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Everything posted by movingwheel

  1. @ktcjdrama this is also my first fan meeting ever... At my country , ppl don't do fan meets and stuff... But it was good...twitter saved me .. there is someone who was live tweeting about what he is saying in fan meeting..
  2. @ssteph the way he was cringing so badly when KSC was teaching jae jae how to pronounce tae ho.... :D
  3. I also feel the same way...it is getting so hard to forget vincenzo and i am so hung up on vincenzo and cha young that i want to see more of them...no not separately but together .. He did not tell us about the genre in particular but said that he will just keep entertaining us... Next will be bogota which is a thriller ... And its a movie...i hope it gets to be released in theatre.... There will be drought for next few months so there is no other option than to wait...maybe sjk videos on history dnc yt channel will help us to keep going through... BTW he does not manage his instagram account...his agency does... And that picture of yeo rim as shaman (that flower beside ear and him taking smell of flower) was taken by JYB.
  4. @abs-oluteM yes And also both of them tactfully avoided talking about arthdal... I have a feeling they will not shoot arthdal anymore... In case you don't know, both sjk and ksc know each other from arthdal.
  5. q: what happened to inzaghi? a: i think inzaghi came all the way from italy when vincenzo came to korea. you can see a bird fly by in the first ep. it’s a fantasy element of course. but he’s kind of like a guardian angel for vincenzo q: final thoughts? a: i’ve been waiting for this so i had so much fun. i prepared something for you guys, so on history d&c’s youtube channel we’ll be uploading a lot of content so stay tuned every week! So That's all I guess.... Wait till he announces new project...
  6. joongki is good at giving compliments but is super shy when receiving them sungcheol promoting his upcoming drama! q: chayoung or minseong a: of course chayoung. i don’t even have to think about it q: plans for the future? a: i think i’ll rest for a bit after filming for vincenzo for so long. right now i think i’ll keep looking for ways to communicate with the fans like this fanmeeting. i won’t take long, and i’ll meet y’all with another project soon. joongki’s final thoughts in asmr “everyone. it’s already time to go. you worked hard today. goodnight. i was happy bc of y’all. love you. *kiss* love you. thanks again. goodnight” HES SO EMBARRASSED
  7. @abs-oluteM Thanks for motivation... i will keep posting... SJK : “when we filmed arthdal, there was a scene where we both hugged each other really tight bc it was cold and we were scared we would get sick... it was then was everyone said it would be cute if y’all had a romance scene” SUNG CHEOL : sungcheol talking about him appearing in ep 20 “tbh i’m such a big fan of the show so when joongki called me i was like ‘omg i’m going to be in ep 20??’” SJK : joongki said he laughed so hard bc of sungcheol bc the staff didn’t have a prison outfit and then once ksc sent them a picture of his outfit he had prepared everyone went crazy bc they never even thought he would do that lmaoo q: if you two were to do a drama again what would it be? a: joongki - brothers sungcheol - rivals this is what they do but i dont have exact translation but they are probably thanking each other...
  8. kim sung cheol is the special guest.... :D SJK is super emabarassed.... :D... joongki said “can you go over there” and then sungcheol was like “ah hyung, we’re used to being together right??” also not sungcheol teaching jaejae the right way to say “taeho” jaejae said that vincenzo x minseong might win couple of the year at this rate and joongki said “no that’s def not happening” joongki said i really love sungcheol but the day we filmed ep 8 everything he did was annoying. but overall it was really fun haha joongki asked sungcheol to cameo in vincenzo and he was like “oh ok, sure!” but once he got the script he thought “omg this would be fun, but i don’t wanna do it” sungcheol said “minseong is so bad but he loves vincenzo so much” jaejae asked joongki why sungcheol for that role? joongki said “he’s someone i’m very comfortable with... and sungcheol is good with being bad but lovable at the same time... everyone said it was perfect for him” q: how did sjk and sungcheol get close? a: we filmed arthdal chronicles together. joongki was already comfortable from the start. sungcheol wasn’t comfortable bc he was such a fan and dreamt of being an actor like sjk.
  9. @abs-oluteM someone already subbing it..... in Twitter... this girl is awake and doing all of the important parts...
  10. @abs-oluteM no i don't want it either.... it was terrible.... in fact his arthdal hairstyle...
