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  1. Okay let me address my reply from our last discussion of ep 8 before we going to ep 9. I've been thinking that because Song Hwa is almost shown as the perfect doctor and perfect woman who is always look strong, showing us her vulnerable state and as a normal human is nice for a change. And I don't know why but I'm happy that this particular moment is shared with Ik Jun. Back for her breast cancer check-up in season 1, and now in season 2 when she got the news of her mother sickness. I think with how she and Ik Jun spend times more together in season 2 talking about daily life things that doesn't seem important, it just a step in how they are sharing their daily lives without crossing the lines as friends. Friends sharing about their families stories are just normal. Especially for them who are friends for the last 22 years. And I agree that Ik Jun was holding back. I kind of glad that he did (?) because at that particular time, what Song Hwa needed might not be physical comfort and his presence. He didn't offer any long comments, just asking whether she shouldn't go home and whether she wants him to drive her home. He knew she needed the time and space to think. Based on their conversation at the camp, with how she shared that she felt guilty for brushing off her mother questions and concerns about her work as doctor or about her mother's nagging, it must also came to him that at that very moment Song Hwa might blame herself for not knowing her mother's illness. She shares how much she loves to learns and there's no way that Parkinson isn't one of the studies that she learn about. She might not specialized in that particular area because she's more into the surgery, but she knew. You can see how distress she look when her professor asked her whether she didn't notice anything from her mother's action. If Ik Jun wanted, he could offer some comfort. But he barely stopped himself by holding on her table (if you noticed). And when she approached her table, to prepare for going home, Ik Jun stayed for some minutes looking at her expression. As you said that longing in Ik Jun eyes could tell us millions but everything he could feel but he respect Song Hwa wishes to not cross the lines. Gah that moment is so beautiful but heartbreaking at the same time. Some fan theories that I have read, this might happened if Ik Sun's condition is not getting better. The fan theories are that Ik Sun needed a transplant surgery and being his brother and all, Ik Jun will offer his. I didn't want it to go this way tough. I prefer for her to realize it herself. The nudge that she got in ep 3, from her patient's brother could be an opening. A new perspective that she didn't think of. It's not like Song Hwa didn't realize her feelings, but to take the brave step from going to be friends to lovers, that's what she need to take. The stakes of what if their relationship didn't go as smoothly as they think and how it will ruin the dynamics of their friendships of 22 years and with other boys must be also scary. Ik Jun is willing to try it so it all depends on her. Agreed about this. She has been busy with her career and life as doctors that she forgot to take care of herself. Oh she did have a date with others. I wonder what made her liked that cheating ex of her in season 1 and that when he asked for break up and admitted of his affair as the reason of break up, it made her wanted to close off the potential future of dating when Seok Min told her to do so after seeing her friends with her husband. Where can I get my Ik Jun? Seriously watching this isn't good for my single life. @SnowBlob did you notice? Oh maybe not when you fast forward the drama. Looks how his small smile looking at her admiring the stone grill. Maybe he has a thought it can be a good birthday present. He didn't know he will needed it earlier to make her smile sooner.
  2. Wah the bonus game... First of all big applause to @bairama for compelling so many scenes from so many dramas into one video. And to also put the Joseon Jives and China Charms inside it is just brilliant. I do watch and recognized some but at the same time I might miss several because it's so fast. It's a wonder how she worked in mashing that to one video. Brilliant. Okay here is my guess. I have to say that for I really take a wild guess for the Chinese Dramas based on what @NiteWalker @Lynne occasionally @abs-oluteM have been tweeting in my timeline because I watched no Chinese dramas at all Sorry for any misspelled of the drama tittle I tried to guess. Oh one that I think I'm sure I will make it right @bairamarecent favorites hahaha I guess I have to thank @SilverMoonTea too for her shipping ships that comes from many dramas that I don't even watch but she let me know Here it goes (dramas that comes to mind after replaying the videos like 5 times. I gave up after that lol)
  3. Congratulations @Lynne and @movingwheelfor the promotion Hey @Janeis logging back! welcome welcome~ maybe you can start by visiting the events thread in celebrating Janghaven 1st anniversary? There are lots of foods, cakes and games to play :) Happy anniversary to JangHaven~ Stay safe and healthy everyone~
