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Posts posted by im0202

  1. 14 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    ya how are they gonna solve everything in 2 episodes? Have they finished filming? 

    This is quite well done - good summary of their toxic relationship

    Actually I haven’t read anything about the production of this drama... but I’m guessing it’s pre-produced? It has the pre-production feel lol. Correct me if I’m wrong!

    Here, another fmv with a pretty suitable song too! @abs-oluteM I’m going down another rabbit hole with all the Yohan-Elijah videos being suggested to me lol. Will be devastated if either of them d-word.


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  2. 1 minute ago, mademoiselle said:

    Yeah crying like that can be exhausting and they must have to do many takes. I love the bit that he lies down on the ground and Park Kyu Young lies beside him.

    I think he actually seemed giddy after the take. Quite impressed with his acting in this drama. This is his first drama that I’m watching actually!

    Hope PKY gets a more well-written role next time. I liked her character in Sweet Home better lol.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

    What did Ji Sung says to Jin Young after he said that?


    Jin Young was yelling so loud next to Soo Hyun's ear I was wondering if she was in pain LOL LOL.

    Jinyoung: Stay strong, hyung-nim! I’ll be getting off (work) first!

    Jisung: What did you say? Stay (I’m guessing JY has more scenes) here!

    Jisung doesn’t want Jinyoung to leave😂


    Jinyoung looked really exhausted after filming that scene lol. Can’t imagine how tiring it is to cry and scream so much 😅

    • Haha 5
  4. Apologies in advance for the long post... I typed this as I was watching so I have quite a lot of thoughts. 
    Disclaimer: Spoilers for Ep 14!!!


    The President is just despicable. He literally just said he will commit bioterrorism... What a human stain!! Even Sun-ah looked shocked that he could suggest doing something like that.


    At this, I’m also slightly surprise that Sun-ah seemed to show some lingering feelings toward her old hometown and some other people... I guess she may be a twisted person, but not so far gone as compared to the likes of the President. 


    Jukchang... I don’t know what to say about this dude. He fully deserves the death penalty. I just don’t agree with the way he was supposed to be executed. But this world is dystopian so I suppose it’s not too far-fetched, especially since the degree in which the audience was involved has been escalating since the very first case. 

    That short part shown where the two kids were pressing the button to increase the voltage was pretty disturbing to say the least. Electrocution-scene wise, I expect some people to find it a bit too much, but I think nothing can faze me since I’ve watched The Green Mile (and THAT electrocution scene, if anyone here has seen it).


    I still don’t understand why is that Jukchang guy so loyal to the President?!?! He mustn’t be in his right mind. 


    I loved loved LOVED how Yohan used the President’s own words to hand out Jukchang’s sentence! “A life for a life”

    The President was about to suffer a stroke after that lol.


    Justice Min to Ga-on: Are you sure it was the SRF who hot Soohyun killed? (Implying that it was Yohan)

    Me: How are you so sure that it wasn’t the SRF?? This goes both ways, hello?!? Prove with evidence!


    Sudden thoughts since Jung Joseph was revealed to be in charge of the church CCTV:

    The church fire culprit could be

    1. Yohan

    2. Sun-ah

    3. Elijah?? (Yohan trying to hide the truth so Elijah doesn’t get hurt more)

    4. Justice Min (Argh everything he says and does now is suspicious to me😂)

    Who do you suspect?


    Yohan reading ‘Beyond Good and Evil’ by 

    Friedrich Nietzsche

    Quick read off wiki: 


    In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche accuses past philosophers of lacking critical sense and blindly accepting dogmatic premises in their consideration of morality. Specifically, he accuses them of founding grand metaphysical systems upon the faith that the good man is the opposite of the evil man, rather than just a different expression of the same basic impulses that find more direct expression in the evil man.



    “You want someone else to fight evil on your behalf without getting your hands dirty? That just makes them accomplices.” 

    (Yohan is willing to make the hard choices that no one else is willing to make.)

    Then Ga-on brings up the Doctor and Soohyun who were willing to risk their lives to fight for justice but without doing any harm (unlike Yohan’s methods).

    (My thoughts: But these people Ga-on brought up are now dead. Doesn’t this kind of show that without some ruthlessness, it’s impossible to bring down the greater evil i.e. the SRF?)


    All the scenes of the audience only starting to press the button once they see others doing it... this jumping on the bandwagon reaction and conformity to society’s standards is so reflective of our society, especially with the use of social media. 


    That look of betrayal and disappointment on Yohan’s face at the end... 

    And I’m still annoyed with Ga-on. He did the one thing Yohan told him not to, which was to attack him again. 

    Can’t believe there are only 2 episodes left. There’s still quite a lot of problems left to be solved.

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  5. 10 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Coming to think of it , Uncle & niece just hugged for the 1st time last night

    Thanks for the video link.. Loved it! Here's another one focused on the family dynamics: :wow:

    Love the parallels between uncle and niece. They really are more similar than we think. 

    Am I being too optimistic to wish for a happy ending for them both?


    I'm on leave from work today so will get to watch the subbed episode earlier! Might come back to post more thoughts later.

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  6. Waiting for more Sun-ah scenes next week... Funny to think I disliked her character in the beginning but she kinda grew on me after she took over the foundation.

    Next episode’s text preview states that the SRF members are plotting to oust Sun-ah. Wondering if this might get her to work with Yohan again. I won’t be surprised if she does work with him one more time. I swear there’s so much flipping sides in this drama I’ve lost count 😂

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  7. Sorry but I'm still in shock at what Gaon did at the end of the episode... It's like he's undoing all of Yohan's work.

