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Posts posted by Just_Me

  1. 20 hours ago, eNDe said:

    Did I share too much? Haha...I just happen to find GA very different, like she can be goofy and relatable off-screen, not caring about image.

    Hahaha, we'll end up fangirling Go Ara here:MewGiggle:..


    21 hours ago, eNDe said:

    Haha...I was thinking of all DDSSLLS supporters...how are you guys doing on this Wednesday. I

    I rewatch EP.12 last night hahaha.., and maybe later on I will watch Ep.15 and 16 cause last time I didn't really enjoy it because too worried about our OTP hahaha


    Seems most of us already made peace with the ending part :love:


    2 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:



    1. Laundry scene (Jun's wise words that made Rara stopped in her tracks and us too:love:)

    This is one of my favourite moments. Jun's words make me hardly believe that Jun is 19yo..:laugh:and Rara looks really pretty in this scene:wow:


    Thank you @Unnie0110 for remind me of the things I love about this drama


    3 hours ago, JenL said:

    How I got past my feelings:

    1. Coming up with/reading alternative endings
    2. Timeline editing in the drama
    3. Critiquing what went wrong and how it could be fixed
    4. Rationalising why this is a 'Happy Ending' in the world of the characters'
    5. Rationalising and finding reason for the writer's choices
    6. Finding humour and irony in the story
    7. Ending the story by watching Behind the Scenes footage instead
    8. Remembering the reasons I love this show & Supporting the actors and their chemistry

    Thank you @JenL for helping me made peace with the ending part trough your writing

    Haha I do number 7 alot:eeeee:


    Oh, the last OST is released 




    Love Has Come by Lim Dan Woo


    But it's not listed in vlending OST playlist yet



    And the PO for DVD Making film special of Dodosolsollalasol is now open (from Desember, 3rd till December, 17th) here's the link in case anyone here interested





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  2. 11 hours ago, stroppyse said:

    It's interesting that in the earlier BTS', GAR seemed more comfortable with Dr. Cha than LJW actually as they laughed and teased each other. However, in the later BTS', GAR and LJW seem a lot more comfortable with each other. I think it may be because LJW is so reserved or shy perhaps? GAR seems to be a much more outgoing personality, plus she is a noona to LJW both in RL (30 y.o. and 22 y.o.) and in the drama (24 y.o. and 19 y.o. at the start of the drama). Not sure you can do that many kiss scenes without becoming somewhat more comfortable with each other?

    After following her work (including the BTS haha) for pretty long time, I got this impression that GA easier to close and more comfortable working with co-stars that younger than her, and with co-stars that much older (with pretty big age gap) than her. But this is just my opinion haha, maybe @eNDe could tell us more..

    LJW seems like shy person and very polite (it's cute he keep calling GA as Rara sunbaenim even on BTS:pandalove:, on other drama BTS usually actors called eachother with their character's name without honorific title) but seeing how their interaction on interviews and Swoon's content (even LJW casually tease GA about her age on one of KBS interview) I think they've close enough to do multiple kiss scenes comfortably:heart:


    In the last BTS, at sleeping scenes, it's cute how LJW barely move while GA sleeping comfortably on his chest and he look frozen when GA hug him tighter haha or am I the one that see it that way? :laugh:

    • Like 4
  3. On 12/1/2020 at 1:44 AM, stroppyse said:

    This scene was reminiscent of a virtual duet that the American singer Natalie Cole did at one of her concerts with her deceased father Nat King Cole on one of his greatest hits.  I heard that there was not a dry eye in the house, and it became a radio hit in the US when it aired. I put the clip of it in the spoiler.

    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful clips here:pandalove:


    On 12/1/2020 at 10:46 AM, eNDe said:

    Hahaha...so creative! And I like the compilation of the 3 meetings between Jun and RaRa! 

    Hahaha, yes they are so creative. KBSdrama YT channel also released two 11minutes length compilation clips of Jun and Rara yesterday:laugh:


    18 hours ago, JenL said:

    I think I've recovered sufficiently to not feel so much over the ending or time has finally started to heal my feelings enough for me to feel pretty nostalgic for all the things I love. Or it's just my love of BTS videos got me motivated enough to sub the last BTS :)

    Yaaaayyy...:Party01:..I am considering to rewatch it since it's Wednesday and still haven't pick a drama to watch haha..:MewGiggle:

    18 hours ago, JenL said:

    Thanks once again @stroppyse for the translations! And not sure if you've seen this already @Just_Me, but here's a Youtube version for anyone who still hasn't seen the subbed final BTS

    Thank you so much for the subbed video.. already watch it on your YT channel too and thank you for also sharing the OST clips :love:



    • Like 5
  4. 13 hours ago, stroppyse said:

    Actually, he's 25 years old now since there was a 5 year time jump.

    Ah, yes.. you're right..but I mean he's 20yo when he got his illness


    8 hours ago, eNDe said:

    Sharing the MV for another OST if you haven't watch it because the music video use only the light and happy moments of Jun and Rara so it's my fave MV of all the OST

    Waa Thank you..i haven't watch it yet..


    8 hours ago, eNDe said:

    Hope the cast, especially for GA and LJW, will meet again in year-end awards show if not for another project. 

