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Everything posted by Dhakra

  1. Pretty much what disappointed me the most. So many topics didn't get any closure or were just mentioned to without seeing actual footage. I mean, A-ran's husband used violence against A-ran, his new actor girlfriends and BJ. Which already makes me mad enough, especially since THEY ALL say to not go to the police, don't report it and let it slide. Until the very end, his actions don't have consequences. All we know is that he got a divorce. During the last scenes, he could still slap the hospital girl. We never learned why BJ lost her child, was it due to suffocating by A-rans husband? He choked her quite long. BJ also mentioned a secret A-ran promised, we never learned about mentioned secret. A-ran's story is ended abruptly. Neither did she progress from her role as abused wife in her drama, nor did she start something new with Akira Club guy. She also didn't lose her career, the whole plot about plagiarism just disappeared aswell. They made such a fuss about it, but it doesn't play any role. If you look at it, without closure, all these aspects are just wasted drama time. It didn't matter. BJ's crying on the telephone, her plan to manipulate A-ran's book.
  2. Hey stroppy So you think I should watch the first season before heading into the second one?
  3. Nopey, I disagree And here is why, perfect possibility to wrap up my thoughts. I am salty aswell. The drama doesn't feel wrapped up at all, the pacing was so off, that it hurt the drama in the end. Episode 16 feels like the turning point of the drama. We have the usual upset point with BJ's dad death, the whole situation crumbles with both affairs and finally we have a scene where JS and BJ talk about their marriage. They discuss their position and how they should carry on in their marriage. They both came clean. Normally, in every other drama, this would have been an episode around the halfway mark. It felt like a typical episode 9 or 10 to me. On top, so many other things aren't wrapped up at all or just refered to in a side note. What happened to the abused girl in the hospital? A-ran's husband never faced judgement, BJ never learned about the fate of Jung Woo. MJ and Just's relationship still doesn't feel real, they didn't even gave them a kiss or any skinship. MJ still seems like she hasn't changed a lot, she switched focus, but I do not think she loves Just genuinely. And the OTP, it feels unfinished, not only is their coincidental meeting highly cheesy, but what next? Just a smile? Should we imagine the rest? I want clear, hard answers in the form of moving pictures. This whole thing didn't even feel like an affair at all. No real secrecy. JS & BJ just moved on? BJ doesn't even learn that her husband is seeing his old love AGAIN. BJ & Kyung Eun don't have a single scene together in 16 episodes. When she opens up her heart and tells him about KJ and that she understands why back then he told her about the affair, he didn't even say: "Oh now that you mention it, I do see her again these days". There are so many things still happening in the dark. Kyung Eun & JS, a storyline that is happening for so long, is just finished with Kyung Eun turning around the taxi? COME ON. They went through so much together and suddenly it's wrapped up so loosely? Aran's big secret is also just refered to in a small conversation at the end, the divorce aswell. The whole drama long she mentions how she needs him, how crucial he is for their/her success. She even covers up everything to keep up the facade, to an extent that at point she even considered killing BJ through Akira Club. And suddenly this is all cleaned up in seconds? But it the same moment, they treat BJ & KJ like they are unseperatable and can't divorce at all, because they are stuck to each other.
  4. Last episode JS really has no backbone. Going through his wifes phone, potentially knowing she saw it, she is giving him the opportunity to come clear, talk everything through and he just throws out random phrases. I wonder how he is able to walk. ....At least I was right with the unsatisfying ending part.....I honestly don't know what to say.....it just feels unsatisfying. I will try to gather my thoughts tomorrow. Sigh....
