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Everything posted by OsmanthusTea

  1. BHS’s mother seems to be not that bad yah? Am I wrong?
  2. @mademoisellesia Are you a Sadist meh??? Ayoooiii....
  3. I am only up to episode 5 and have to take a breather from time to time because of the amount of inflicted pains scenes...I feel like watching OCN not TVn. LSG doesn’t disappointed, he is absolutely slays as BHS.
  4. @katakwasabi Since we are multi cultures here, is it possible to name a local delicacies? Nougat 46 add. Is salmon a dessert??
  5. @im0202 I am up to date with this series too and tbh I found the first half of S5 bit disappointing. The cracks that kept me watching Lucifer is the witty lines and outrageous impulsive attitude from The Devil Himself. But I got very little of that cracks in S5 (first half). Chloe and Luci’s chemistry and sexual tension were great before BUT after they got together I found none of the explosions I was hoping for. I just hope it will be better in the 2nd half.
  6. Edward The Second?? So starts with D? Or 2? @Thong Thin Start from the last letter Taxi
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