    I hope KBS will hold the Drama Awards Show this year. Or they could make cameo appearance. I hope they're invited to some variety show. I enjoy their Swoon content very much haha


    8 hours ago, eNDe said:
    11 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

    It seems like KBS has not gotten over Rara and Jun just yet. They have just posted several videos and stills from the drama again in their instagram account.

    Yeah! I wondered why there was update on the drama this week. haha.

    Haha, I have to double check the post date when I saw it :laugh:


    3 hours ago, CINNABOM said:

    Lol @Just_Me I am also not done talking and thinking about this drama. Netflix just posted the final scene on the Swoon, so I decided to watch it again.

    Yaaay, glad I am not the only one:smile::pandahappy:


    3 hours ago, JenL said:


    3 hours ago, CINNABOM said:

    Honestly, after watching just the scene alone I thought the writer/director had such a perfect ending. If we didn't have to go through the other 55 minutes of episode 16, I would be so happy with this ending. Even now, I'm starting to accept the ending just because of how beautiful this scene is. It's like a love letter to the drama and the city of Eunpo. 

    Agree with you. I even got little teary when I watch this clip alone..(I am not sure how to react when I watch it on Ep.16 haha)


    3 hours ago, CINNABOM said:

    (this makes me a little sad because according to @JenL's blog, the set has already been taken down :cry:).

    :letalQQ:..it could be new spots or destination while visiting Mokpo. I once saw posts about this building when it's still under construction, so it's understandable that it must be taken down after the filming finished. 



    3 hours ago, JenL said:

    No,no, all good. Please write more! I'd love to read what you have to say :BulbaOWO: I'm also still processing and getting over too! I understand the feelings - it's the double sadness of a series you liked ending and the sadness of the ending not being what you wanted. I keep saying I'll get over it...but the truth is, I think it'll be some time before I truly get over DDSSLLS! :PikachuFacePalm: I think the more you talk about it, the less angry/sad you feel

    Aww thank you, I also love to read your thoughts, and I enjoy your @JenL discussion with @CINNABOM about Deus ex machina..


    3 hours ago, JenL said:

    In many ways, I'm a bit weird.... I haven't theorised that much about Jun as a character


    3 hours ago, JenL said:

    ButBut if I had to try and grapple on a theory for Jun's actions as a character, maybe being sick was so painful and miserable that he needed to break away from everything he loved and use it as a motivation for recovery

    He also knew he couldn't hide it for 5 years, so he took the stress out by just killing himself off. I suppose if you're dead people are devastated, but time heals all after 5 years...the person who died turns into a distant, fond memory. However, if someone is sick for 5 years, you're constantly stressed and worried for them and suffer in that respect, especially if they do then die before your eyes. This doesn't change my feelings - I'm just saying it as a thought. I would definitely still prefer a different ending...but this is the best I can do to justify Jun's actions within the story. 

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, :heart:..,


    I tend to overthinking (maybe almost about everything?! Haha) Actually I am just trying to understand why the characters did what they did esp Jun and his Mom and fill in the hole from their pov so I could follow the story till the last scenes where Rara and Jun finally meet again. (This way the last scenes doesn't feel like it's forced happy ending or make me think "uhm, what happened here?!:laugh:


    3 hours ago, JenL said:

    Hahaha, if you've watched Extraordinary You you'll understand what I'm talking about: Jun's character, if he had an Ego, was probably cursing the writers for making him sick and do such Makjang actions at the end!

    :laugh:yes, I've watch it too..and I can visualize it in my mind right away..


    3 hours ago, JenL said:

    Haha....maybe it makes me a terrible person....But honestly, I hate dramas about terminal illnesses and I hate medical dramas

    Haha, no..not at all..everyone has their own preferences and that's okay..



    4 hours ago, JenL said:

    If that's the way things are, she accepts them as fate. So Jun coming back from the dead? Well, she'll accept that as fate that they should be together :laugh: Haha, I wish I was that simple


    Ikr! I wish I could be that simple sometimes but I am not sure that will it be okay to be that simple in real life. At least I'll try to be as simple as Rara about this drama and accept how it ended so I can enjoy again it as whole. :eeeee:


    Thank you so much everyone :heart:

    Found this on IG:laugh::laugh:



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  5. Waaa...this thread still so much alive :wow:


    Glad that it's seems you guys already move on :PikaSwag:.. surely will check some of your tempting recommendation drama but maybe will skip the one with horror-thriller genre cause I am totally scaredy-cat..


    But,but..am I the only one still struggling(but not as much as before)??:pandasadspoon:..


    Am I late for write some more? Can I still talking little more about this? Have everyone done dealing with this drama? 

    Maybe yes, then I am sincerely apologize in advance cause I'll still write some more thoughts to get it out from my brain so I can let it go peacefully hahaha..of course you could skip this altogether...


    On 11/27/2020 at 8:45 PM, Mapleoaks5 said:

    yes, Juns mom never says he died. She just said he can never come back, but Lala makes the assumption that he died and the mom never corrects her. Which I found so bizarre. How can she not correct her? “No he’s hasn’t died, but he’s really really sick and we don’t think he has much time” or something like that? . 


