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3 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

Just read about the earthquake in Melbourne. Glad you guys are ok.

Is that the correct procedure - get out of the house? In movies, they always hide underneath a table 🤔

No idea, @Chocolate. I'm not very experience with this natural disaster at all. I suppose going out also won't be the best solution if it is a high magnitude ones coz of the trees around us. A house that is built to sustain earthquake might actually be more safe than being out (?) however I doubt the houses here are earthquake proof.

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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

@TRaNz Why are you up so late? 

I was already awake for work. But I'm all distracted because of it.


McDonalds - LOL, last supper kind of feeling eh? I had it last night. Hadn't have it for quite a while. 


I was already up for work, but cause i hate my job and am trying to look elsewhere, what i do now is wake up at normal times and attend tam daily meeting at 9am, once done i go back and lie in bed for a short snooze. Anywhere between 30min to 60min.

So while I was snoozing all that stuff happened.


Nah its mid week and i want Maccas.


42 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

Just read about the earthquake in Melbourne. Glad you guys are ok.


Is that the correct procedure - get out of the house? In movies, they always hide underneath a table 🤔


We dont have stuff like that here so no idea what procedures would be.

I only ran outside because initial thoughts were they were doing roadworks/maintenance work out near my house so I wanted to see whats going on and if it was major causing negative effects I'd go off my head telling them to stop etc.

But getting out side I saw nothing.

Like i said, been here for 33 years, never experienced an earthquake.

Cant expect me to know whats right to do, but reacting is better than just sitting there and shrugging it off.


I get you guys find it funny, but thats pretty poor imo. You might have experienced things like this before, but I havent. So im not gonna know what to do.

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-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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@TRaNz I just realise!! One more work day and we have Friday off! :Party01: (this really cheers me up a bit!). I want to snooze too now. Been sitting at the desk since 8 am. The weather is bad so don't even want to head out for a walk.


@Chocolate @TRaNz I was born in a country with no tectonic plates underneath so half of my life I had no experience of earthquake. We came across one when I was in Taiwan but we were on ground floor at a cafe and didn't feel anything however I was told on high rise apartment, it was moving like an "S". I was also lucky enough not to experience any disasters when I was in Japan or Korea (*touch wood). Therefore this one is considered the strongest I've ever felt. Melbourne had a couple before this between 2000 - 2020, none as long like today.


I Google, this is what we should do:

What to Do During an Earthquake

  • Stay calm! If you're indoors, stay inside. If you're outside, stay outside.
  • If you're indoors, stand against a wall near the center of the building, stand in a doorway, or crawl under heavy furniture (a desk or table). Stay away from windows and outside doors.
  • If you're outdoors, stay in the open away from power lines or anything that might fall. Stay away from buildings (stuff might fall off the building or the building could fall on you).
  • Don't use matches, candles, or any flame. Broken gas lines and fire don't mix.
  • If you're in a car, stop the car and stay inside the car until the earthquake stops.
  • Don't use elevators (they may shut down).

The epicentre is Northeast, maybe you will feel it stronger @TRaNz


Very rare indeed so the buildings and houses are definitely not fool proof.

Edited by mademoiselle
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Oh I was so shocked to read about the earthquake @mademoiselle @TRaNz @JenL @SnowBlob. Stay safe . 
Have been on the chat with my BFF in Melbourne. She’s freaked out too . 

I experienced it once in Tokyo . I was in the middle of showering. It was a brief one . But quite freaky as the buildings were swaying and I was on the 8th floor of my accommodation. 

34 minutes ago, Chocolate said:


Sorry @TRaNz didn't mean to offend. It was a genuine question. I wouldn't know whether to stay  in or go out. Stay safe.


Me too . I also wondered what to do . Then I saw all the Japanese and they just seem to go about like nothing happened. Lol! 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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@abs-oluteM Yes, it seems like Melbournians are freaking out. I'm guessing the ones near the epicenter experienced a stronger shake than those further away. The news mentioned aftershock but I didn't feel that one at all after the main one.


Oh dear, you were showering, that's even worse if needs to run. I was, don't laugh, in the bathroom too this morning. That's why I could only stay put :duckhide: (embarrassed).

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7 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Oh dear, you were showering, that's even worse if needs to run. I was, don't laugh, in the bathroom too this morning. That's why I could only stay put :duckhide: (embarrassed).

