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  1. I'm actually a bit disappointed with this one. A Liu Qing drama with so little romance and no kissing scenes. Whaaat the heck... What a waste of his great chemistry with Bai Yan. Aside from that the script is not that great. It's a bit cartoony and preachy. And what... 20 years later... everyone looks the same. Mum is apparently also walking after being told she'll never walk again. The whole show was one big lecture about not abusing your wealth and power. I'm okay with propaganda but the storytelling needs to be compelling as well. Here's another with Zhen Ziqi and Jia Yuxuan. It's watchable because of the chemistry between the leads and the final act is kinda interesting. But there's too much trash talking in the first half of the show. And the FL spends too much hiding her identity. It's a first love childhood connection story with an overpowered FL.
  2. Another Wang Nan drama. It's hilarious. I love the way he spots a bit of white around the side. It's a hidden identity separated twins story. The boy especially is great. This next one is quite different. It features a couple who were once dating but went their separate ways five years earlier for reasons that will become evident. He's a hotshot lawyer and she's an actress who is fighting to keep her inheritance after her father faints and falls into a coma. I particularly like the ML. who is clever and scheming. The FL is a spoilt rich girl who gradually grows up. It's a good script although I don't think the push and pull had to go on for as long as it did. The chemistry is excellent despite that. I just finished this Du Yafei one. He's the disabled CEO and the FL is the mute long-lost childhood sweetheart. He's good as always. So's the FL but I had to watch it on 1.5 most of the time. But yeah, Du Yafei always does well in the kissing scenes. There's only two just in case you're wondering. I'm just surprised that the person who made the video thought that highly of Zhang Jijun. He's not exactly an actor that raises the temperature in the room. On a list of the "hottest" actors, he certainly doesn't make the cut. At least it can be said that Ma Xiaoyu exudes a certain degree swag. I can see how he's attractive and can be considered "hot". But not to me. 😛 If we're talking about "hot", why isn't someone like Du Yafei on that list? I realise it's subjective but he's an actor that can generate chemistry even with a broomstick.
  3. Zhao Jijun and Ma Xiaoyu. They are both fine but not my favourites. Here's a new one that I caught yesterday... I really like this ML. He's always subverting the FL's expectations. Haha.
  4. Except for two... these guys are among my favourites of course. I would also add Zhen Ziqi to the list.
  5. I've seen the first episode and liked it. It reminded me of Shadow Detective. An unknown opponent leaving behind cryptic messages. The other interesting contrast is that Ji Sung's character just got promoted and Lee Sung-min's character in SD is closing in on retirement. If memory serves, he was demoted at least once I think.
  6. Third Uncle Ye seems to be the most unnecessary character in this show. He seems to be largely comic relief and a placeholder for Xiao Heng. During the drinking game with the former general Biao and his subordinates, I was wondering why A'Li didn't ask Xiao Heng for help instead. Of course he showed up eventually. Third Uncle doesn't seem very bright or that good in a fight either. Although he does know the city. It's almost as if he's there so that A'Li and Xiao Heng don't get together too soon. Since Jingrui and Shijie aren't around, she needs a chaperone that no one is going to feel scandalized about. Episode 17 was great as is any episode where there's a lot of Xiao Heng. Wu Jinyan is doing a good job as A'Li but I'm probably a lot more interested in what Xiao Heng is doing than all the stuff she's trying to do. Perhaps what he's doing feels more plausible with the authority he's been given and just being a man... having a lot more freedom to roam around makes a lot more sense. Whereas it seems to me that A'Li (no martial arts, no real political authority) is biting off more than she can chew. If it weren't for Xiao Heng, I don't think she'd get very far with her quest for justice. That said, the way the Ye family rallied around the Second Uncle and his imprisonment was quite heartwarming. They're definitely a different kettle of fish. I finally saw the rain scene in context. There was plenty of UST in play. The chemistry is definitely off the charts there. He looked like he was going to lock lips with her at least twice and stopped himself. I guess he's too gentlemanly about taking advantage of a drunk woman. Plus is she still officially married to Shen Yurong?