    On 11/27/2020 at 10:36 PM, stroppyse said:

    Yes, the translation is right. However, Jun's mother actively led LL into thinking Jun was dead by speaking in the past tense to refer to Jun as in "Jun had been very ill." And when LL point blank asked if Jun was dead, the mother just bowed her head and cried.


    Jun's mother was actively helping Jun lie to LL, though I'm sure her tears were real at the though of Jun being ill.

    Thank you so much for confirm it, since I watch it right after woke up at 3am so I thought I miss out something. Yes, his mom not telling the entire truth is the points where the story begin to fall. But this is what I thought (seriously I don't know that I'd ever try so hard to understand why drama characters did what they did:laugh:)


    - Jun playing piano video recorded a month before. Rara-Jun talk on phone everyday ever since Jun left for his treatment (like Ms.Jin said to TWD ladies) so I assume they still doing so until Christmas day, cause if Jun suddenly stop pick up the phone that will be too suspicious even for Rara to miss out. Jun might be really want to come on Christmas but his condition get really worsts to the point even the doctors told Jun Mom to prepare for the worst since there's no hope anymore. Jun mom must be emotionally confused and heartbroken about it but she determine to fulfill her son last wish. So she come to Rara and tell her about Jun and when Rara ask her if Jun already dead, she say nothing because she've been told that Jun could die anytime soon and she know Rara definitely will ask to see Jun but on other hand she at least want to fulfill her son wish : He don't want Rara to see him being ill. How heartbroken and sad Jun must be if at his very last moments of his life the last thing he see is Rara crying over his death. Jun mom loves Jun very much so she could only think about not make him any more sad.

    So she left Rara without telling Rara the entire truth and Rara maybe too shocked to even asking further more. 

    But like a mother could be and like she once said Jun mom not give him up even the doctors said otherwise. She ask the doctors to keep treat him as best as they can and after some times Jun miraculously start to recover. Still not sure about his condition if he could really recover or just really got worst again, he decide to keep it secret that he's actually still alive cause he doesn't want to give Rara a false hope just to make her sad again for the second times. And in my thoughts, Jun who struggle to recover will come times to times to Eunpo, secretly watch over Rara from afar to get his strength (and maybe to make sure Rara still single that's why after 5years he walk in to Lala Land so confidently with such a happy smile haha)



    On 11/27/2020 at 8:45 PM, Mapleoaks5 said:

    Also why wouldn’t she go to the funeral? Or ever visit his grave?? Just like her dad she never visited him? Unless they show that off camera. 

     I don't know if they make it purposely as part of her characters or just simply make it for the sake of plot twists, but Rara tend to accept everything as it is, maybe because grow up doing most everything she told to do, like piano and the wedding things. Or maybe because she simply easy to trust anyone so she never they would ever told lies. 

    - after her Dad passed away, Mr. Moon told her to be away even not to attend the funeral, she really did it. I feel this is weird since Dad is the only family she has not to mention she loves him so much and really close to him, shouldn't she at least secretly come? But now I know it's shown that way because they need to make us think that her Dad actually still alive, and we did!

    -when she receive piano from Dodosolsollalasol, she could actually find out who is the one send it that could lead her to his true identity but since they promised to meet after a month she just wait for it even she once said she's curious. But of course that will be too soon for Dodosolsollalasol revealing..haha

    - when Jun want to break up because he doesn't like her anymore, even when Dr.Cha and Seung-Gi can't believe Jun change overnight, she accepts their break up. Rara know should know Jun better after all what they have to got trough, so I kinda wish that Rara try to found out his true reasons. But maybe because they're on break for 6month and those photos make it believable for Rara.

    -when Jun Mom came and told her about Jun, said she maybe too shocked to even ask more. Jun mom could have cut ties and contact, change her number that's why Rara not able to reach out Jun family ever again. But of course they make it this way (no funeral), since Jun will have to come back in the end

    actually, that help her to move on and recover from her bad times easier somehow.


     Still make no sense? Hahaha I am so sorry but I think I will stick to this ' scenario ' so I can let this drama go peacefully.


    Also I don't want to hold grudges on Jun anymore. He's just 20yo with so much happens in his life, he has so many good traits but he surely allowed to has flaws too. I am not agree with some of his choices but now I can understand him. So I want to remember him as Jun that I  cherish because he loves Rara sincerely and wholeheartedly, reach out to her when she's alone after her dadp passedaway, he's willing to do anything to make sure Rara keep smiling, make sure has a place to stay, and make sure she's comfortable enough while adjusting to her new life. He even take care of Mimi for her!!:heart:

    I feel bad for Rara because I can't feel as happy as her the moment I see Jun's back for the first time at those last minutes..i even feel the scenes is doesn't seem real that time..haha sorry Rara..

