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Posts posted by Dhakra

  1. 15 hours ago, Chocolate said:

    Was HIDE good? I caught half of the first ep. Seems interesting.

    Didn't watch it, but from what I've heard the drama was okay, but with a bad ending. 

    • Insightful 2
  2. 2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    Understandable. The documentary helped summarise it a bit better what actually happened, timeline and all. But I still feel there seems to be a lot more details that were not revealed. Like how some dramas played out, there's definitely some very powerful politicians and chaebol behind all this.


    I think this is sadly one of these cases, where the deeper you dig, the worse it gets everytime. I think this might be a never ending rabbit hole that only gets worse everytime you dig deeper into it. I feel so bad for all the young, pretty girls who were abused and suffered from it. 


    3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    *Don't read if you don't want to feel upset* - I just want to rant a bit with the thoughts I've been having after watching this.


    But this is no surprise, There are tons of nightlife clubs like Burning Sun in Seoul. To think they are all clean and reputable is christmas candy land. And with the idol business at it is, there are many dreams and aspiring careers to be exploited. The amount of idols who don't make it is gigantic.


    I saw the news of JJY aswell, the fact that he genuinely thinks about returning to the music industry makes me sick to the bones. Gladly Netizens think the same though, rarely have seen so many downvotes and all people being on the same page. 

    Let him try, but he will feel a backlash and hatred that no label will even think about working with him. Just imagining him working with any female artists or women in general makes me sick.

    The things he did can never be forgiven.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Thankfully I leave before that...as it is the hotel rates are expensive & the sites would be so packed.


    Am definitely looking forward to Amsterdam. Had wanted to go earlier for the tulips but just couldn't work out the timing.


    What dramas are you watching?

    Hahaha, yeah, hotel prices are totally crazy during that time.


    Currently I am just watching "Crash" and liked the first two episodes. Will continue today. Haven't watched many KDrama after the hole Welcome to Samdalri left behind.

    • Like 3

    On 5/20/2024 at 9:28 AM, mademoiselle said:

    @Dhakra Hey, have you seen the Burning Sun documentary from BBC? Came out yesterday.



    No and so far I don't plan to do so aswell. I know it will only made me very angry and put me in a bad mood for days. I read Goo Ha-ra played a major role in these investigations, which makes me ever sadder. She was such an angel and we lost her.


    But I heard the documentary is well made and very interesting, Taxi Driver 2 only scratched the surface of the topic, but it made me realize how sensitive I am about it and how it greatly affects my mood. I really can't stand these horrible human beings.   


    23 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Amsterdam, and will be headed there in June. 


    Perfectly timed to experience the European Championships aswell. Europe will be in full football fever this summer. They start in Mid-June, so it will be everywhere.


    I will be in Amsterdam later this year aswell. such a beautiful city.

    • Like 1
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  5. On 1/22/2024 at 12:39 PM, abs-oluteM said:

    Just wondered if @ktcjdrama @Dhakra and @40somethingahjumma finished this one.


    Yes, I did and I will miss watching this little gem each week dearly. 


    But I have to say, I do sometimes critizise dramas for not wrapping up all stories and not giving each character a satisfying end. So I somewhat enjoyed their approach of really giving every single charachter and their fishes a "good" ending, but at the same time, it somewhat felt like candy christmas land. Everyone at the end is succesful, all of them find love, marry again or find their mystery love.
    Maybe Sang-Do should have told Sam-Dal that she was the girl he loved, writer-nim would have cloned her to give him a proper end aswell. I was surprised they didn't resurrect Yong-Pils Mom aswell. 

    Man-Su being some bored rich sheik was also a bit silly. For a moment I thought I was watching 'Manhole'.



    Due to this, especially after the two year skip, it all felt like a little......fanservicey and not true to the drama. I loved the former approach of not everything being gold, divorce, single mom, failing, it felt more like life. I would have loved all of them staying in Jeju aswell.

    This also lead to the fact that the actualy end felt a little unsatisfying, for pretty much 16 episodes we were awaiting the final moment of Sam Dals recovery, the moment the world finds about she was innocent and Bang Eun Ju's House of Cards going down.
    But we pretty much only got a phone call and one small scene  of Bang finding out in her hotel room. I was hoping to see a scene of her mother aswell. It all felt not satisfying enough considering SD went to hell multiple times through her lies. I would have loved to see more consequences. 


