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Posts posted by All.For.Somin

  1. Took screenshot of the FMV, this is just Episode 1 or 2 and I just noticed that LSG started staring at her in this early stage of the show. He must've been mesmerised how connected SM was to the children, he must've seen the chemistry SM had with the children. 





    and here's the famous sweetest glance of LSG. I noticed he stared at her, then his facial expression suddenly changed afterwards... the look that he had on the last part was (just my observation, I may be over exaggerating it) he must've realized he's falling for her but then it may not be clear to him if she's still off limits or not. There's a hint of sadness in his eyes. 





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  2. 7 hours ago, SGxSM said:

    I just remembered now another interesting question asked by Seung gi to the guests. 

    He also asked them, "if when they look at a couple if they are able to say for example if they're looking good together, if they will marry... " 

    I guess that he must have heard a thousand times that he looked so good with Somin 😁

    I will try to share an amazing seugmin YouTube video. I really loved it. 

    Hope that it works



    can't help myself from playing this over and over again, thanks for sharing it here! this FMV is one of the perfectly made and really shows how much they got each other. watching their first meeting again, can't stop thinking that maybe LSG found SM pretty even before they worked with LF, notice how surprise he was when he found out it's SM who he's meeting. And how LSJ asked if that's her house to LSG and LSG defensively said its also his first time meeting her then she glanced at the camera looking all guilty. Maybe he has a secret crush on her even before they met, that's why the show's crew didn't inform him it's going to be SM... just my thought. love this FMV so much! 


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  3. 8 minutes ago, SGxSM said:

    I watched the last episode of MITH thanks to @LFCouple😁

    I found two interesting moments. 

    The first one, Seungi asked to the married couple : "From the moment you decided to prepare your marriage until the D-day how much did you fought?" He added "maybe because you fight a lot during this preparation you can think that you're not meant to be".

    This question is so talkative for me, and for the guest too. The guest was very surprised that Seung gi was very thoughtful, so he told to Seung gi "You know it very well" 😂




    And then another moment, more discret moment. 

    The couple was telling that they are good in matching people, they matched 3 couples around them. And MITH's team said together "So maybe you can find someone to Se yeang". And Se yeang was shy so he included Seung gi saying "Seung gi needs it too" And Seung gi was completely silent, I didn't expect this reaction. He could have laughed out loud as usual or saying anything to be funny but he remain silent with a little smile like he was embarrassed. He didn't want the attention to be on him this time 😂






    Shung rok's look to Seung gi is very interesting too 😅

    Nothing related to seugmin couple don't worry

    I'll watch MITCH later and also observe 🙂 I hope him being silent at that last part means that saying "im not looking for anyone because I have someone already", just made me think, maybe him and SM are not a couple yet, BUT juts like Binjin, they took their time to know each other more and didn't immediately jump into a relationship but maybe they are seeing each other and exclusively dating...? Hmmm... i dont know, i just of it. Maybe not.

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  4. Found in instagram, recent MITH episode with eng sub. LSG asked very good questions to the married couple. 




    and this is when he said he never tried couple yoga....? 🤔🤔 you really can't put a bait on LSG, he thinks so fast, no chance to give us hints. 





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  5. 39 minutes ago, Kimi23 said:

    I’ll add to that , SG got sleeping Yoojin out of the car and the next scene , Yoojin is with SM. It means, he brought Yoojin to SM. Mommy and Daddy vibes 😍😍😍

    It's like that always, right? We noticed that after the swimming episode, they didn't share one car anymore. It's either she's driving with Na Rae or LSG with Na Rae. It could be that the show received a lot of positive reaction to their chemistry and avoided igniting the shipping activities that might result into becoming LF as a love drama 🤗 but even so they are riding in a separate cars, they ended up still next to each other once they got out of the car... hehehe... 

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  6. 32 minutes ago, Seung-Min said:

    Seunggi looking towards the camera or the director maybe, after suggesting Somin and him will do the yoga. For me, he has a mischievous look in his eyes 😅. As if telling the crew to watch out because it’s a scene they shouldn’t miss 😁.




    He also looked at the crew or maybe SJ & NR while they are already doing the superman pose. The same mischievous look haha 




    After the yoga, Yihan expressed that he enjoyed it.




    He agreed and confessed, he also had fun ☺️




    Yes Seung gi, you really had fun 😉

    Of course he enjoyed it! He got very close to SM. And he's still in cloud 9 because when grace said she wants to play hide and seek, SG didn't seem to mind that he just had a work out carrying SM and Yi Han and still full of energy that he agreed to play. He's such in a good mood afterwards. 

