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Posts posted by mirmz

  1. 1 minute ago, NiteWalker said:

    i seldom use pinterest to be honest....most probably only log in when someone told me to....if not usually i never log into it

    i mainly use it to look at memes lol


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  2. 38 minutes ago, bairama said:

    Long live queen meme @mirmz of the greatest resource of hq memes!!

    @NiteWalker I really concede defeats she is soooo resourceful!!! Mirmz da true MVP of memes

    thanks rama! 


    i'd like to add that that i find my memes on pinterest & google. :D

    edit: wise decision angie @NiteWalker :cool:

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Phikyl said:

    @mirmz omg. Your teacher sounds JUST LIKE the Calculus teacher I had in high school! Do you have that class after lunch too? Because that would just be the icing on the cake for falling asleep in class!


    Have you tried telling the teacher that you already know the material [and that she can quiz you on it to prove it] and asked if you can work on stuff for other classes until you get to material that you don't know? 



    no i have it before lunch

    also im not gonna say that to my teacher cuz ill sound like a smart@ss 

    and i would prefer to stay on the good of my teacher XD

    what's so funny about my teacher is her last name is schmitt and it sounds like sh*t 

    so i always make this joke to my friends about if u dont like her u can just call her ms. sh*t. not to her face tho that be instant detention. and i dont got the guts to do that! :MonkaTang:

    i just really dont like her. another weird thing i think she thinks that i likeher but it's quite the opposite, i just like to be on teacher's good sides so then when i do something extremely stupid they will still like me.

    another thing about my teacher is she is the pickiest woman alive! it is a miracle to get an a in her class.

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  4. Just now, Phikyl said:

    I don't think I've ever taken consumer science but why don't you like history?

    i mean i just american history in general plus we r learning about the 13 colonies and it's a struggle to not fall asleep.

    plus i know most of it anyways (basically over quarantine my dad taught me and my twin sis basically everything we r learning in that class so i know most of what she's talking about so it's kind of boring everyone else learn what i already know.) plus i REALLY dont like the teacher i dont how explain but i just hate her. she never explains anything, her expectations r too high for the morons in my class (not me tho cuz im getting as in that class) and she has this monotone voice that just hypnotizes u to fall asleep.  

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Phikyl said:

    @mirmz Do you do the work for those classes first to get it out of the way?

    actually i do my classes in order like my class schedule 

    for example if i had science i would do science first

    • Like 7
  6. 1 minute ago, Phikyl said:

    But hey! Not failing any classes is good! Especially since you don't like your math class and your teacher doesn't sound like he/she enjoys teaching. 

    yeah but i have to admit my least favorite class/classes has to american history/consumer science 

    those two classes r taught by the same teacher and i really dont like her. but it's ironic because my best grades r in the two classes that i literally DESPISE. :laugh:

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  7. Just now, Phikyl said:

    You doing alright in your classes? Ready for Christmas break? 

    classes r going well i guess 

    im failing any so that's good :D

    and i didnt really think about christmas yet since it's not even thanksgiving lol

    but i am ready for my birthday (december 16th) and no in advance i dont like telling anyone my age if u were to ask (no offense tho unnie phi phi <3)

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  8. 26 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

    Now that is sad. Is she always like that?


    no not really but sometimes i just get the feeling like she hates her students i mean i dont think im a bad student or anything but whatever. im just glad i have teachers who actually enjoy their job.

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  9. 7 hours ago, Phikyl said:

    If you don't have Netflix, where do you watch your anime?

    i watch my anime on this site called animeow :D

    they have all sorts of animes to watch 

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  10. 2 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

    Maths can actually be enjoyable @mirmz, especially when your teacher likes teaching it. I like it too, in the sense that it's an exact science.

    true but the thing is i have a math teacher who acts like she hates children

    why wiuld u be a teacher if u hate kids?!?!?

    i just dont get it

    mirmz = confusion

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  11. 5 hours ago, Phikyl said:

    @mirmz I actually liked Pre-algebra and Algebra in general. Guess I'm the oddball here. lol. :pandawizard: If you're still looking for an anime and have any interest at all in Greek mythology, Blood of Zeus on Netflix is pretty good! Not sure what the viewer rating is though so might want to eyeball that first. :lol:


    how do u like algebra?!?!?!?!?!?

    also i would love to watch blood of zeus butttt i dont have netflix :"(

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  12. 9 minutes ago, bairama said:

    @mirmz oooooh my bad again:laugh::Rip: AND BTW think im missing the news but who is jeff & carter. Are both the one that makes you into crush meme mode:pandabonk:

    okay so jeff is one of my crushes 

    and carter is the other one!

    (note: that's not their real names but i probably shouldnt put their actual names on the internet sooooo i made fake ones for them!)

    also if ur confused just ask @abs-oluteM 

    apparently she thinks that me crushing on people is entertaining?


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  13. 8 minutes ago, bairama said:

    Its korean words @mirmz lol my bad, should have send you in japanese instead


    mianhe = gomen ne

    saranghae = aishiteru



    just cuz i watch too much anime doesnt mean i know the meaning of those words :laugh:

    i usually watch in dub not traditional sub anyways *insert shrug*

    but i stilllllllll dont what that means 

    mirmz = confusion


    edit: ahhhhhhhh now i know what u meannnn (i googled it XD)

    and i love u too rama <3


    (not romantically tho: if i like anyone romantically it's hot anime dudes :SquirtleNiceAhah:

    or jeff or carter :D)

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  14. 28 minutes ago, bairama said:

    mianhe & saranghae!!

    im sorry rama but i have NO IDEA what that means lol :ChikoWTF:

    i dont mean to make you feel bad im just not familiar w/ those terms/words. :pandascared:

    pls explain rama :PiplupCry:


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