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Alice Wonderland

The OG
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Everything posted by Alice Wonderland

  1. I feel the same thing. The mothers are so awful here. And the dads are the savior. I think her mom isn't good either. She treats her as tool to reach her ambition. Making her work her ash hard without paying attention to her opinions and feelings. TC took the right decision to leave and live freely out of her moms clutch. Poor her even the dad didn't know her allergy. Lols. Love this part. The moment JJ is panic thinking of him would leave again. She quickly runs for him and grab his hands to stop him. Aww.. he noticed it! Remember the scnee when she's mad that he hit her head and he jokingly but seriously mean it, he will marry her even she becomes stupid. Lols. Look how scared she was hearing that joke while it is not a joke actually.
  2. Oh yes. Same. ZQ friend looks cute and handsome now. Hahaha. He's totally dkfferent from their high school style. Or perhaps he's a lawyer now. I feel sad for her. She cried alone. Keeping all MY's mom craps inside.
  3. Oh @NiteWalker were on the dame page about MY! Ugh... I thought she was clever enough from the first LX asked her help to take care of JJ during his absences. I've a feeling about it right from the start. 😆 But they make it as if she likes ZQ. How could be so fast shifted to LX then. Well he might have impressed her when he followed her to console her when ZQ yelled at her. Huh. This girl is such a dimwit after all. Can she see that LX is liking JJ. When she confidently said that she'll be her future SIL. Oh gosh... it explains all clearly, all of her excitement whenever LX calls her. Yes. From this it seemed she is the type who will turn her back once it's all revealed. But I hope I am wrong. Their long time friendship can't be just over by this, if not that us so shallow as it is. This drama is just making a long list of villains we love to hate now. It'll get longer each episodes. 😂 Btw does this drama have a major spoilers of its story to public before? Cuz I feel like I've read the episodes recap long before. Not sure. But I feel like de javu with the story.
  4. (A) Love is so beautiful Or La La Land There you another or d!
  5. Aiyooo... I see that is coming. I thought perhaps not that way and not that way but it is going to be that way. Sigh.. yes... some pebbles in their life path before the flowery path in the end huh. Just go ahead is not just a simply title O believe it was written as it carries its own purpose that whatever hardship comes just face it head on, go ahead. 😉 I feel bad for LX. There must be something he'a hiding. I believe the scar he got and the vitamins he has are the clues for later problems to arise soon. His mom is clutching on him whatever it takes. Very selfish same like CGC ZQ's dad. They're both are just thinking for their own sake. Plus the runaway mom. Gosh... she's the worst I think. She made ZQ waits for life just to need to hear her explanation for abounding him. I really enjoy seeing her in denial that she is actually venting out all this 9 years disappointment and her frustration over their absence in her life. I know she'll be fine. But I really hate to see MY and her will be in turmoil once they know that LX likes her more than just a sister. Such cliche and very unnecessary. Aiyooo. The girl friendship is such beautiful. How the three end up as three best friend as now. I also interested to know why is TC ended her acting career life. Well, I believe sue does her job doing multiple part time actor is not just for the job. But I guess it relates to her actual dream to be an actress. I want to sew MY's mom mouth so she can't stop her ridiculous nonsense. I like the family come closer as before. And I guess after 9 years separation it takes time for them to get into the same spectrum again. I mean to get used to each other again. The problems are to be fixed. So I'll enjoy watching them.
  6. I replied you here @NiteWalker 😄 So do I. I come to really like a lot too. Especially ep 12 is like a new chapter to their new relationship. I see the potential triangle love could be gone once for all as I see that writer has set up some multiple love line couples. Hope there would not any unnecessary dragging plot for that cliche trope. 🤣
  7. Do u still watch it? I started ep 1 last week. And I haven't continued it yet. Ep 1 was good enough though it has many cliche tropes we used to see a lot. But well its still fun to watch at least. The theme of not having a date because of its too tiring vs I need romance for my life is just not a new thing. But somehow it is fun to see the ML smiles a lot to the FL while she misunderstand him as bad guy in her own firmly believed thought. So Ill see for ep 2 soon.
  8. Wow. New reaction buttons!! Cool 😍 How's everyone? Hope you're stay safe and healthy as always. Get enough rest and live your healthy life.
  9. I feel bad for the husband. He had tried his best to put up with her mental breakdown. And as I watch how he shares his burden to Mr. Li. That's how I know that he's even had to work more to pay some penalty for his wife resignation. And the recent news of her that she has a daughter and ask him to take care of her or what... maybe I miss this part. But as how I read it, she remarried after she left and now she came to poke their life again. So shameless and selfish. Huh. The drama gives us a perfect villain we love to hate here! 😂
  10. same!!! I don't feel any sympathy at all. I mean since I haven't seen the more flashback of what really happens, so I try to put myself in her shoe, probably, but wait, she left her kids to play Mahjong, ouch so horrible. And I also hate when she also ignores LX and never take care of him.
