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  1. Hello, everyone!
  2. This is what I've felt when I was watching Chocolate drama. Start of episode and I was all drooling
  3. Thank You, @MayanEcho. I really appreciate it. My first 2 birthing experience was not that pleasant. I hope this time around, there'll be changes
  4. I currently have 2. In three weeks times, there'll be a total of 3 (and NO MORE, please ..!) Good Morning, ya'll
  5. @abs-oluteM, everything is fine. Thank You! I was here all the time, lurking. Not really that active 'coz I have to double time with office work and all. I'm having my maternity leave soon so I'm currently teaching/training a colleague (my temporary replacement for 105 days!) with office tasks. Maybe, just maybe, as soon as my ML starts then I will have ample time for kdrama watching,
  6. @Mouse, don't even think of changing your name. I like it. For easier recognition also. Some of the people here changed their names but retained their display pic. Btw, I haven't seen Ameera Ali (on this site and Soompi). Does anyone know her whereabouts?
  7. @SilverMoonTea, I have this feeling that YOU are Lawyerh in Soompi? Come on ...
  8. @SilverMoonTea, Yep! Lawyerh provided us the link
  9. @Chocolate, I knew it! You are the Chocolate I know in Soompi 😄. I just FOLLOW you, Dear! I saw a lot of familiar faces around. Yay! Well, LMH's popularity have grown exponentially over the years compare with HB's. Even here in our country, he's really popular. But I prefer HB over LMH. Don't be too disheartened if the other actor's thread gets more visits. I'll see what I can contribute later, okay? Regards!
  10. I'm not watching anything right now, @abs-oluteM but if could recommend something that is worth watching, I may give it a try 🙂. I just visited Oppa's shrine a while ago, I clicked on the link 😘. Thanks!
  11. Thank You for the warm welcome @abs-oluteM and @NiteWalker 🥰
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