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Posts posted by SnT

  1. @abs-oluteMi hope so too. Because the preview makes it too so scary like the wangye want to marry zhengfei scene, then it was all funny n hilarious n light. His expression watching her pouring sweet soup on drawings are just so priceless. N one moment he was reading his book, totally not even interested in drawings then when he hear her coming, he hurry unscroll the drawings clumsily too 😂😂😂There are the following scenes/threats which i m stress over



    1. The one the maid declare wangye taking zhengfei - so this i believe this is over, i don think he will marry any one else. I think someone mention jjy say that the writer change the story line of screechy brat. So its prob almost end of her. W him jumping cliff to be FR totally make her give up too. 

    2. Coffin digging scene, i hope he din pass her to ahnwan n let her think ahm saved her. But there is a scene XJ is w FR in his arms w that coffin n ahwan waa looking from behind in the rain. I tend to believe  ahnwan finally saw he has no hope for her heart n turned all dark to destroy XJ. They did fight together to save her. So at that point they hv yet to totally going against each other. 

    3. The scene of funeral. Fx n fr arw both all in funeral cloth. I think daddy died. Wbq is wearing white. I believe he is son in law d. XJ also in mourning cloth but Fr treated him with coldness n look like sending hin away. I think angst ahead during those scenes

    4. Him requesting to divorce her n she signed the paper in prison. Hopefully by then she already know he is up ti something.

    5. Him n her lifeless in his arm on rooftop. 


    I really want good ending. I love this couple too much. I just want it to be lighter n easier on them this time. Which so far, it is not too bad. Sweetness more than torture. 



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  2. @40somethingahjumma @abs-oluteMa

     @gween97 @Kana if they hv until ep 30 to be closer together i think i can take last 8 to 9 ep of angst n pain n torture. N Before a final wedding. I m sure there will be a second wedding between thrm because at the end of the ost (the beginning one) he waa waiting for her at the door in his wedding cloth n she came walking in. The scene also show her smiling under the red head cover.  In all the dream n 1st wedding, its never like that. 

    Maybe she need to be in coma for a while after the stabbing. 


    But let pray tonight will emd well si that we hv material to rewatch till next wed. There is still scenes of him jealous of anhwan n him askimg her to hug him, him making the hair pin for her. Falling of cliff together, coffin digging. There will be a divorce but there is a scene she found his writing saying "ronger please trust me n wait for me". He will be missing n she missed him lots. Lots of material i think for 16 ep to go. Is it true that super vip can buy ep 31 to 40 next weekend? Anyone know how it works?


    Remember there is also wbq n fx story. Which will take a few episodes too. I really remember seeimg bts of wbq playing with kuan ge for a get the pick up the bride scene. Hope he did not fully paralysed. Just temp. I like that two a lot. A lot of clear message was given to fr family via wbq. Esp to fx who is worry about her sister. I love the tightness of the sisters who then marry 2 men who are close w one another. 


    Yes the garden pavilion scene i hope he remember after he woke up. For me, he was asking what are u trying to say n she kissed him. I think he want to hear her say i m also in love w u. Because she never say it. But that pavilion scene to any ladies is already as good as saying it. She tell him i will want to meet u over n over again, she kissed him automatically. N most importantly she is willing to die for him. 

    I think ep 24 preview shows him being unsure of her again. XJ n FR pleased finish ur hubby n wife deed, then i think he can be sure he is welcomed on her bed. Also these 2 episodes can see them readily touching each other. He kissed her m she him hehe... 

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  3. @abs-oluteM i know don if it is the music that accompanied the shocked look on mr ge face when FR says let me be the one. I thought that is so deep n emotional. In a wau, on the surface, it seems she is feeling guilty for harming him but her conversation with him in the garden n her saying goodbye to her family indeed shows how much she loved him. To put im simply, she is willing to die for him. It cannot be just guilt.. Her words is.... If i were to do it again to meet u, i not change a thing.. I will still want to meet u.. is very touching.... Hope he truly can see n feel the love. I can almost all forgive her now. .because of  her dreams she was always scare n want to avoid him as she will die w him. Now,  she isnt even scare n without hesitation she will die for him. 


