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so sorry to know that @JenL 😥 hope the result is negative for you so the status also can recovered quickly! 💙


yaaaaa and @TRaNz seems you are so close to faint there, no no it is not embarrassing phleassseeee. You told the nurse right? But now you up for Gongcha, thankful you okie then (relieved). It just people have different reaction rlly


my friend knocked after moderna one, a man, 22 yo, had sudden drop in blood sugar without any history of blood sugar/diabetics problem. He fainted after 10 mins

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44 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Whaaaaaa? Sounds like you were feeling faint. Did you not tell the nurse about this reaction?


umm...no...too embarassed in a room of 100. LOL.

I was on the verge of it...but like I felt like it was just in my head of overthinking the after effects maybe?


33 minutes ago, bairama said:

yaaaaa and @TRaNz seems you are so close to faint there, no no it is not embarrassing phleassseeee. You told the nurse right? But now you up for Gongcha, thankful you okie then (relieved). It just people have different reaction rlly


my friend knocked after moderna one, a man, 22 yo, had sudden drop in blood sugar without any history of blood sugar/diabetics problem. He fainted after 10 mins


nah i didnt say anything, sat there and fought it off for like 6 minutes or so

Even had 2 red bulls today. maybe ill need to have 3 next time. LOL.


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2 minutes ago, bairama said:

YAAAAA @TRaNz we-are-worrying-curryshot.gif

but its already 1 week yeah? Hope its fine for the 2nd jab later!! Fightinggg



Nah, it was today, i took the shot like 6pm AU/Melb time. so like 5.5 hours ago.

That feeling happened like 2 minutes after the shot and lasted 7 minutes all up...then i was fine. 

Im like sitting here eating potato chips drinking coca cola....so i guess business as usual?

Probably hit me tomorrow when i wake up. 

<3 you guys though.

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@bairama yeah, just finished the soft drink and i specifically bought the 1L of Coconut Water. I mean I guess it serves similar to those sports drink like Powerade/Gatorade, the whole electrolyte thing.

But yes I will try my best to just do water tomorrow...cant make promises though, if i feel low...that RedBull is going straight in me. hehe

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3 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

@TRaNzIs the diet of McD and the vaccine not in sync with each other? 😅 On the serious note, hopefully your 2nd jab will be better. Maybe you're a bit scared of needle? 


LOL..i didnt have Maccas today...maybe i needed to.

I hade my smaller healthier lunches today. One of those calculated meal prep healthy box things.


Worried of the needle....like i thought about it, didnt feel like it, i mean i wont want to look at it, but ive done jabs before and have been fine.


So i thought maybe it was the after affects  and overthinking got me afterwards? meh....i dunno. weird.

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@SilverMoonTea LOL lift heavy.....not a chance....HHAHAHA...lazy bum right here is meeeeee haha


Yeah I will need to treat myself to Maccas this weekend and will defs have it before I get my 2nd shot, make sure I have energy.

Maybe that healthy calculated meal wasnt the best for this scenario.


Right now...feel fine, just a bit sleepy. Arm wise is a tiny only a tiny bit sore like that time I went to the gym (dw this was 3 years ago) went to gym after 8 months off but didnt ease into it..continued same routine....all muscles were aching next day....big mistake hahaha.

But yeah look we will tomorrow when I wake up and see what damage it has done to me. (hoping like nothing apart form sore arm)


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-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

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Checking in on @TRaNz

Your arm should be sore but not gonna be too bad.

But I cannot believe you did not inform the nurses you felt light-headed. Next time please save your life first before your face.


The only time I felt "faint" for split seconds were in primary school Science class. Teacher asked me to blow on the glasses filled with water to show that different level of water in glasses make different sounds, and god knows why I went black just from that. Regained my consciousness but tipped over the glass and spilled the water. My teacher was not happy and she didn't let me explain I was had a fainting episode. I've always been curious why that happened.


By the way, I've been meaning to ask you boys @TRaNz @Dhakra

Why do boys have an issue sharing the same bed together?

I watched a variety show and one of the guys expressed awkwardness sharing bed. This also reminded me years ago I went travelling with a couple and a guy friend. To save money we booked only one room and obviously I should be sleeping with my girl friend and the boys sleep on another bed. But nope, one rather sleep on the floor.