  5. Alright, let's do this. Girls Planet 999 already disappointed me heavily. Pretty much everything that could have gone wrong, took exactly that route. So it's up to you Lost, do your worst. Episode 15 Okay, on this camera angle, BJ actually does some kissing aswell. She is way more active mouthwise than in last episodes ending. JS got the three magical words from Kyung Eun. Now I am even more jealous than before You are such a lucky panda. If she would have said that to me, I would immediately leave everyone and start a new life with her anywhere she wants. Kyung Eun actually sent her husband away to die...... Her husband died of broken heart. Kyung Eun asked for the ultimate sacrifice. How can you not love her as JS. Why don't you say anything. Goddammit. Is this Weightlifting Kim Bok Joo all over again or what? She pours her heart out and all you do is just sit there, asking stupid questions and do nothing. Are you doing the same mistake again with BJ? How can someone be so blank? ....so now we know how BJ lost her child (?) ....that absusive son of a witch choked her.....and A-ran just cowardly ran away, although BJ tried to safe her......damn that sick bastard.....even death would be too good for him.... I really, really like KJ's mom. She the hidden gem of the drama. Mhm, okay. Let's see what ep16 has in store
  6. Divorce is the least that has to happen. Actually, like many other things, it should have happened a few episodes ago, or at least seperation. We haven't seen JS & BJ in a scene together for ages. I guess it will be an open ending with BJ & KJ starting to date or exchanging meaningful gazes. It will be an unsatisfying ending that will require us to imagine everything. I mean, every couple in the drama developed their relationship further than the OTP. The first kiss in the drama was actually between Kyung Eun and JS (that lucky clone of a witch)
  7. The price is horrendous considering all the missing functions, it also does not look as stylish as the one KJ has in the drama. Bluetooth would be great to have. Sigh.
  8. Exactly. Arrr, I make them walk the plank if they mess this up. I think A-ran attempt to destroy BJ marriage will fail, since it's already broken. So I guess this plot will end rathher quickly. My question for the last two episodes is, how many people will learn of their affairs and broken marriage in general. If all three parents, their friends and other familie members get the chance to react to it, confront them, talk to them or in any way interact with them, screentime will be over in an iffy. Especially with the current pacing. I think it will have some open ending, no happy end, maybe in a short 10 minute scene at the end after a "Two months later" timeskip. Maybe we just see them start dating. Kyung Eun & JS probably won't have a happy ending aswell, I think JS mother will be strictly against it and her mother hates him aswell. Maybe they will be together if they go against their parents and start dating in secret. Just & MJ, I don't know, she still seems to be into KJ, but maybe she will be one of the first to learn about his affair to BJ. Maybe that will "free" her up for real this time and she focusses her attention to Just. Since he is already heavily in love with her, maybe they start dating aswell after she found out he didn't work at Akira's Club and instead passed the law examination test. From what we have seen, the pacing, the structures of the episodes, the movie like shots, I would say this is far from the classical K-Drama. It has no tropes at all, so a happy ending would suprise me quite a lot.
  9. Episode 14 MJ is highly disappointed in Just because she things he works with Akira Club. The fact that they spoke to each other so comfortably didn't do something good for him aswell. He had tears in his eyes because he realized immediately MJ was upset. Daaamn. She honestly thought he wasn't part of this business. She thought better of him. Seeing the actress beaten up in bed, explaing how he got back to "apologize" and beaten her more up makes ME SO MAD! Time to skip these scenes. It makes me crazy! Just, dude, MJ actually begins to have interest in you. Such a beautiful, absolutely gorgeous girl which is ABSOLUTELY out of your league. She probably is in a different league than any guy on this planet, so for gods sake, tell her the truth and play with open cards AT ALL TIMES. Just be honest, straight and play with open cards. She has enough lying and deceiving in her life, so be the one guy who is honest to her, all the time. Seriously, how can you not fall for Kyung Eun? I can totally understand JS. Kyung Eun is just JS....you lucky son of a witch, kissing Kyung Eun. I bow down to you. Congratulations. I am jealous. KJ storming down the stairs is the incarnation of happiness. "We meet again....in Seoul"......Bro....you technially texted her to come....so