    I m just worry about their consummating bit. Looks like he is still not sure in ep 24 preview. Lets hope there are few more good episodes for them to finish the deed n get closer before big bombs dropped everywhere.. 


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  4. @abs-oluteMi m totally impressed og how intelligent he is.. He actually planned it all along with his aides. Remember last bit of ep 20 the spy maid was telling her how sw us discussing about zhengfei n his aides were telling him he should  let FR know. I think they meant they are w working ion it of him not taking one. Guess the preview with threat that he is taking zhengfei that stress us or him taking screechy is over. The threat has been dissolved. Looks like fr dream are so far dissolved.


    N he successfully make fr riled up n got jealous n full of expression that he always loves. He always enjoyed her open book style because he can easily press a button to tease her n she will give him the reaction. Remember the village when he Successfully invited her on a 'date' n him staying over at hee house with just a few pokes here n there. At least fr has mormalised back to her usual self which all we had enjoyed. 

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  5. Looks like this two will cont to give our poor hearts lots of sweetness n torture. Well. As long as they r bickering its better than them stony n cold n pulling knife on each other. I really like their bickering in first 18 episodes. Cute n harmless. 




    This spoiler really sends my heart wild. I pity XJ. His poor heart. Must be so confused receiving all sort of funny messages. 


    2 hours ago, gween97 said:

    I remember when i watch ep 19, there is a scenes when An Wang glance to Yuan (who work with FR master) she seem to know something but she doesn’t want to tell FR maybe she is already threatend by An Wang?

    I hv my suspicion of her. Def not in same category as lanxiang. 

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  6. A good phrase from love n redemption is:


    It is never about whether it is worth it or not (as in if the other person deserve your love) 




    It is about if you are willing (how willing to love, willing to sacrifice n give up for the one person ) 


    I think it is applicable here. Sigh... Lets be tortured together. 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Kana said:

    And he's not wearing a wedding attire! Hahaha i hope it did fail

    I think he almost marry bratty but it din happen because jump of cliff also he choose to be w FR. Kinda remind me of the cliche if ur mum n me jump into the sea which one woukd u save. Haha.... Not a hard choice here for him i assume 

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  8. @NiteWalker haha... But 9 lives she did not love him at all... He knows it. He willingly die for her. They show that 9 as a fast recaps. N usually memory are wipe off after one life. So the story line was not hard to follow. Only the 10th life, it is the full story. N 10th life is worst cause she was born without senses. N here even that did not stop him from teaching her how to love. Bit by bit.. Shebfall in love w him. Very touching. N also i enjoy her expressing herself w him. N admitting her mistakes. Thats a heroine. I think i will go watch love m redemption a bit to torture myself a bit before being tortured by XJ-FR line. Haha... . 




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  9. Actually the story line reminds me of love n redemption. I m not sure if u guys watch that one. 58 episodes. Whole through the episodes i so sympathise with sifeng the ML. All he does is to love her n protect her w all his heart n body n soul. Whole through i was like u poor guy u poir guy. But FL was born wo 6 senses so u kinda pity n cant blame her too. Then there is SML who is totally swoon worthy (yes i had the SLS) who did even more than what XP did here. She end up stabbing the ML almost kiliing him. On top of the fact that he is already full of wounds interbally n externally because of her (much kike XJ).


    But i love how the script they turn it around she realised her mistakes. I could feel her pain n guilt like. Omg, how can i be so dumb, she almost could not hold herself up when she realised her mistakes. She decided to go find him n reallly search for him, Hi n lo for 500 over days. When she found him, she relentlessly asked for forgiveness n he was about to marry someone else (pretend). She went through great length to make it up. I hope we can see FR owing up to her mistakes soon n make up to him n asked for his forgiveness. No need so drastic like love n redemption but at least not asking for divorce n do the stony face thing like now. I m sure XJ will drop like fly if she woukd woo him. Yes... I want to see her woo him a little. Poor guy. 

