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Everything posted by dramabler

  1. HAHA. Thank you for thinking of me but... I'm guilty. I'm also only mainly watching this for LeiLei. LOL!!! Otherwise, I would have turned away from this. Plus, I'm behind on this one now with all these other dramas out. But, the story seems to have gotten watered down.
  2. I am currently watching this one and I'm hooked! I've read/skimmed some bits of the novel and the adaptation is not far off which makes it better. Bai Lu and LYX chemistry is on point. My new daily addicting drama.
  3. I'm catching up and have reached up to Ep. 13. SSC warms up on you and wow what a bold move to change his sports career. I love their dynamic but everyone else is blah. Toxic corporate work places and patriarchy at its best. Spoiled rich kids. It's a realistic approach but man, is it a bit too real? 😅 It's like their encountering nonstop snobby people. However, I will have to say, SSC is a literal walking green flag. 😂😂
  4. All caught up to the latest episodes! Ding Yuxi once again not disappointing at all. This is my 1st time watching Peng Xiaoran but she's doing so good as the playful type character.
  5. I'd hope so. They literally gave us a trailer and some promo photos then ghosted. 💀
  6. They're so darn cute! So excited its airing tomorrow. 😍
  7. YES!!! Although he looks kind of like his character from TROTAR here I love it. Can't ever decide if I like him more in white or black outfit. 😂
  8. Truly excited to see this one! I've missed seeing Ding Yuxi on screen.
  9. :O That trailer! I love Wu Lei but its going to take some adjusting to do for me. I'm so used to him as the strong/serious face character generals. Regardless, it's refreshing to see him in something new! A full on romance drama I'm willing to try just for him. 😂 I also am anticipating ROTF so if they air together, I'm 😵.
  10. Thank you, Tofu! I know a lot of people are into Starry Love currently but I was waiting for it to finish airing and then binge it. I finished this one today and definitely loved their chemistry. In the drama and for promotions. I wish to see them in another drama now. 😍😍
  11. Their chemistry! Patiently yet eagerly waiting for this one to air.
  12. Hi all! I'm new to the forum but have been a silent lurker for a while. 😅 I enjoy reading everyone's comments on these dramas and finally decided to join. Hope to be around more often and discuss with you all! 💖

    1. SilverMoonTea


      Welcome here :heart:

    2. abs-oluteM


      Hellooo ! Welcome to here. Please make yourself at home

    3. dramabler


      Thank you both for the warm welcome! Glad to be here. 😁

  13. Hi all! I'm new to the forum but have been a silent lurker for a while. 😅 I enjoy reading everyone's comments on these dramas and finally decided to join. I don't know if anyone here is watching this one but I'm enjoying it a lot more than what I was expecting. The characters and comedy along side these cases make it a fun watch. I actually decided to make a first impression video on the drama. It's not the best but will be looking forward to improvements. Hope it's ok to share on here.
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