it is not such a massive coincidence. The kiss is the definition of a one-sided kiss. BJ was just at the receiving end and KJ initiated, executed and did all the lip work. It doesn't mean BJ didn't enjoy it, but she didn't look like she was. So....to sum it up together with the preview. JS spents the night with Kyung Eun, BJ spents her night with KJ. So both partners are out with their affairs. MJ is pissed about Just. A-ran begins her plan to plot against BJ and tries to blackmail her with pictures, not knowing that they will probably run into nothing. Bad luck if you want to destroy a marriage that is already broken. And while JS & BJ are out with their affairs, BJ's dad gets lost and collapses somewhere. They come to his rescue and BJ will probably feel bad about it, which may interfere with her new found happiness and potential plans to go all in with KJ. All good and stuff, but HOLY FREAKING CARROT are they late with all this stuff. The scene between the OTP meeting at the traffic light, him hugging her and the kiss should have happened around episode 8, maybe 9 and 10 at the latest. We have nothing. How are they gonna wrap this all up in just two episodes? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ladies and Gentlemen, take your seats, fasten your seatbelt, prepare for a rough, unsatisfying ending. I, for sure, do expect it at this point. I already feel like I will be unsatisfied at the end. Gosh Lost, you had so much potential, you could have been Secret Love Affair 2.0. You managed to include music so well, have these beautiful movie-like shots.....you did so much right, but sigh.......you really have to do amazing next weekend. I hope for you Girls Planet 999 will run smoothly for me and my favorites are going to win, otherwise you will have an even harder time. You mean the last ten minutes of ep 14
  10. Episode 13 Kyung Eun is such a keeper. She came every day, every visiting hour, for two years. I think at one point she forgot how it is to life. I think her love has passed a long time ago, I can understand why she seeked the attention of JS. "He miraculousky held on when she was there". Mrs. Nurse-nim, if Kyung Eun would be MY wife, my will to life would be unbreakable and strong aswell. Wanna punch Jin-Seob so hard, so he beat A-ran aswell. He has a history of domestic violence. Somebody needs to give him the same treatment. I miss Taxi Driver, it was so satisfying to see how the main lead beat people up who were human trash. As slow as this drama might be, and many, many scenes either feel totally out of pace, way too late or dragged out, the scene of KJ delivering a letter of resignation was pure gold So funny, such a nice humor. Episode 13 didn't do anything. What? @abs-oluteMEven a tortoise moves faster. How in the world did they manage to make a whole episode where pretty much nothing happens? We didn't move an inch further. Looks like I will watch 14 afterwards now. 13 was such a bummer
  11. Really? Still tortoise pace? Gosh, the pacing is straight out of hell. Still haven't watched both episodes, but I don't mind some spoilers, since the drama is so slow anyways. JS you happy little rascal, kissing Kyung Eun. My Maan. I know it is wrong, but what if it feels so right, huh? I am so jealous. A kiss of her must feel like a thousand heavens. But happy to read that BJ & KJ shared a kiss, but for some reason she always looks so uninvolved. Her facial expressions also always look like she just happened to be in the situation and don't know how it happened. I hope it's different when I watch it. Also hope they show some more of all the side shenanigans happening. MJ, Just, Just's sister, they all need to come to a proper end, whatever way it might be. If the actor of Just is able to kiss Apink's Naeun, I will appoint him to be the luckiest member of the cast
  12. Oh I know the design, it looks familiar. I think I saw it on amazon a few weeks ago. It wasn't too expensive either. Thank you. Yaaaa You recommend me so many dramas, when am I supposed to watch them all? Jirisan. I will look into it later. I lost track of all the upcoming dramas you tagged me and mentioned me in. I'm sure I missed so many already. My brain capacities aren't meant to handle so many things at once. And about 'Lost', the lack of pace comes to bite us now, we only have four episodes left and we are at a point now that I would describe as starting point between the OTP. With all the other things happening left and right, I don't think we will get enough screen time for them to give us a good (happy) ending. It wouldn't even surprise me if they don't end up together.
  13. Well she actually was quite right. I wouldn't call it masterpiece though, but it was enough to finally make the drama really interesting again. @SilverMoonTeaYou totally need to tell me where you got the CD Player I need it for my next apartment.