    • Haha 2
  7. I don't know if I already shared this screenshot here, but here it is. 


    This is right after their apple farm visit. It's just a few minutes so if you're not in your eagle eye mode on, you won't notice it. I think SM was asking something to LSG from afar. LSG checked both of his pockets and replied "yes" to her. It's another "boyfie" moves again for me. Maybe something that SM asked LSG to keep from her. It shows their closeness really grows in LF. And in this episode, they were like a one big happy family specially in the train scene. The look on LSG's face while he's carrying Yoo Jin and SM wiping Yoo Jin's nose is precious too. He is smiling shyly maybe he is also thinking that they are like a picture perfect family portrait at that time, noticed that LSG looked at the crew in front of them, he felt awkward maybe. 




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  8. another initiated skinship from LSG. Is he just being helpful? 🙄 LSG was so eager to take over and do the carpentry thing, but he must have seen that SM was determined to be this her project, so he just assisted her. Which is good thing, we were able to see their closeness again. 




    This was the yoga scene. You can't ignore LSJ's smirk here, it's like saying "Seungi-yya that's too obvious already!" 




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  9. 11 minutes ago, Seung-Min said:


    Obviously, SM is playing safe here. What’s so difficult about picking who among them worked perfectly with her? She only has 3 choices 😉


    I guessed it’s because her real answer is Seung gi and she can’t answer that it is Seung gi because she will be quoted by so many fans and will go viral hahaha


    She also avoids issue of course especially that her fans and bf fans that time will go wild if they hear that 😅 Safest answer will be NR because she’s a woman but since it’s actually Seunggi and she can’t reveal it, she opted not to choose ☺️


    I imagine if they asked NR, who among them NR perfectly worked with, she will immediately answer that it’s SJ with no qualms 😁 

    I agree on this, also in one of the episodes (forgot which particular episode) Na Rae and SM did a quick survey on who will each choose as a father LSJ or LSG. I think SM would like to choose LSG really but opted for LSJ to be on the safe side. She stopped and then answered LSJ then she added that LSG will be a good choice for ages until 13 only. 

    @LFCouple it's nice, right? Were on page 17 already!🤗 So happy this page is really becoming more active, i hope it continues to progress. When i first found out this forum it's stucked on page 4 i think. This means a lot has been discovering LF and their unquestionnable chemistry and more people started to fall in love with the two. I also hope that who ever SG is with right now will be for keeps this time and will equally share the same passion and drive to make the relationship work. It's just so sad that if he really has someone right now, they won't get to have the normal relationship or can't even express to the world how happy they are because of the k-ent perspective in dating. Anyhow, i wish both of them happiness! 

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Seung-Min said:


    Thank you so much @sg_sm . I’ve been waiting for the translation for so long...So this is how SG perceived Somin 😍


    Somin has loosen up and obviously very comfortable during the radio guesting. She was kind of ‘stiff’ and very serious during press-con. Somin was obviously happy with how her co-stars appreciated her. Particularly SG.,it’s the best compliment ever. If Na Rae recognized SM’s good personality, SG was very specific. It’s SM’s smile, pure and healing message that is perfect for LF. No wonder SM was such in a good mood 😉  SG is very much smitten and I think he always want to see SM smile so he always glances to see SM smile and he can’t help but smile in return. 😍


    It’s really funny how both of them are always smiling during the radio guesting while not much from NR and SJ 😅


    Yes i totally agree with what you said! SG's description were so detailed, it means that's what he saw in SM. Her smile, her attitude, her positive perspective. That is SM to him 🥰. Need to say more SG? I also observed the different switch of emotion of SM from the presscon to the radio show. She's more ocmfortable during radio show, she can now look at SG and start a conversation with him. She even adjust his mic closer to her, maybe in the presscon she felt so conscious since there's a lot of media and worried that the media will pick up something from their body language. 

