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🏡 Home Sweet Home Couple 🏡 | Kim Ji Seok & Jung So Min

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In this video in the IG,  if you don't already know the reason why he is known as a man with a sexy brain is because KJS was a permanent cast member of Problematic Men (or Brainiacs)  - a variety that tests its cast members on all sorts of questions from maths to language etc: 



In a radio show JSM was asked by the DJ for some story about KJS while they were filming. I laughed when she said he tended to do body gag a lot ( clumsily bumping into stuff and falling over). hahah She went on to say he has clumsy side which doesn't suit his sexy brains persona that he is known for. JSM was laughing so hard. 


Having been a long time fan of KJS , I adore him because he is funny and sweet . And also has very high EQ. I have not only watched a lot of his dramas , I used to watch the variety Problematic Men as well . While he isn't as good with mathematical / analytical questions (say compared to his bestie HSJ) , he was always very good with questions that required emotional intelligence. So I always remember this episode of PM in Season1 ( when RM of BTS was still on the show) , they asked the cast members to define what happiness is ...

His answer is at 3:02 

KJS : I thought if there's a definition of happiness, there must be a definition of unhappiness. Things that can mean happiness to some can mean unhappiness to others. In the movie Forest Gump, all other characters are portrayed as being unhappy except Forrest . And Forrest (with an IQ of 75) was depicted as a happy person. Why ? Because he was grateful for everything around him and lived life to the fullest. In that process he got rich and famous. And I learned that happiness isn't conforming to other people's notion of happiness like money or beautiful women. I think it is about being able to appreciate the present moment. 


(The judges went on to choose his answer as one of the best) 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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12 hours ago, Warm Paws said:

I'm not yet really ready to board another ship 😅 but I thought this might fit here. 

ahahah...don't worry lol. I can safely say for myself I am not a hard core shipper. And even if this ship never sails, it is ok. I just love spazzing for the moment and I am just hoping for them to find happiness wherever they are. Especially for my oppa ...ahaha he is of marrying age and his house is so nice - little bit wasted to live alone with his cat :eeeee:and just hanging out with his buddies 

See his house is nice ahahahah


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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1 hour ago, TiBo1518 said:

I hope the ship is already sailing. I noticed both posted the teamlab photos on the same day (September 24, 2020) in their IG. 

Wahhh you are so sharp . You had me scrambling to check their IG . Lol







Were they already filming then ? 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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2 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Wahhh you are so sharp . You had me scrambling to check their IG . Lol







Were they already filming then ? 

I'm not sure but I read the first news about the drama back in October. News about JSM and KJS working together again.
I wonder if they started shooting the series before🤔
Maybe they were in contact before 😉

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1 hour ago, forever__ said:

I'm not sure but I read the first news about the drama back in October. News about JSM and KJS working together again.
I wonder if they started shooting the series before🤔
Maybe they were in contact before 😉

Did some digging on Naver, they already received offers in June 2020 ( I know KJS's drama My Unfamiliar Family was airing then) .

Souces: https://m.star.mt.co.kr/view.html?no=2020060209390696357&ref=#_enliple

Perhaps they have already started prep work after that since this drama is pre-produced and now with Covid & labour restrictions, they take a while to film. 


Anyway as long as they have fun BTS and entertain me along the way, I am a happy camper 

Natural comedian :laugh:.

ahahahah he is teasing her here. 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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I finally had some time to watch the entire subbed episode of Knowing Brothers (Eps 284)  . Go catch it if you have yet to because you will see quite a bit of  unscripted skinship & mild flirting between the two. They seem naturally drawn to each other even though there were so many others in the room. Of course  I should think they are possibly more comfortable with each other than with the others. 







Super cute this part - she so annoyed that he kept forgetting her real name ! hahah Later she threatened to end their friendship






She later found an opportunity to tease him back. And he came over ....ahahahah





The rest were like the third wheel !




In another game ...she tried to defend his house from being "taken away"



 This one was funny cause they all were supposed to hold hands to sit down and see if the sofa legs will give way.




