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Everything posted by bai

  1. bcs JS did the 'dirtiest' among all the characters love relationship? But anyway, he is a good good husband. He truly cares about BJ's father. Ep 15-16 makes me soft to him.. I see he has no harm intention.. I remembered Dhakra said about open ending with unsatisfying kind bcs we need to imagine all. Well. Yeah we got that. LOLS I hate the way they didn't blatantly shove to my face BJxJS divorced/ended (the way that honest talk occurred between BJxJS is a really super one. I read someone interpret that they just finally passed that phase & didn't divorce AAAA I wish it not like that instead it hints for they are letting go each other) + BJ DELETED KJ contact & hangin' on in 'what should we do?' ARGH but here is my clown mind. I take that (BJ deleted KJ contact) as BJ wants to start new beginning. It makes sense to me she would do that, after all in ep 15 the reality of affair slaps her: she damn neglected the call of her father in critical condition from her husband while was doing that kiss, sweet talk & drink with KJ (even tho it just like the beginning of relationship, but, it still a wrong beginning ok), in all moments that she could. Sure it will left so much regret on her and based on BTS & last minutes, she is not wearing the ring anymore (and it's already Summer). I think she really divorced with JS & somehow take a break? And so.. Just like that pharmacist - nurse couple that said "in a moment like this you just let it flow" BJ didn't plan to tell she likes him, but yeah.. Just let it fills her.. ? In spoiler: my comment linking to Nevertheless She still cherishes the moment in observatory with KJ. Don't ask KJ, of course he is. Just look at his breathes when he met her again. But I like it how they finally passed the floating moment of life.. They are good now. And so, they are ready to take the right beginning, with that right timing, finally 🔆
  2. @SilverMoonTea yes he is OMG to me it feels like he found his own zone so he is more shimmering splendid IDK tell me why Lost didn't have stills of his rainy umbrella scene in ep 15?!!!??? I'M WAITING! Just look at this aesthetic:
  3. @SilverMoonTea one of my fangirling project is to compile his photoshoots vibin' in one song, but I ended up distracted much by diggin' and all. Ended up rewatch & forgot about the project is the worst he is damn look good there in Dashu white shirt mode. Like a breeze in hot hot day k, since ryusdb has shrine here, let me bybai dramasaffair drops this yeay 😭😭
  4. Lost OST VA available on Spotify aaaaaa @SilverMoonTea track #15, #14, #16, #17, #41, #38, #39 🤎
  5. you are very make sense to me, especially it will be after Haein in Snowdrop hype. I really not prefer it tbh but the director!!! Something to pick HAHAHA will not let you to cure that soon 😜 ~~ JANG KI YONG QUIZ PARK MO GUN AHAHAHAHAHA tried & hoping it is the answer and I got it yash 😻 I like WWW drama 🕺
  6. This will be most likely to happen AND the most I put on last cause ahhhh so unsatisfying :(()) @abs-oluteM ~~ sad sad sad, but still funny cs @SilverMoonTea #whipped by Ryu Junyeol
  7. I can't stop looking Jun Jihyun character stills, just wow. Definitely this drama makes me curious and the potential of we will have another loveable trio (Jun Jihyun-Ju Jihoon-Oh Jungse)! Jun Jihyun is killing.