  11. for the first time , i will be attending a fan meeting where I will not understand a single word but i will keep looking at him as if he is the best thing I have ever known in my life.... :)
  12. @ssteph @mademoiselle @abs-oluteM @stroppyse he is on a roll..... :D Song Joong Ki Confirmed To Appear In Heize’s Upcoming MV | Soompi
  13. @mademoiselle now i can see that TKEM was not successful as far as LMH standard and Kim Eun Sook standard.... Vincenzo has become really really big and thats because the whole cast were having so much fun and they were so happy together.... SJK was crying at last..... all those amazing background scores.... SJK acting through green canvas...his eyes.... Quirky JYB.... Adorable Kwak Dong Yeon and hottest but cutest villain Ok Taecyeon.... i think this drama has given new shape to each one's career.... now how they maintain that career graph is something we are yet to see..... i wish JYB take her own sweeet time to select a new project than jumping into one... but she has already declared one... Well only SJK is more of an A lister and exclusive type.... JYB totally should start working with only A Listers now.... not just good script...lol...
  14. @mademoiselle mine is at no. 5 .... i remember king the eternal monarch used to be at no. 9 ...
  15. @ssteph he said no? he will not care about what others' think... i think fan war already started.... he will be holding live chat on 7th may 5 pm.... you will get to see some controversial comments probably... ;) BTW i loved all of his answers.... specifically the one where he was asked about the secret to his youthfulness... he said that he laughed a lot in last 8 months...and thats the secret...
  16. @ssteph @mademoiselle you know it means all the same.... he was fascinated by her which in turn means he was smitten by her.... :P but that does not mean he is gonna pursue her....joking girls... okay , okay , i am outta this shipping business..
  17. @mademoiselle lol... it will not be that long....it will not take 6 months... thats for sure...
  18. @mademoiselle trust me when I say this , the kiss scene was soo passionate.... and jeon yeo bin in alexander mcqueen....she looked lovely... the whole premises was sooo amazing.... i am still in a withdrawal mood.... this hardly happens to me that I fall in love with one particular drama then that starts to linger for quite some time.... i carry my infatuation for quite some time....now i seriously dont know what should i do except waiting for baeksang and the announcement for his new project..!!!! lol... He will be in withdrawal for quite some time now... considering he just completed one project.... now even if we get the news that he is considering a new drama , then for that to get materialised , it will be another 6-7 months... but in this year , he might not be coming up with anything... Bogota still in shooting mode , so it will probably be released next year first half or something... by sept-oct , i think we can expect of his positive consideration of a new project...i wish he chooses a drama not a movie...lol...
  19. @abs-oluteM you know what I am seeing in it? SJK being completely brutally honest....it has been quite a long time i have seen him speaking his mind off, gushing about his co-star, laughing madly ... And i am choosing to enjoy that. Vincenzo will stay with me for quite sometime and i know that I would not be able to enjoy any other drama at this point... But still I am soo glad that SJK is healed...
  20. https://www.soompi.com/article/1467132wpp/song-joong-ki-on-playing-an-antihero-in-vincenzo-undeniable-chemistry-with-jeon-yeo-bin-future-plans-and-more?fbclid=IwAR204tbjdROifQfywhx5g0NI5N6CGzZlJvTbwecXCRGmOZJSwhzBBKJtCf4 SJK will be attending Baeksang and he wants Director Kim Hee Won to win./... such a humble guy I tell you...
  21. SJK ON JYB... “It’s an honor to be a part of an amazing actor’s beginnings. I’m sure she will turn into a tremendous actor, I can’t even put it into words.” @ktcjdrama i was a bit upset yesterday but right now I am just happy that SJK has healed himself through this project... and i am gonna look at the brighter side of it and console myself by saying that both SJK and JYB is in Korea...lol
  22. @Chocolate i can understand that people might have a difference of opinion...but that does not have i will hate you.... :D i will love you no matter what.... by the way , i agree to your point about the ending.... however our vincenzo aka SJK has somethign different to say.... he solely shot this scene with the thought of not being able to spend life with HCY.... however he said he has fallen in love with JYB and that she is his best chemistry as far as the on screen partners are considered... @Chocolate SJK INTERVIEW On May 2, the final episode of the popular drama starring Song Joong Ki and Jeon Yeo Bin achieved the highest viewership ratings of the show’s entire run. According to Nielsen Korea, the series finale of “Vincenzo” scored an average nationwide rating of 14.6 percent and a peak of 16.2 percent, taking first place in its time slot across all channels—including public broadcast networks. Not only did the ratings mark a new personal record for the series, but they also made “Vincenzo” the drama with the sixth-highest ratings in tvN history.
  23. chancenzo sailed oh boy, both kissed.... the kiss was super good... JYB kisses.... she is not stiff... its about HCY visiting Vincenzo in malta... Episode is good but I on the other hand left out wanting more of Voncenzo and HCY.... now i am totally confused .... whom should i Choose for SJK leading lady??? Kim Tae Ri or JYB again ( this will probably never happen ).... but still a fan can wish... If Baeksang is not given to SJK , then I am not sure who should win it !!!
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