    I finally can say that I am happy too, because they are happy together now :pandalove:

    (But still little annoyed at how they execute those last minutes :laugh:)

    That's it. :smile:


    I don't know if anyone here have watch drama "Find Me in Your Memory", but there's so similar situation there. ML Mom terminally ill too and she hide it from the ML until she die, his Dad  also said nothing. She even ask her husband not to let ML come to funeral and to tell him only after it finished. She didn't want her son to see her lifeless body and remember it as last memory he has of her. Of course ML terribly devastated for days after he learn the truth, but after come back to his sense he only remember the good memories about her and realized that for her entire life his Mom trying to give him only good memories as much as possible. That's what finally help him cope with his grieves, accept his mom choice to keep her illness and feel his mom love and be grateful for it.


    I think I will do that too, I'll remember many good memories  while watching this drama, accept all the flaws esp the ending cause it's part of it and I just will be grateful for it as whole..:love:




    • Like 6
  6. Finally I am calm down enough to come here and properly read all of your posts and feel much better after reading it all..:cry:

    Right after finish it I do really want to meet writer-nim and have serious talk with her? Why? What happened? What have you done to my lovely drama? Why did you do that to Rara and Jun? :pandarage2::pandaroar:

    I never really disappointed about the ending while watching K-drama. But I really really do this time. After throwing all of those twist and turn how could they did this to us the viewers? Seriously writer-nim you could do so much better within those 60 minutes. 


    I know that's going to be last minutes reunion thanks to IG spoiler but I didn't expect it'd be this bad:shocked: because it's hard to understand.  I wish to see comedic vibe  and lovely atmosphere again in this last episodes but there's none.


    I am okay with the first half (it's lovely to see actually because everyone is gathering and happy) even after Jun Mom come with bad news and everyone grieving for Jun. Even I already now that Jun is alive but I can't help but teary while watching them cry. So when the cute baby show up and Rara talk to someone on phone, address him as "Jia Dad", i thought it will be forward-flashback story. That in this "5years later" day Jun is fine, married to Rara, have a cute baby and in the rest of Episode we got to see how it happened. But NO, writer-nim still pull trick on us. :pandasadspoon:

    Even after last scene. I still have a hope that we could get an Epilogue that will explain how Jun get back so healthy and handsome like someone who never sick at all. But NO. We didn't get it too. 


    Yeesssss, I agree that 'i want to fully recovered" is not enough to explain those 5 years.

    Writer-nim what did you do to Jun character here? :pandaroar:

    Jun is so consistent. He is consistent in his love for Rara. He is consistent in his way treating Rara. But he is consistent to in lying to Rara. I thought that his lie will end with his age, but it keep going. Even he did it for what he thought as good reasons it's still not right.:JigglyAngry:

    Ant thankfully Rara is consistent too with her all kindness, forgiveness and understanding. She is such a lovely person.:heart:


    I am so sorry for my late rants. 


    I don't know if this too late to ask, but I am just curious. When Jun Mom told Rara about Jun condition she said "Jun can no longer come here". Is it the right translation? I rely on sub only. 

    So she didn't mean it as Jun is dead, but maybe his condition is getting really worst with very low possibility to survive. But still she didn't correct it when Rara ask if Jun is already dead. So, yes she is lying about him. He might be on verge of death when his Mom come to Rara. Jun may feel that there's no need to give any hope since he's really dying and he didn't want her to wait for him again. He may prepare the letter and ask his Mom to do so (sent her tea cup back and the letter) long before just in case he's conditions is get worsts. 


    11 hours ago, eNDe said:

    With my personal experience witnessing my mum being diagnosed with cancer just last year then a major surgery soon after followed by the slow and painful recovery, I didn't think I could survive without mental support from my sisters and good people. Both for me as the caregiver and my mum, the patient.

    Thank you for sharing your experience, I do really wish your mom is all better, health and happy now and always :)


    10 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

    .I also completely agree with you saying that jun never thought that Lala would be able to weather the storm with him. It was incredibly selfish of him to make decisions for her. At least tell the girl the truth and allow her agency to decide what she wants to do.

    In my opinion, even from the beginning Rara handling her grieves and sadness better than Jun. Yes, she's cry easily but that's why she move forward easier than Jun who keep everything bottled up inside



    Like @eNDe said that it's better to get support on hard times and I agree, but Jun choose other wise. I have to say too that Jun shouId know better (after losing Ji Hoon) that sad moments will be memory that will be easier to put aside by times but regrets will stay longer and harder to resolve. He's sick, maybe sees Rara sad because of him make it more unbearable for him and he feels so bad for Rara to have sad memories of him being sick, (but yes he didn't consider that he will left Rara with regrets). He know Rara surrounded and loved by nice people and will do great on her own as time pass by. Some said that psychological state of a patient play big part for their recovery. What Jun did is selfish from my pov , but if he decide that's help him better on his recovery I can't say that I can't understand at all.

    I tried so hard to put myself on his shoes all this day. So I don't hold grudges on him hahaha


    Overall, episode 16 has satisfying closures for other characters (even Hayoung and Seung Gi's better than Rara and Jun)  except for Rara+Jun and Grandpa. They deserve better closure. How heartbroken Grandpa must be to know that someone who saved his life, a dear friend he cherish, die before him. And he passed away with this kind of thought.


    And of course Rara and Jun!!! Seriously writer-nim could craft the second half so much better. Yes, I want to see Rara&Jun to be together being all lovely and adorable like they used to be. But more than that I want proper explanation and make sense if possible.