There was this point his reflex was to help her though he was not supposed to





He was getting her to stand in the right place...




Oppa is whipped ....they played a game to see which team will get drenched by the water.





Later after that ,SM figured she must as well go back to the box of water to sit since she was all wet, and she turned around to JS and told him to come on.....and like a good boy , he complied!






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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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These two are just too cute  - his teasing!



The behind-the-scenes video begins with Kim Ji Suk teasing Jung So Min about a pimple on her face. Kim Ji Suk sympathizes by commenting, “It’s frustrating. You can’t even squeeze it.” Indoors on the bed, Jung So Min pretends to strike Kim Ji Suk with her elbow, and Kim Ji Suk tattles to the camera that Jung So Min has a new pimple.


Jung So Min glares at him, and Kim Ji Suk suggests photoshopping her face. Jung So Min asks, “What if my face disappears?” and Kim Ji Suk comments, “What if they just leave your nostrils?”

In another scene, Jung So Min begins to secretly eat the food on the table. However, when she turns around, she’s surprised to see the making-of camera filming her. Kim Ji Suk reveals, “She said she’s going on a diet,” causing Jung So Min to burst out laughing.


While filming, the lights unexpectedly shut down. The director shares, “We sincerely thank viewers who’ve tuned in until now,” and Jung So Min gets up to bow to the production team. Filming resumes, but they have to stop again when Kim Ji Suk accidentally chokes on spicy food. He apologizes while violently coughing, and the director asks, “Do you want to break it off here?”


Kim Ji Suk explains that the food got caught in his throat from the beginning of the filming, but he tried to hold it in. Jung So Min comments, “It wasn’t weird, so I didn’t know. That’s amazing.” Kim Ji Suk elaborates, “The kimchi is really spicy, and it got caught in my throat.” He asks the production team to stop putting in peppers when they refill the food.


Before filming the scene where Kim Ji Suk catches the falling Jung So Min, Kim Ji Suk reveals, “Jung So Min earnestly requested that I hug her carefully when I catch her, saying that she gained a lot of weight recently. It’s all back strength.” Although he manages to easily catch Jung So Min, Kim Ji Suk massages his shoulders and back to pretend as if he’s in pain in front of the making-of camera. Laughing, Jung So Min threatens him by grabbing him by his collar and saying, “Stop it.”

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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I am so glad this twitter handle loves them as much...so she can translate a lot of things. These two - it is like the rest are the third wheel. They really got great synergy. Even if don't date , will be lovely to see them work again together


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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The latest BTS so darn cute...oppa loves teasing her. You feel happy not just only watching the show but watching the BTS because they are always laughing at each other or with each other.

Full vid posted in drama thread . Here in spoiler






Oppa being a gentleman since he knows the making film BTS camera is on :MewWave:



They did the piggy back scenes many times!







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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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Kkkkk the translations. He is so bad . Really tease her endlessly.:smug:

This part , another IG translated in Indonesian..

JSM : Is your neck okay

KSJ : It's fine.

then as they were walking he teased her by looking at the BTS camera complaining that she did this to my neck right to my back....hahaah she was going to playfully smack him. 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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Someone so good ...summarised all their Knowing Bros interactions in a video. Really cute to see. Under 4 mins but enough to make you fell shippy! :laugh:


This was a promo video JTBC posted on the 15th that had them doing a role play where Ja Sung asked his staff some questions and I think they had to answer from perspective of their roles! So they were asking Chief Editor some question , and KJS and JSM in sync reaction cracked me up - in unison (and unscripted) they said "Daepyeonim"! 


And at the end , when KJS said something funny , JSM smacked him. This is becoming a trend!


Full video in spoiler




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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Just a quick observation when I saw the KBros vid clip :lenny:

Anyway , I finally had some time fo see some of their older BTS , and I appreciate how much fun they have after or in between a scene 



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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4 hours ago, forever__ said:

So far I have yet to come across any. Seems like a lot of fun when I watched it raw.


I realise I have many gifs of SM smacking (or wanting to smack) JS whenever he would crack a funny joke, do something funny  or tease her. LOL









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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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