  4. I never imagined I'd got the recommendation to be included in the poll, because I rarely interact with many people during the whole year I spent in here. Thank you for everyone who feels that my post give some effect to you. It was so kind for all of you. I might not say something much, but deep down inside I always impressed with many posts and opinions that we all shared together while discussing our love for dramas. Everyone is the winner in my eyes
  5. @bairama although it's not as long as ep 8, ep 9 will last about 105 minutes.. so prepare yourself before watching it There are so many funny and heart fluttering scenes. But in my short visit this time, I want to point out about the joke when Ik Jun and the other doctor are having that might lost to English translation (I haven't watched with sub but there's probability in it) Tag @stroppyse for future correction In this scene, the other professor was having a cramped muscle on his leg after dancing. The pronunciation of Korean words ' cramp ' and mouse have the same word and spell. That's why Ik Jun is acting like a cat (even meowing and acting like an angry cat) to make the cramp go away This one, when the cramp got back, Ik Jun response with baby baby. It might be weird for those non k - music fans, but it's a reference to popular song of Girl's Generation in 2009 Gee. The reff part of the song is Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby. The word Gee and Jwi (쥐) for both mouse and cramps have similar pronunciation, so that's why he responded that way. And for the dancing ceremony when they reached deuce at set 3, it's another popular joke. There was this popular dance male duo called Deux (which pronunciation similar to deuce in Korea). What they are dancing too are one of their popular song. @SnowBlob bonus for us IkSong fans is by how Song Hwa always laugh at his jokes. His jokes never fail to make her laugh
  6. @SnowBlob sorry for not replying your messages until now. I'm recovering after the 1st dose of vaccination. Hopefully I can managed to write something this weekend, continuing our discussion for ep 8 and 9. For now I'm going to do my weekly report for our couple progress. Oh before I forgot. @im0202said something that shouldn't have been said! The worst scenario about our couple future. She said there's possibility what happened in season 1 ending might happen to us too. She's being meany, please scold her Move to my report~ We don't get that many interaction of our couple. Combined their appearance probably less than 10 minutes? Even Song Hwa don't have that much air time in ep 9. Hopefully we'll get more of her for the rest of 3 episodes! - Song Hwa visits Ik Jun who's playing double for the table tennis competition. The competition is funny actually because most of the players have to leave because of emergency situation. Well it can't be helped because they are doctors and patients life are number 1 priority. So after her surgery, she immediately went to the competition room where Ik Jun is playing semifinal game. The game itself quite tough and after she came, Ik Jun team can snatch the win? Is it her presence help him win? I can only dream And miraculously Ik Jun team goes to semifinal. On the important deuce, his opponents has to leave because his wife is going for labor hahaha. While resting before the final game, Song Hwa offers her tea to Ik Jun partner but he declined it, he might be thinking she offered it to him. He coolly said he'll be back before the tea got cold. But in the end he lost so fast LMAO... And he did drink the tea while it still hot. He didn't want to give her precious tea to anyone. No one but himself. (Okay that's my delulu mind playing here) Fast forward to almost the end of episodes, our couple coffee date at the outside hospital garden. It suddenly started to rain and they ran together for shelter or back to hospital. Watch it yourself @SnowBlob, finally they hold hands!!! For short seconds, initiated by Song Hwa.
  7. Song Hwa is feeling down. Other than her scheduled patients, she mostly stayed inside her office. She even asked Sun Bin to pushed back their appointments to next week and she wanted to have a rest for the rest of the week. Ik Jun and Jun Wan wanted to hang out with her in her room, but they stayed back and cancel it when Sun Bin let them know that Song Hwa wasn't feeling good. Seok Min called Song Hwa that he wants to asked something and if she has the time to meet him. She half heartedly agreed to welcome him to her room. But less than a minute, he messaged her to say it has been resolved. So she resumed her position to have a rest again. Apparently Ik Jun has been guarding in the corridor near her room. He stopped Seok Min and offered his solutions. He stopped Seong Yeong and pointed him to ask another professor. He stopped Yun Bok for giving Song Hwa coffee and cakes and even offered to discuss NS problems with the Nurse A little bit later he knocked and peeked on her door and asked permission if they can meet for a moment. He gave her a gift that he bought on his own. He really worked hard to choose it and to have it as much as similar the grill pan with the one from restaurant. Look at how she instantly smiled brightly. When she excited, look at how soft Ik Jun eyes. If it's not love, then what? Huhuhu their relationship is so precious and beautiful.. please.. please make it official soon Even her students knew that with Ik Jun, Song Hwa will feel better ...