    • Haha 3
  10. @40somethingahjumma u have analyse XP very well. Like I say i think this team of scriptwriters did a bad job in portraying XP n FR in these two episodes. In fact XP turn for bad is lame. U r right in saying he think the whole world revolved around him. Because ppl takes his toys or he think itbis his toy, he did the most unforgivable.. If he even care about her one bit, he woukd not hv allowed her to go marry XJ n try assassination.. He says so as much. He says he thought that he may get lucky in killing XJ through nong2. Goodness, no words can describe that horridness n the sickness i feel in my stomach. Even a

    If he is just a bestie, he could hv say dont do that, there is many ways to find out. Or leave it to me. I will find out for u. He vmcan advise she get close to him after his punishment is over, confront him, even test him etc. That is what a sane man would advise. No man in the right man who allowed a woman he claimed to love to marry another man just to assasinate him, esp she is no trained assasin or even hv any skills in martial art. N what if XJ successfully convince the dad to take her as zhengfei. That would be even harder to anulled as Chinese tradition. So he expect he can be openly with his nephew ex wife if he takes her away... So much illogicalness. Well, congratulation, he had  just successfully gave her away.


    I think the script is so flawed here. It is like they just want give xp a reason to turn dark n now they want the audience to take a pity on him n write FR up to drop her intelligences n her character so drastically to share aome of the idiocracy. Cause they wrote it that she arrived at that cinclusion herself n she was the one asking XP to help her secure a marriage w XJ, so she can revenge. Yes everyone is looking forward for a wedding scene. But i think no audience who watch this 2 episodes like it one bit.


    Yes...i like the exasperation of the emperor.. He finally behaved like a dad. I love it when he says.... That nonsense!!! He says he not only want to marry FR, he says he will marry no one but FR. Dad could be harsher but he compromised.... Fine fine fine... I give up but only sceondary consort ok. I was right emperor thinks she will be too unruly to help his son in any way. She is a troublemaker in his opinion. I think he favour XJ as the next emperor. 

    • Like 4
  11. This official trailer, right at the beginning part shows that there should be a second wedding. 


    Because this one show him waiting at the entrance n she came in smiling, the tradition of marrying ur first primary wife. This scene did not happen in dream or the ep19 wedding. Both dream n first wedfing was her waiting in the room (tradition as secondary wife or cincubine) , in both she is not smiling. I checked also it is not a cut from yunxi. His clothes n hairstyle was definitely ruyi. Her flower drawing is definitely FR. 



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  12. Ok XJ we allow u to marry another wife. As long as not screechy.. Anyone will do. With this rate, his whole body will be punch with holes n bruises. She askef for divorce some more. Instead of making things to him, She just want out.. Aikkks. 


    Haha... I guess we all love XJ too much this time. All riled up n protective of him.. I  actually feel like i m his mother.. So upset my son is hurt physically n emotionally. Abused. 


    But one thing i do declare is if the scriptwriter keeps giving us plot like this n end it badly like yunxi, i will totally avoid this team of scriptwriters esp if they r working w these two again or any other works for that matter. One yunxi is bad taste n if ruyi goes south, that will be scarring me for life. 


    But i give credit to his two aides n her lanxiang maid. Few sensible loyal ppl here. I hv my doubt on ah yuan. I think she is fishy. She din even say FR is peanut allergy but misled XJ into thinking FR gave away his gift to servants. I hv a baf feeling of this one.

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  13. 16 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Spoiler recaps for ep 20

    XJ heads back to the room. He tells his assistant to go. Ahn's left hand man asked should we proceed as planned ( as they had expected XJ to die). Ahn says yes , he does not want FR to stay on there.

