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Everything posted by abs-oluteM

  1. Hey everyone. Loving the new reactions am slightly obsessed with running food gifs
  2. Hello folks ...if you have time , check this thread out... cc @Tofu @SnowBlob
  3. As part of our efforts to serve you better and to make this platform here on our forum and Discord as inclusive as possible , we hope you can let us know where you are from. Perhaps if you prefer not to disclose your exact location, you could let us know the region where you're from. The reason we hope to hear from you is so that we can decide when best to hold live events etc, especially if we were to integrate them with our voice channels on Discord. Tell us to what you love most about where you're from and what you hope this community can do for you. 😍 gif credit Planet GIF I will start off that I am from South East Asia , Malaysia to be exact. What I love most about where I'm from is the warm and friendly folks and the great food. I hope that this platform will give us an opportunity to build genuine connections and friendships in spite of us not having met in real life.
  4. hmm I am not sure what I really feel about the 1st episode. I think that I always have a soft spot for Ji Soo . He is suited to play Seo Hwan , a warm and sweet student who falls for his teacher . Part of me feels a little icky about it but I can see this to be something that happens a IRL . However I can't find myself really rooting for the pairing of him and Im Soo Hyang's character Ye Jin , the pretty trainee teacher. Is it because it felt rather forbidden , given that Seo Hwan is still a high-school student? Or is it because of the visible age gap between the actors ? I know that there will be a time jump, but it may be hard to see past it given Ji Soo's sweet baby face. It was different when Ha Seok Jin came on screen...perhaps it was my bias , but I felt a different energy in his scenes....and I could sense some tension and chemistry there between him and Ye Jin. ....how not to have SLS when he looks so good like that , lol! Anyhow, the story seems rather sad and tragic as it is . Ye Jin has her own insecurities given the flashbacks of her and her mum. Something bad must have happened . The brothers have a good relationship with each other and with their dad, who I think raised them alone. Dad is handicapped due to an accident that seems related to a hiking/ climbing incident that happened years ago, and to which Seo Jin feels guilty and regretful about. Their parents are divorced, and Mum who seems successful is rather aloof and uninterested in her sons. Then's there's also Seo Jin clingy ex-girlfriend Seung On who manages his racing team. The love triangle starts right off the bat. Seo Hwan is clearly infatuated with Ye Jin. And through a series of "fated" incidents , he is always there to save her. Then Seo Jin comes into the picture as well , and meets her in their father's home and pottery shop/studio. He too falls for her and asked his brother if he could date her. My heart breaks for the brothers , knowing that this is going to be the thing that drives them apart. Now of course all this happens in 2013...so I wonder how long the episodes will stay in that time period. Stills for tonight...now if this is still in 2013 ...ahahah..let's just say this is one scandalous scene between an underage student and teacher . OST 1
  5. I have not done it before...check if @bluepebbles has.... ------------------------ Oh my this is getting serious
  6. As you scroll through the post you may find that some gifs and images are not loading or take some time to load. This usually happens with high resolution and large gifs / images. This is actually intentional as we have designed it to improve performance. It loads the images as you scroll through them. The reason is so that if there are alot of images on the page, it does not bog the page down. This is why we recommend that you use lower resolution gifs ( for instance below 500kb) or reduce the size of your image . More instructions here on how to do this.
  7. Oh ? Okay I’ll just leave it as a link instead of embedding
  8. heheheh @mademoisellesia I see you building more shrines next door 😄 But @katakwasabi some of the looks that JKH had in his dramas were really not my taste....ahahah like this one in Missing Nine . Gold hair is just really not on @bluepebbles ahaha I thought that they were getting married when they posted this So JKH will feature in Cosmopolitan Korea's 20th Anniversary Special with a host of other celebrities tagging @im0202
  9. Yes links allowed. Just no embedding @Ameera they are playing Mafia game here like In Hospital Playlist . Though till today I hv no idea how it works This has subs https://youtu.be/7ArVYe_Q1HU (embedding is not allowed by content owner)
  10. Omg @mademoisellesia I think my glare glare oppa might hv lead role in new drama ..I’m very excited now isn’t kim ok vin the FL from Children of A Lesser God @SilverMoonTea?
