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Everything posted by Dhakra

  1. Seafood turns my face more into green than red But no, my face doesn't turn red, on the outside I am totally I am only hiccuping like
  2. Ehhhhhhhh............. N-no? I did not. After Deluxe Taxi I actually enjoyed the freedom of not having an ongoing drama to watch and I kinda forget But to be honest, the whole Chaebol already married thing wasn't really appealing to me. Oh I feel you. I can't eat hot either. When I eat spicy I begin to get hiccups like crazy. Which is btw very bad in times where you need to look cool in front of a girl or something. "Is it too hot?" "Noooo, I can bear it, easy.......Hick......hick....."
  3. Tag me in it when you opened it. I need to know more!
  4. Oh, very nice. Do we know more about the story or her particular role? I would really like to see her in another drama with probably a different kind of role. When does it start? Gosh, this reminds me of the picture you sent me a few days ago, that was hot stuff.
  5. It's funny though how she claimed how bad Ji Min was as a person and even claimed she brought one night stands to the dorm when they were still in AOA, but she doesn't look like an honest person aswell. This whole boyfriend-stealing story looks so shady and the fact that she knew he had a girlfriend, tells me that she isn't the innocent, nice girl she always claims to be. From a male pov I also have to say, that the guy is blameworthy for at least the same amount. He cheated on his girlfriend behind her back and from what they're saying. So for me as a guy, the main "perpetrator" is the guy, he is a dishonest guy, who cheated on his long-time girlfriend. You don't do that.
  6. You can do so much crazy stuff in Diablo 3, that's why its so much fun. I remember a few seasons back I played Demon Hunter with his turrets and they did so much damage, you just placed them, walked outside the screen and seconds later everything was just dead. Chicken, Hydras.....I really need to start D3 again. Another Mina scandal? I am not surprised!
  7. Congratulations! You finally achieved Friday!
  8. Well, I'm glad my friends and I are stuck to the same game since almost 5 years now, with a few breaks here and there (Among Us hit us hard). We religiously play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive almost every evening. You might think after such a long time, we would be great at the game, but we don't make any progress since years, but always have a lot fun. I do have my solo games, but most of them are on my switch or in the case of Genshin Impact, it's kind of a multiplayer solo-game. Diablo definitely is a lot more fun in Co-Op and also encourages you to play as party, so I totally see your point. Pets huh? I always just wanted the most flashy spells, a lot of effects and being the guy, who turns the screen into a light show. So Wizard was the obvious choice. And you were able to have Hydras......HYDRAS Phi, who didn't want to summon Frost or Fire Hydras sitting Fore/Ice on monsters from hell? Haven't touched retail since years, after my little stop with you (which I liked, but these huge fights were too much for my PC) I was lured into playing WoW: Wrath of the Lich King on a private server for a couple of months. Now I'm pretty much playing CS:Go with my friends, doing my daily MMO-kinda stuff at Genshin Impact (and throwing my money at this sweet little chinese company) and trying to beat Fire Emblem: Three Houses on the highest difficulty on my Switch when I'm outside. Somewhere it is always Friday.
  9. @Phikyl D3 gets really additive and does make a lot of fun. Especially in Co Op. And the sound and feeling to see a set Item being dropped is always great. Just talking about it makes me think if I should play it again. I always played Demon Hunter or Wizard, because it was so flashy and fast paced. I need to check when the next season comes out. I'm happy I buried my WoW career, have spent way too much time in Raids and prepation killing bosses. Back then I had a lot more time aswell.
  10. Whaaaat? I am not talking myself out! This is my sharp argumentation with cherry-intelligence on top! Waahh, you even play TBC now? I played it a lot back in the day and now people try to get me to it aswell. Diablo III is another guilty pleasure of me too, with every new season I think I should start another seasonal character and try to get as high as possible. I even bought it for the Switch, so I can do Rifts when I'm outside. (but then I checked that all Switch Leaderbords are done by cheating) For now I only play Genshim Impact each day.
  11. Nonono, it would be only cheating if I would actually BE with the first lead. But who wants the boring, usual, trope-flawed main lead, who always gets jealous as soon as a girl enters the scene? I want the strong-willed second lead, who is willing to put up a fight for me and doesn't fear to play dirty sometimes. The love of second leads is always stronger than the love of first leads. So I would turn towards the second lead. Never choose the obvious choice. There would never be a love triangle, since I would immediately choose the second lead. Or let me say it like this, in my world, the second lead is my first lead. From a european point of view, knowing that you live in Australia with spiders that are bigger than the size of my hand, I'm thinking that a tree attacking you can't be the worst. Well we only have strong, european oaks here, so they can endure some rain + gale. It only gets concerning if lightning is right above you, since they usually are quite tall.
