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Posts posted by Maya

  1. 1 hour ago, TRaNz said:

    yeah the whole vaccine thing, like as much as I want it working and available, im still a bit scared of it coz the testing for side effects and all that is in a way still unknown. Like its just hard to tell if theres any long term effects on the person taking it. Bit of a risk to take, but only time will tell......


    Testing started for the vaccine at where I am. There were 15,000 who did. And even if the positive rate is at 0.6% as of now out of total tests, the authorities might put us back to 8pm-6am curfew again. Previously it was hovering at 0.3%. The rate was down to more or less 150 out of 48,000 tests daily, but lately it spiked to 400+ out of around 70,000 tests.


    If it increases, there might be another lockdown too, aside from curfews. Though most are following rules, there are those few who just don't care and go around wearing masks incorrectly, don't maintain social distancing, or worse, secretly have house gatherings which is strictly forbidden. There's one family who did that and guess what? More than 40 members from infant to grandparents were infected.


    The schools here are about to start too on 30th. Kids are required to wear facemask, and keep another spare mask, plus gloves. During mealtimes, they have to wear face shield. Then change to the spare mask after. Only 15max per class to maintain social distance, and alternate week school and online learning. There's an option too of total online learning.


    1 hour ago, NiteWalker said:

    well we are suppose to take it off and put it in a plastic or envelope while we eat and then only after u finish eating you're suppose to wear it back.....as long as you arent eating you're suppose to wear it....


    There's a reason I've read somewhere on masks that shouldn't be pulled down to the chin or to the neck. It's because the area beneath the face and the neck aren't protected, and pulling the mask down contaminates the inner part. It is better to remove completely while having food, or replace with a new mask.

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  2. I grew up nannied by books! 😆


    My grannies were educators, and being the only grandchild they have that time, they've taught me how to read by 3 to minimize the pestering of too many questions the nannies couldn't answer anymore. 


    Up to now, I still feel so fortunate that I did not lack for academic books, paperbacks, those Reader's Digest hardbound condensed books, and magazines while growing up. The grannies and the parents have collected a lot of reading materials, and I can't remember being bored even if I was the only kid in the household.


    Later when I too grew up, I've amassed my own book collections too. My college textbooks and paperbacks occupies an entire wall of my room in my parents' house. 


    My favourite genres to read are fantasy, suspense, and romance. I've vivid imagination, so no horror books for me, hahaha!


    The most unforgettable book I've ever read would be "Flowers in the Attic" by VC Andrews, the first of the Dollanganger series. I have all the other books too of the series. 


    Flowers in the Attic is the twisted tale of four kids who were hidden away by their heiress mother after her husband, their father, passed away. In order to inherit and keep the inheritance from her father who previously disowned her, their mother has to follow what was in the will...and the codicil.



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  3. 20 minutes ago, wallflowersforjane said:

    So what dramas are everyone watching currently?


    More like planning to, or to finish watching later, coz sched til month end is just so meh. 😵


    Moon Embracing The Sun

    Go Ahead

    Empress Ki


    Candle in the Tomb


    My go-to for destressing is either Eternal Love or Eternal Love of Dream, and those jaw-dropping Thai commercials! LOL! Maybe we can have a thread for iconic commercials too? 😄

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