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Everything posted by SilverMoonTea

  1. Yes last time I took train back to hometown about 8 hours. There is something calming & relaxing about long journey. You have a lot of soaps, shampoo, skincare?
  2. I did read some article on male escort in Korea. Seems some bar strictly no sex, but if anything will be taken place outside, it will be depend on them. It seems in this kind of bar, the guy will accompany the girls to talk, dance or singing. They normally good looking and can talk well. Some of them boasted they can find out what the girl do and how much money they're making, by just talking to them in short period. I guess no wonder KJ feels very empty, I can only imagine this type of escort only think about how to keep the girls happy, so they will come again and make more money. Probably they will make some real connection, but I doubt this sort of relationship can last long.
  3. @abs-oluteMHe's for sure have his way with ladies, and the way he tried to pacify her for sure is not common. At first he kept talking about Kakao, and he kept asking her to let him go. Until I think she get her sense back and slightly agitated lols. And their second encounter, he just asked her calmly, "Why die? Just don't pick up the phone". He's also not that urgent on saving her somehow, he was not running in the stairs, eventhough I think he sensed something must be quite amiss. With his friend's recent suicide, I also find his attitude kind of unusual. I guess like you mentioned he's also kind of empty & lost. I hope KJ will not be so desperate that he need to take the job to extort info, presumably from BJ, instructed by JAR? (suggested by his male escort's friend). This will be quite messy if going to that route. Actually BJ also doesn't seems to have any will to live, other than bringing JAR down. It's also make me think that she might be purposely become housemaid in JAR's residence to get some info about her. The last string for her to live will be only her lovely father. If looking from the title, the topic, and the novel "No Longer Human", I felt this drama should have tragic ending. As the real life author did commit suicide and the novel is like semi autobiography which served almost as his own last will to the world. For those interested with the summary of his novel : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Longer_Human But since in the article they kept mentioning about this drama theme is to finding a light, I hope they will not have the same ending.
  4. @JenL I actually quite like Nazha, shes so bubbly, I watched her before in the previous Happy Camp.
  5. The red lips guy new drama @abs-oluteM He do a better job here to lure you @Tofu
  6. MV OST @NiteWalker@IpohBanana@mayicoryn@40somethingahjumma@Tofu
  7. My mom always cook at home. But shes faraway haha... Perfectionist?
  8. I have to say @bairama's oppa drama Lost is quite interesting. And Li Gen Xing also smoking hot at My Bargain Queen @abs-oluteM I have overly ambitious signed up to too many dramas!
  9. Hahaha sorry but it's hard to believe it's his first kiss So they have bad blood due to her failed wedding in his hotel and actually he owed her apology. Omg ep 3 just soo funny 😅🤣
  10. @abs-oluteM The drama is interesting because the ML is gigolo and the FL 40's something that felt failed in life. Both is far from perfect and it's some nice change for normal glitzy drama that we usually consume. I have to say gigolo's life is so confusing 🤣 I lost my head when he's trying to explain his situation, to ask the friend to pretend as his girlfriend 😅 Okay, the ending on the bus with that Hermes handkerchief or scarf (?) sold me off 😆 One piece like 680$! They do looks good together as another forbidden couple on our strings lols. I still don't know is this drama will be closer to World of Married, My Mister, or Love Affair in The Afternoon ? This one seems have some sarcastic humour embedded to it. Edit : He's not gigolo ? 😆
  11. I'm now pretty sure this drama taking the inspiration from the author life of the novel with same title that have the same tragic fate as JW's character. Osamu Dazai The last lady in Osamu Dazai’s life is Tome Yamazaki, who worked as a beautician in a salon. The two developed a relationship and started living together. During their time together, Osamu wrote his most popular novel of all-time - Ningen Shikkaku or No Longer Human. He was able to successfully finish the novel before successfully committing suicide one last time with Tomie. The two drowned themselves in a nearby river from their home. Source : Link
  12. @TRaNzI watched ep 1, then forgot to continue. I was not super motivated with it, but the ep 2 & 3 surprisingly quite fun to watch. @JenLI agree with you, she can worded her thought nicer, so people wouldn't get hurt. But sometimes hurtful word does the job more efficient, for people to realized where they got stuck. I guess she really need someone like Mr. Hong to balance her out. @abs-oluteMAll dramas must have the tropey that the ML have psychological trauma 😅. His word quite striking to me, that he doesn't want to keep anything alive with him. He can do everything, but not keeping a 🦔. I think it's the only time he reject request. And yes to the role reversal, it's so funny when she's the one raise her hand in the car to protect him from getting hurt
  13. The book he read I think about minimalist & environmentalism, and she order 100 boxes shopping online
  14. @abs-oluteMHow many drama u watch? I saw u alrd start Lost 😅😆 Drama goddess lha u Not so depressing that drama?
  15. Whats with the neon shirt @abs-oluteM? This one 9/17? Yikes, think really too many dramas 😅
  16. I'm more distracted with the rainbow keyboard, so pretty 😂 The diet plan is nothing new 🤣 I just finish all K dramas backlog, and now doing my palace drama again. I'm torturing myself just to see Cheng Yi here. Forever & Ever also will come out soon. I feel like hedgehog running in a wheel to catch all my dramas 😅
  17. Finally caught up with ep 8, and backreading and found a lot of squealing from @TRaNz🤣 @Warm PawsSame the investigation not so exciting. So when too much done on it, I will start lost focus. Actually I will be happy if that red lipstick lady is the suspect. I actually like the rest of the characters in uni, and will be sad if any of them will be the suspect 😅. But I guess they might make someone likeable from the flock to be the suspect.
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