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Everything posted by SilverMoonTea

  1. @Alice WonderlandCongrats for the rank promotion ! What a way to start new year as Disciple! Hahaha... Btw do you all already preparing New Year resolution ? 😅
  2. Btw where is Miss Clue @SnowBlobtoday? Raking her brain for extraordinary questions? 😅🤣
  3. Seems no one have any review on it. Maybe I'll pass, didn't know anyone from the casts. He looks a bit cute tho 😂
  4. Yes you're right about it. Some part a little draggy, but I did enjoyed it. The chemistry is quite good. Btw u're not watching School 2021?
  5. @bairamais a beach person, according to my personal interview with her 🤣
  6. Yes he's cute. But I think it's partially also becos my sister brainwashed me. She kept talking non stop about Junho Btw I'm rewatching Wok of Love.
  7. @mademoiselleLee Jun Ho is a left handed In Wok of Love he always use left hand to cook. But heard he eat with right hand. Btw he like SNSD. So those gossip idk lols...
  8. Haha I don't like beach, it's hot. But I'm not sure if I love mountain either, it's a hard work to go up there 😅 Clue 5 Clue 6 Clue 7
  9. @DhakraThat's so nice of you. There is some people did give me compliment for having a good heart. @SnowBlobHahahahaha this is hard, felt like I'm bragging...
  10. @ChocolateI hope you don't dream last night? Or you can just fake amnesia to help all of us here 😅 @abs-oluteMI think u like mountain more than beach? Or at least there must be someone saying u're nice. @Mouse@stroppysedo u like mountain more than beach? Gah @SnowBlobit's getting harder each day lols
  11. Weird article lols, IU dating with so many guys then😅 And Yoona & Junho? Hmm just no! Don't. Sigh.
  12. And Then There Were None is the best of AC.
  13. Oh yes, I decided to added him after post it 😂 I rewatching Wok of Love btw, quite fun. I like the OTP.
  14. Hahahaha yes don't go to book lounge, choco got minor spoiler there. Btw Hercule Poirot always use Mademoiselle when talking
  15. What? Lol confused. So I wake up at 7 or 8 am but then I sleep again, not counted ? Sorry guys who use my name, you need to select others who's more diligent then...
  16. I'm a coffee drinker too, eventhough my name can be misleading. And yes @JenLI live with my family, and eventhough we don't really do any christmassy thingy, you can cross your board 😆
  17. @mademoiselleI just realized Rain or Shine you mentioned is Just Between Lover. Ktcjdrama love this drama, but last time I tried ep 1 and didn't like it. Wok of Love actually not so bad too. I might try Good Manager after finish Confession. P.s I adopt him he's so good in Confession. And I adored him more in suit rather than in sageuk costume lols
  18. Okay , I'm so demotivated but I need to clean my house & my room. Probably writing it here will help me : - need to iron clothes and rearrange wardrobe cos its messy - rearrange my books and dusting tables - clean kitchen - clean bathroom - clean the rest
  19. Stuffed Cabbage Roll - modification by SMTea because I'm lazy and prefer to cut off unnecessary step haha.... 1 cabbage peeled off in big size, boiled in hot water for 5-10 minutes until it's a bit soft. Minced meat chicken, eggs, pepper, salt, chilli sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce. Mixed all together. Put the meat mixed inside cabbage leaf. Prepare soup base to boil cabbage meat : 1 tomato puree package, add 250ml water mix with half cube broth. Boil for about 30 minutes. End Result : I ate them without rice, as already quite filling. Tag @mademoisellehaha...
  20. 23. Drama to binge All dramas best as binge lols 24. Drama need more recognition Lost, Let Me Be Your Knight 25. Fav drama Lost
  21. Okay other than I'm bad at drama completion, I also need to finish this Tofu's task 23. Longest Oppa Idk maybe Ryu Jun Yeol 24. Total Oppa 30 only, not so many ! 25. Fav Oppa Idk at the moment I really really like Lee Jun Young 🤣
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