  14. Episode 12 BJ really polished her ring. It was so omnipresent. It shined more than my future. Still I love that KJ pushed her closer to him. It was beautiful. Good scene. Maybe MJ begins to see Just's value and does begin to like him. I can't read her. But since I am guy, it's only natural that I can't. But I like the Bromance that Woo Nam and Just had during the night. They helped each other out. Naeun is SO pretty. Gosh I miss Apink. I should totally rewatch all Apink MVs after the show again. BJ is smiling on the way down KJ healed her heart. She actually looked very happy at the bus station aswell. @SilverMoonTeaI agree that these two episodes did a lot for the drama and are actually quite good. I liked them. Now the real question is what lies ahead of us. Will the drama pick up the pace from the past two episodes and develope them further or are we stuck at the old speed again? It also seemed like some of the character found their hearts at the right time. MJ, Woo Nam & JS mom all turned around and had a change of heart. So the upcoming (two) episodes will even be way more mandatory than the past ones. This weekend sets the stage for the final. Really looking forward what the writers have in mind for us. Where did you get it? I actually want it too! It looks so stylish and I could finally use all of my KPop CDs instead of just listen to everything on Spotify. Haha. I also need his black brick pillows!
  15. But he is okay with that and I can understand it. I was in his feet for almost two years. He knows what's ahead of him, but refuses to see it and still walks down the path, because if he would stop, there is nothing to chase anymore. She sents him enough signals for him to go on. At KJ place he realized that she doesn't see anything more than a friend in him, but suddenly opened just a tiny opening. As viewer, we know she wasn't genuine, she just realized he likes her for real and didn't want to hurt his feelings. But he is a guy, he can't think straight, he only sees an opening and the possibility to potentially get her as a girlfriend. MJ plays him hard, and either she finally starts to see who truly loves her or she has to shut it down. Just is only suffering. I know this, because I was. Which is my biggest concern at this point. This. Exactly. I felt like we needed this episode two or three weeks ago, because I feel like we need qute some time to move on from this point. I actually don't think they will be a couple by the end of the drama. Or maybe just the last 10 minutes after a time skip. Don't you dare to make a time skip.
  16. Lets see if @SilverMoonTea promised me too much Episode 11 How Kyung Eun forces herself to smile at JS. She is such a strong, nice woman I can understand why JS fell for her. She would be #1 in my books too. His looks were telling me that he wants to be strong for her, I feel like he really cares for her. Kyung Eun KJ is SO interested in BJ, but he plays this "mysterious guy"-card so well. He doesn't give her anything. He knows so much about her, but doesn't let her know anything. He has such an advantage and she is so in the dark. She sees herself as just another numbered client, but for him, she is so, so much more already. She never was a client to begin with. When she wrote him, he didn't even ask about a price, money or anything, he just came. Without asking questions, he said so often how money is the most important thing, money defies you, but here, he doesn't seem to care about money at all. Woo Nams satisfied grin after telling Soon-Kyu whats wrong with her was so precious. I loved it. That's ma boy. I can see in JS eyes how he realizes the same mistakes he is doing again and questions himself if he is already cheating and having an affair again. But he cannot stop himself, he likes Kyung Eun, more than his wife. Him looking at his texts to BJ was kind of a call to get a reaction. But since BJ didn't reply, he felt like she doesn't care and continued. He is aware what he does is wrong, but he cannot stop himself. Probably the first time we saw BJ genuinely smile while walking up the mountain. But it seems she kinda "broke" KJ, he begins to talk about himself. He definitely is interested in her, if you make a guy talk, you are on the right path. Just gets friendzoned so hard by MJ, that it is painful to watch. Gosh, it's like he owns the friendzone. I felt so sad about him realizing she doesn't feel anything being alone with him. After that scene I wanted to give him another cans of alcohol, he definitely needs them. KJ is so smart. The bet is a bet he wants to lose. So if he loses, he automatically wins.
  17. Ma-ma-masterpiece? You know you open up a lot of expectations with statements like this
  18. I actually mean the drama containing Cha Ji-yeon. If I remember correctly, you mentioned an upcoming drama with her in a leading position. I forgot the name though.