  8. @SnowBlob the ' humane ' side of Song Hwa that we've been waiting for, slowly coming up. Just like how she needs someone to be with her on her hard days and moments in life, Ik Jun is there. He's always there for her. Sigh how to find an almost perfect man like Ik Jun.. how to not comparing real people with a fictional character? Okay let me start my report.. While writing this I don't know what will happen with the rest of my writing (Since only you who probably reading it sis), so here we go - Ik Jun is almost like a personal assistant for Song Hwa. And just like him, she also a reminder for about his schedule. So the friends gathered to eat lunch at Song Hwa room. She ordered 4 portions of tteokpokki for the five of them. Jun Wan and Seok Hyeong shocked and wondered how they can eat all of that. Ik Jun then started analysing Jun Wan and Song Hwa will eat one container each. She ordered according to their own preference of spiciness. She's late joining them because she's especially busy. And when others are asking or guessing about her activity, Ik Jun can recall every facts and schedule of her, as if he's her personal agenda. And when Song Hwa joined them, she loudly announced she would finish the whole container by herself, just like what Ik Jun has predicted. After they finished eating, boys started to leave one by one for their schedules. They will have a bbq party, courtesy of Jeong Won, and Ik Jun started to complain and Jeong Won is being stingy for only treating them for bbq once a month, where they have worked hard for VIP patients. Ik Jun keeps talking and Song Hwa has to remind him that he'll be late if he stayed any longer to chat. - Ik Jun takes care and understand what she wants by his observations on her. Over the bbq dinner, Song Hwa and Jun Wan won't take off their eyes from the grill. Both Ik Jun and Jeong Won has to slip the chopsticks to their hands so that they won't eat the meat with bare hands hahaha. Once they finished eating, Song Hwa won't take her eyes of the stone grill pan. Ik Jun noticed it and asked if she really like that. She excitedly answered yes and wondered how great it would be when she used it for camping. Ik Jun reprimanded her to not asking it to the restaurant staffs. She pouted but agreed to not ask. - Song Hwa realized about her mother's sickness and devastated. When she could barely hold back her tears to assure her mother that it's okay, Ik Jun once again appeared at the exact time and offers his companions to her. After treating her patients, Song Hwa called her senior professor whom she sent her mother to for her check up. She thought that her mother would be fine, but her senior asked, didn't she realise about her mother condition? The symptoms are quite clear and based on the tests results, her senior gave a diagnosis that her mother has Parkinson disease. After she checked the results herself, she finally realised and lost for words. The reality finally struck her hard. She immediately call her mother and tried to assure that it's okay. They can treat it with medications. With barely holding back her tears, she says her mother will be fine because she has a NS doctor as a daughter. She will sleep and go home at her parents house. A brilliant acting and appreciation for Jeon Mi Do for acting and executing this scenes well. The raw of her voice, the guilt she felt for not spending enough time with her mother by saying she's busy. And after the phone call with her mother, she has tried to calm down herself and prepare to leave the hospital when Ik Jun knocked on her door and enter. Seeing her down look, he immediately knew something happened and asked. She hesitated a little before shared it with him, that her mother is having a Parkinson. I'm not going to write any longer just watch this. She tried to not break down. He just asked if she aren't going home and offered if she wants him to drive her home. He knew well that she's not in her right state of mind. After all the talk over the camping, of her telling him that she's feeling guilty for brushing off her mother. He knew her so well that she might blame herself for not realising this sooner. The only thing that he can offer, is his presence. He's offering his service and presence around her. And by doing that he can also watch for her safely to reach home. Driving alone like this might cause an accident. While he said for her to change of clothes, he could have just leave, but no. He still watching her. He's holding her desk as if to stop himself to get near and comfort her physically by giving hug. But there's a line that he can't cross, yet. This might be my interpretation but that's what I could see from his gaze...
