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Everything posted by mirmz

  1. no not really but sometimes i just get the feeling like she hates her students i mean i dont think im a bad student or anything but whatever. im just glad i have teachers who actually enjoy their job.
  2. i watch my anime on this site called animeow :D they have all sorts of animes to watch
  3. i think certain clubs could collaborate example: @mademoiselle's club and mine could have harry potter memes :D or something like that :)
  4. true but the thing is i have a math teacher who acts like she hates children why wiuld u be a teacher if u hate kids?!?!? i just dont get it mirmz = confusion
  5. how do u like algebra?!?!?!?!?!? also i would love to watch blood of zeus butttt i dont have netflix :"(
  6. okay so jeff is one of my crushes and carter is the other one! (note: that's not their real names but i probably shouldnt put their actual names on the internet sooooo i made fake ones for them!) also if ur confused just ask @abs-oluteM apparently she thinks that me crushing on people is entertaining? idk
  7. just cuz i watch too much anime doesnt mean i know the meaning of those words i usually watch in dub not traditional sub anyways *insert shrug* but i stilllllllll dont what that means mirmz = confusion edit: ahhhhhhhh now i know what u meannnn (i googled it XD) and i love u too rama <3 (not romantically tho: if i like anyone romantically it's hot anime dudes or jeff or carter :D)
  8. im sorry rama but i have NO IDEA what that means lol i dont mean to make you feel bad im just not familiar w/ those terms/words. pls explain rama
  9. @bairama rama i just posted some memes like an hour in my club's thread if u wanna check it out ;)
  10. my plans: finding a good anime to watch and to snuggle my cat >^..^< also i want to post more memes this weekend :D
  11. yeah i doing fine, my school just closed for 2 weeks to let the teachers and staff get better because my school district doesnt have enough subs to constantly replace them because they got corona. plus the numbers are getting pretty high and my school has shut itself down because they dont want anymore people getting corona. also i have not seen jeff or carter super recently. the last timei saw them was when i had school was 3 days ago so if you count that as "recently " then yes i have seen them.
  12. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  13. well yeah even if i dont like math class i still have to do math class.
  14. but actually pre algebra sucks butt also hiiiiiiiiiiiiii angieeeeeeeee @NiteWalker!
  15. hiiiiiiii edit: pre algebra sucksssssssssssssssssssssssss
  16. yeah the cases r getting really high now in my county/town
  17. yeah since my school shut sown it's gonna be online school until november 30th (or at least that's the hope). and we use these sites called loom and edpuzzle if we have to watch videos for our classes. :D
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