  19. Lost my Huawei FreeBuds Pro Case somewhere today. My day is starting quite bad. Now I have to buy used ones just for the case, because a single replacement case is the same price as used ones. Not only the pace has to pick up, the whole story should begin to .....do something. I want progress, pretty much everywhere. It feels like every episode is just lingering around without doing anything. Ten episodes in and if someone would just start the first episode, he wouldn't be that much behind. Sure, he wouldn't know some infos, but the state between each character would be the same. BJ & KJ still feel like strangers.
  20. Episode 10 The quarrel between KJ mom and her partner is so cute. She is actually a very beautiful woman herself. I LOVE KJ reaction about the other apartment that went up to almost 400 millions. He was so bored about the conversation and suddenly he was so invested when he realised how much (potential) money they lost. I mean it's clear that KJ mom was against it because she wanted to stay in Seoul because of her son, but what a missed opportunity. MJ is so good at playing with Just, his heart will break so many times more. Not even I cal tell if she was genuinely worried that he may have worked rooms at Akira. Jin-Seob is hitting his girlfriend/affair? Domestic violence? Looks like hitting his wife on set wasn't enough anymore. Man, this makes me so angry. You all know how much I hate violence against women. Now I want him to die. What BJ did was brave, the fear in her eyes were so real. She probably saved the girls life..... even if only for just a moment. Gosh this sick jerk, I want to beat the crap outta him. If you hit girls, I treat you like a punching bag For real, she is such a beautiful nice girl, how can he punch such a pretty girl? HOW? How can any guy beat any girl at all? I don't get it. Looking at her bruised face made me so mad. SO MAD! She felt so humiliated, but also grateful. When I saw her tears, I would like to make a call to Kim Do-Ki from Taxi Driver and tell him to beat the SHIT out of that jerk. @abs-oluteMYAAA You could have warned and prepared me for this. You know how much I hate violence against women. Not I am super-mad at 3AM and can't even let out my anger! Preview looks promising, but I don't fall for this. We were at this point many times before in a lot of dramas and nothing happened. But it will be curious to find out if he charges her for this. Hopefully finally the pace will go up. We have a lot of arcs to finish.
  21. I hate it when old german songs are stuck in my head. I can't stop singing around the house, at work, in a fancy sing-off with my cat. So glad it's Friday soon.
  22. @abs-oluteMOhhh~ Yeah, yeah, I am interested. Wasn't there a drama coming with my favorite from Taxi Driver aswell? I'll note this drama down. I am in for another round of Kyung Eun.
  23. Episode 9 Gosh this episode is sloooooooooooooow from the get go. Kyung Eun still being an amazing wife. She really is a keeper. So BJ donated money to the kid of Wong Joo. Shows what kind is woman she is. So JS was completely in the dark about BJ job situation. She didn't even tell him she was fired. Oh boy, the miscommunication is strong in this one. But I wonder, why wait until ep9 to tell us. BJ knows she can use the affair to win every fight. And he feels so guilty, that he accepts it. Soon-Kys's arc was actually the most interesting and emotional part this episode. I skipped a few seconds here and then during the other scenes, but she returning to her home, seeing the broken cup she got from Just at her wedding day was really a strong scene. I feel for her and it makes me happy she speaks out her emotions loudly. FINALLY A HUGGER! BJ's dad is the most precious thing in this drama. I did not really get the ending, why he cried and was leaving, but I hope we get an explanation for that. She had sausages, she would get every german guy to enter when she's cooking sausages! I don't get rid of the feeling that most parts we see, could have been told in way earlier episodes. It still feels like we are at the beginning of the drama. The drama takes so much time to explain everything, but as such a slow pace, that I feel like we will miss stuff during the important moments. It feels like we are at episode 3.
  24. Uh yeah.....So my type is kickass action girlfriend. Fits perfectly, especially since I watched both the dramas they reference to
  25. Did someone already watch the two latest episodes? I think I can't watch them until later this week. I hope the pacing is a little better by now.
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