    Overall though, I liked the ending, the drama was a highlight each week, I will miss it dearly and have to see if I can replace it with a drama soon that is similiar in style.


    • Clapping Hands 2
  6. 8 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    It didn't occur to me till you mentioned it, and yes I do see some similarities. 


    I am watching the recent episodes though I confessed I have seen the second half of eps 10 first because I wanted to know so bad what the aftermath of the kiss was. I knew it won't be such an easy road for them to get together.


    It occured to me when they started to give each of the sisters a love interest, each sister has her own story and hardships to overcome. The plot between Samdal & Yongpil is quite similiar aswell, Kim Young Kwang & Kyung Soo Jin's characters back then shared the same history.

    • Like 2
  7. On 12/26/2023 at 5:39 PM, abs-oluteM said:


    @Dhakra are you gonna watch this since it has JCW?


    Yes, I watch it with great pleasure! I look forward to each episode during the week and can't wait until it's weekend. 


    I think mostly because, and I don't know if you noticed, the drama has a lot of similarities to Plus Nine Boys. Only this time it is from the girls point of view and the youngest doesn't have a love line. Back then it were four brothers, this time it's 3 sisters and one daughter.
    It's such a nice watch every week.


    10 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    We get the full story of how Samdal and Yong Pil broke up now. No wonder both of them are confused with who dumped who! After Yong Pil's father asked Samdal to leave Yong Pil, she tried to break up with him, but she came back begging him to take her back, and that's when he asked (agreed) to break up. She didn't know Yong Pil did it after finding out Omma's condition. The scene where both breaking down bawling were so heart-wrenching. The death anniversary scene where father and son fought, and the father scolded Omma breaks my heart, too. 😭 A lot of ugly crying, but somewhat makes me love this show more.

    I agree. It was so heart-breaking to watch, especially how they both cried. The only thing I disliked this week is it felt a bit like we went in circles. The end of episode 9 is pretty much the same as ep 10 and it seems even in the upcoming episode 11 not everything is resolved at first. 

    Samdal still doesn't know why he broke up back then and also doesn't know he got thrown out for never stopping to love her and caring for her family.



    I actually hope Samdal stays in Jeju and maybe begins chasing a career as wedding photographer or something similiar, she seemed to had fun at the end and it would be a nice career path too for her. After all Jeju is kinda her hood. 


    • Like 1
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  8. Liked the first two episodes a lot, I like the calm nature of the drama. Will definitiely be my Rom-Com Watch for the christmas season. JCW acting is on point again, I really liked his character. So funny to see him in a role like this again after just finishing "The Worst of Evil". 


    I agree that Sam Dal canceling was a bit shallow, her assistant just wanted to get back at her for the second time after she noticed her seducing plan didn't work as intended. But Sam Dal should have enough voice and methods to make things clear. They say she tried it, but she probably has enough way to spread and post it on her own. 

    But plotholes are comming in KDramaland, so I don't care and just watch  nice beautiful lovestory evolve. The drama feels so heartwarming and Jeju really is a small piece of paradise. 

    • Clapping Hands 2
  9. Quite an open ending indeed like @mademoisellealready mentioned. 

    It didn't even really felt like a final episode, more like a mid-drama peak. The "team" has finally formed, the Vigilante managed to get some people around him and things are looking worse than ever, Eum is celebrated as heroic cop and they didn't achieve anything. The evil roots are still in place and growing. 


    The last episode with all unanswered questions and doubts in so many minds scream like a second season. 


    Still funny that Ji Young got beaten up, almost drowned, got sliced and shot twice and manages to walk away and Sun Wook only gets stabbed once and dies. It was pretty much clear that he will end up being framed as Vigilante. Which is pretty much lackluster, there are probably thousands of evidance and witnesses that will be able to confirm where he was whenever the Vigilante strikes. He also helped his university teacher a lot, so it is pretty unlikely that he is the Vigilante. 

    But well, as soon as Ji Young & Team start to kill baddies again, it will be obsolete anyway.


    I do like the touch though of Jo Heon switches sides and lose faith in the police aswell, he tried til the very end to convince Ji Young to follow the right path, but ulttimatively had to give up and follow JY path. The scene where he started to strangle and beat up Eun was very powerful. He tried to have mercy and it almost got Ji Young killed, so he realized there is no way.


