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Everything posted by abnoch

  1. @MayanEcho just back from good news. She finally extubated :) hopefully sis will get out from ICU to normal isolated room soon. Very thankful to all prayers that support I'm planning to have cup-o-ramen are you planning to have afternoon sleep?
  2. @NiteWalker lol animal crossing should be more cute than that
  3. Yes, and no. I use tissues because they do the wiping really well and got protest from my sis a lot because of that. She is into sustainable living much, so I remind myself to bring handkerchiefs as I can--but most of the times I forgot. Do you like beaches more than mountains?
  4. to know this trivia lul think about that, buttons placement side for male is designed to make them easier for the person while female is not--hm.. Food that I utterly disliked.. Nope with so far I tried. Do you prefer chocolate over coffee?
  5. @wallflowersforjane be safe still, it is a good time for being lazy to go around. Sigh pandemic morning there @MMM8P, coffee?
  6. @wallflowersforjane ah. I just Googled out of curiosity, Ronin closed. Dang. I discovered 'em through TripAdv. And Wired Monkey is the recent one (around 2017/2018). Wired Monkey if I'm not wrong remember it is located in Little India area. Their slayer machine attracts me, baristas are great. The first attempt there I ordered long black and then.. On the last day in SG I just feel to have come back there and try another one before departing. Even tried to revisit in 2019 while I was wondering like crazy before quitting my work great. See if I overrated it or not, I'm kinda like to know @abs-oluteM when I'm in new area, I would try the best I can for coffee time, at least to peek 'em :p
  7. @wallflowersforjane kopi ooo Wired Monkey is great! Ronin, Nylon, Symmetry.. Good times
  8. @wallflowersforjane ooo.. You have been! Where you are from? Arabica beans have less caffeine than Robusta, thought it would be option to cut down and the tastes are variative
  9. @wallflowersforjane yes right, in Bandung to be exactly. Come then :) for the coffee things, just remember the maximum caffeine you can take--it's around 400 mg daily
  10. oh God. Hm interesting I cannot un-read that, I will answer "upper". Because, "under" means the probability that the toilet paper will wipe the toilet wall first-then ours when we take it. And "upper" with use of cover aka toilet paper case, please. Lul also for under-upper words in quotation mark so I should ask a question to guess.. Are you enjoying spicy foods?
  11. Among Us craze haha damn its really everywhere
  12. @wallflowersforjane ah.. It's a cafe/shack that inspired by Melbourne's street little coffee shop that looks garbage outside but hope it gives you the right ambient inside lol. A side bonus for me that enjoy coffee much the decaf, will try to answer. There's debate on decaf coffee effect for health, and I'm suggesting it only if you really crave the taste/atmosphere sometimes, rarely, aka don't use it for something regular. The process mostly takes with chemical like methyl chloride or natural plant hormones when the beans are raw (before roasting it), what I know is with soaking it. I don't really introduced to that world, but majority used one is methyl chloride--the best to keep the flavor, as well it leaves carcinogen substances. Even coffee has health benefits with rich anti-oxidants that may prevent cancer, sadly most decaf process will wash out the goods. It just focus on taste while minimizing the caffeine, by far.
  13. if you want to find electro with bit swing one
  14. @abs-oluteM lol what an example of coffee series in your mind? Since I worked on field, I rarely go there. Thankfully its already run itself with no supervision (shout out to the manager) so I forgot many things about big portion coffee making heh this one old photo set. Toraja Pademaran latte (upper) and Tightrope blend (lower). The Tightrope blend beans we've got from 5senses Australia, it is really good. There are 2 coffee beans type beside Arabican and Robusta that I haven't really explore yet; Liberica and Excelsa. Tasted Liberica (Batangas Barako), beans from Philippines, and I would say it really taste like a slight of liquid tobacco because the smokey aroma, but more dark chocolate-y. One strong coffee. May sound gross to the tobacco-smoker haters?
  15. like the wet studio setting and the light works there
  16. @NiteWalker it is, long way journey, the latest version released this year and looks cool. There are glitches here and there, people start entertained by the weird so you can see around on YouTube commenting it haha
  17. @NiteWalker i mean, 'fighting' for the game developers ahaha
  18. Just read this in cnn ahaha Big scary chasm opens up in Microsoft Flight Simulator reboot fighting devs.
  19. @abs-oluteM I'm heavily interested in coffee since high school. Here back in 2014 when I'm in college was kind of waking up year that more people around my age took a look at coffee things but not much of shacks that offer the right atmosphere for this group range. It was a great chance. Hehe I quitted last year, very exhausted to work in the field. I miss it though. Probably 1-3 years later I would try to apply or connect again if there is available position. Your name, of course, absolutely, okay, I got it. Hahaha
  20. @wallflowersforjane Chung Ha, I introduced to her music by her duet with Rich Brian in These Nights. I like a lot History by Rich Brian so this kind of song (with Chung Ha) from him is kinda unexpected lol
  21. @abs-oluteM I have btw many times I typed triplem instead and going through backspace to correct it, abs @MayanEcho we just could rely on vaccine rn to be 'normal' and I hate that idea
  22. Yes for this side of Hyolyn.
  23. @mademoisellesia houses of Ilvermorny will do for you @MayanEcho
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