  11. @wallflowersforjane I have transferred trade ownership to you ... gif credit : Jang Seok Hyun on tumblr
  12. @NiteWalker @mademoisellesia I am passing on the captaincy of WG to @wallflowersforjane ...I think is not good luck to open 3 shipping threads for the SAME ship ...ahahaha I have run out of ideas what to name it even. Radiant Office ( where Ha Seok Jin was lead)
  13. @katakwasabi I am really pleased that a lot the actors who have been working hard as supporting characters or second leads are finally getting their due recognition...by the way do you have like a SSR gif for every occasion? Amazing 🤠 Anyone watched the makjang When I Was The Most Beautiful? @joccu__ @Ameera ?
  14. Confirm 100%! You can start loan shark business once our points kick in. Not really.... I am actually not opening up a lot of threads. I must find some inspiration ...summore my oppa shrines ( the ones I hope to open) aren't exactly gonna have a lot of worshippers ....ahahahaha... East of Eden
  15. ahahah , I don't mind the maths...but this definitely is more fun... Oceans Eleven
  16. Wow who knew naming dramas could be this addictive ? 5 pages in less than 24 hours...you guys don't need +2/ -2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day 😄 edit: since I was late in adding the name of the movie Testament
  17. Actually us WG shippers are very calm...it is not US who want to start a war...but other competing ships seem to like instigating it 😝
  18. Oh don't worry ...we don't have to...ahahah there's @SilverMoonTea formerly the sleazy lawyer who will sort it all out. 😄
  19. Who can start a topic/thread and how do I do that? Anyone can start a thread or topic by selecting the "Start New Topic" located at the start of the page. Please note each section may have its own rules on how and when you can start a topic. Please contact our staff for help and clarification.
  20. What is the spoiler button? This is located at the top of your post and it has en "eye" icon. Apart from inserting spoilers, we recommend you to use this when you have many images / videos ( remember 4th image / video onward should be in "spoiler") , for large images/ gifs that may be hard to load and perhaps something that is off-topic.
  21. How do I tag a member? Type in @ followed by the member's name and automatically you will see some names for you to select.
  22. How to quote a member At the bottom of the each post there are buttons for you to quote and even one that allows you to multi-quote ( the one with the + icon) from a few posts. What we recommend is that instead of quoting the entire post , highlight the section you want to quote and automatically a quote selection button will pop up. It is better than quoting an entire long post , only to respond with a few sentences or words after that.
  23. How to create my "Signature" This is how the signature looks like. It is at the bottom of every post you make. You can turn it off if you do not wish to see any. ( Just select the "x" icon) If you wish to create one , select "Profile" (for desktop) or "Account" (for mobile) and look for "Account Settings". From Account Settings , you will see "Signature" Select "Signature" and this will lead you to this. Here you can upload your images etc , but do note the restrictions in terms of number of images and size. Remember to "Save".
  24. How to embed Twitter ,YouTube and Facebook links Twitter - Copy the "link to Tweet" and paste it here. If you're on mobile it would embed automatically. On desktop , immediately after pasting the link , choose the option at the bottom of the post that says "Paste as plain link". YouTube - Copy video URL and paste it here. It would automatically embed for both mobile and desktop. Some YT videos may not be allowed for embedding by the content owner. Facebook -For images -copy image address and paste. FB, like IG, does not allow the embedding of videos anymore. You will have to leave it as a link.
  25. How to resize an image You can double tap the image and this will pop up: Use this to resize your image -this example is 300 by 300. We recommend the of use smaller sizes (such as 400 x 400), so that it saves space and makes it easier for the page to load. ( If you really want a big image, we suggest using the spoiler button.) Note that the alignment buttons allow you to decide where your images go (especially if you want your text next to the image). This, in the spoiler, is an example of aligning an image to the left.
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