    On 11/29/2023 at 2:28 PM, mademoiselle said:

    Being the only one not taking the oath, the Teacher looks down knowingly with a resign expression.


    Ohh, true. He saw Ji Young not taking the oath, that's what bothered him so much. He knows.

    • Like 1
    • Clapping Hands 1
  10. 8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    I'm surprised he went as far as killing them. I was used to heroes punishing the villains and in the end always hand them back to the law/police. This one actually takes lives. That's a refreshing depiction, and I wonder how it will end.


    I honestly like it, Do-Ki in S1 of Taxi Driver always had the mercy to let them live, no matter what kind of cruel things they did. 
    Somehow glad to see that they do it differently here, not only does he kill them or let them behind to die, he also puts them in a spot of (probably fake) remorse and resent, before he lets them die on their own. He doesn't even care to clean up the mess, bury the bodies and live a normal life. He wants the police to find the bodies. 


    It feels like an ever darker version of 'Dexter'.


    7 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Anyway I can't say I was wowed by the premiere episodes but it wasn't bad. It was good to see Nam Joo Hyuk take on something different. But my main complain is where is my oppa Lee Joon Hyuk? 


    It will be so funny to see NJH again during my annual rewatch of Weightlifting Fairy next month.  :laugh:Total opposites. But I was amazed how bulky he got.


    6 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    The thing I find dangerous in what he's doing (as in killing) is, how can he be sure the criminal is indeed guilty? What if the man was framed to look guilty by the corrupted police or media? He was so quick to act on them based on both episodes. I'd think he should take some time to investigate or observe the target before attacking.


    I'd like to know more of his inner thoughts and emotions. What does he feel after taking the target out? It reminded me of this quote from The Dark Knight by Harvey Dent — You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. Depending on what his mentality is, he is either going to be the hero or ended up no different to the villain/criminals.


    I guess he does his research, the short scene we had where he scouted the funeral to see if the culprit changed and feels remorse towards the victims felt to me like it should suggest us he isn't just rushing out without brain to deliver vengeance. 


    Honestly, due to she short amount of episodes we have and the lack of safety measures he is doing, he will be caught quite soon and end up in prison. He doesn't feel like someone who prepares a lot of backup, if someone goes wrong. Without allies it will also be very hard. 

    I also fear Journalist Choi will eventually turn against him, she doesn't hold any loyalty and seemingly only cares about ratings. She always emphasizes what the public wants and she is already manipulating the public opinion, so she has the power to turn him into something evil aswell. 



    5 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    @mademoiselle also shouldn’t he cover his face or something. He’s gonna be exposed sooner or later . 


    He lacks so much in this regard. He doesn't cover his face, he doesn't alternate his voice and he uses the same computer in a locked room where only three people have access to look up the people/cases/files he is going to kill. If just one cop checks who accessed the files of all people who were recently killed, he will be suspected quite quickly.



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  11. Episode 1+2


    • Watched the first two episodes, I liked what I have seen so far. It's a bit unfamiliar to see NJH in such an unsual role for him, but he performs quite well. I buy his role. He suits it and I think I've never seen him so manly before. 
    • Cases were all a bit short, but interesting, so far I cheered for everytime he beat some up. I like the fact that he sometimes spares his victims and something just kills them off for sure. 
    • The usual tropes are already fully in place though, the public celebrates his actions and the police wants him to be caught. They treat him as murderer. 
      I actually feel a lot of similiarities already to the first season of 'Taxi Driver', expect he acts on his own without a team. Another interesting point is that instead of a prosecutor helping him at times, we have a journalist that seemingly supports him from the shadows. 
    • This is what the drama makes really interesting so far, because I wonder how far Mrs. Choi's actions go and how far she is willing to support and cover the Vigilante. So far she just feeds him new cases, that she takes advantage of. But is she just doing it for success, good stories and career or does she also have an interest in the person behind it. 
      Will she protect and cover Ji-Young when the police are on his tail and will be eventually caught?
    • Like 1
    • Clapping Hands 2
  12. 18 hours ago, Chocolate said:

    From a woman's perspective, a nice woman 😜, we don't knock a friend when they are down. EJ did treat GC as a friend, seeing her numerous attempts to convince him to retire now. GC already knew they were lying to him, to further confirm that she never felt anything for him and was just doing her job, would take a very hard-hearted woman to do that. I wouldn't do it at that particular time too. Perhaps at a later time when things have settled down.