  9. Everyone prepare your drinks, make your seat comfortable and make sure that you are having the time to watch because ep 8 is more or less 110 minutes long! The longest episode that I have watched so far. It usually a movie, not a drama. Wow the scale. Err my mind is in jumble so I think I'll be back with more coherent posts later. Quick summary for important things (not in order) happened in ep 8 - Rosa didn't have a dementia. There's fluid in her hydrocephalus and she has the surgery and recovering well. Her sickness definitely give a scare to Jeong Su, Jeong Won and herself. She thought she might have dementia but after check up and consultation with Song Hwa. It's not dementia. Later after she got discharged she join the band for bsnd session because Seok Hyeong got emergency news at hospital. Song and OST of ep 8 is really beautiful. One of my favourites. Original singer and song Toy (singer Kim Yeon Woo) Still beautiful. OST ep 8 will be sung by members of boyband seventeen - Song Hwa's mom results is out and she has Parkinson. Song Hwa is devastated to hear it but pretend to be strong when she call her mother. She might regret all the time she brushed off her mom when she wants to talk longer on phone by saying she's busy. At the night after the result came out, she tried to calm her mom and hold back her tears. Ik Jun visits her right after and she shares the news. He just silently offers to drive her to her parent's house and she accepts. More about IkSong will be shared on the shipper thread (yes I'm sneaky and any of you who interested to join us at the thread) - Jun Wan and Ik Sun finally met! On the way to Chang Won, he asked Ik Jun help to book the tickets because he can't do it himself. I think cupid Ik Jun is on the move because he choose the same bus that Ik Sun rides. - The emergency at the hospital for Seok Hyeong? Min Ha is sick and collapsed. Hong Do accidentally shared the news to whole Obgyn chatting room where all professors are included. When he's cleaning the basement, he got the notification. At first he ignored it and seconds later he left and wait by Min Ha bedside. The only professor who came and visit her. Min Ha at first couldn't believe her eyes and once she realised he's real she cried. She asks him to not look at her because she has no make up and look awful. Hahahaha - Gyeo Ul let Jeong Won know about her mom general conditions and ask him to not worry. She will take some holiday to be with her mother. Jeong Won is worried but understand. And the night before Gyeo Ul is back to work, she visits Rosa before her surgery schedule. Rosa is delighted to see her. Everything still looks alright but Jeong Won keeps asking and making sure if there is anything that she wants to share with him.
  10. Let's lower our expectations so that when there are scenes in ep 8 we will be surprised and hopefully, it's a happy one for us. Well it depends I think... Firstly the PD and Writer has to define what their aim for the next season. While watching making scenes of Season 1 for the whole year while waiting for season 2, it showed that both Shin PD and Writer Lee has mapped out that at least, this drama will have 2 season. In each interview with the casts and even a little snippets from their first official table reading, they wished at least the drama could continue to season 2. I think Writer Lee has already planned the whole possible scenario that when season 1 got good response from the viewers, then she could continue to season 2. However, for season 3, from the press interview before Season 2, Shin PD said he honestly had no idea for it. They just focused on filming and finishing season 2 first. We fans can demand but all of it depend on the writer, PD and of course our beloved actors themselves. Of course they will get so much fame and popularity when their seasonal drama got good reviews, but for actors point of view, it might be also hard to shred their much beloved characters one day in their future (Harry Potter franchise for example) LOL as long as the lurker just stay lurking, I think we can safely assume that between the both of us, we won't have a war with each other. :P I think clear ending is the best. Satisfaction is all based on the viewers pov and once again even between you and me have some different opinion for some scenes. Oh special 2 hour for IkSong plus Woo Joo stories, I won't complain. If I could choose, another option than season 3, maybe extension of 4 episodes for season 2? Because honestly I don't know have any idea how they are going to extend the stories to the next season. Extending the seasons from initial 12 episodes to 16 episodes might be preferable? This true. And also about their respective family reactions. Song Hwa being the only daughter from her family (and probably the youngest) will bring much reactions when (one day) she commits her relationship with Ik Jun (Oh he's a good man and doctor and I might be biased saying that he's almost perfect) who is a divorced man with young son. Society problem might be different over there. (You can blame on me for watching too many dramas about this. Especially those weekends dramas with strange and unbelievable plots ) @SnowBlob Let me put that making video again so that we can enjoy those videos again and again in here too, beside the main thread. I'm just going to pretend that these 'making scenes' are actually part of the script that got cut and we got robbed because of time restrictions In this shipper thread, we are free of doing anything we wish for our couple and our own happiness as the shipper, yes? :P I might become a broken tape at this rate, but I'm going to say that these are the interactions that we are waiting for when we got that little preview that Song Hwa inviting Ik Jun for a camping and short scenes of two camping at night on a beautiful camp ground. I didn't believe it that they make Woo Joo suffered with heartbreak after his fight with Mo Ne. He has been looking forward to go camping with his dad, and the writer cruel enough to make him just staring at the fire? At the time when he could be the young kid he is and enjoy the time with his father? Uhhh.. Well I'm not complaining about Ik Song talks in the camping ground. Those scenes are alright and might led to important discoveries in Song Hwa's part and we got a glimpse about Ik Jun's true emotion about their relationship.. But our poor Woo Joo? :( Hopefully on my posts tomorrow night, I can bring some good news!