    Like, what does he think is gonna happen if he outs Yohan (and his Avengers team)?? There is a bigger evil to get rid of.

    Justice Min is really getting on my nerves too. Since the beginning he has always been manipulating Gaon, painting Yohan as a very evil persona and blaming him for everything. Whenever Gaon shows some kind of understanding of Yohan, he will plant seeds of doubt in his mind. Gaon really needs to be less easily swayed. I wonder if Justice Min is working for Sun-ah? Lol.


    Also, I realised at the end that there was no Yohan-Sunah scene at all this episode. Hope there will be some next episode :pandahehe:

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  8. So at the very end of the episode, Gaon says to the press that the Live Court show has been rigged all along.

    But we know this isn't the case... Right?!? Why is this show making me doubt everybody now :pandascared:


    19 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

    Have to admit it did cross my mind that Yo Han may have eliminated Soo Hyun to keep Ga On by his side, as we know, he wants Ga On as family. There's that part of me that want it be true (coz it's interesting) and another part of me hoping is false.

    I can't help but also feel that this is plausible, especially after Yohan apologised to Isaac saying that he can't keep his promise about not hurting/punishing innocent people anymore.

    Your last sentence is me lol. Oh the dilemma!!

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  9. Just now, bairama said:

    I just saw twitter for ep 14..

      Hide contents

    Gaon is now on opposite side of Yohan?


    Yes seems like it...


    He got influenced by his mentor (Justice Min) and also from his talk with Yohan the night before.

    I think Gaon still cannot come to terms with the fact that in order to fight Yohan's way, there will be collateral damage (innocent lives lost).

    I'm kinda annoyed how Gaon keeps changing sides.


    Also, in the preview, Gaon stabs Yohan WTF

    EP 15 PREVIEW:


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  10. 33 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    You know this guy who plays the President , he also played a character that was so hateful in Taxi Driver. Every time he appears , I feel like slapping him. LOL

    Well that means this actor is really doing a great job! Lol.

    Every time his character comes onscreen I’ll lower my earphone volume a little 😂 His voice is so grating too.


    35 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Can't say I like this route either. Sigh. 

    I just feel like it happened at the wrong time. We barely got any character development from Soohyun. And just when there was space for some growth, she’s killed off. 

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  11. 16 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Naver articles are out in full force.

    I just went to peep at the comments on the video of the last scene. Safe to say the Knetz are furious and can’t see why THAT has to happen, especially with still 3 eps to go... Have to say I’m in a similar line of thought. Hope I’ll be proven wrong tomorrow!


    On a other note, in the preview, when Yohan says “A life will be paid for by a life”, I got instant Shin Segi vibes again.. it’s the same voice 😅

    And in this scene too:


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  12. @abs-oluteM Some lackey ordered by the Pres I think... it was a new face, so not sure who that dude was. Funny thing is I thought he was hired to kill Yohan, but then he turned tail after shooting Soohyun?!? Lol so either he was supposed to only scare the group (but ended up killing someone instead), or he is one lousy assassin 😂 I was really confused while livestreaming as to why he ran away after firing that single shot.

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  13. Thanks @mademoiselle!

    Wow the ending of Ep 13 blew me away.

    I know it could come across as cliche but


    the part where Yohan said “Darkness can never defeat light” gave me chills. 
    Jisung’s line delivery, the bgm, the shot... everything was so well done.

    This last (?) shot and the use of the water and reflection (a lot of black!) also reminded me of the scene a couple of episodes ago when Yohan said that he is the abyss.



    I’m curious to see now how Ga-on will react. Will he become more like Yo-han now that he has lost his everything (Soohyun)?


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  14. @bairama I like all the OSTs so far. But my fave is probably Tempest cos of the very catchy guitar riff.


    Still waiting on news of the official OST release! I want to listen to the full versions of all the instrumental BGMs they’ve used so far in the drama. There is one with a lady humming on top of instrumentals but it’s not released yet.


    Even the classical pieces they’ve used are to my liking (coincidentally both that I can identify have already been on my classical playlist for years😂)





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  15. Just now, mademoiselle said:

    Yeah he did but I think later she believes him because I remember the preview showed her went and see it herself.

    Oh she did?? Lol I can’t remember much from the preview except for the Yohan/Sun-ah/Elijah scene 🤣🤣🤣 That one shook me so much I blanked out on most of the other scenes hahaha


    1 minute ago, mademoiselle said:

    did Juk Chang avoided hitting Ga On's face or something? Hahaha. Coz how can there be not a single bruise on his face?

    Classic drama plot armour. Either an unscratched face, or a single scratch/cut that heals miraculously the next day!! 😆

    • Haha 4
  16. 2 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

    Pre-release cut

    Aaahh Ga-On confronting Jin-joo... 

    Seems like he tried telling her that the Foundation members are just making use of her.  And also his thoughts that the virus thingy is all a scam, but she doesn’t believe him. Why oh why..? :scaredpanda2:

    Ga-on got hurt as well by the Jukchang people :Yikes:

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  17. 14 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

    More touchy touchy stills between The Crack couple

    Well @abs-oluteM was hoping for it to be a new scene instead 😂 (so did I actually but I think I can recognise most of their scenes together now after all the crack ship fmvs I’ve watched HAHA)


    15 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

    Devil Judge vs Reality

    Ohh the sentence was finally announced huh. Took them long enough. Felt like this dragged on for years already and it probably is??

    There’s a reason this drama is dystopian lol.

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