    Yeaaaaaaah, buuuuut no. She doesn't knock "a friend" down, she just questioned herself in the car how they should move on in their marriage. She knows Junmo is already questioning their marriage, he is question her feelings, she knows he is believing she has more feelings for GC than for him. She is a smart women,.she knows their marriage is in shambles and Junmo might have an affair with BIBI aswell. EJ also knows Junmo digged much to deep into this operation, the case completely ate his mind.

    So she has to make a decision, save her marriage once and for all or hurting someone she already hurt and watch his downfall. He already chose his poison by walking down this path. As a high-ranked cop I expect her to have so much sight. 


    But she chose the middleroad, again. In their own apartment, as wife. This was the nail in the coffin. Junmo cheated and sent his girl away, his wife refuses to stand with him and the guy who is responsible for this is right before him. 

    The Cop Junmo killed him, the thug Junmo liked him. Thug Junmo died with the success of the operation. 


    18 hours ago, Chocolate said:

    If JM shoots GC, he could claim the credit of catching GC, which he did in his first call, instead of calling the ambulance. Am I wrong?


    Just he didn't want to catch him, he wanted to KILL and catch him. He could have catched him the moment  he saw GC in their apartment, GC was never a fighter, two cops would have easily been able to capture him. He shot GC in a fatal spot, if he just wanted to capture him, all he had to do was shoot him in the arm, the shoulder, leg, arm, choose anything. But he went straight for the heart.

    Also I am pretty sure, if you shoot somebody, you need to call the ambulance aswell. 


    18 hours ago, Chocolate said:

    , in reality,


    Let's be honest, if this drama was even close to reality, they would have stopped after the 2nd episode. 

    • Haha 2
  13. 10 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

    I read the final showdown rather differently. I don't think Eui-jeong was in love with Gi-cheul. She may have had some nebulous feelings of goodwill due to their past affiliation. But I think it is more likely that she pitied him especially seeing what he'd become. If she had been in love with him, I think she would have confessed to him much sooner and asked him to run away with her. But she didn't. All she wanted to do was get him to back down and put an end to a string of rather terrible choices. Falling for Gi-cheul's charms goes against everything she believes in.

    It is possible that Jun-mo developed feelings for Hae-ryung because of the similarities in their backgrounds. Despite the boss girl act, she was willing to be vulnerable with him and offered him respect. That's very attractive to a man who has been starved of respect. The irony with Jun-mo he got more respect from Hae-ryung and Gi-cheul than from his colleagues, his father and his in-laws. They saw the drive and the goodness in him. Everyone thinks he's a wild man, a bit of a troublemaker. Hae-ryung wasn't from a high society family at all. She grew up poor. They both have a drugs connection -- both their dads are in the trade.


    Still she failed to show this to Junmo in almost 12 episodes. Junmo began to doubt her feelings, her intentions and her ultimate goal. She had more than one opportunity to remember Junmo that they love each other and are a married couple. That she is doing this for him and the sake of finishing the job to get him home safely. Even during the showdown, when GC asked her straight away if her feelings were ever genuine, she didn't stand her ground and told him that she only loves Junmo and is his wife. 
    Yes, she didn't deny that she used GC feelings, but she didn't confirm it either. Her answer was not really an answer. She just said it doesn't matter. It does matter, Junmo thought during the whole case he lost his wife.
    During this scene they weren't undercover anymore, they were in their home. Still she dodged a clear commitment towards Junmo.


    Maybe she was not in love with GiCheul, but she wasn't in love with Junmo anymore either. Which is fine at the end, she saw things, she saw Junmo as a monster. But in the end, it felt she was attached more to GC than towards Junmo.Which is fine I guess, Junmo completety lost himself in the case.

    But ultimately this is what led Junmo into Bibi's arms and made him fall for her. 

    • Like 3
  14. 4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Had JM not shot GC, would the marriage have survived? Somehow I think JM's inferiority complex & her family looking down on him would have yielded the same result. 


