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  1. 😁😁😁 Thank you for this 😍 I dont how long should I wait for the eng sub 🥺
  2. I wonder what they talk about here... https://www.instagram.com/p/CMbhyCDJ5iA/
  3. https://weibo.com/p/1008089d8619fbaa5c5adf030dfc6239632937/super_index#_rnd1615787571876
  4. Thank you so much!😊🙂 So QY is the really reason for their divorce 😞
  5. Thank you ☺️ I saw another link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMN87byg0Bf/?utm
  6. Sorry guys 😞🥺 Tencent already blocked. It shows concubine wen said something to concubine Qin. XL heard it and looked for LSN that's when he saw her with QY. I saw another link https://www.instagram.com/p/CMN87byg0Bf/?utm
  7. Hi! Newbie here! So excited for the upcoming episodes. Can't wait! 😍😁 Can someone translate what concubine wen said in english?
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