    Then two masked man came into the bedroom to capture FR who was alone with her maids. The two men were quite aggressive and hurt the two maids. They took FR by force. XJ came in time to save her and he fought them off. There was a bomb thrown but XJ covered FR from it. One more attacker tried to slash him from the back . By then WBQ & the others heard the commotion. WBQ threw a weapon to hit that attacker but Ahn did the same to deflect that weapon so that it missed. WBQ asked Ahn what he was doing & Ahn just said he missed ( of course he was protecting his own men. He clearly set this up)


    So annoyed here . So Ahn went and asked FR if she was ok & Princess Annoying did the same with XJ.  XJ and FR both rejected the concerns but XJ was bleeding. His younger brother came up to him & took him to get treated. The strained expressions between FR and XJ breaks my heart. Princess Annoying continues to be her usual annoying self telling FR's ex bestie that FR was seducing Ahn . She also intercepted a maid bringing water for XJ to clean his wounds & offered to bring it herself. 

    (continue in spoiler)


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    Ahn was angry that his assistant messed up & told the latter not to make the same mistake again. Ahn things back of his younger days how how Nong Nong had protected him etc. 


    FR walks to the room where XJ's servants were wrapping his wounds. She asked them how was his wounds. They told her this new wounds only add on to his old wounds that were not fully healed. Anyway XJ refuses to address FR and tells the servants to send her back to the bedroom, he will sleep in his study. Meanwhile Ahn is determined to get Nong Nong back.


    Next morning, XJ and FR has to serve tea to the King and his mother as part of the customs. They asked about the extent of his injury & the mother realises how badly hurt he was. Later she asked FR to accompany her for a stroll in the garden. Love that mother was kind with her words saying how she liked the jewellery that XJ had designed & she knows that XJ being introvert from young always does things alone. But she knows how much affection XJ has for FR and is happy that FR can be there for him now. She asked FR to look after XJ. 


    King & XJ chat. He wants XJ to focus on helping him reorganise the some army camp. They wanted to appoint a new general etc . XJ suggested a competition but at the end the King says to get Ahn to handle such a big event since you just got married & are recovering from your injury. (urgggh) 


    XJ and FR walk towards their residence. XJ was gentle in his speech to her. They met Ahn . After some brief exchanges , Ahn managed to slip a piece of paper to FR.


    WBQ scenes with his assistant at the shop and another businessman. WBQ was here catch that assistant who has been swindling his money etc. Anyway the guy confessed 


    XJ in his study ...someone send deserts to him which he did not want to eat. His servants send it to FR & also to tell FR he will sleep in his study. FR didn't want to eat. Her maid said why have you & XJ  not consumated the marriage. She gave an excuse he's injured. Anyway she finds out that he was going out the next day for work , and she decides to go galavanting herself in man's clothes. Looks like she wanted to  buy this popular wine & got her maid to line up for it while she walked about 


    XJ comes to see FR and long story short discovers she has gone out the way she did  . He asked his men to go look for her & tells his men that every single servant in the residence will be punished for this. 

    Anyway, FR had gone to see Ahn secretly. Ahn promises to find a way to free her from the marriage. But she tells him that she was now unsure that XJ was the killer & she felt she jumped to conclusions. Then flashback scene- the person who was wearing white with blood that day on his sleeves was actually Ahn. He had gone to see Ruyi.  Ahn did ask her if XJ was really not the murderer if she would want to go back to her old life. She didn't answer him. Hmm some flashback scenes and reminiscing of their childhood ( yawns!)


    FR heads back & she sees all the servants kneeling in the garden . His servant says that they were punished because XJ found out that she had gone out the way she did. She says it was not their fault & asked them not to be punished as it was her fault. He carried her in as per preview. He asked her if she realised what was her mistake. The truth is he was angry that not because of what she did but that he was worried for her safety. But he just doesn't tell her upfront.


    Later her maids , try to advise FR saying that XJ really cares for her. He doesn't know that she is allergic to peanuts. They encourage her to go talk to him. When she went to look for him, one of the maids (who was in cahoots with Princess Annoying) lied & said XJ was busy. He & his men discussing the need to get a first lady (official wife)


    She went back to her room feeling downcast. XJ came to look for her later as his men told him it would create rumors that they were not sharing the same bed. He did tell her that he was not angry that she didn't follow the rules. He was mad that she could be in danger. Then she started saying that she regretted meeting him in the first place etc & asked to separate at the end.



