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Everything posted by themarchioness

  1. @Mouse Finally had a chance to watch Ep 10! (And psst, did you know you tagged someone else other than me in your post? Hee hee.) Re: Episode 10... that was also my understanding that WQ was upset because TX didn't trust her. Drunk WQ is tooo cute. It's too bad TX so overcome with jealousy that he thinks she's only behaving as she is because she thinks he's GY. It was so cute the way WQ wrinkled her nose and called him stupid. Memo to TX: Even drunk, she only sees you, not GY, you dummy! I also appreciate a FL who, when slapped, doesn't just give it back in kind, she gives it back in spades! WQ is my kind of heroine!! You go, girl!
  2. Hahaha. Hard core! Love it. Thoughts after finishing Episode 9. I'll put it under a cut in case because of spoilers. Gah, what are we going to do tomorrow when we only get 1 episode?
  3. @Mouse Haha, I literally just watched that video a few minutes ago too. Not at all stalking YouTube or counting down until the lunch hour so I can watch at least one episode this afternoon.... LOL. And yaaay for Arsenal. I think you'll like it. It's a little grittier in tone compared to this one, but interesting and well done. It's also got some pretty comical moments too; it runs the full complement of emotions. And if you're already a Xu Kai fan, you'll only fall harder! I still think he looked best in that drama.
  4. I'm about to have breakfast over here, but I can answer based on today's menu that soup is what's for dinner tonight. Hehe. Play any instruments?
  5. unfortunately no, I haven’t seen it. Is it good? Yes, it's also a Republican era drama, which is why I mentioned it since you commented on this drama's set and costumes. Watching this one makes me think of Arsenal at times. And Xu Kai especially, lol. After all, there are few things that look better than Xu Kai in leather duster coats and leather pants. I've caught those vibes too and every time she tosses one of those special glances his way, I think, oh gosh, I hope this isn't going to turn into one of those things where she becomes envious and starts doing bad things too. I'd rather her just experience heartbreak and move onto someone else! That's because it wasn't translated as such. The English subs just had her saying, "Brother," but I heard her saying "Er Ge" (Er = two/second, Ge = brother) and so went to find a raw video that would have the Chinese subs to confirm she said, "Er Ge." The only reason she'd have to refer to him that way is if they had an older brother. I don't blame you, I feel the same. But it's because this era of China's history is particularly confusing! I mostly just go along with the flow and figure the storytelling will round out the missing pieces sooner or later, but if some background helps this drama is taking place during the Warlord period of the Republican era.
  6. I forgot to say in my earlier post that I'm not convinced the actress and the other friend of the SML's will be a couple in the end. We'll have to see what happens there but I feel fairly certain there will be more to the actress's story as the drama unfolds. I appreciate that, unlike his friends, he didn't jump to conclusions with the assassins. I mean, when XG and his friends had that whole conversation with TX in front of the assassin about why they wanted to interrogate themselves, I was like, omg, if the assassin hadn't thought to pin the blame on TX, surely you guys just gave him the idea right now! LOL. Right now TX and XG don't trust each other and are constantly testing each other, but I look forward to the day they realize they really want the same things and start working together. They will be a formidable couple of their own, haha. As for TX's sister, I noticed in Episode 7 that she refers to TX as "second brother." Which suggests they have an older brother. I'm interested to know more about that given how it sounds like TX took over his father's mantle and has been leading that army ever since his family was ruined. What about the older brother then? I'm also glad we got the flashback to how the sister and SML's friend met previously in Beijing. It explains a lot her crush on him and gives more depth to her character. Even though I wanted to shake her when she put herself in danger at the hotel! Ahhh, that was my favorite!!! I also liked when he called her out on the amulet. Hee hee. @Mouse, have you watched Arsenal Military Academy?
  7. Definitely, the OTP are the strength of this show. I do like the sister and the friend of the SML though, as I can see the potential in that relationship. Mostly, though, when it comes to the sister, I can't wait for her and the FL to have a relationship. I can see Tan Xuanlin having his hands full with the two women in his life joined against him, haha! Yes, this! I really like this about our FL. No dummies here. And that includes the ML. :) I've got dinner in hand now, so I'm about to go watch today's eps! The best part of my day. Hurrah.
  8. Same, same. The little looks, the glances… they can’t help but look in each others’ direction! I especially loved the musical chairs moment at the movie premiere. Lol.
  9. Agreed! And I too can’t wait to see that happen, haha. I can’t emphasize enough what I said earlier about how her family sucking and how I can’t wait to see the stepmom and half sister, especially, brought to their knees 😂
  10. Yes! In every thing he does, he finds a way to have his cake and eat it too! In the end FL still gets to be the secretary, but he gets the money to pay his soldiers as well. Can’t wait for the FL to figure out it was never just about the money. But that he also set up allll the trappings to be able to return them to original point too.
  11. Definitely and that is what makes his character so interesting. The ML is playing a part to achieve his goals, and I think over the time the FL will see that he is not all that she believes him to be... he has many layers. Honestly, the loyalty that he has towards his soldiers and the way he treats them and his little sister is enough of a clue as to his true character! Also agree with this. Right now they don't trust each other, but in the end, I think they will find they are not on opposite sides and start to work together and be friends.
  12. This drama is also airing through Viki and following the VIP schedule. Woohoo for me, since I have an account there. I started this last night. I wasn't sure what to think after the first ep, but I was firmly on board after 4. Haha. I'm intrigued by the story, looking forward to seeing how it all comes together, and mostly, I cannot wait to see the FL's stepmother and half sister get theirs. They are so annoying!
  13. Phones have themes? Guess we know what my answer is... Wish it were still the weekend?
  14. No You like to change the background photo on your phone?
  15. Nope, laying in bed watching a drama. struggling to stay awake?
  16. yep. Listen to music while falling asleep?
  17. What kind of issues? Struggling to find a good drama to watch?
  18. Not really. Struggling to stay awake?
  19. How about a chai latte? I'm not really a coffee drinker. Do you like to dance?
  20. There will still be a VIP option, so the dumping will still happen at the outset. But the dumping towards the end of a drama's run (the VVIP/fast track) will no longer exist. I'm actually okay with this move. People were already on different viewing schedules with regular/VIP and VVIP added another layer of complexity to that, and from a monetary standpoint, it sounds like netizens in China are pretty happy as it was always seen as a rip off for people who had VIP but then had to pay more to watch ahead. Plus, with Chinese airing schedules airing as frequently as they do, it's not a problem to wait the extra few days. It's a good exercise in patience.
  21. No. You like pumpkin-flavored things?
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