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Everything posted by Dhakra

  1. So currently Among Us, turns out after watching so many Crime/Thriller Dramas I am an outstanding Imposter. Genshim Impact, because MMO and JRPG? Count me in. @PhikylDid you try it? League of Legends....and I have absolutely no idea how this happened. And as soon as Cyberpunk 2077 is free of bugs, I will play it for weeks!
  2. My morning routine is pretty much always the same: Wake up -> check phone -> give Johnny (cat) something to eat -> go back to bed because I realized that waking up was a bad idea -> realize I can't sleep anymore, so turning on a Kpop-Music-Show, some of the benefits living in Europe is that these air in the morning for me -> Use a bad song/commercial to go shower, hoping that I am fast enough that I will be back after one song, so when a song I actually like is coming I can watch it -> Stepping out of the shower, listening that the song I like is playing and curse, because that's what germans do -> Grab breakfast, start the Computer and begin to work, while still watching the Show and go on from here. Pretty much every morning
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