    If this is up to me then I will make Jun who fully recovered, running excitedly to Lala Land when he hears his welcome song, only to shocked with the sight Rara  walking out of Lala Land holding Hayoung's baby together with Dr.Cha looking happy together. He'd be so broken hearted since he know nothing, even for short moments. Of course he deserved more than this. He should feel thankful for Rara still love him after left for 5years. 



    @Mapleoaks5 @Unnie0110 @eNDe haha I love your ending version more than the real one. :wow: . I have to agree with you all that Episode 12 is my happy ending


    Despite messed up badly the last 4 episodes, write-nim had created loveable characters. I just love them all. Kudos for all actors that work hard to making them alive..

    Go Ara and Lee Jae Wook, i never thought that they will have really great chemistry. I just love them both.  Lee Jae Wook, is promising actor. He show different persona on his role as Jun and Manbok. 

    On side note: I happy to see them have fun on every BTS. Especially Go Ara haha she looks happy working on this drama. Cause I follow her dramas for long and watch the BTS too.


    I love all characters, the cute and lovely moments, cinematography, OSTs, lovely music, Lala Land, Mimi,  even every scenes about foods :hearties:.


    I love all the lovely moments, all twist and turn, even I enjoy being frustrated for too much plot twists:laugh:i just disappointed by this ' unfinished ' happy ending. 

    I still love this drama despite all of the flaws but maybe I will hold grudge for a long time because the ending :laugh:



    Lastly thank you all for letting me join this forum. @JenL @stroppyse @mademoiselle @Tofu @Unnie0110 @eNDe @Mapleoaks5 and esp to @SilverMoonTea , I find this forum through your tweet

    I feel thankful to have you all get trough this drama. I always find new point of views, insightful thoughts while reading your posts and get different perspectives of this drama. Thank you for sharing it all:heart::hearties:


    @JenL and @stroppyse thank you so much for always provide subbed video for us..and I'd really love to read  more of your opinions.




    3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    You guys are saying goodbyes too soon. I still haven't watched it yet. Plus, don't forget there are still behind the scenes. That surely would be better than the actual finale, hahaha!

    Hahaha you should watch it soon:laugh::laugh:

    ..ah talking about BTS they released it soon after the drama finished airing and yess it's make me so much better looking at GA and LJW being adorable together:laugh:



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  7. My last post already that long but I want to add some more..I am apologize in advance:duckpout:


    Spoiler alert..please skip this if you don't want it. 


    Here's some scenes that I love from tonight Episode: 

    - I love Jun conversation with Dr.Cha..they're like brother now and Jun also trust him to taking care Rara while he's away. Actually I always love their convos. Dr. Cha never treat Jun like kid even when he found out Jun is highschooler, their convos is always honest and straight-out. Which is good for both of them who troubled with expressing themselves. 

    - the piano teacher come at the moment Rara need her most, when she's feel so down because the thoughts Jun have abandoned her. She remind Rara of her true self and why she's loved despite her lacks.


    - Jun mom bought Lala Land with Jun majoring medicine as terms. So she maybe already softened up about Rara even before they found out Jun illness. I feel bad for having thought of his parent. His dad may harsh and not affectionate type but he genuinely love Jun. His mom actually has similar to Jun in a way.

    - Jun give the precious hat to Seung Gi :letalQQ:..Idk why but this scene tear me up.. maybe because I feel Jun finally able to let go his bestfriend Ji Hoon or maybe because I feel Jun finally found someone to be called a friend again so he won't feel so lonely while he's abroad. 


    -Jun actually told Seung-Gi that he's scared. He opened up to him. Even Seung-Gi misunderstood it as Jun scared to go abroad alone when actually Jun afraid that he may not be able to come back:letalQQ:


    - Dodosolsollalasol to be the name of the cafe where Jun and Rara first met is the biggest twist in this episode :laugh:..i always thought that it related to his father and what it means to her

    - Dodosolsollalasol/Mr.Twinkle as her Daddy Long legs is always a happy memories and meaningful for Rara. Mr. Twinkle somehow give Rara strength to go through her days after her Dad passed away and adjust to her new life. So Jun didn't want her to find out the real Mr. Twinkle or remember about their first meeting that may lead Rara to the truth. Because he want Rara to keep it as a happy memories.

    To be honest at some point if Rara not come to the Cafe and saw those big "Dodosolsollalasol" cafe name, I doubt she will find out that Jun is Mr.Twinkle just by remember their first meeting. She has such a bad memory:laugh:. Thanks God she go to the Cafe




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  8. Just finished tonight episode. I can't believe I fell asleep while waiting the release time..

    Sorry to state that this post will have spoiler too



    7 hours ago, JenL said:

    So pretty much the first thing you find out in the episode is that GY is not a bad person, which was I guess a nice twist

    It seems everyone in this drama actually nice person and there's no really evil characters here which is make you feel like they're coming from your own neighborhood. Even Jun Mom is now all soft, she even try to comfort Jun and told him that he could meet Rara after he fully recover and let him stay with Rara for two days.