Yeah . I thought I was feeling dizzy . Then my family who was traveling with me confirmed  they felt the same thing . And no it won’t be funny if I had to run with just my towel or something. But coming to think of it what do you do if you’re in a high rise ? 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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3 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Yeah . I thought I was feeling dizzy . Then my family who was traveling with me confirmed  they felt the same thing . And no it won’t be funny if I had to run with just my towel or something. But coming to think of it what do you do if you’re in a high rise ?

I think you can't go anywhere but under a solid strong table or at a structure that you know it is strong to protect you.

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  • If you are in a HIGH-RISE BUILDING, and not near a desk or table, move against an interior wall and protect your head with your arms. Stay indoors. Glass windows can dislodge during the quake and sail for hundreds of feet.



Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Do not exit a building during the shaking. Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave.

Edited by mademoiselle
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Roll-call.. I'm here..I'm ok @mademoiselle @abs-oluteM :duckhearts:

When I felt it I was wondering what it was but I quickly realised that it's an earthquake..got panicky a bit as I quickly went to to unlock the front door. By the time we got outside it already stopped. I think the tremor wasn't that big here where I live since we're pretty far from the epicentre ... but I still got scared anyhow and went outside. It turned out...no one else was outside the house except us HAHAHAHAHAHAH. 

@Chocolate yes pretty sure you can hide under the table if you must ... but I thought I better went outside, if house collapsed, then you would still be trapped under the rubble :KittyMummy: 

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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Glad to hear you are OK @SnowBlob. I'm sure all of us are. 


I was super blur and still wondering what that was - it's the "Is that... is that not...?" and obviously I couldn't go anywhere immediately due to the circumstances.


I wouldn't run out of the house since "last minute" googling this is advising not to go outdoor. I'd be scared of fallen trees and power poles etc. 

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On 9/19/2021 at 9:25 PM, bairama said:

Btw! Thankful your result is negative 💙


nah the salted egg, is really like a nightmare to me. Exactly like you said LOL and #relate, I can't stop to try though I don't believe it, still tempted to try it ONCE. Hahahah!


Aw, Thank you! :heart: I'm also glad we agree on the salted egg!


On 9/19/2021 at 10:05 PM, mademoiselle said:

Next weekend. Do we get AFL public hols


I'm looking forward to this so much! The only reason I will tolerate AFL :laugh:


On 9/19/2021 at 10:05 PM, mademoiselle said:

Same. I no longer know what's going on in the world anymore. It's just too difficult to keep track & too depressing to read/watch the news. 


Yeah, it takes up too much time and energy to know what's going on. I have even limited talking to some people in real life if the only topic between us is complaining about covid (ie. acquintences). It's too draining and I try to be there for people, but constant negativity is too much :PikaWutS:. I've just been working on my own projects and watching dramas and learning Korean, which keeps me happy and busy.


On 9/19/2021 at 10:27 PM, TRaNz said:

Yeah we get the public holiday, Dandrews announced it himself......for nothing....coz we're in lockdown anyway. LOL...wat a waste. hahaha


Hahaha I get a sleep in so I'll take what I get :CharmanderYay:


On 9/19/2021 at 10:27 PM, TRaNz said:

All those protest clips, always 2 sides to the story. You'd have to intimidate and provoke the police for them to react. they don't just pounce on you for nothing. Always a reason for it.


While I don't always think the police are right (there can always be abuses of power or misunderstanding etc), I do believe that the protestors are not acting particularly humane in this case. I saw a video of those protestors peeing on a reporter who was not attacking them or provoking them...so I feel quite unsympthetic to those who are not only breaking lockdown rules and probably prolonging our lockdown, but also complaining about brutaility while attacking innocent bystanders and media in the same way ( or worse)  :pandarage2::pandarage2::pandarage2: 


On 9/19/2021 at 10:48 PM, Alice Wonderland said:


@JenL that's great, but weekend always comes very long and last like only some minutes.


I know right! The weekend just comes and goes! :letalQQ:


On 9/19/2021 at 11:51 PM, TRaNz said:

I have seen ep7 yet, I mean ill likely watch the drama through out but....just isnt happening for me at the moment. :idk:


Maybe you're not a fan of slice of life? I think it's charming as a drama, but I know this genre sometimes feels slow and isn't for everyone. :idk:


On 9/20/2021 at 7:37 AM, Dhakra said:

Heyheyhey :pandacop::pandaroar: How dare you :pandasadspoon: The man's flu is a very serious disease. 

