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Posts posted by thealterego

  1. 2 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    I really enjoyed watching him in Lawless Lawyer...he was so cute and gangsta at the same time doing his own action..amazing!




    @abs-oluteM This right here is one of the things I like about him. He's sooo hands on with everything. Even in FOE, lol less work for his stunt double.


    2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

    Finally, a lot of people really liked him in Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, though I personally have no opinion that I'm willing to share about that drama. :D


    @stroppyse haha I watched Sacrlet Heart Ryeo, he was sooo good in it, but SHR is not something Id rewatch. OMG id love to see him do another sageuk, though Ive heard he wont be doing sageuk after SHR. Sad. 


    @bluepebbles omo omoo. With Ethan Ruan??? Yay!


    Thanks guysss. I have a lot to catch up on joongi's filmography. Haha

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  2. I'm going full on rant in here cause im so disappointed at people for doubting Jiwon and Hyunsoo's love, understanding, loyalty & trust with each other.


    We're on episode 13 and they still dont know how the writer and pd works. 


    1st, the writer really did a beautiful job at how well written her characters are, esp with the main characters. And these are not some weak characters I tell you, they are badass, smart and full of love, but they do have their moments of weakness just like any other human, they would get scared, feel hurt and pain but those moments made them grow further. And after building their characters for 12 episodes, would the writer suddenly pull them back to zero? I dont think so.


    Do they really not know Jiwon's principles? She's a police officer and she has a duty to uphold, that doesnt mean she doubts hyunsoo. She's smart, she knew something was off when they went to Baek's house the night before, she asked them to check on Heeseong when the power went out, she didnt want hyunsoo to go and check out the helper, she already had a bad feeling about it right from the start. And Ive said this on my live recap last night, that she knew the murder case would be pinned on her husband when they started to investigate. What Baek fam did was a classic frame up, I know her team would immediately pick this one up, esp Jaeseop sunbae. And its better for her to do the arrest than the other officers that would obviously not believe in him. Props again to the writer, as Jiwon was so careful with her words in explaining why she needs to arrest hyunsoo, that he's a murder suspect (not all suspect are guilty), she said she'll make sure he doesnt get punished for what he did not do. These are reassuring words for me that she trust and believes in him, i dont get why everyone is questioning Jiwon. ALSO, the way she explained every detail of the case, the deaf helper who takes care of a person in coma that works for Baek Man Woo, i didnt catch this at first, but I think its her way of leaving clues for her team, cause what she explained are things that hyunsoo already know. THOSE ARE BIG CLUES FOR THE POLICE THO, BAEK MAN WOO, DEAF HELPER, PERSON IN COMA. 


    Preview is already a give away, but after rewatching ep 13, Im pretty convinced that the last scene is just an act, 1st, are there any victims who runs away with the suspect hand in hand? LOL.  I think apart from leaving clues, they are buying time. Hyunsoo cant be arrested because the planted evidences are strong, he needs proof of his innocence, and needs to find the accomplice. Also Jung Misook.  And they both know there's a CCTV on hyunsoo's shop lol, I found it odd that he asked Jiwon to pull the plugs after that knife in his wife's neck stunt. He could have turned it off before all of those, you see the mixed order here? There's actually no need for it to be turned off after that if you ask me, they were just about to run. So why? They both looked straight at the camera too as if signaling something. Also another reason for the 'act' is to protect Jiwon, Hyunsoo cant just let everyone think she's in on it, he needs them to think Jiwon is a victim here. 


    Hyunsoo switching to the "monster" as what they call it, yes it might be similar to the basement scene, might be the trauma. But still, why now? When he was soo willing to be arrested by Choi Jaeseop and so adamant that he was the one who killed the village foreman. All his walls already crumbled when he knew that Jiwon knows the truth, Im very sure he was partly healed when Jiwon didnt leave him despite it all. So again, why now?


    They said, "Jiwon's betrayal/doubt might be the trigger" to hyunsoo suddenly seeing his father again.


    Again, this is what the writer and pd wants you to think. Now that Ive rewatched it, I dont even think he saw his father, they never showed Do Minseok. We only saw a memory. You see, this is a trick, the writer and pd loves this trick. We've seen them play this since ep 1. Hyunsoo could just be looking at the cctv monitor. 


    UGH. Okay this rant is too long. Haha. Bye! Feel free to prove me wrong. 







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  3. 3 hours ago, CamelKnight said:

    This is finally also on Netflix in the Netherlands. Should I watch this? Does it deserve my time?

    Currently watching Hotel del Luna btw, I'm running behind 😛


    ITS ON NETFLIX? WOW. If you're in for a crazy ride, I highly recommend this. FOE is soooo good!

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