    7 hours ago, JenL said:


    Jun has cancer...Leukemia to be precise.....And yes, he went the noble idiocy route because he didn't want her to worry about him and move on with her life. On the other hand, this story line I could see from miles away, so even though I technically guessed part of it in my theory B, I am surprised they went down this route because it's not actually new - it's quite predictable

    Jun's sickness is something we expect (in storyline part) but not expected at same time. Like I said Rara doesn't deserve this heartbreaking event again.:letalQQ:


    7 hours ago, JenL said:

    Except for whether or not the writers will let him live...that depends on how the writers want to spin it...if they feel like keeping it fluffy, they'll make him recover. If they feel like what they think is breaking the mould for a rom com (This is NOT rom com....and it is actually cliche for melo) they'll kill him off


    Nooo...please don't kill him writer-nim:pandasad:..just let him come back to Rara fully recovered (and please don't add another twists of him losing his memory or something like that:pandaroar:. We don't need that on very last episode writer-nim:pandaangel:)


    10 hours ago, JenL said:

    I do have to say this writer has been brave with her choices.


    6 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:
    6 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

    I didn’t think show was actually going to go that route because I thought this drama was supposed to a light hearted romcom. I’m also pretty sure he’s gonna be healed from his cancer and they’ll have their happy ever after. 



    People on IG are frustrated because it turn from rom-com to melodrama in last episodes..did the writer-nim change her mind while writing the second half? Just don't tell me she tried to break the rule that Rom-Com must have happy ending. Like you said she's risk taker. 



    6 hours ago, stroppyse said:

    It's going to be a happy ending albeit with a possible time jump for "treatments" or something. Because it's not geared up to be a tearjerker ending. And, I don't think they would do that kind of switch on us. They wouldn't dare!


    Yess, it should be has happy ending. I'll hold on this and I hope they'll meet again at first half of tomorrow ep. 


    7 hours ago, JenL said:

    Also I always feel you should tell the truth when you're sick because if you pass away that person is going to be left in a dark hole of never knowing and never having said bye properly. Hmmm.

    He still keep it secret until the last:cry:. I kinda hope she will tell Rara about his illness, but he didn't. Even when Rara ask why he dump her, he tell her a white lie. I understand he didn't want leave her being sad and worry. Also Jun tend to keep everything by himself so it's not surprise me. 


    6 hours ago, Mapleoaks5 said:

    I’m sure he’s really scared and terrified, not only about his illness, but that he may put Lala through even more pain through his death. Obviously, I don’t agree with him hiding his illness from her, but I can understand where he was coming from with his ridiculous charade.


    he quickly changed his mind after realizing that Lala still misses and loves him and he probably realized he doesn’t have the mental resolve to just leave her like that


    I am glad he finally come back for her . Maybe because he finally realised Rara is stronger than he thought and that Rara still love and want him, he decide to come back to Rara  and choose to leave her with happy and good memories of them being together and love eachother rather than to leave her being sad and heartbroken with the thoughts that he don't love her anymore.


    Rara grow up loved and only have good memories of people around her that's why she come out bright. Like Rara once said to Jun: she's like resilient weed and not a flower in the greenhouse and that's thanks to happy memories of his father love. 



    7 hours ago, JenL said:

    Also have to say Jun was super smoooooth in that he bought it for her without hesitation :SquirtleSquadCool: And actually Lala did try to ask for his number...so it's not like she wasn't trying from her end either :laugh:

    At least Rara is not the one who ask him to lend her the money for her juice. I actually think she will did it and of course with her wink:laugh:..and to think that he actually keep come back to that cafe is really cute. He fall for her since their first meeting. So the meaning of the strange look he give to her on her recital day maybe : Yaaa, you..you owe me and said you hate feeling indebted but you runaway that day and now even forget me already??:laugh:

    7 hours ago, JenL said:

    Hahaha, I like that the TWD ladies made a cameo in greeting Lala's teacher with their cute "Welcome to Eunpoooo!!!" and then she was conned into a puffy haircut.

    -I also liked that her teacher was a mother figure to Lala in this episode. Her encouragement and her understanding of Lala's talents to brighten up everyone's world made me feel so touched 

    No one escaped from this 5cm taller hairstyle:laugh:

    Yes, Rara sure surrounded by very nice people. Secretary Moon also like a mother figure to her in part of taking care of her in daily life hahaha..even when she lost her wallet she think about him immediately haha


    7 hours ago, JenL said:

    And finally....bed sceneeeeee....though the cute kind of course. Jun finally got his wish that they'd "sleep next to each other

    Yess, like you said  this drama do what they say they'd do...and the part when Jun bawl out while Rara play piano for him..so is it safe to say that they will meet at Jeju like they once promised? (Go Ara post pictures  of her at some place related to Jeju though:MewGiggle:)


    7 hours ago, JenL said:

    And it was adorable, so adorable to see Lala circle on Jun's chest sleeping happily...if not for the fact Jun was wondering if this would ever happen again 

    It's adorable and cute but heart wrenching at the same time. .


    7 hours ago, JenL said:

    The previews are scaring me though. There's lots of crying and Jun apparently not able to come back. Once again, the writer is messing with my emotions. We shall see how tomorrow goes. 