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3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

By the way, I've been meaning to ask you boys @TRaNz @Dhakra

Why do boys have an issue sharing the same bed together?

I watched a variety show and one of the guys expressed awkwardness sharing bed. This also reminded me years ago I went travelling with a couple and a guy friend. To save money we booked only one room and obviously I should be sleeping with my girl friend and the boys sleep on another bed. But nope, one rather sleep on the floor.


Simple reason: Fear of being gay or seen as gay, which includes the fear of "sausage"-contact. :lenny:

Going to bed implifies changing or wearing less (or even no) clothes. A lot of guys feel very uncomfortable with guys around them wearing little clothes, especially in intimate or private moments, and sleeping kinda suits this description aswell. They fear that they might be considered gay, by either the other guy or by friends, or are not manly enough.

Most guys, some more some less, all have a little machos in them with a lot of false proud. They see themselves as masculine guys, and as "masculine" guys it isn't chic to sleep in the same bed with another man, which also has different reasons:

We learn pretty much from our days since the kids age that boys don't sleep in the same bed. Add public misconception and old worldviews into the mix and you know what's up. It's okay and normal for girls, but guys, no wey josé.


But, I would never sleep with another guy in the same bed aswell. :pandacool: 

Edited by Dhakra
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3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Checking in on @TRaNz

Your arm should be sore but not gonna be too bad.



Yeah just woke up.....everything feels fine like usual only the left arm is sore like as if I was punched. hahaha

Otherwise so far so good. Might go get some Maccas shortly to bring me back to full life.

That easing of restrictions....LOL.....that 5km travel now increased to 10km. HAHAHA, but yeah will drive to get petrol then Maccas.

3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

But I cannot believe you did not inform the nurses you felt light-headed. Next time please save your life first before your face.


Pride was too important it seems....full awkwards in a room of 100+ people. Damm vacc hubs.


3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Why do boys have an issue sharing the same bed together?


Exactly wat DHakz said. spot on

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3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

But I cannot believe you did not inform the nurses you felt light-headed. Next time please save your life first before your face.

Honestly, who actually does it? I get an injection every month against my allergies and everytime I feel a little dizzy afterwards, but do you actually think I would tell the nurses about it? Telling them would just mean I have to stay longer AND potentially do just a lot more check-ups. 
It's way easier to just go through it, hope for the best and wait until the problem solves itself. A couple of hours later you always feel better. 


And like Tranz said, our pride would never allow us to actually admit we are not okay. Hello? :pandabonk: As if we let a needle win.  We are guys, we can endure it! 


8 minutes ago, TRaNz said:

Exactly wat DHakz said. spot on

Dhakra teacup acknowledgment GIF

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3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

But I cannot believe you did not inform the nurses you felt light-headed. Next time please save your life first before your face.

this this

but also I can understand bcs vaccine already tested worldwide and there is so slim chance it goes wrong so @TRaNz tend to hold it & save face. BUT STILL 

11 minutes ago, Dhakra said:

our pride would never allow us to actually admit we are not okay. Hello?

WHY THO? Especially in the medic case, whos to prove? More on girls around there like nurse, ppl that also queue for vaccines or.. More like just men pride? Hello.. It sometimes just sound too silly you guys

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7 minutes ago, bairama said:

WHY THO? Especially in the medic case, whos to prove? More on girls around there like nurse, ppl that also queue for vaccines or.. More like just men pride? Hello.. It sometimes just sound too silly you guys

to who? TO US! OURSELVES! It's not only pride, but also the simple reason to feed our ego and to safe time to do more important stuff. And that's enough for us! Just move as little as possible and endure it until it is over. Simple. Way better than potentially have a whole bunch of people pampering us, doing check-ups or any other stuff. 

I mean, as long as we don't fade, we can just.....focus and wait until it's over. 

Edited by Dhakra
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yeah fair enouigh. Like i said...Just didnt want to look like the biggest weakling in the room. So I sat there and fought it for a few minutes.

Just didnt want to embarass myself for something that only lasted a few minutes. Like a false alarm thing. 

Ill work on prep tactics for my second shot. Got msgs from the Govt that I can book it now. 6 weeks from today etc.

