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Everything posted by SsomGem

  1. @Myshipperheart_SGSM @Kimi23 @LFCouple Same observations and conclusions as you โ˜บ All the scenes you pointed out, I noticed too. I analyzed every moment, when he sat next to her and Yoo jin at chinese restaurant, when he gave her this special high five after the yoga session, when they played this game for watching the kids at night, he looked at her each time he answered his choice. I also noticed this moment captured by the cameras, when Seung gi was alone in the tree house and So min was playing under the tent with children. When she finally came out, Seung hi was talking to her, she replied laughing. They were surely joking that nobody wanted to play with him. And then children and Somin went to the tree house and Seung gi played the monster with them. He was so happy haha. I will try to capture this moment. We are sure that they shared a lot of lovely and unique moments. Hope that they're still in touch. Welcome to the new shippers. Even our english is bad, we can share, I'm sure we will understand ๐Ÿ˜Š
  2. @Divayeah they had matched outfits. I remember when Somin threw mud on Seung gi's leg : @Warm Paws If they are happy without dating each other, it's ok. We can't force them ๐Ÿ˜Š
  3. Somin is the new ambassador of makeprem I noticed that this brand is written like this make p:rem In LF, Seung gi washed his hair with shampoo hair:apy He's also the ambassador of this brand, don't know if he's still working with them. I don't know if those brands are connected but lovely coincidence ๐Ÿฅฐ Exactly he didn't leave, he waited patiently with her โค And then, she laughed again, they both laughed together. Maybe they were listening to Yihan and Na rae singing ๐Ÿ˜Š
  4. @Warm Pawswow what a lovely comparison ๐Ÿ˜ @LsgJsmthank you for sharing your thoughts, don't hesitate to post now, we need to exchange with more shippers ๐Ÿ˜ @Myshipperheart_SGSMyeah obviously they were very close ๐Ÿ˜Œ
  5. Let's go back to our shipper world I will share something, I will try to make it clearest with pictures. On episode 16, at the end, just before Somin cried, she was caring about Brooke with Seojin. So here the screenshots : but in the room on the right, near Lee Seojin, who are there? Na rae, Yi han and Seung gi Here the screenshots : What can we see? Seung hi hurried up when he saw Somin and Brooke go ahead the room. You can watch carefully this moment, you will see that he was helping Nara but suddenly he saw Somin and Brooke and went out the room... You can see on the picture 4 that Seojin was just behind him. Seung gi didn't stop to talk with him. He followed Somin and then... He arrived first to listen Somin and Brooke talking. Here the screenshots And we all know that he consoled her. So why following her like this? During this show, his attention was on Somin... After? Don't know. She cried because of him? She cried because of this amazing experience and the touching words of Brooke and she was surely tired also.
  6. Thank you for sharing your opinion with us. I have to say that you reminded me to take some distance with shipper world. But yeah, I can't believe rumors. This is a seugmin shippers page... we only want to enjoy. I hope you will share your thoughts with other shippers too ๐Ÿ˜
  7. I finished to watch the whole radio show. They get well all along. Maybe what you're saying is true maybe not. Here we don't spread rumors, we only shared about what we see, so of course we don't know everything, maybe we are wrong but we can't spread rumors. Celebrities are always target of many rumors. Lee Seung himself had a rumor in 2016 saying that he had an hidden child with a makeup artist. And of course it was fake. If Jung Somin rejected him, it's her choice. She has her reasons. Here we're just enjoying to share about good things. We can't judge their personal lives. For sure I will be so happy if they end together, I will be disappointed if they don't. Still I have my own life, they have their own lives so I hope they'll find their happiness.
  8. We all know that both were akward during the press conference yeah. So thank you for confirming that they were both attracted to each other ๐Ÿ˜Œ our feeling was real. Don't know when they dated exactly, I'm also glad to know that they shared together something true. Now you're saying that Seung gi dated Somin on middle of 2019 and then broke up, then in 2020 he met someone else and he's gonna married her one year after? For someone who was scared about marriage he's really quick. As I said whoever he gonna married, I wish for him to choose the right person. Somin loves children, how can she refuse to have children ? She said again in this interview, that she loves children, and Seung gi and Na rae complimented her about that
  9. Seugmin shippers, I just read an article saying that when Lee Joon ended his military, medias asked their agencies about Joonmin couple... Lee Joon's agency answered that he was good and Jung Somin's agency said that they can't confirm anything since it's her private life... Isn't weird their agencies answered like that ? Why didn't they confirm that they were still a couple? As I said before I'm pretty sure that in december 2019 things were already ended. Even before... But they can't announced it during his military or right after his discharge
  10. This song is my favorite of his album, his voice is just perfect, he's so touching. It's quite difficult to analyze his songs since he didn't write the lyrics. However I think that he's in a new process, he's of course more mature but he accept his failures and he seems to be less scared about the future
  11. Yeah and he likes also cute girls with beautiful smile and who like eating... Our Somin haha I really hope he can see that she can bring him happiness, serenity and a lot of love. That's what he needs
  12. Yeah agree with you, he always said he was friend with Suzy, and now that he's working with Lee minho it makes even more sense ๐Ÿ˜… I don't know if seugmin have friends/staff connections. It would be cool to have some hints about that. Except Cha tae hyun
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