    Text Preview EP.16

    "Rara and Jun, who communicate on phone and YouTube everyday, even though they are far away. Jun is enduring hard times with Rara's energy. Meanwhile, Rara Is waiting for winter, preparing a Christmas concert and proposal for Jun"







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  9. I do really can't stop being curious :heiboi:

    what's the reasons that change Jun into Twinkles 'enemy' over night?

     So I read some articles about  L'elisir d'amore, an opera (which Una Furtiva Lagrima (title of Episode 14 taken from) as my desperate effort to understand Ep.14


    This is long post filled with my "silly" theory so I apologize in advance for anyone here..I am so sorry, but I have to get out this out of my head:duckpout:.


    I found same similar storyline but different situation. In short, the opera tell the story a man who madly in love with a woman bit unfortunately it's one sided love. He does everything to make her fall for him, but she keep saying no. After drunk some elixir (he thought it was an elixir) He start to ignore her because he believes that she will fall for him anyway (because of elixir). So she pretends that she will marry someone else to annoy him. In panic of lose her he willing to buy stronger elixir but he has no money so  'sold' himself with some agreement. Also there's a part where another women start to hanging around him and that's when she's realize that she's actually really love him. She pay back the money so the agreement cancelled and set him free. she believe he will come back to her because of love.


    After reading this I can't help but to think this theory:

    - his parent drug him (with GY's help)  so he can't meet Rara that day. They know he will go straight to her after CSAT over. 

    - they took his phone away so he can't contact Rara. 

    - His parent may say something about Rara (like she doesn't deserve him, or she just took advantage of him or she's not truly love him and stay with him as act of kindness so Jun willing to study again) and of course won't believe it since he believes Rara truly love him

    - so they make a deal that if Rara not hold into him or not looking out for him after that night it's a sign that Rara not really love him so Jun must break up with her no matter what and never contact her again . And vise versa, if she does then they will let him date her.

    - his parents maybe come up with this deal because they know how kind and considerate Rara is, that she willing to do anything for Jun goodness and future. Jun on other hand, he never doubt Rara loves him that's he accept the deal.

    - his parent hold for his phone during the agreed times and maybe not come to Eunpo is  part of agreement too that's why Jun never call Rara or try to come to Eunpo.

    - Rara does try to message and call him, but never try to looking for him again (except on their meeting day when see meet Ga Young). She just wait for him. 

    - Jun staged his fake dating with Ga Young as his last effort to make Rara come to him since he know Mr.Chu is sent by Ga Young and maybe he wish that Ha Young will tell Rara. 

    - the day Jun call her to meet up could be the last day of the deal, which mean Jun must keep his words to break up with her and maybe his parent threat him they will take back the money spent to buy Lala Land buildings. Also at some point Jun may feel disappointment because Rara not really try to looking for him even after not being able to get in touch with him or maybe he start to doubt about Rara feeling, that she only be kind to him and not truly love him like he does. 

    - To think about it Rara never really say her feeling/love to Jun, she ask for breakup so Jun could concentrate on his study, paid back her debts (as if she want to cut ties), she not allowed him to call or visit her for 6month and she keeps saying 'No, I don't want to' lately. In desperate state he could easily believe that Rara not really love him. That's why he didn't say anything to her. Because he didn't want to break the deal with his parent that could make her lose Lala Land. Jun might think that even Rara not love him, at least after they break up She will still have Lala Land so she could go on with her life.

    - But after saw Rara cried so much after the break up, he realize that she does truly love him. That's why he cried too.

    - Jun meet his father maybe to tell him that he want to study abroad. 


    To be honest after saw stills released today the thoughts of Jun may terminally ill broke my heart:letalQQ:Look at those Rara happy face, she doesn't deserve another heartbreaking news ( if the theory Jun is really sick came out as the truth)



    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, JenL said:
    4 hours ago, stroppyse said:

    The captions on the still say "Tonight".


    Oooohhh, Thank you! Looking forward to it then. I forgive Jun so easily when I see happy stills :laugh:

    I hope all this 'hopeful' stills is not a bait by KBS to lure us just to crush our heart later on..:GengarPout::pandasadspoon:


     But still, I am happy just by looking all those stills. :wow:


    4 hours ago, stroppyse said:

    Yes! We totally deserve to know what happened, as does La La!


    Yessss...I can't stop being curious for the whole week since last episode. 


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    • Haha 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

    I'm hoping for good ending episodes as well. Depending on how the episodes are, I will either miss this drama like crazy and immediately start re-watching, or I will be really, really grumpy for awhile and not watch any dramas (other than Tales of the Nine-Tailed which is the other current drama I'm watching) for a long time.

    If this drama ever has sad ending I think I will never watch rom-com K-drama again..:cry:


    • Like 3

     The swoon post about fashionista Mimi :hearties:





    Mimi even now has her own page on asianwiki






    9 minutes ago, Unnie0110 said:

    Anyway, It is really sad that the drama is ending this week because I can surely watch a hundred plus episodes of Rara, Jun, Mimi and the rest of the Eunpo gang

    Yeesssss...will miss them all...:letalQQ:

    • Like 2
  13. 23 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

    I just saw the airport clip again in The Swoon YT and I can't helped but be happy with Rara after seeing Jun. I have such a soft heart!:shocked: Jun looks so pitiful and lifeless as if all the light has done dark in his life (well, after breaking up with Rara just like that)

    I don't even have heart to watch this short clips. I stop it right before GY come to the scene. 