  11. tvn official page updates some characters after ep 7 aired. The rough translations for those updates Jeong Won characters update And that's how the relationship that started in winter, they spent the first spring together and welcoming a new spring with a deeper relationship. As much as he is happy about this unexpected change and cherish it, he wants to take one more step to the next level beyond a lover. Together with Gyeo Ul, he wants to make another dream of life comes true Jun Wan's characters update Even if they were apart, he thought it would be fine as long as their heart stayed the same. Being on the other side of the world, it means that it's difficult to share each other's daily life, so he didn't realize that he has to match their different timing. And then there was the sudden break-up announcement from Ik Sun. And that's how their relationship ended. Maybe the ring that was sent back at that time, has foreseen the future of the two of them... Four seasons passed and the spring has come again. A lot has changed but Ik Sun is still in the corner of Jun Wan's heart. Seok Hyeong's characters update Because he didn't want to bring anyone into his life, he refused softly but firmly against Shin Hye's heart who is approaching him while showing her regrets. And at some point, Min Ha began to knock on the door of his heart which he was sure would never open again. She hovered around him by asking to eat or drink some coffee... And now she even said she wants to confess her love. Not once but five times! Min Ha's bold confession is absurd, however he can't contain his smile to leak out. Somehow, a year has passed and another spring has come. Looking at Min Ha who is courageous despite his several rejections, he couldn't help but smile naturally. Without Seok Hyeong realize, a warm spring energy seems to have bloomed in his heart which was like an ice field. Min Ha's characters update In the blink of eye, a year has passed and Min Ha has become the chief resident. However the hospital work is still hard and difficult due to the increased sense of responsibility and burden as the years of her years of experience in the hospital go by. In her difficult hospital life, Min Ha's endorphins are Seok Hyeong. Of course if she takes one step closer with a confession, there are some painful days because of Seok Hyeong who rejected her and she has to take a step back. But to be able spend a lot of time with Seok Hyeong... She has no complain. There are still chances for her confession, so she's going to forget her frustration and won't be giving up! Just like Min Ha. Just being herself! If she comes closer, won't Seok Hyeong's heart get moved someday? And today, she's going to snoop around Seok Hyeong's office with some hope Making scenes of ep 7 that I have been waiting for! And I'm not complaining because I'm going to adapt the last 2 minutes of that camping stills as if the real part of the dramas :P
  12. I thought the drama will last for more than 70 minutes to wrap up the stories, but I guess most of the important plot has been solved in ep 14 and 15. Ep 16 is just for the finishing touch. Like @ktcjdramasaid the finale has almost complete set of the whole feeling from the drama. Cute, fluffy, touching and hilarious side. I actually quite satisfied with how the drama ended. They give the opening for possible season 2 but still give the ending touch that even if season 2 not happening, the characters got what they are looking for when they start their journey in the first episodes. I think it's the best decision for Yoon and Ra to move to Hae Nam. Both find their passions as coach, especially Yoon has grown to be a better person and a better coach to his students. Hae Kang found his true friends and love who will always by his side, whether he succeeded or lost with his matches. Hae In who might be lonely because her parents and brother are busy chasing their dreams, no longer alone because she has the village elders who will play and spend time with her. The fresh air also doing wonder for her health. If there's any other things that came into my mind, I'll add more in another posts. But I'm really thankful to the casts and crews for their hard work making this drama despite the pandemic. For the young actors who had to practice badminton for months, it must be not easy but they done well for their acting as badminton players. Thanks to the writer who always witty with his humour but never forget to input any little lesson for the youth and us adult who watch the dramas and for the PD who did a splendid work to visualize the writer idea and deliver it to us the viewers. Thank you everyone for the companion while the drama is airing. Hope to see you all in another drama. Stay safe I'm going to miss the beautiful view of Haenam...
