV etc. But there's been quite a few good shorter series with only 10-13 episodes...and Production companies like Three Phoenixes Production have been bringing the standards up with better story telling and smarter, less slapsticky humour. I'm interested in things like Rainless in a Godless Land which sound more interesting with better production quality.:BulbaOWO:


As for kissing/intimacy scenes, I like TW dramas for their ability to be more daring and less freeze kissy than K-Dramas...And I have seen some pretty nice and natural looking chemistry scenes.:wow:  But I won't deny that sometimes I wish they would strip back the dramatics a bit more (pun intended) for certain romance dramas :lol:


My main investment with TW dramas is always for actors/ cast chemistry more than just the dramas themselves....I pretty much live for the reality TV that is all the behind-the-scenes footage and fan meets which I feel are more fun and candid than the more reserved Korean ones (though I like my Kdrama actors a lot too) :heart:

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Currently watching: Cinderella at 2am // Love Next Door

Current Obsessions: Moon Sang Min is a dream. And Yoon Park is an old fav. Excited to see Lee Je Hoon!!!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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1 minute ago, mademoiselle said:

Erm, I was doing backup and random checking my folders and I found Jasper in swimming wear~ so random LOL LOL.

  Reveal hidden contents


Believe its on When I See You Again, my next target 🤣🤣🤣 OmG.. Someone help me! I already in trouble and madem keep feeding me sexy JL 🥲🤯


@JenLYeah after watching all this T series, their kissing really so much better than frozen K kiss. Btw this Jasper x Puff really never become real life couple? Their chemie really insane! I know the rumour is Puff with Steven... 😅


@DarkarcanaI also in trouble... haha... can't stop talking abt Jasper, help tie me... lols

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1 hour ago, SilverMoonTea said:

can't stop talking abt Jasper, help tie me... lols

It's a sign that you start falling in love with your oppa 😁




Talking about oppa's hairstyle, the only one curly oppa I know is Lee Min Ho aka Goo Joon Pyo in BOF. I liked him so much at that time.


I didn't know this little boy in BOF is Nam Da Reum 😱 I feel old in a sudden LOL. Time flies so fast...


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