  7. You know you're onto something pretty special when you don't have to fast forward, the minutes fly by and before you know it, they're playing the outro. Most C dramas are hard work to get through but in this drama the 45 plus minutes just melt away. This is a really entertaining show. It's very very addictive and to be frank it doesn't do anything particularly original. The set-up shouts Princess Weiyoung. But whatever it does, it does extremely well. Even when they do something wacky like A'Li's turn during the qin competition, it's still gripping. The dialogue for the most part is gold. Generally it's a well-made soap opera with great production values. The director seems to be very confident and there's even some creative use of the camera to show space and relationships. In a way, I do feel rather sorry for Shen Yurong, the husband... well at least in the screen adaptation because he is now tethered to a power hungry unhinged woman until his or her death. Or both. It isn't as if she really respects him either. He's sort of a plaything that she fancies. She pushes his buttons and humiliates him when it suits. It wouldn't surprise me if he ends up stabbing her in the back one of these days. It is interesting that the only person who seems able to handle her is Xiao Heng. But he's not just the emperor's enforcer... he's much much more than that. Like I've said on my blog, it's the tight storytelling that's key. And it moves. Wang Xingyue is quite wonderful here. There's some phenomenal eye acting going on here. The camera loves him and there's no debate about the fact that he looks amazing in close-ups. I'm currently up to Episode 14 but I'm also doing rewatches of earlier episodes.
  8. I'm certainly interested. Of course. Especially if there's the strong prospect of Wang Xingyue finally getting the girl unambiguously. (Okay okay... there are other shows where he does get the girl. Contemporary dramas at least) He's definitely an actor born to play aristocrats and wuxia heroes. I'm grateful for you keeping me up to date. :P
  9. I really like that one too. It's very good. In fact, I think I've seen it twice. Another good rebirth one I saw yesterday. Older man and younger woman dynamic.
  10. I've seen a couple of Li Hao dramas these past few days. This is not bad. Although the FL is not the greatest actress. They're handcuffed to each other for about a week. The ML falls for her and becomes a supportive figure in her life as she navigates bad fathers. This contract marriage with a hidden identity one is okay. A familiar storyline. But with a better actress Yes, we can't leave out Shen Haonan from that list. Wang Yiran is not bad. There are 9 episodes of Your Trap on Duboku already. The production values are very good.
  11. The thing I like about Du Yafei is that like Liu Qing, he always looks like he's in love with the woman in front of him. Maybe it's those puppy eyes. He certainly has something special with Meng Na but he is generally superb at romancing all his FLs even if they're not the greatest of actresses. The latest drama with Meng Na is very well done and acted. The script is good certainly with dark overtones. The kissing scenes are numerous and they do sizzle. He certainly has earned a reputation of being a great kisser. I'm not sure if it's a show that I would rewatch though because of the way its shot for much of the first half as some kind of forbidden incestuous love when it really isn't. The sins of the parents had consequences for the children. Adultery caused two people who were fated to be lovers but forced to be step-siblings to hide their attraction from each other. Thankfully the ML is strategic and plays the long game well. Occasionally I find the writing of his character somewhat inconsistent but Du Yafei is undoubtedly excellent in the role. I found another Du Yafei drama over the last couple of days. It's a ridiculous triplets story but I find myself grinning a lot because of the oldest kid who is very talented. I think the lad's name is Guo Jing. I'm a sucker for shows featuring children. It's been posted on 4 different channels. It's silly fun but we all know what we're watching when we see kids with superhero abilities protecting their mother who is little more than a damsel in distress. I don't take it too seriously and I'm very entertained. I can't find another version of the Zhen Ziqi drama.
  12. This story has been done before with the same actress but with a different ML. This one features Shen Haonan as the ML I'm posting it ASAP because who knows when it could be taken down. Hope you can watch it in your country.
  13. In the last couple of days I've watched 3 of Zhen Ziqi's dramas. Two with Jia Yixuan and the third with another actress. The third one is definitely the best. Compared to the other two this third one is a quality product. There's no doubting his chemistry with Jia Yixuan but those scripts aren't the best. He's one talented kid. Not only does he have serious acting chops, he just exudes sex appeal effortlessly. Here he is the second son of a chaebol family -- the illegitimate son but the one with the most business acumen. He recruits a young lawyer who lost her entire family in a fire and gets her to get close to his third brother.
  14. This is Shu Tong's latest drama... It's got Spy x Family and Mr and Mrs Smith vibes. It's hilarious.
  15. I don't disagree. But I like him as a tormented soul too. I just love watching him sweating in angst. It's the eyes and the eyebrows. He's gorgeous. The odd choking aside, he's reliably hot. I didn't mind the script either. At least the FL didn't annoy the heck out of me.
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