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The OG
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Jane last won the day on December 24 2020

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  1. Same! I haven't watched the last couple of week's episodes yet but I will be sure to share my thoughts when I do. @mademoiselle Adding my vote that you should watch it! The episodes are pretty short so it will be very quick watch too!
  2. Yes, how was it @JenL I am so jealous that you have watched it! Will you go again?
  3. Related news: there will be a prequel series focusing on Queen Charlotte! It will be released this year. Gotta say that my interest went up higher after watching this trailer and the very very nice chemistry between George and Charlotte.
  4. I am all caught up, thank you Long Weekend! I really like the philosophy behind how alcohol comes to mean different things to different people. How it is not about the amount you are drinking but the spirit that you are drinking it. The little history lesson on soju through JY's mother was interesting! She would hate the fruity flavoured soju so much! It's nice how they show the girls being good influences to others! Again, it seems like part of the drama's attempt to say that not all heavy drinkers are bad people. Also the baby is so cute! He deserves an award honestly HAHAH
  5. Yes, they will be! One of the chains just teased it but no release date yet. I think they will time it for CNY. How about Melbourne?
  6. OMG JEN I AM SO EXCITED! The trailers are already giving me whiplash about the plotline but I am all for it! Can't wait to see what mysteries they have in store for us!
  7. Hello @LaLa and @abs-oluteM, I am playing catch up with this drama! Currently on Episode 4 and binging my way through the latest episode. I am so happy to see that Season 2 continues to uphold the quality of Season 1! The girls are as crazy and relatable as always. I think Lala said it best here. Seeing them work so hard at coming back to their jobs after the two years away feels like our return to the office or trying to get used to new jobs in difficult times. Looking forward to how their stories continue to unfold!
  8. Since KARA came back, I have been really enjoying listening to their back catalogue again. So many bops!
  9. This is one drama that I am looking forward to in 2023! It wasn't on my radar until I watched Jung Kyung Ho dancing and I was like WHATTTTTTT. Also I have a feeling all the banchan the FL will be cooking will be making me hungry
  10. Hello Jang Haven Friends, wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. May 2023 be a better year for all of us!
  11. Jane

    Goodbye to Bai

    My heart is breaking to hear the news that our dear @bai has passed on. She has suffered so much in these few years and yet she was always cheerful and upbeat in her tweets and messages. Her scheduled tweets feels like a hand she is reaching out to comfort us as we grieve over her. And isn’t that just so like her? I first knew Bai in the beginning days of the pandemic as we all came online for comfort and friendship in a confusing and scary time. Her cheerful infectious energy was palpable through the internet and it was always fun to interact with her. Dear Bai, I know you are in a better place now. That you are reunited with @abnoch agai and forever also gives me some comfort. May you rest in peace now.
  12. Hello everyone, dropping in to wish everyone a happy Lunar New Year (for those who celebrate). Tomorrow it's Day 7 / Ren Ri / Human Day, which is everyone's birthday! Still going through my kdrama slump. I dropped When The Weather Was Fine because I couldn't really get into it, maybe I will pick it up again another day. I just finished the variety Mama Idol where 6 former idols turned mothers came back to debut as a project group. For first and second generation kpop fans, I am sure you will recognise some familiar faces. I am just in awe of how these women recognised that they wanted to return to the stage and made it happen by participating in this show! Fingers crossed for you that it will blow over sooner than later.
  13. No HBO for me either so I haven't watched it yet. I think @LaLa watched it but I am not sure where, maybe she can help? I would love to watch it.
  14. Oh yes that's right! That's going to be exciting to see her in a darker and action work!
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