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Posts posted by ssteph

  1. Hiiiii~~~ I'm here to get Brahms badge 🤣🤣 I am not good at writing opinions about drama LOL.


    I knew this drama from Twitter. People talking about it & having analysis. I started being curious. I tried episode 1.


    I like how this drama use song's title (?) for episode's title. I don't understand music 😭


    I know Park Eun Bin from Queen Seon Deok & her cameo in Dream High. I am familiar with Kim Sung Cheol & Bae Da Bin, they are in Arthdal Chronicles.


    Kim Min Jae... It's the first time I watch him. Wow! He can play piano in real life 🤩 😍


    First I didn't understand why that man (I don't know his name) keeps asking "What is your name?" to Song Ah. She tells her name already. Later I notice Chae Song Ah sounds like 'joesonghamnida' (I am sorry?) 😅


    The moment of Joon Young & Song Ah in front of the restaurant is cute.


    I won't be shipper. I had bad experience with shipping couple lol.


    The airport scene, surprise... the title of drama is mentioned, Do you like Brahms?


    Seems I need to backread this thread, 22 pages 😱


    I found this tweet



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  2. Netflix is rumored to have been active enough to offer amounts far exceeding total production cost for [Space Sweepers], [Call] and [Night in Paradise]

    In Korean film industry, aftermath situation because of Corona 19 is expected to continue until next year, and even it improves, there are concerns that this year's unreleased films could be wiped out due to fierce competition.

    Hollywood blockbusters, including Marvel films, have given up their release this year and are considering next year, so the competition gonna be tough.
    As unfavorable situation, Korean films that have delayed their release this year are in talks with Netflix.

    Even a tentpole movie like [Space Sweepers], Venice International Film Festival attendee movie [Night on Paradise], considers disclosing OTT services means that situation are badly serious for Korean films industry.

    Whether Netflix will emerge as another alternative for Korean film industry, it is clear that changes in Chungmuro are just around the corner.



    Cr : taeri_yeosin https://www.instagram.com/p/CGZKaSnJpvE/

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  3. f30d70a216e1fee0651c6425484560bb76c04654


    'Space Sweepers' is under discussion to be released directly through Netflix

    According to the film industry on October 16th, Merry Christmas, 'Space Sweepers's investment distributor is in final discussion with Netflix over the release of'Space Sweepers' as an original Netflix movie.

    When 'Space Sweepers' chooses to go through Netflix after 'Call' and 'Paradise Night', film industry is expected to be shocked. Because 'Space Sweepers' is the first case of tentpole movie, which was invested in about 24 billion won, to be released directly on Netflix instead of a theater.



    cr : taeri_yeosin https://www.instagram.com/p/CGYvcgnph9K/

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  4. @mademoisellesia The Royal Tailor ^^ I watched it because of Park Shin Hye and liked to see Han Suk Kyu, Go Soo, Yoo Yeon Seok in it.


    Six Flying Dragons is still in my list. I don't know when I will start to watch 😂


    Because you mentioned A Frozen Flower. Frozen Flower Oppas in 2008 & 2015 😁

    Song Joong Ki, Jo In Sung, Lim Joo Hwan


    Cr : joongki85919


    Yoo Seung Ho as Prince Kim Chun Chu in drama Queen Seon Deok 😍



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  5. Sungkyunkwan Scandal
    Song Joong Ki as Gu Yong Ha



    He is playful, naughty, and smart. He is playboy. He wears good & expensive outfits. He looks like a rich man but it's a lie. The most touching part is when he is brave to admit that he doesn’t come from a high class family, he is from middle class family.



    Kim Yoon Hee (Park Min Young) disguises herself as her brother Kim Yoon Shik. She replaces her sick brother to take test and study at Sungkyunkwan school. She is friends with Lee Seon Joon (Park Yoo Chun), Moon Jae Shin (Yoo Ah In), and Gu Yong Ha (Song Joong Ki). They are called Jalgeum Quartet. King Jeongjo (Jo Sung Ha) chooses them for a task.



    I like sageuk. I like history & culture. Through this drama we can see life of Sungkyunkwan students in Joseon era.

    Sungkyunkwan is a real school in Korean history. Now it is Sungkyunkwan University. Complex of old buildings and gate from Joseon era are still there. In real life, SJK studied & graduated from Sungkyunkwan University.