Like I said, it still our proud. We can't risk it. 


Hahaha, I'll still feel bad for you if you get man flu. But I'll also still laugh at you while giving you soup :lenny:


On 9/20/2021 at 9:34 PM, SilverMoonTea said:

Happy Mooncake Festivals guys,

@TRaNzI got conversion table :laugh:


Hahahaha, I hate mooncake...I'd rather have fries :laugh:


On 9/21/2021 at 9:58 AM, mademoiselle said:

Happy Chuseok 

Happy Mid Autumn Festival


Happy no drama :cry: 


Hahahaha...A little belated, but happy Chuseok and Mid autumn and all those things...:Party01:

Except for drama breaks...that's not happy at all :lettalKWA:


15 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

@TRaNz @SnowBlob @JenL!!!

Did you guys feel the shake? I think we just experience an earthquake!


Edit: Oh yeah, confirmed. Preliminary magnitude is 5.3


Yessssss!!!! I felt it this morning...it went on for so long! I was about to crawl under my table when it stopped! :lettalKWA:


14 hours ago, TRaNz said:




First ever earthquake experience.....I am like full wide awake right now....sshheeeeeeee


I first thought it was the construction trucks in low gear driving past coz theyre doing road works just up the road from me. but it went on for ages and got louder...then i saw stuff in my room moving...and then freaked and ran out the house. LOL....then out front of the house i saw other ppl come out of their houses and we're all just looking at each other like...."wtf did you feel that" hahaha

omggg im sooo awake right now...like....ready to run hahaha


Id be crapping bricks if i lived in high rise apartments.


Hahaha, I also thought it was a truck because I live on a main road. But then the shaking happened and my dog was looking confused and I was like...this is not normal! :psweatduck:


Yeah, I had some friends who freaked out because they live in skyrises! :shocked:


14 hours ago, TRaNz said:

Im still getting McDonalds today.


No earthquake can seperate @TRaNz from his Macdonalds! :laugh:

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Currently watching: Cinderella at 2am // Love Next Door

Current Obsessions: Moon Sang Min is a dream. And Yoon Park is an old fav. Excited to see Lee Je Hoon!!!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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14 hours ago, Chocolate said:

Is that the correct procedure - get out of the house? In movies, they always hide underneath a table 🤔


Hahaha, I was just about to hide under my table today. :smile:


That is the right thing to do - you're suppose to prevent things from falling over your head and knocking you out so you should go for under the table. I think the door frame is the same idea as the door will protect you from loose bits flying out. If you have a water bottle close by or something, I would grab it in case you get trapped at least you have water supply if you're stuck waiting for rescue. Haha, my survival movies have prepared me :laugh:


I also watch zombie movies for this reason. One can never be too prepared for disasters :idk:


13 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

 I doubt the houses here are earthquake proof.


I think we're not as earthquake proof as other places. I know the skyrises in Taiwan have pendulum weights or something like that to help balance the buildings for Typhoons and earthquakes. I went to look at the one at Taipei 101 :heiboi:


13 hours ago, TRaNz said:

I was already up for work, but cause i hate my job and am trying to look elsewhere, what i do now is wake up at normal times and attend tam daily meeting at 9am, once done i go back and lie in bed for a short snooze. Anywhere between 30min to 60min.


Sucks that you're hating work...but your morning snooze is genius :laugh: What a plan!


13 hours ago, TRaNz said:

Cant expect me to know whats right to do, but reacting is better than just sitting there and shrugging it off.


We just need to marathon disaster films all together. After watching all the disaster films, I feel like I have a action plan for every kind of disaster. Also zombie films to prepare for the apolcalypse and action films to prepare for kidnaps/ hostage situations (Die Hard is coming to mind here)


The truth is, I'd probably just freeze up in real life, panic and perish due to inaction anyway



12 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Therefore this one is considered the strongest I've ever felt. Melbourne had a couple before this between 2000 - 2020, none as long like today


So true! I've never felt one for this long. I've felt a few before, but sometimes it's so slight that you think you're having a headache and felt dizzy but then a few other people felt the same thing at the same time at you all figure out it was an Earthquake (and then news confirms it was a minor one). But today's one was pretty strong! :lettalKWA:


12 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Oh I was so shocked to read about the earthquake @mademoiselle @TRaNz @JenL @SnowBlob. Stay safe . 
Have been on the chat with my BFF in Melbourne. She’s freaked out too .