    I think the marriage was already dead from the start, starting episode 1. The fact that he hid the undercover mission from her and only did it to get some recognition from her family tell a very clear story. In GC last breaths EJ actively decided against Junmo with her choice of words, she could have told him it was all an act and she only loves her husband Junmo, but she decided to talk in riddles because she actually has feelings for him too. She loves two men, with one being her first love. She spent much more time with him than necessary, that's why Junmo was so angry at the rooftop, she crossed his paths for no reason more than once. 

    Junmo fell in love with Hae Ryeon too though, I am pretty sure he slept with her at the start of episode 10. She was someone he valued a lot, a simple girl valueing simple things like a red apple, the scent of water at night or playing video games in the street with kids. She was also from a high society family, but was much more pleasant to be with. He also felt valued by her family and more importantly, she was totally into him. 


    JM shooting GC was just to have a little revenge, kill off the marriage and make sure EJ despises him. I think both parties knew their feelings shifted apart from each other. 

    • Like 2
  15. Episode 10-12


    • The tension at the table, are they questioning each others feelings? They both know they just act, right? They have a mission and play their part. But it felt like they don't know if there are some real feelings mixed up in there. 
      EJ also seemed very surprised to hear Junmo having a "girlfriend". It almost felt like she wanted to get back at him when HR touched Junmo's hand.
    • BIBI IS SO CUTE. When she walked together with Junmo :pandablush: I could listen to her all day talking about her homeland, China and other stuff. She's so interesting!
      JM being able to resisting kissing HR :pandasadspoon:That's pure strength and dedication. 
    • Oh  boy, Junmo thinks EJ feelings for GiCheul are real. He totally got lost in this. It was so dumb to get her involved in this in the first place. This was bound to happen. 
    • Hae-Ryeon is so cuteeeee at the river. She really trusts Junmo and builds up his confidence. She finds the right words. Ahhh, can they be married soon please? They have much more chemistry. 
    • The scene on the rooftop between the three cops was intense, but I think for the first time we see some sort of Junmo's feelings for EJ when he mentioned she got involved in this.
    • I would have never expected HJ to actually do THIS if she found out. Holy Macaroni, her love is endless :wow: Junmo was trying to safe her, telling her to flee to a totally different country. It's like he knew in this moment she knows his secret. She trusts him indefinitely. She really wants to protect him and the love she has for him. 
    • I always knew BIBI was badass and meant to play a villain some day, if you watch any of her MV's on YouTube, she does this kinda stuff all the time. So I knew she would excel at this role, but damn, this was on a whole different level. 
    • Honestly don't like the ending at all. Everything is in shambles, Junmo fatally shoots GiCheul for no reason, initially I thought he was just trying to stop him from commiting suicide, but why shoot him in the heart? He could have just shoot his arm or shoulder. Anything that prevents him from pulling the trigger
    • It seems like the marriage between EJ & Junmo is over, which honestly feels unsatisfying, because they never felt like having an unbreakable bond anyway, but also because this kinda feels like the drama not having a good ending. 
      With this ending and Junmo actually declining the promotion, it would even more sense if  Junmo seeks out HR in Hong Kong. It looks like Junmo is more loyal to her than to his wife. He actually saved her from everything. 
    • Was Junmo puting his wedding ring onto GiCheuls grave? Does that mean he let's EJ go? Since EJ seemed to have visited his grave earlier, does that mean she griefs about his death and blames Junmo for it? Did she genuinely love GC at the end?
    • Is this ending just because EJ cared for GC when he died before her? It is not uncommon to react like this if someone you even care about a little dies in front of you. He may have chosen the wrong path, but deep down he was not a bad bad-guy. 
    • Ahhh, I don't know how much I like this drama, I was hoping for a nice, clean end and a few quiet romantic scenes between EJ & Junmo. We got no action between them and much more between their undercover partners.



    I also noted some things I want to address, typical K-Drama Wonderland


    • I know Junmo told Jeong Bae to hide, but damn, how good ís he at hiding? He hid so well, he never appeared in the drama again.
    • And why does no one, especially not Gi Cheun ask about Seo Jong-Ryul's whereabouts? He just got arrested for murder, but no one even asks where he has been. JB could have easily warned and told GC about all of this. 
    • Junmo also never learned that his father is some kind of drug kingpin.
    • Clapping Hands 3
  16. On 10/23/2023 at 2:55 PM, abs-oluteM said:

    Preview for the last 3 episodes. Can't really guess how it will end  but they are trying to mislead us making us think that JunMo would cross over or that he will defy orders to stop?


