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Everything posted by themarchioness

  1. Would someone please throw a bottle of hair conditioner to the baddies???
  2. Finally! I’ve been released from all family duties and can start watching today’s episodes. I only skimmed most of 23 this morning and have been dying all day to know what happens in 24! 😅 (I know y’all will understand what that suffering feels like, hahaha)
  3. No, it was always a subject I did either really well in or really poorly in. No middle ground! Know how to play any musical instruments?
  4. Definitely this book helped with GYH! I mean the drama made it clear JXK was a brilliant tactician but I think the explanations provided in Falling into Your Smile helps you to really understand all that goes into being a brilliant tactician. It’s quite impressive!! Reading this book also helped me learn all the gaming terms, which would’ve been helpful when I was doing the GYH summaries 😂 But yeah, Falling is really cute too. I hope the drama includes a lot of the cats!! I’m also looking forward to Xu Kai 😉
  5. i just watched that scene! So great. Loved that she still left him with a smile though. And it’s not just XC who’s left an impression on LMZ.I noticed she bandaged that little boy with a heart shaped bandage. 😉 Other things I loved. XC realizing something was off about ZR knowing she loved with LMZ. XC finally standing up to her colleagues bout their gossip. And the recognition she received from the hospital bigwig! What did LMZ change her name to in his phone? I need to go rewind to zoom in, but I thought I saw the first character was 心 😍
  6. And thank goodness for all the advice he gives her!!!!
  7. no, I like to listen to music when I work. Listening to trailer would require me to pay attn to what was being said and would distract me. Looking forward to watching any drama today?
  8. There is a site that’s been working on the translations for YEARS. It’s a long book and they break each chapter down into several posts, but they update regularly (four days a week). It’s an ongoing thing between @Lynne and me because she turned me onto the book and then I discovered it was only half translated. I thought it was done when I started because there were so many posts and it’d been worked on for so many years even when I started, but it wasn’t and I’ve been following it ever since… I think that was 2 years ago?! Anyway, I like to tease her by giving her a hard time about that, haha. This year the translators said the book was coming to an end, but even that was several months ago now when they said that. Like I mentioned it’s a looooong book. The book goes into painstaking detail about the games played. Honestly sometimes it’s a little too detailed but having said that, it’s thanks to this book that I have a really good understanding of MOBA style games even though I’ve never played one, haha! But yeah, that’s why I say the drama will prob still air before translations are done even though the translations have been worked on for YEARS at this point.
  9. he’s totally creepy. His eyes… his deadpan gaze… always creeps me out and gives me the shivers! The hologram thing was the worst. Esp with it being of XC when she was a teenagers.
  10. we’ll he’ll at least get to hear the cousin’s phone call with LMZ’s aunt, so that’s something! Haha.
  11. @Lynne Can’t wait! Translations for the book are finally winding its way to the end, too, tho I think the drama will still air before we get the last translation. 😂 We shall soon see, hopefully!
  12. This is so cute! 😍 I saw in an interview how JH said he wasn’t really a cat person until this drama and LQ said he was all about the cat, and that cat preferred him over her too. She said at the time of filming the cat was actually pregnant and JH even tried to ask for one of the expected kittens! So cute. (I’m a cat person, if you couldn’t tell.)
  13. Whale is his call sign, so not quite the same thing as a nickname as it’s used for work reasons. I also think it’s a play on his real life name.
  14. no, bc I’m on vacay! prefer to email/online message with work colleagues instead of phone calls? Thanks for the welcomes, @SilverMoonTea & @NiteWalker! I apologize in advance if I repeat any questions. I haven’t read back through all the pages, just some to get a feel for the thread.
  15. I can’t wait for ZR’s reaction when he realizes he can no longer listen in on their conversations. I hope the drama shows us!!!
  16. Yes, I drove for hours and hours and hours! like hot weather? (my first post in this thread! Looked fun so I thought I’d jump in, hope that’s ok!)
  17. As the netizens like to joke, DDU is like Yibo’s personal Children’s Palace. 😅
  18. Two other rando observations from today’s episodes. - We got to learn LMZ’s childhood nickname. Rou Rou (Meaty), lol. I can just imagine XC having a lot of fun with that in the future. He’d just better hope his unit members never find out. Although he’ll just make them all walk home from very far away, if they dare to tease him! - Um, mom with the cat. What the heck? She doesn’t want them living with it because it has “fleas”? Poor maligned Er Miao! I’d just like to see her try and take that cat away from her son. Mom should just accept. That cat is her granddaughter. 😂
  19. Gahhhhhhh, omg…. Watching them is like watching a ping pong match! but thank goodness the wire tapping device was finally found!
  20. Oh boy… I can already tell from today’s posts I’m in for a seesaw ride…
  21. I forgot to also say I learned something new yesterday re: female oranges vs male oranges! I’ll have to pay attention next time I buy oranges. 😂
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