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6 minutes ago, Dhakra said:

to who? TO US! OURSELVES! It's not only pride, but also the simple reason to feed our ego and to safe time to do more important stuff. And that's enough for us!

ok ok I got it now thanks for the answer. For the pride of men-selves + it just too hassling. I'm just wanna checking, really afraid it will be girl related reason cause I want to smack IF IT IS 😂✌ thankful it is not. Just look at us girls are more simply worrying here heheeeee

but ok I believe you guys also have limit, as long is it doesn't really fade, you can just yup arasso arasso

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6 minutes ago, bairama said:

I'm just wanna checking, really afraid it will be girl related reason cause I want to smack IF IT IS 😂✌ thankful it is not. Just look at us girls are more simply worrying here heheeeee

but ok I believe you guys also have limit, as long is it doesn't really fade, you can just yup arasso arasso


Oh, that's another reason for sure. At least for me.  If there is a beautiful girl in the room or one of the nurses is looking pretty, I would never say a word, even if it's worse. You can't look weak as a guy then. You fight it for a few minutes until it's over. If you are the one guy among many guys in the room who makes a fuss, you will feel embarassed. 
And that in front of a girl? Oh hell no. 


Well fade, because that is not something we can't control. So you can say, as long as we have the control of ourselves, we won't say anything. 

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LOLLL I had thought it might be along those reasons. @Dhakra @TRaNz Fear of being gay is kind of redundant since one of them is dating my friend. The other one we all know he's not. Fair enough with the fear of sausage contact but again, the bed was big enough for them not to have close contact at all. So in that scenario, it really doesn't gel with me. Besides, if scared of sausage contact, shouldn't the guy be worried of sausage contact with the girl who is not his girlfriend? In other words, me! The second night the couple was cuddling together watching movie, I let the other friend lie on the girl's bed. I fell asleep while watching and woke up to find my friend slept with her BF and the guy slept beside me! :GengarPout:


For the variety show, the guy started off awkward but it got better after they know each other. It's a travelling show with very little funny funds so beggars really cannot be choosey. It's either sleep on the bed together or on the cold floor in winter.


Besides, if it is a bunch of close guy friends went travelling, you guys won't sleep on the same bed too? What about your own brothers/cousins? Surely family is ok.

1 hour ago, TRaNz said:


yeah fair enouigh. Like i said...Just didnt want to look like the biggest weakling in the room. So I sat there and fought it for a few minutes. Just didnt want to embarass myself for something that only lasted a few minutes. Like a false alarm thing. 

Ill work on prep tactics for my second shot. Got msgs from the Govt that I can book it now. 6 weeks from today etc.

LOL your faint reaction probably have nothing to do with prep tactics etc. It could be a medically related bodily response to the vaccine and what if it's serious!? It honestly would be worst if you really fell to the ground and had an anaphylactic shock or seizure, my dear. You may have a chance to be taken to another room away from a pair of 100 eyes to get treated vs on the ground being resuscitated in front of them. Not that by that time you would remember what's going on around you anymore because fear of death might consume you then. Sigh.


You should get a text (survey) on the 3rd day and 8th asking you how you feel.


Side note, I heard we have another protest in the city today. These people. Seriously makes me mad.

Edited by mademoiselle
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Hahaha @TRaNz love that you emphasize it is different! I'm still hoping for the day you change your burger to something else. I had the chance of Maccas yesterday for lunch but I opted only for frozen Coke. I figure I'll be eating unhealthy over the weekend so I'll stick with my lunchbox instead. I do miss the fries. Oh, and McMuffins meal.


And hope you don't get annoyed at our nagging. It was out of concerns, I'm sure you know that. :heart: Now we wait for @JenL to report back she is ok (again).

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4 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

How long an event last actually? I read stropyse announced today's last day to buy the badge?? Lols


I havent bought the new one, wait dont close the store ya. I am still working so will shop more later. Save some geges and oppas for me, :laugh:

Alice, which one you want ? Do you have enough $$? I think you will still have time till tomorrow. Let me check with @stroppyse

4 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

frozen Coke

What is frozen coke.?


By the way everyone,  if you want any badges , and lack the funds, just tell me. 

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