  12. I like storm during my sleeping hours, with lighting and loud thunders......I would even turn off my ASMR for this. Perfect for sleeping. During the day I like darker weather with a lot of wind, lil see breeze. Damn, I need to go back to Denmark for vacation! Home sweeeeeeet home! I miss winter. This may come as a surprise to you, but I would rather like to find my 2nd lead IRL first. Go away first lead, I want my 2nd lead, she's better anyway!
  13. Isn't your night our day anyway? I think you are at least 8 hours ahead of me. Weekend is fine though.
  14. Well if it's a nice hotel....with good Wi-Fi......including breakfast and lots of restaurants that can bring you food. I would not mind. Sent it heeeeere, give it to meeeee The heat here is searing, almost 34°C, Central Europe is not made for these kind of temperatures. I want my rain back! Oh, you're going to love it here then. We have all kind of different sausages, local specialties all over the place. Nürnberger Rostbratwurst? Frankfurter Sausages? Or everyones favorite the german Currywurst? Absolute timeless.
  15. Got a call from my gym today, they miss me Well at this moment I know she does it on purpose, because she knows I make a certain face when I see how she gets it. It smells horribly. I stick to my sausages. After all, it's Germany, country of sausages.
  16. Oh, I can fanboi reeeeeeally hard. Especially if you present me a beauty like this. And that picture of Noona was What a beautiful body. There has to happen a lot, and I mean A LOT, that I order, eat or take seafood. My best friend loves to eat crabs and 'Fischbrötchen' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischbrötchen), because she is from that area, and just the smell makes me wanna run.
  17. Oh MY GOOD and you didn't warn me?? You knew I had a soft spot for her. Baek Sexy Noona (she's just 5 years older than me?) in a hot red dress with such perfect,glowing and beautiful looking skin? DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN! SHE IS HOOOOT! It's official I have a total noona crush on her. If I would lay my eyes on her in person like this I would be blinded and probably turn blind without even an injection. It's 30°C over here and I think right now I am not sweating because of the weather. Oh trust me. I did. Now my day is goooood
  18. It still tastes like fish though I don't like fish, unless it wrapped in something, then it's fine. I would never order fish at a restaurant though. I talked to a few idol in english via video call, and I can promise you there is nothing more awkward then someone not understanding you, but desperately trying to communicate anyway with you. Most of them understand me, but answering was more a mixture of hands, english, korean and japanese.
  19. Nah, unfortunately not, but I'm on the list of my family doctor and will get it probably in early August. I could get an appointment in one of the test centres, but I honestly trust my doc more to not mess it up. I totally do not like seafood at all. When I see it, I go running! It's so fishy!
  20. Well, I love my good aswell. But I love too much of it at the same time So I limit myself and try to spread less of it throughout the week. I will only miss my coffee cream chocolate We are so far away from winter her like humanly possible It's 30°C here and I am sweating my pants off. Summer hit Europe/Germany hard. But I am lazy aswell during these temperaturs, every movement that is avoidable nedds to be avoided! Third? Wow. We just finished the second, which took a few months and are opening up everything again now, but with limitations and strict rules for everyone. Experts are sure though, once autumn hits, we probably will have one again, especially if that british mutation hits the european mainland.
  21. I woke up and rewatched the concert of "Rolling Quartz", then gave Johnny his breakfast, prepared my bag for the gym tomorrow, since FINALLY the gyms are opening up again and due to that I also planned my diet. Covid got me gooood in the fatness department From 4-pack to one-pack. And now I am going to watch all three games of the European Championship. I hope today we don't get such terrible pictures like yesterday with Christian Ericsen.
  22. Euopean Championshiiiip. For weeks of football (soccer) every day. It's going to be a ma zing! And I just spent around 100 Bucks for an album. Better be worth it. So how is everyone here? It#s a sunny day in Germany and I am feeling swaggy
  23. Mhm....anything with a Panda I assume, but none of them really appeal to me. We need more actresses! :D
  24. Uhhh~ Yeah, I like the idea. Fortunately my list is rather short, quality instead of quantity. So for my first pick I would like to choose my absolute favorite singer, who used to be an idol. I could spent days talking about her music. First pick is DalSooobin then, or Park Subin. She used to be a member of DalShabet, but started a solo career a few years back and every song she has released blessed my ears. She also has the longest legs I've ever seen. Other names that come to my mind are: Kang Min Kyung (One half of Davichi) Aurora of Nature Kyung Soo Jin Seoryoung of GWSN Hyunjung of Rolling Quartz And yeah, I know, if you put them all next to each other you pretty much see exactly my taste in woman. They all have kinda the same face and body shape. Edit: Daaaamn After adding the pictures I realize how similar they are to each other. My taste is so predictable
  25. 8 already? Mhm........I mean it is LBY......but it is also Chaebol.......but it is LBY.........but 8 episodes in....urgh.....8hours binge watching? .......But it is LBY.........
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