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  11. 6 hours ago, sg_sm said:


    here is a summary of the interaction between SG and SM during radio interview:

    - they all teased at SJ and asked the host no need ask SJ's question, as SJ said he dun hv much confidence on the rating for the show to be on air 

    - SG agreed with Nara and praised SM that she takes very good care of kids, and popular among kids

    - SM "WoW" when the commercial break was ended and the radio show resume, SG laughed happily together

    - the host asked about comments on SM, SG listened carefully on Narae's comment, Nara said SM's personality and acting skills are good 

    - SG said little forest wants to bring a smile, pure, healing message, which is exactly the image that SM possess, can't think of anyone else to cast if not her

    - SG made the wooden stool for the kids, SM appreciated and said its very useful

    - last part asked abt what is the selling point of little forest, SM said its interesting to see kids experienced with farmland, to pick up fresh vegetables/fruits and then cook them; the scene must be calm and healing

    - SG said from PD perspective, its good for small sized family to watch the show when eating watermelon, watch it in a comfy setting; and the show can see the kids as well as 4 of them grow/improved 


    actually both SG and SM glances each other countless times during on air and off air:withu:

    Wow thank you for all the translation, i've watched that radio show without translation that's why I was able to focus on their glances since I can't understand what they said. Thanks also for the translation during presscon, so that's what SM said but wonder why SG's reaction has to be that hehehe... 

    4 hours ago, LFCouple said:

    I haven’t watched the last episode of MITH, but saw some parts from IG and twitter. Seung Gi looked good and happy. Will watch it later on viu.


    Just quick thought regarding the crossroad. @SGxSM I think he might be in a relationship, but he/they might at stage of deciding whether he/they will go to the next stage - marriage or not (yet). I think the decision of marriage would not only impact Seung Gi; but would certainly impact the lady as well, especially if she is an actress like So Min. So, the crossroad is not only for Seung Gi to decide, but both parties. If that’s the case, I don’t think the partner/future wife would be offended by his statement. By saying the crossroad, I think he’s also “preparing” his fans, if he’ll choose to get married. So I think, it’s a smart move. 

    Other possibility he’s being cautious not to reveal too much/early info. 


    I like both of your posts about crossroads @LFCouple and @SGxSM, to say that he is in the crossroad right now might really mean that he is in a relationship. That "crossroad" he might mean are his fans, whether to settle down or stay single for a while because we know how fans reacts if they ger married, i remember one interview of hyunbin, MC said that he is one of the "public property" and he said he is not sure if he will remain a public propoerty, which what he mean was he plan to get married one day. SG demonstrates a fresh and happy aura these days, so maybe he is seeing someone. And possibility it's SM 🙂🙂, if they really are, it is a big decision to make. Since both are celebrity. Both has a lot of fans/shippers. I hope SM is also in the stage where she wants to settle down, or maybe, through the song Naked, SG is waiting for her to be ready as one of the songs said... 🙃 

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  12. I still dont know what did Somin said that made SG react that way during the press con of LF, then he realized he's in front of the k-media then tried to have a poker face 😊 



    17 minutes ago, sg_sm said:



    SG is more determined now for getting married, because the right one appeared! he looks deeply in love now, so sweet! 

    Yes, i think in the past it's just a feeling of doing it someday. But now, a very clear picture to him that he will definitely get married, maybe because now he's with someone he see himself getting married---i hope that someone with him now is SM because they will really make a great pair. I agree, he looks deeply in love now, there's always smile on his face and you can see in his eyes and to say that he's in the crossroad right now. It will just be up to him on whether he'll settle down soon or reach the peak of his career, i hope he realize what's for keeps. 

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  13. 32 minutes ago, LFCouple said:

    @Myshipperheart_SGSM I watched Hometown Flex last year. Seung Gi seems quite close to Han Hyo Joo. But, we can see the differences when he did high five with her and So Min 😍😍


    HHJ - quick tap...



    and So Min... - closer to hold hands than high five 😍😍



    PS. Both HHJ & SG follow each other IG... 

    I read that comparison too somewhere, and they even did compare when HHJ and SG were in the car and he didn't even look at her in the passenger seat, but with SM he can't help himself for checking her in the rear view. I watched the YT now, and with HHJ it's more of a platonic relationship, because i can fee SG's very comfortable with him and not holding himself back compared to SM where there's always sparks in his eyes and his tone of voice very soft when he talks to SM. 

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  14. Even reaching for pot holders looks so sweet for Seungmin. He can get it from her side, but no he comfortably reach it fr behind her. 



    when they tried to trick Na Rae to do the night watch, SM stared at him and nods secretly. 




    And look at their faces when their answers didn't match, ended up LSG lost from the two girls. Looks like the earlier staring game they had didn't convey the answer they supposed to choose. Immediately asked for a rematch, on the 2nd round when SM lost, SG hurriedly agreed for a rematch too. But when Na Rae (3rd round) lost he seems to doesn't want another round 




    Look at him so whipped by SM's charms. He's stealing glances at her at any given chance. 



    i just hope that those sweet gestures and secret stares didn't go to waste. I hope that they gave each other a chance to see each other off cam, after LF. 



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