Thanks! Yeah, it was strange. It rattled all my windows and my poor dog was so confused! Hope your friend was ok. :heart:


10 hours ago, SnowBlob said:


@Chocolate yes pretty sure you can hide under the table if you must ... but I thought I better went outside, if house collapsed, then you would still be trapped under the rubble :KittyMummy: 


10 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I wouldn't run out of the house since "last minute" googling this is advising not to go outdoor. I'd be scared of fallen trees and power poles etc. 


I think depending on where you live things can hit you pretty hard outside - mainly trees and other buildings. My friend who survived the Christchurch Earthquakes talked about buildings like churches and houses crumbling and knocking out some people. Also the ground can split... :lettalKWA: Staying indoors in safer for this reason. If you're outdoors, I think you need to try to get indoors or get to some form of shelter to try and block anything falling from above.


1 hour ago, Tofu said:

I'm glad to hear all of you are ok! Where I live, it's uncommon to get earthquakes but tornadoes are a yearly occurrence. 


This sounds scarier than an Earthquake...do things go flying up in the air?! :shocked2:




Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: Cinderella at 2am // Love Next Door

Current Obsessions: Moon Sang Min is a dream. And Yoon Park is an old fav. Excited to see Lee Je Hoon!!!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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these earthquake talk chingus ah I'm so relieved you are all ok 😭😭 I just read it tonight #late that there was earthquake in Au & quite bizzare (no history? So long its not, I grasp it quite like that). My provider is just so meh today.


As I love beautiful beaches but it comes with risk too when there is earthquake it is really terrifiying. To be outdoor is make sense but you dont know if it will trigger tsunami or not. Just a really hopeless condition one. I'm so scared when there is big earthquake at shore.


Human is literally just a little dust in that terms of natural disaster 🥲🥲



P. S. But with higher technology I also question if that is really natural disaster or.. Experiment? #hallunight

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@JenL @TRaNz Yay, 8 more hours it'll be holiday!


@JenL I'm shocked the protest is still going. Only found out yesterday when I searched about the earthquake. I snorted upon seeing a tweet calling what happened as Martial Law. Do they truly know what a country practising Martial Law is like? I didn't see a clip where the protesters attack the media. Is media/news reporting essential? I saw one journalist complained the police sprayed pepper spray on him even though he showed his media badge to them and that from attending overseas protests, the police wouldn't touch him when he showed his badge. 


@bairama We're alright. No death or harm caused to anyone. There were some bricks falling off a couple of old buildings and that is it I believe. Most of us are :shocked: only because earthquake is so rare here and never experience such a strong shake. Goes to think that the earth is changing/moving and in the future it may become more frequent here, we never know.


When COVID first began and the lockdown became true, it did cross my mind that all the movies I've watched may one day become true. Deep Impact, Armageddon, The Day After Tomorrow, Twister, Contagion, Outbreak. We've technically experienced "Contagion and Outbreak" style through COVID. 

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2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Goes to think that the earth is changing/moving and in the future it may become more frequent here, we never know.


When COVID first began and the lockdown became true, it did cross my mind that all the movies I've watched may one day become true. Deep Impact, Armageddon, The Day After Tomorrow, Twister, Contagion, Outbreak. We've technically experienced "Contagion and Outbreak" style through COVID. 





thankful it doesn't cause great damages you are all safe ♥


yeay this afternoon maybe I will released as outpatient ☺ hiehehehehe

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  G O O D  V I B E S  

♪ click me below for my cw, edits, about 

  d r a m a s a f f a i r . c a r r d . c o 

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1 minute ago, mademoiselle said:

Oh yay!! Back to Home Sweet Home!


btw mentioning about 'Sweet Home', Sweet Home S2 is really there in production yeah? I read between my scrollings there is audition for child actor for it Idk(??)


2 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

I'm desperately hoping time will pass faster so I can off my work PC LOL

YEAY tomorrow is public holiday?


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  G O O D  V I B E S  

♪ click me below for my cw, edits, about 

  d r a m a s a f f a i r . c a r r d . c o 

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