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Everything posted by UnniSara

  1. So true @SnT their chemistry is off the chart. When characters don't need to say a thing and just look at each other is all about talent.
  2. About Prince An's ineptitude, I kind of blame his henchman who I keep thinking we will find out works for XJ because he fails Prince An so often. @HerManyShows The blaming of Prince Ahn’s henchman is due to the fact he isn’t of noble blood. He wasn’t ambitious or cruel. All the plans were planned by Prince Ahn. But Prince Ahn wasn’t interested in Court Affairs and that is why he lacked the essence of people’s heart. He tried to use people but didn’t find out what was in their heart. Knowing peoples heart is the best way to manipulate and keep them by his side. And welcome to the thread.
  3. Oooppps I meant to @Yana About the General and I. It was such good drama. I made Gifs for this drama because I was so addicted to it. Glad you loved it too. It seems we have the same taste. lol.
  4. @gween97 It was a good drama. Our OTP had chemistry and a very happy ending. Watch it
  5. He proved his manliness . Foremost he is a Soldier that protects his father’s country, His protectiveness & Love towards his wife and his Stamina. @SnT I loved the General and I . It does give me the same vibe. I plan on rewatching this drama today .
  6. How come the translation said Our love end here? @SnT Chingu Thanks for explanation. pS when quoting delete the picture thanks Can I say Duke Su sure is a typical BLOCKHEADED MAN. He could have been a bit warmer to SCREECHY Princess. Even though she was spoiled she was still a good person. OMg!!! When you guys watch episode 40 you guys will be shocked. Ml I agree with you @SnT. the actor playing Drince Ahn did a good job. It took me until the last episode to see it. He just need more roles to get even better.
  7. Episode 37 @SnT @Yana @abs-oluteM I am also tired of hearing DIVORCE OVER AND over
  8. This RuYi is awesome. IQYI also dropped episode 31-40. It was truly amazon. I was afraid that I lost interest in this drama but I haven’t. My heart is having a kinds of feeling and now I am speculating on what is to come. I just finished episode 37. Because it is Saturday now. I plan on going to sleep because so very tired . Small summary on what happened 31-37 Screechy Princess think she is slick and still very spoiled. I don’t wish anything bad to happen to her. Duke Su and Fu Rong are now divorced. Fu Rong’er lack of trust is so frustrating to me but for the sake of the drama. This is the root they had to take. WBQ’s little brother is now finally dead and burned down RuYi Pavillion. He also dragged FR’a dad in all this mess. For a moment there I thought Duke Su may have faked FP’s death to lure the person behind WBQ’s brother. * I have to admit since shortening this drama kinda made us meet some key points to this drama. * Duke Ahn keep using people and think he has everything in control when in truth he doesn’t because the people he works with all have their own plans for revenge & personal gain.
  9. @stroppyse Are you watching too?? So happy you did the event . It bought us more members. Lol lol lol
  10. NO ONE TALKED ABOUT AN IMPORTANT THING WHAT WILL PRINCE AHN DO WHEN HE FINDS OUT ZHU’ER IS TRYING TO KILL FU RONG?? He already want to recruit her because he believes someone is helping Consort Duan get rid of Duke Su when in fact they were trying to get rid of FU RONG AND DUKE SU. This is fact he simply ignored or just don’t care for now . He is going to recruit her . I wonde when will he realize she isn’t up for the job. I hope he kills her lol What do you guys think?? @abs-oluteM @Yana@gween97 @Beautifulthing @40somethingahjumma @SnT
  11. Thank for the info @SnT . For some reason none of the episodes that aired this week gave me any feelings. I plan on rewatching the episode again and hope I am in a better mood I am looking forward to a beautiful ending @Beautifulthing In fact I need it so badly.
  12. I would love to do that @40somethingahjumma He is just to dumb. I want him to be told to his face he is DUMB. He actually believes his brother loves him. ITis so sad he can't tell who is on his side and who is playing him.