    I knew SJK for the first time through this drama. I was not his fan at that time but I admitted he was so attractive in portraying Gu Yong Ha. After being his fan, Gu Yong Ha is still unforgettable and still one of my favorite characters. Maybe it's the most playful, most cheerful, and funniest among SJK's works.






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  6. 1 hour ago, mademoisellesia said:

    Arthdal Chronicles

    (For admiration only)

    Song Joong Ki as Eun Seom/Saya


    @abs-oluteM I included 2 just for you, 😆


    @mademoisellesia First I don't know what you mean 2 for abs-oluteM. Take a look at pics again, ohohoho... I know...I know 😁


    1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

    @mademoisellesia wow ! SJK look so nice in that last pic . Bless my eyes!  You must call @ssteph for this. Actually steph , your oppa got a lot of good Sageuk ! 
    @Chocolate you need to bribe her with Kang HaNeul or YYS ! 


    @abs-oluteM he is in 3 sageuk dramas Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Tree with Deep Roots, and Arthdal Chronicles.

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  7. Song Joong Ki & books 📚


    It seems Song Joong Ki likes to read books. In his interviews he talked about books he read. There is an article in 2016 mentioned him read 300 books during his two years in the army.



    Pic cr : Hyundai Livart CF


    Harper Bazaar magazine May 2016 (Eng trans by sjkiel)

    Q : …… I heard that you read a lot of books when you were in army.

    SJK : Although I am unable to mention the title, but I read 2 or 3 Korean novels. The stories are about shinpa (literally means ‘new school’, melodramatic/tragic genre). I like shinpa, that’s why I decided to act in movie A Werewolf Boy………




    SJK during his 2 years in the army, he has read a total of over 300 books and he gave away more than 300 books which he had read to his dongsaengs in the army. (Eng trans by SongJoongKi_SG)


    In 2016, SJK donated book Be Happy Like a Child at a bazaar. On the first page he wrote ‘this is one of my favorite books. It helped me through the tough times while I was serving in military. Hope people find happiness through this book. ‘ (cr : sjkinnocentgirl)




    아이처럼 행복하라/Be Happy Like a Child by Alex Kim. It shows photos of Tibet, Nepal, Pakistan children 10 years dreams and journey.






    Hi_High #1 송중기의 지금 / Song Joong Ki's Nowadays (2020) (Eng trans by ace_chingu)


    Q7 : …. What do you do, for example, when you stay at home?

    SJK : I mostly watch movies, I read a lot and wash the dishes that pile up…….


    Q9 : Among the books you are currently reading, which one would you say is most impressive to you?

    SJK : It may sound boring, but I read a book called Intermittent Fasting. The more you eat, the older you get. The book says it has only been 100 years since humans started eating three times of meals a day. It came to my mind that I didn’t want to get old, and I started to carry it out for a month – eating only one meal per day. And I gave up practicing it in less than a month. I was so hungry!

    (Reposted from my blog)

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  8. Space Sweepers - Tae Ho


    “Space Sweepers” will tell the story of a crew of The Victory in the year 2092. When they discover a humanoid robot named Dorothy that’s known to be a weapon of mass destruction, they get involved in a risky business deal. 


    This is set to be Song Joong Ki’s first film in three years and he will be playing the role of Tae Ho. He used to be a former members of the UTS squad but during a mission, he endures a mission that gets everything taken away from him and he ends up as the pilot of The Victory.


    After hitting rock bottom, Tae Ho is willing to do anything if it gets him money. He pilots the ship with no shoes and holes in his socks, and even after discovering Dorothy, all that is on his mind is using his wit to score more money for himself.



    Song Joong Ki explained, “[When I first saw the script], I wanted to play this character who isn’t flashy and doesn’t hide anything. I wanted to take on the character of Tae Ho because he has a bright personality.” He explained that although Tae Ho appears cold on the outside, he is a warm person and though he might appear to be lacking, he is a genius who uses his intelligence to get the most out of any situation.


    Director Jo Sung Hee expressed deep satisfaction in working with Song Joong Ki as he said, “Song Joong Ki is an actor who fills in any empty spaces in his characters with creativity and details. He is perfectly portraying who Tae Ho is.” The two had worked together on “A Werewolf Boy,” and the director added, “He is hardworking, bright, and fun like he was in ‘A Werewolf Boy,’ and he is an actor who gives strength to those around him and makes everyone laugh. Being able to work with him is a great joy.”


    Cr : Soompi



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