  13. @stroppyse Are you still watching this drama? With the Olympics breaks I thought I'll forget about this one, but strangely I look for this drama even though I said I got frustrated with the drama plot. Gosh the writer is adding birth secret now. I have been thinking maybe Kwang Shik might not be the daughter of Lee. Maybe with this the older couple can get a chance since she's only related through the aunt, not from the noble family blood. But the strange man says in the preview that he's the biological father of Kwang Tae? Huh? And really I thought the youngest couple would be the sensible one. But I guess KT is blind with the big sum of money that she could have and keep spending money and acting might as if she is the one who make it. I knew I might be sound evil, but somehow I want PJ to face some crisis that made him lose lots of money so that it would be a reality slap for KJ and KT. Both really looking down on people when they were nothing before. PJ earned that money with his hard work but the one who brag about it are the others.
  14. Early congratulations to Jang Haven for the first anniversary. cr Neverland on tumblr Honestly without @abs-oluteM adopting me to her circle and by extension to this community, I think I would just spend my fangirling by myself. Thank you for letting me to have internet friends that I have never imagined. My life won't be the same without this community. And to all friends that I have made while engaging in this community, thank you so much for letting me to be your friend. I really appreciate it. For adopting this very introvert and shy person to your circle, thank you so much. I can't tag you one by one in fear might forget someone and it would offend them. Love you all Cheers to more anniversaries and celebration of Jang Haven in the years to come.
  15. My guess for k drama. (I don't watch any c drama so I won't know anything about it) Among of the 6 questions, I only ever watched 3 and guess the rest 3. I fully finished 2 while the other one I stopped in the middle.
  16. Yeah, the status that they have for now, didn't do anything good to his heart. He yearns for more but at the same time he also respect her wishes. I know both of us have been patiently wait for the overdue Song Hwa pov, but we haven't got any. I thought during the camping scenes we might see some, and we did (she shared her guilt over being harsh to her mother's concern about her work or about her mother health). I think it's a step and maybe we wished for more. When she got drunk, she shared how she remembered about his past self during their university days. That's what I think the opening that we needed, but then she immediately caught herself by saying playing the songs wasn't appropriate and she's sleepy. She almost break that wall that she built, but to me she still looks scared to bring it down. Again, I really need her pov. I knew we, Iksong supporters, and fans have been shown a lot from Ik Jun POV and that's why we sympathetic with him a lot, but we also need to see and the important thing, to hear about her heart. Her actions and facial expressions have shown that she adores Ik Jun more than just a mere friend (okay this is me assuming things), but the way she looks fondly at him while they have a tour at the hospital speaks a lot. And for her to inviting him to join her camping. Before, she dedicate her camping time as the way for her to relax and preferably she enjoys camping alone. But this time, she's the one who invited him and by extension Woo Joo to enjoy it with her. At her favourite place. Did she invite other? She knew that Jun Wan are still single and need to get over his break up, so why didn't she invite him too if she only think that Ik Jun is her friend and nothing more? Hmm? Well, Ik Jun did seem to step up and realising his deeper feeling for her after the cancer scare. So does she need to have the scare too to make her realize that she needs him more just a friend? Only time will tell... But we don't have that much episodes left in season 2. If there's any season 3, can we be patient until then? Huhuhu
  17. For the whole camping sessions, they talk about Woo Joo who looks down after his fight with Mo Ne. And while Woo Joo keeps falling deeper in watching the fire, they talk about various things. About the food that Song Hwa will eat before she dies. She couldn't choose and cheekily hopes about the whole cow so that she can everything, from any various type of the meat. At night, they keep talking non stop even when Woo Joo has fallen asleep. They started to share about their families especially about their respective mothers. The night is getting deeper and they start to reminisce about the old days when they were still in university. Song Hwa remembered how Ik Jun played songs that mostly played on piano with his guitar. She stopped him from getting his speaker for them to listen to the song together. She says she's sleepy and say goodnight to him. His lingering eyes on her back and at her tent.. Sigh Ik Jun, I know it's hard for you to keep the safe distance. Please wait a little bit more. I'm sure she will come soon towards your arm.