    EJ's hand touchung GiCheul worries me a little, but I guess it has nothing to say. What bothers me more is finally we get some time between JunMo and EJ and they fight? Is she trying to stop him, but he tells her he is going to finish the job to proof to her family that he is worth something?

    I guess he will do the latter, defy orders to stop and finish it while losing himself a little. 
    Please let me get just one kiss or good scene between the OTP.


    6 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    And this must be Bibi, @Dhakra's new girl. 😄


    Yessssss. Forget everything I said. JunMo grab the boat, take BIBI and SAIL INTO THE MOONLIGHT. :wow:

    • Haha 4
  17. 58 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    I had to laugh because you interspersed your recaps and concerns with these fanboy comments about Bibi! :laugh:. I have to say for a relatively new actress, she's doing a good job with the right amount of charisma. Plus, I feel she even has better chemistry with JCW compared to Im Semi who plays the wife. 


    Have you not seen her in the stunningly blue dress? She has such a cold gaze in her eyes, but is so elegant and pretty at the same time. She killed them all with her eyes at the table. And then later she wore that beautiful blue blazer to the date with JM :pandablush: Why do the pretty girls always have to play the baddie.

    She will never trust a man again after this, she followed her heart for the first time and went against her dad. 


    I noticed that too, they do have better chemistry, but I think this is because JCW & BIBI have more scenes together than JCW & Im Semi. They didn't have any chance yet to proof any chemistry, since they rarely share the same screen. 
    That's why I desperately want them to have more scenes as a couple. 



    1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

    I am glad they showed that he did not particularly enjoy that make out session with HR, especially because I don't see that as "cheating" on EJ. It isn't any worse than all the lines he has already crossed considering that  he's employed deception and violence to complete this mission. The day he agreed to this mission, we should not be surprised that his moral code would be tested over and over. 


    Well, it isn't cheating because it is part of his alias. He sleeps/kisses her as thug, as Tae-Ho's cousin, not as EJ's husband. He doesn't enjoy it, kudos to him for that, but he knows to make sure he achieves his goal, it is necessary. 
    EJ's kissing is much more genuine, she also didn't like it, but she kisses GC as cop, as herself. She just lines up lie after lie and tries to cover the real truth. 


    I guess his moral code is always updated and refreshed whenever he sees EJ. You can see his deep affection for her, whenever she is in danger or present, he almost forgets everything. 


    1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

    GC continues to tug at my heartstrings. Those tears falling as he kissed EJ highlights how it's pained him having to doubt her sincerity. She teared up too and I think it is not so much because of JM but because GC at one point in time was someone that mattered to her . I think I might cry for him once he finds out how he's been betrayed by both EJ and JM. Of course he has to pay for his crimes behind bars but I do hope he'll have a decent redemption arc. He isn't violent for the sake of violence itself - he does have his honor code and what he is ultimately after is respect. 


    Ahhh, Noonalicious. :pandahappyspoon: Can you smell it? :pandacoolsip: The tides have finally turned.

    GC is your Shi-Ho. 


    I disagree, I don't think her tears were any lingering feelings or related to GC at all. She cares so much about JM, she went multiple to JM's superiors and blamed them for putting him in so many dangerous positions. I felt like she cried because she had to do what she tried to avoid the most. Kissing him was the last bastion, she hoped she never has to do. 
    She knows he is lying and sugarcoating everything he is doing. She knows what an evil guy he actually is and the gang war just proved it. He continuesly tries to deceive her. 

    You reap what you sow. He became a thug, drug dealer and murdered all on his own. I won't cry a single tear once he ends up in prison.