  11. Hi, fellow watchers. 👋 I watched for 3 eps in a row. And it felt quite good. I feel so amazed at Mr. Li for helping to raise the two boys very sincerely like his own. He's such a type of daddy long legs which makes you feel comfortable around him. The conflicts are quite realistic. Like the dead of their beloved ones. I hate LX's mom. She can't handle her own guilt and even leave her own son. One daughter isn't enough for her to realize how she didn't take care of them well. For the late daughter probably out of her intention to leave her on with her eldest son's care. But what makes it more unforgivable is she blame the responsible which supposed to be hers to him and on top of that she blamed him for not taking care his sister well and caused her to death. Very pinched to the heart seeing how heart broken little LX seeing his parent fights everyday. He can't even eat. He thought if he's nice they'll stop fighting and start to look at him as well. But it was all just a beginning which the worst also comes next. And the neighborhood ahjumas, well how do I call them here, well you must know who I mean here. Yes, I refer to the ladies who try to give their opinion solutions but all of their good intention are just like adding more fuel to the fire. It didn't help much either. Very noisy and nosy if I can say. These kind of neighbors are so irritating somehow. 😤 And the three siblings are just good and lovely together. Their childhood bonding develops pretty unique. ZQ is such a sweet and patient brother. He is able to put up with his sister's shenanigans. Lol. I really love the suitcase scene even more. And LJ who keeps disturbing LX to help him unlocked his own walls and to finally open up to people again. I really love these three as siblings. 😂 But no story without a problem. And I see a storm was brewing in the distance. Well, it is still my early opinions. I might say different things as I move into another new episodes. For now it is all that.
  12. @bluepebbles oh why did she delete it? That's so uncommon. Haha. Okay. I dont mind being spoiled but for this kind of drama I think it's better to be surprised while we watch ourselves. Okay. I'll get myself updated soon. Wait end of filming already? How many episodes this will be 16 or 20?
  13. Honestly two things I hate from drama tropes the most, they are triangle cliche and tragic ending. But I am quite numb to these along the time. I can start it anyway and will think how to deal with the heartbreak later. If it'a good then its good if it's bad bad bad then I'll just switch to other shows that suit me. I dropped GF. Lol. It was total makjang foe me and I can't take it. Hahaha. So how was the ending. I just got some snippets of its final previews through the IG feeds. And the last time I know she was the daughter of the grand father not of the father. I feel what?! R they real?? Then I thought it was the right decision to drop it very early. Hahaha. I like her in MIGB with CEW. But it also felt a bit boring nearing the end. But thankfully I managed to finish it to the end. I know HSJ in house keeper. He was such a clean perfectionist there. Well that is his job to be a housekeeper call. Since then I never see him anymore. But from that show I come to like him. He's handsome! Lol. And JS. Ah.. I feel bad for him. Why he keeps taking this kind of role. I mean he always end up breaking his heart cuz the girl loves someone else.
  14. I am still far behind you all. Still stuck in ep 2 not moving yet. I'll resume soon and join the discussion later. I am quite slow watching for dramas these days. Not just this one. I even just done watching IONTOBO last Monday. Lol. Watch slowly, wait for me lah.. I recommended this to my friend and she watches it faster than me now. She already updated until the recent one. I need to catch up her soon. Lol. Or she'll spill every episode the next day to me.
  15. I saw this a few months ago and interested in it. Even it has this triangle love trope I don't mind. I'll check it out how it is later. And yay viu is subbed it.
  16. @Darkarcana I will watch that zombie family, where and when is it? 😅
  17. No books yet. I only know what you guys already know well. Lol.
  18. Ok. Let me check then. I saw RPG Epic thread!! Wow cool!
  19. Good morning!! Where to make it? Which section?
  20. I'll explore more tomorrow, it's time for me to hit the sack, good night!
  21. these clubs surely pretty unusual but they sound so fun, I like the art club one! the rest are quite scary, it sounds good, we can be nerdy style sometimes, also calculus thread that @eggcellent ever mentioned I guess, you mentioned several types rite, it's fine even it's math, I tend to like it more now. LOL
  22. btw why my bunny gif won't move? any idea why? @abs-oluteM yup, that's what I want to type but forgot the hyphen, @wallflowersforjane r you trying to copy pic from google to here, it works fine I guess, I did it from mobile and it's good.
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