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Everything posted by Maya

  1. It looks like this 🙂 Ctto I like watching animés, especially when the story is really good. Do you miss that Purble game of MS?
  2. Similar to @MMM8P, I was a choir member for some years.🙂 Wow! Must have been awesome, going to different places to play! I can play the organ and the glockenspiel to an extent. Ah, no, that's something I wasn't allowed to do. ***** Do you love travelling?
  3. Vegetables that aren't cooked so long it's become very soft and soggy. 😉 Only child, then only daughter. 😄 Yup! I think I am. ☺️ Are you sporty?
  4. When I'm being competitive 😉 Do you like your veggies crispy/crunchy?
  5. Any stairs that I can see the floor below the steps. If I'm using stairs that I can see down. Glass lifts or skyscrapers don't bother me though. Usually no, but yes if I have to. Do you sleep easily?
  6. I don't question it if someone says they do...so long that I'm not part of it, LMAO! Both are fine 😄 Do you still see Volkswagen beetle cars driven around?
  7. Both I liked 😁 I used to, but not anymore Do you like driving in roundabouts?
  8. 44 honeydew Wasabi @Chocolate, no brands yet 😄
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