  18. During lunch Ik Jun get a call from Wang Imo to update him about Woo Joo condition. He's feeling under weather and didn't go to the kindergarten. Wang Imo shares a video Woo Joo dancing to a song cutely and Ik Jun looks so proud and happy while watching. Song Hwa came to share a cup of coffee and look at the video together. He offered her his coat and she happily wears it. She then asks for his schedule on weekend. Ik Jun plan to study for an upcoming lecture (?) at home. Hearing at Song Hwa sighs about his plan he asked what she wants to tell. She invites him for camping because she got rare good spot and immediately when Woo Joo calls him, he told Woo Joo that they are going to camp together. Woo Joo is so excited and remind Ik Jun that they have nothing. Song Hwa said to leave everything to her and both excitedly listen to what Woo Joo wants to do the most during camping. Just enjoy this video. It was short but I really hope we will get more scenes like this in the future. After being tired for almost preparing for the camping trip alone and probably built the tent too, hungry and angry Song Hwa rebels against the chant before eating. Song Hwa being cute and pouty while Ik Jun got flustered by her reaction, screams couple and husband and wife to me. She asks for a break during weekends and let her to eat as much as she wants LOL
  19. Captain @SnowBlob Get ready for my weekly recap. I'm happy that our couple got many scenes together that I have to break the recap in several posts so that I can post the videos hahaha Our couple appears together in the first quarter of the episodes. Many scenes of them and after that there are none. It all started with this lunch invitation. There's no word spoken. Her bright smile that is reserved for him. With their gazes alone they knew what each other wanted to convey. On their long way to cafeteria, Ik Jun keeps stopping here and there greetings the people in hospital. She amazed at his social skills. He even knew people that she didn't when she has been working at Yulje longer than him. He also greeted a gardener and got a potted plants in return. He gave it to her. His way to give a flower, eh? Note the plant that he gave to her? It's rose moss, or in Korean Chae Song Hwa. He remembers to make her behave during eating by saying the chant. He cheekily adds for her to say that she knows how to chew on her food LOL. Look at her cursing at him with her eyes.
  20. A great news on Mi Do birthday! She finally confirmed her participation in her upcoming projects and new drama! She will appear along Son Ye Jin and fellow musical and theater actress Kim Ji Hyun in JTBC 2022 drama Thirty Nine (literal title) cr: soompi Our actress is booked and busy. Let's pray for her so that she can stay healthy despite the busy schedule. She will film back to back for the drama after finishing her shoot for Hospital Playlist 2.
  21. Happiest birthday to Actress Jeon Mi Do :love: Thank you for coming out to silver screen and grace us with your brilliant acting as Chae Song Hwa. You have stolen our hearts.


    Come and visit her actress shine to get know more about her and her works~ Let's fangirling (or fanboying) together :mine:

  22. 12 a.m KST. It's our favourite actress birthday Jeon Mi Do DC gallery collaborated with the international fans to put up a subway advertisement to celebrate the actress 40th birthday (Korean Age) and her 15th year debut anniversary. They put up the advertisement at Hyehwa station. It located near Daehak-ro, which is a well known area for theater and arts performance such as musicals and theatre plays. Despite her busy schedule she managed to visit the advertisement and post it on Instagram! Eng translation Once again happiest birthday to our lovely actress Jeon Mi Do. Thank you for letting us know about you by spreading your wings to silver screen. May you always stay healthy and happy. Cheers to a great birthday and wish you have a best day with your loved ones
  23. And they did ! I really used my whole lunch period watching their game. Feeling worried and anxious but the moment they get that gold medal points, I have to calm myself down to not screaming on my phone screen. Again I stole another time wrapping up the day at the office while watching his match. I'm really happy today And I just knew there were a rare chance like this, sharing the medals. What a great friendship
  24. Men Doubles from Indonesia that lost in the bronze match. Fans gave them that their nickname because both players are probably the oldest and older than most of other MD athletes and have married and each have 3 children. That's why they got that nickname. For badminton we got so many surprises when the top seeded players lost their matches to the unexpected players or before the quarter final stage. The most surprising athletes so far who reached an all new record for their performance are probably the MD from Chinese Taipei who won the gold medal and the semifinalist for MS who came from Guatemala. And An San really played well in her matches. I only watched several of her matches in Tokyo Olympics but her shot was quite deadly. She got mostly ten and nine. Occasionally missed to 8 but really gave the victory to her team. No wonder she did so well in individual stage. I don't understand the hate against her just because of her short hairstyle. Can those who hate her contribute the same as what she has done in Olympics? I don't watch many matches because the airing time isn't preferable to me (during work hours) and I don't really have good access for the matches. But from what I heard summer Olympics this season brought many new champions for the medal tally. To think that day will come... It's a reality but I really want them to get all the titles and championship medal that they could have before they retired
  25. @abs-oluteM I don't think @SnowBlob and I can talk to you right now.. Anyway congratulations for the first medal. They played good today. @SnowBlob we better have lots of IkSong moments for next Thursday to cure the wound in our hearts..
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