    • Like 3
  18. Episode 8+9


    • Bibi is so heavenly beautiful in this blue dress. :pandablush: She looks like a pure angel. How can anything that is so pretty be also so bad?
    • Ahhhh, they kissed in the car. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. They even had multiple kisses. :scaredpanda2:
      I was so ready to drop this freaking drama, but decided to go with it and at least watch until the end.
    • Because I knew JunMo will have his fair share of outside marriage adventures aswell and it would be cynical to be mad at her when JM does even worse stuff. And holy corrot, he and Haeryeon kissed, french kissed and undressed each other like newlyweds. EJ's action and fist clenching looked tame and innocent against it. 
      He really would have needed to sleep with her and go all out if they weren't disturbed.
      So I guess they are even and we can continue.
    • Bibi is just so prettyyyyyy! :scaredpanda2:
    • When JM arrived in the hallway and suddenly saw EJ on the other side of the floor, he totally went berserk. The moment he noticed this isn't about keeping his cover, rather about saving his wife's life, he turned into destruction itself and became God of War. He went from seeing a men die and suffer from it to all out make all men die who stand between him and his wife. 
    • All I want is some private time between EJ & JM, maybe a kiss (not flashback) or something else to strengthen their bond.
      Because it worries me that she looked at the wedding ring so diligently. She also saw JM pretty much butchering a guy right in front of her, that may have caused her to look in a different way at him too.
      I want a little OTP time. 
    • End is quite concerning, GC knows now that JM is skipping him and trusts Haeryeon more. Sigh, her stunning beauty would make me loyal to her aswell :pandablush: I hope this won't end up in a fight between them.
    • Biggest concern for me is still the marriage between JM & EJ, we haven't seen any real interaction between then outside of flashbacks, I really want them to have a few minutes in private. I hope we get a few couple shots aswell. They kissed other people more than each other, it bothers me. EJ also saw JunMo do things that aren't pretty, I hope she doesn't question her marriage or their love. 
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  19. Binge watch begins :pandapopcorn:


    YA @abs-oluteM! What did you put me through! :pandasadspoon: I liked the first two episodes, but couldn't you warn me about episode 3+4? :pandaroar:

    When Eui-Jeong said she actually gets a divorce right in front of Junmo and met with Gi-Cheul a couple of times, I began to hate the drama so much and skipped through most of the episode. After the episode ended I googled for recaps of the remaining episodes and just searched for the word "kiss". Just to make sure this isn't some sort of love triangle, jealousy stuff. 

    Seriously, they are meant to be a married couple, but we actually got so few scenes with them being together. They actually don't really feel like a married couple, which put me on the edge all the time. 
    I swear if she ever kisses that punk and cheats on Junho, I drop this drama on the spot. The same goes the other way around, if Junmo kisses that chinese beauty, I will be mad.


    Buuuuuut, GOSH IS THAT CHINESE GIRL CUUUUUTE. She could sell me any kind of drugs anytime. I want to be her tour guide too. I show her every corner of the world. :pandablush: Bibi is doing such a tremendous job, 


    Overall the drama is quite decent, a few plotholes here and there, like usual, but time really flew when I watched it. Some scenes were a bit unnecessary and explicit, but well, can't help it. 



    I agree that Gi Cheal isn't the worst antagonist in the drama, but he is still just scum. He has blood on this hands aswell, he may not kill as much as the usual thug, but he is nobody I want to be in the same room with for just a second. He lies, deceives and is violent as most other thugs aswell. He sells drugs and based on what we saw in the clubs, he uses women aswell. I have absolutely ZERO tolerance for him. I want to see him go down like all the others.

    That's why I am praying that the writers doesn't mess this up and give him a kiss with EJ for any dramatic purposes to safe Junho's life or something. 

    • Haha 1
    • Clapping Hands 1
  20. 8 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Helllo...how's life ? I think ever since things have reopened, it's gotten quieter. I find myself not watching as many dramas as I used to. But I also feel that these days they are just churning out dramas non-stop ( especially with so many new platforms doing their own original series) - the level of excitement isn't the same as it used to be. There are some good shows though especially in this 2nd half . You should come watch The Worst of Evil. It is Ji Chang Wook back in his element just like his Healer Days.  @stroppyseyou should totally check this one out. My faith in JCW has been restored. :laugh:


    It's fine, the usual struggles, not nothing really serious. I also feel like I'm a bit of a drama slumber again. December will have my usual Fairy rewatch. 

    I plan to watch "Vigilante" as it sounds like my style of drama.

    The Worst of Evil, sigh, it does look interesting based on the Trailer I watched. Let me check out the first episode.

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  21. 2 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    @Dhakra I am so glad you stopped by and see you here. A year has gone by since Bai's passing, I do think of her from time to time.

    Hope all is well with you. Come by the drama threads. 


    Yeah, I noticed the thread is from last year. I felt a bit bad I just learned everything so late. I was so devasted when I read all messages. 


    I will come by, just have to find a nice drama that suits me.

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