    Thanks @Beautifulthing. look forward to the cut. 

    TBH @SnT I was depressed watching these two episodes.  I mean I was quite angry with XJ for not thinking properly.  Hopefully the upcoming episodes would be better.


    It just send shivers to my heart thst she invited ahnwan into the scheme n into their lives. Yes unknowingly n that is plain stupidity but that is not the way to treat a guy who just gave up  literally everything to save u. She can talk to him, she can be angry at him for not telling u everything. She can asked to see him before marrying him.. But to scheme with ahn to marry XJ so that she can kill him is a plot that is totally unacceptable. She did not love him at all if she can do that. Maybe the script make XJ too good. Till i m so upset w FR. Its ok to be stupid but not ok to be heartless n scheming. 

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  14. Yes u recap it really well. So much angst n so much hurt. Ep 20 is worse. I feel its plain stupidity on her part. From someone with reasonable high intelligence in all prev episode, script reduces her down to someone who doesnt use her head at all.


    N what makes me scare the most is this gal asked ahnwan to help her marry XJ so she can revenge. I mean to me that is wrong script for FR. That is too calculative n hateful for her character. Only heartless person like ahnwan would use marriage to meet emds like that. She is a sunshine gal all through 18 episode. N suddenly she can plan something so dark. The idea is not even from ahnwan its from her. N if there wasnt the love declaration episode, then fine, she can do it because She doesn't know how he feel about her. He declare one fan one heart, no regrets, never to separate.... Goodness how much more do u need him to do. 


    Sorry i did not get any joy from this wedding episode. I mean they could hv talk a bit more after the assassination attempt. N give it some little sweetness. instead the wedding scene makes me shudder n feel cold in the heart.. If i were him, after going through so much coldness n heartlessness in life since young n thinking that he has found some warmth in this gal. His mother totally understood him.. When she tell FR what her son need.. He need love. Sorry I don think what she did is forgivable. Sorry. I m Ranting. 

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  15. Very very sad episode. 😭😭Does not like it one bit. 


    Cant believe she marry to kill him. I don know what to say. Terrible way to start ur lives together. 


    I watched both 19 n 20 episodes. I think i need to 100% lower my expectations of this drama. The play of sort of musunderstandings are already so difficult to watch. Sigh sigh... So much of i don want to say, don wan to talk... Sad i feel the lump in my throat looking at them torturing one another 

    • Sad 2
  16. 23 minutes ago, NiteWalker said:



    well u can try 'Maiden Holmes' hahahah the plots alot of loopholes.....and pretty weak....however the chemistry in between the cast is awesome 



    Oh ya... Zhang ling he the ML is very young n new. I think he has lots of potential n is soooooo good looking. In maiden holmes, i think he lacks of the power/oomph which ZZH has as a Prince cum general. 

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  17. 28 minutes ago, NiteWalker said:


    teach you a method....get cotton bud ready.....


    whenever u see her face....put it into your ears



    Ya... I get ready my pillow, so wheb that scene starts i just cover my eyes entirely... Haha... Sounds like a horror story. Hope FR will be remorse after that m do her utmost to made up with him. Poor XJ. Btw why is he holding a sword. Or is it that dagger? Guess we r all biting our nails for tonight.. Actually nong nong is such a sweet baby name.. Why cant XJ call her that... It has to come from ahnwan mouth...sigh.... Sweat. 


    Actually i feel, so bad for XJ.. Scenes of him jail break, got injured when protecting her n the flogging he got till the eunuch stick broke... Keep on appearing ing in my head. Its like i ouch ouch ouch for him. I know its just a drama. But in real life, if the guy do so much for u, i think i will just ignore any bad rumours about him unless i see w my own eyes ir he tells me he did it. Some scriptwriters play that well, we hv some FL who will say unless he tell me he did it, i will not believe it. Say sleepless princess (i ❤️❤️❤️the 2leads so much too, i could never decide which CP i love more, ZZH n JJy or ZYC n HYX) . Even if he says he did it, i can then choose to forgive or not firgive him. Its our business. Not anyone else. 

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