  8. nope hueheheheh Why what. HIKS. I'm crying when he cuts the hair.. Innalillahi why 🥲 AHAHAHAHAH
  9. the suit is 100 on JJS there he serves hahahaha while Junyeol there be like I'm your dongsaeng Unnie Hyung 😂😂 Repeat this spell after me: ✨ slow living ✨ WITH THAT EXACT OPPA GARDENING EVERY MORNING 😍😍 BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I ENJOY THIS A LOT. I'M SO HAPPY YOU ARE IN THIS PHASE 😂😂 LOL but we stan also the hair cut yeah @SilverMoonTea? Tell us if the oppa there also cut his hair on the way, I want to see character development 😂😂 whoaa @JenL @Tofu rain God left deep impression I see. Feel now I should turbo my snail pace there soon 🏃‍♀️💨
  10. the amount of contents from Reba this week, queen serves OMG I'm whipped! tidbits I learned about her: - multitalented, well, dancing yes (AND HER BALANCE?!!? She can twirl non stop in big circle path). But the not really highlighted one like this she is a great VO actress + can play piano well (and maybe other instruments) - strong! Literally strong. She can princess carry other with no problem even men at first I also really worry about her skinny level. Not support it as beauty standard (what is beauty standard anyway I don't buy it). Dilireba beauty is Dilireba beauty. But I noted from Happy Camp during You Are My Glory she stated she has kind of problem with it, metabolism seems high? I do really hope everyday she eats well. Plus acting things make her should maintain some weight, recently she got role in sick yeah? But she looks active & healthy despite it. How can be so strong like that OMG just mind blowing. Each day I know her better I got understanding and just wishing her a lot of happiness 💖💖 well, she is doing that abracadabra to me now. Gurl is really interesting, not to mention her elegant attitude or also her tomboyish. Just match on every occasions. She can places herself SO WELL 😍😍😍
  11. EH.. OH yes just realized ooooh this guy you are talkin' about!!! IKR lololol this Junyeol as Kangjae hair is the ult for 2021 to me: well it makes breakthrough to hourlykactors 😭🤣🤣🤣 (sorry guys recycling content but I do still devour it from time to time LOL)
  12. @mademoiselle Moi I'm having heart attack these days, the amount of new content from Glory CP are pouring like rain the newest from Yang Yang: dem that's photo is hot 100 who is he? @abs-oluteM currently playing in Reflection of You?
  13. but really, I have this thinking: they can't give KJ sad sad ending anymore (his life already so sad? And he looks BJ as hope) many are now too invested now with KJ x BJ progress but also, the most important thing please, if the show wants to make there is a hope (even open ending) for KJ x BJ and also BJ's husband x KE.. Make BJ & husband divorce. Or it will be a show that romanticizing marriage affair? And that's not how you respect someone that already with you long time.. Please please please solve that in the last 2 eps
  14. based on the pace by far, this kind of marshmallow rainbow dream that just possible in our head only! LOOOOL true true true. Somehow I just want the ending is BJ and husband got their divorce paper and so they possibly start a new with full of hope relationship with their 'lover' with passion at first it doesn't really matter to me if KJ x BJ ended up as lover or not but with this progress, I can't see KJ in heartbreak because of BJ anymore 🙈🙈 hope they ended the floating phase of life and finally swimming in the surface seeing the wide wide sky above
  15. @abs-oluteM @mademoiselle (cc: @gilaswan) I think this tweet is kind of on point: how unconfirmed rumor in K-ent cancel culture is that ruining someone's career potential 😔😔 if you put Seonho as ult oppa (tho I'm not, but my learn from Yeaji's case which the actress is my ult since Save Me), you might have better understanding about his habit, daily interacting with fans more etc. You will get the vibe of that person. Scandal like this might question you if you are wrong/right to feel about that good vibe. Best to not blindly said she/he is not wrong because you might not know them really well based on the surface, but again, unconfirmed is still 50:50 to me and cancel culture is just unfair to the accused. Need solid proof first esp in this kind of timing. Bashers/haters will take this moment of course to provide the cancel culture if the scandal is made one for that. My sympathy towards Seonhohadas. Especially I know him more in 2D1N, and by far I don't have any off vibe from him, PD Bang also really likes the team. It's kind of really fishy rumor just like Yeaji arose in international popularity after IOTNBO. I still clearly remember in Baeksang Jungse & Soohyun stood for her, Jungse was saying our Moonyoung in teary eyes. Scandal could be mix of a bit truth & A LOT of false, but if there is people wants to take the popularity down, it can be mixed with false things just to add the spice really bad and far. But if the rumor true, I hope the stan can get 'em wise.
  16. You mean the last ten minutes of ep 14 how accurate!!! but damn @SilverMoonTea we just have this week left
  17. hey how is the drama? Anyone already watched the firs 2 episodes premieree?? I definitely will try but I have a snail pace for now, Idk when I will start it
  18. WHAT A SPIRIT 👏👏 OMG AND YOU EVEN ALREADY HAD THE GIF POSTED HERE *pls just consider my capslock key broken & I can't find how to turn it off by display keyboard I will smash it with all capitals WAIT HOW YOU KNOW HE IS A GOOD KISSER THAT SCENE OF KJxBJ JUST LIKE THAT? LESS THAN 1 MIN KISS? HOLD MY TEARS. LOL
  20. oh wowwww Alice 😍😍 actually my heart is so excited when watch the trailer and look her creepy then grand! Hahaha so the grandmother of Goblin feels, but not really, because story wise its more in social issue. I like it
  21. I swear thissss HEART ATTACKS!! ♠♠
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