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Everything posted by UnniSara

  1. Xiao Xie fellow is unfilial and a trouble maker. So glad that YJX had to point out the facts . All he cares about is Mr Sha. For some reason I don’t think Mr Sha is the good guy. I believe those two trunks hold goods that will cause the destruction of the Wu Clan. i am hoping that YJX doesn’t help XX to help Mr Sha escape. If that happens and they get caught it will be a major problem for them both. I know for a fact they will be caught because he already know who in play.! Letting thee two play is their downfall . Smh smh
  2. Check this out @Tofu @gween97 @ I am a bit sad that all the post and video for Thw Wolf only focuses on XiaoZhan. I am watching it for Wang TaLu and Li Qin.
  3. I hope this drama has a happy ending. Being so easily distracted is a pain. Yuan Jin Xia is truly a nosy person. Her curiosity keeps landing her in hot water. 1. Observing what is coming on the ship in episode3-4 got her accused of stealing. 2. Wanting to see the Ghost ship got her taken to the Ghost ship 3. Her need to finding the two missing trunks got her held hostage and almost got her throat slashed & broken neck by anchor Chain. Lu Yi must be written a cold and heartless man. I too get confused by his personalitty. One minute he rescues and the next he put her in danger. Who is he really. Who does he care about??? In previous scene, he seems to care about his memory of his mother. It kinda made sad for him but now I need to rethink it. Like I said YJX has been warned by her friend to stay away from LY but her curiosity won't let her. She still wants to know about the the trunks. smh smh smh
  4. @NiteWalker @Tofu @Lynne Join us @SnT @gween97 @Kana This drama is awesome Who is this in this gif below. Is that LiQin?? Wolfie / Wolf Lord She accepts the engagement Wolfie was like what!!!??? lol
  5. @Tofu Actually the word they should have used was “Shocked state of mind ” meaning here - -> https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-practice/201803/what-is-psychological-shock-and-5-tips-coping. meaning Did you see what broke her out of her shocked state. It was Wolfie’s Roar, it woke her up and reminded her there is someone out there she loves. Peppermint in her porridge made her feel a sense of security. That young master was way to stupid to think she actually like him. I wonder what would have happened if she had gone to Jin Kingdom. I still think she would still be waiting for wolfie. The king of Jin would have tried to get her married to his son and then it would have been harder for her be with The Wolf Lord. Right!!!
  6. It would seem there aren't many fans for Wang Talu All the videos I found was with Xiao Zhan. It kinda amazed me how fan can be so biased. smh smh @Tofu
  7. Wow Episode 1-5 and it was awesome . I really love this drama and wished it aired in my region for IQYI. It start off with a lonely girl meet wolf boy. Wolf boy teaches her about nature and his life. She tries to to teach him about human life. She also helped him protect his Wolf family but as you know humans are cruel and during that era any type of rumor being spread it pushes human to. W greedy. They would go to the forest to hunt wolves for money or remedy. Wolfie only wanted to protect his family and so she helped spread rumor about a Wolf Demon and concocted an incident to make it real. Then they closed off the forest. As we can this relationship is doomed due to their lives are completely different. I plan on rewatching some of the episode because the previous episode was watched with Google translation. the Emperor sworn brother visited Ma Zhai Xing ‘s Castellan Town. The moment he arrived he decided to insult the Town General and she stood up for her father. She made him proud and the servants proud but his son the coward and very stupid. Sworn brother true to manipulate MZX’s teacher and have him hunt a Wolf for his medicinal properties to cure him. The Doctor does kidnap the pup and Wolfie goes to rescue the pup and is caught by MZX’s father since someone screamed their guest was assassinated. But ironically he was killed by poison and MZX figured it out. Before solving it all the guard from The Generals home went on the hunt to find him. Ma Zhao Xing’s character so very fresh to see. She isn’t blinded by love but chose to pay attention to the facts. I agre @Tofu it is rare for such a character to suffer and not change. Thanks for letting us know she won’t change . Will continue this later
  8. Soundtrack to this drama enjoy A FMV I love this music too. SO soothing
  9. @gween97 How do I go about to get VPN and how to use it. Please DM me @abs-oluteM The wolf is at Viki now https://www.viki.com/tv/35890c
  10. @abs-oluteM This is YouTube , I guess your region is blocked I don’t get why that is
  11. @abs-oluteM @40somethingahjumma @NiteWalker I found it with subs. I hope this helps
  12. @Lynne Have you watched it all already? @40somethingahjumma Wow that is a lot of drama’s. Unlike you , my attention span is so easily changed. I was trying to watch UP but is now distracted by KDRAMA. Smh smh
  13. Nice to hear this , will wait for subs or watch it with no subs. Lol
  14. @NiteWalker have you watched any episode yet? Is it good
  15. Due to some reviews I stopped reading In death series by J. D. Robb/ Nora Roberts. My goal before the new Year is to stop reading webnovel and focus more on my American Books. I have so many books on Kindle Library that’s hasn’t been read and I want to get back to it Jeaniene Frost - > The Beautiful Ashes Ilona Andrews - > Diamond Fire ?? Patricia Briggs—> Margaret Atwood- > The HandMaid’s Tale Michelle Sahara Chronicle of Elantra Series
  16. @Chocolate Charley Davidson books was repetitive. I stocked till the end because I wanted to know the OTP’s back story. Both their lives were so complicated . Smh smh by the way if you have Amazon prime, all you have to do is get a sample first to see if you like the book before purchasing.
  17. @Chocolate A list of books I would Re -Read any day Dean Koontz: Frankenstein Series Darynda Jones : Charley Davidson Series Anne Bishop : The Others Series. Devon Monk : Allie Beckstrom Series “ “ House Immortal Kim Harrison : The Hollows Kelly Gay : Charly Madigan ( In Complete ) but an awesome read. The world created is just so rich Laurell K Hamilton : Merry Gentry’s series
  18. @Chocolate Are you looking for more Urban Fiction series or A stand alone book? I can give you a list of them.
  19. @Tofu Hi. Which did you like him best and which drama do you recommend for me to watch??
  20. I used to love thriller and mysteries book but now all I enjoy reading is Urban fiction and Sci Fi book.
  21. I finally understand Lee Rong. This is just my opinion. He is tormented and wants it to end. Since his beloved brother tried to kill him but I think Lee Yeon Purposely didn’t stab his major organs. He purposely left him alive and that HUMAN SAVED HIM UNDER False PRETENSES.
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