  13. I hope you are right @SnT Episode 25 & 26 was such a disappointment for me. I didn't enjoy it. I need someone else's opinion on what went down with Marquis Yiding. I FFw a lot for these two episoded. Only OTP was worht watching. *Crying * I am so confused. Princess Screechy sure is pathetic and is NOW ANNOYING FOR ME. FR tried to help her and she did start to like her but the fact she was spoiled rotten, just turned her brain to mush. lol lol @abs-oluteM I admire that you had the patience to watch the whole episode. I kept FFW it. I did love how scare Prince Cheng looked. After the death of Marquis Xiding. Lol lol He was so pathetic since the Marquis died. Prince Ahn is so annoying and manipulating the Emperor. @NiteWalker said "same.....some how Zhang ZheHan modern look doesnt appeal to me as much as his period look does lols " I agree chingu
  14. I sure did @mademoiselle I binge watched it on the weekend.
  15. I agree @NiteWalker Welcome @Yana @Mouse So glad you decided to join us
  16. @abs-oluteM I just finished watching the end. Perfect Ending . I wished I had started watching it from the beginning but couldn't find a place to watch it.
  17. @NiteWalker. A friend told me Shen Jin’s mom is a distant relative of the emperor concubine.
  18. I am a bit confused now. I see that the Emperor does want CX and SJ to stay married . We now have the three officials who have been bullying and discredit the General. The General doesn’t care about his bad reputation but doing his job well. In two episode the Emperor mentioned thay SJ was part of the royal family but when he first sent the decree , it was for the eldest Shen daughter. Does that mean the other Shen daughter are part of the royal family. One of those greedy officials wants to know why Shen Jin was given to CX. Making me wonder is there an special reason that she stay married to CX????
  19. I was thinking the same thing. This child looks older than Guan Ge I just checked out Mydramalist I believe it is Dong Wen . @SnT @gween97 https://mydramalist.com/people/54349-xu-jia-xi Ha Ni /,Guange https://mydramalist.com/people/55259-ha-ni
  20. Isn't this scene peculiar?? Gu Yuan gained something from her master's death. She must be running Ruyi Pavilliom ( the secret organization) now since her master's death. It just now hit me. She had info on what Marquis Xindu is doing. Now a question Did Marquis Xindu actually protected his son was it a mistake on the person who shot Wu Baiqi.
  21. There will be a Season 2 for The General’s Lady
  22. Just finished episode 5 and 6 This drama is so hilarious. I have no idea why this drama makes me laugh but it does. The heroine isn't your typical rich lady, she is strong mentally of course, but not physically but she isn't snotty and judge mental. Shen Jin woke up to a divorce letter on the nightstand and found out her husband to the military camp. What do you think she does?? She joins his military camp and tries to be a soldier. She actually doesn't do so bad , she works hard but hubby sometimes get in her way to actually work harder. In the mean time hubby ( Chu Xiu Ming)) finds out someone is still spying on him by reading his reports. When it was time to bathe, SJ had difficulty taking a shower. Hubby shows up and tell her she can bathe in his room but she refuses because they are divorce. When it was time for meal, he found her porridge to look strange, so he threw it away. She could have told him the reasons why the porridge looks weird and he could have told her his fears, These two refuses to communicate. He then tells her she can go back to get some more porridge but she refuses to go because rules are you can only go on line once. When it was time for bed, he offers again for her to sleep there but she refuses. smh smh smh She goes to the barach making all the men uncomfortable ,so they all choose to sleep outside. Everyone knows she is the General's wife. They wouldn't dare to mess with her. That night she couldn't get a good night sleep and was very cranky the next day. Hubby requested an audience and of course he had to compromise big time because his men are uncomfortable. She said if he gives her wine she will do anything he said. lol lol He had to break the rules so that he can get her to do as he says. XM has it rough. She gets drunk and they have so cute moments. SHe tells him how she feel and what she thinks of him. She almost drown. He carried her to his tent and changes her clothes and let her sleep. The General's home Cutie Pie ( SJ's maid) . In my opinion she is cute but a terrible maid. She worries for her master but then askes herself why is she worry when she should be feeding herself first. lol lol Then she finds out it is the Geneal's birthday. THe cook prepares a meal for the General. Cutie ask to take the food over and was given lots of stuff for the SJ. She finally sees SJ and then she tells her it is the XM's birthday. The entire day she tries to plan a surprise party for hubby was stopped from planning the surprise. She prepared a meal for him and they end up fighting. She leaves the camp and goes back home after giving him the divorce letter.
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