    I want to scold Jun everytime remember Rara crying after break up and yes this airport scene. When Jun pass her by as if they're stranger i feel heartbroken too, but if I remember how Jun sobbing alone in his room(even it's all his own choice) and like you said "Jun looks so pitiful and lifeless as if all the light has done dark in his life" I become soft and feel sorry for him too.


    23 hours ago, Unnie0110 said:

    Could it be that everything was a red herring, that Rara and Jun were in it together? That they were both acting for the benefit of Jun's parents or scary real threat Dad?

    I hope this is the case..it will be great if this all just dream haha


    actually I know nothing anymore hahaha, I can't think for another reason that make sense:idk:


    6 hours ago, JenL said:

    ahhhhhh, new stills....but I can't tell if this is a good thing or bad thing???? :thinking::lettalKWA::idk:


    Looks like it'll mirror their first meeting as they were also drinking in this cafe

    Waaa I feel all anxious when I see this pictures.

    Is this happen after the long time jump? Or is this before they separate again for a long time? 


    I hope this is before the long time jump. Rara deserve proper explanation from Jun. If she decides to wait for him, at least she doesn't have to do that in uncertainty and curiosity about why Jun did what he did.


    19 hours ago, JenL said:

    @stroppyse you are amazing!! It was so nice to wake up to so many nice treats this morning

    Thank you @stroppyse and @JenL for sub this clip..and of course I have to thank Mimi too :eeeee:


    2 hours ago, JenL said:

    I don't think I ever saw some of the piano ones....have you guys seen this one before? It's the BTS from when the piano arrives. And looking this again, I only just realised how strange Jun's expression looked! Someone on Twitter was saying that from the episode, Jun stepped outside when Lala got a text from DDSLLS, so that's their argument for Jun being DDSSLLS.


    Yes, this is BTS on Naver and not released on Monster Union YT channel..


    You can check the other BTS by Naver here


    Haha, this particular scene also the one that convince me that Jun is the real Twinkle.


    Thank you for sharing the stills:hearties:


    I feel both anxious and excited for Ep.15. 

    I am curious how the story and all secrets will be unfold and how writer-nim will fix damages done on Ep.14. 

    Our heart broken for Rara on Ep.14, Will our heart be broken for Jun this time?

    I wish I could say "I knew I could trust you, writer-nim" while watching Ep.15


    On side note I am sad that this I the last week of this drama:letalQQ:



    • Like 2
  14. Finally I have a time to read all of your posts thoroughly:PikaSwag:..and I feel so much better now..as if all my frustration because of ep 14 vent out trough your words. And everytime I read different perspectives, insightful thought I can't help but nod in agreement. Thank you all..i try to distract myself from overly thinking the reasons of Jun behaviour but fail hard. :psweatduck:

    I think that make me so frustrated about ep14 is that this wonderful drama had turn from rom-com to melodrama with all predictable tropes (maybe because I always pleasantly surprised by it twist and turn almost trough 13 episodes). And of course Jun unexplainable behaviour feel so out of his character. He's not Jun that we know all this times:letalQQ:.

    And all clues that feel lead us to two possible reason behind his actions (like @Unnie0110 and @JenL explain) 

    - there's a deal with his parents about Lala Land. (But Jun still looks happy and okay when he went to Eunpo, he bought rings for her, even after he met GY he still happily looking at the ring and miss her too. I don't think Jun will make a deal without clear agreement with his parents. He must know that break up with Rara will be first thing his parents want)

    - Jun is seriously ill.

    (This drama has Daddy Long Legs movie vibe that we can't ignore this possibility and of course Jun nosebleed. Not to mention that Dr.Cha is introduced as Daddy Long legs character to Rara on their promotional video, his drugs case and people that ask him is he terminally ill from ep.1. it all turned out to be red herring. So now Jun is the Daddy Long legs in form of Dodosolsollalasol and maybe he's sick. I try to see this Dr.Cha being red herring as a sign that this drama won't go on same path with the movie)


    - Since Ji Hoon is most precious person to Jun before Rara, i try to find any possibility that Jun actions related to Ji Hoon. But I can't find any. Jun already overcome his pain of losing Ji Hoon, and he decide to pick up his dream again (major in Math and not medicine like his parents want). 


    I hope it's not to late to rant about GY. I apologize in advance if anyone here don't want to hear about her anymore:duckpout:.but I need to vent out about this. I am sorry


    I love how every characters I this drama help and contribute to the story so it could flow naturally without yo much forced coincidences.

    Like Bang Jung Nam that somehow unknowingly reveal Jun secret to Dr. CHa and thanks to him Jun know about the wedding. Or Dr.Cha ex-wife, she lead Kim Si A so she finally come to Rara and that's how Rara know about Jun and Kim Ji Hoon.

     But GY. Who's this girl coming out of nowhere?

    I'll understand if she's really close friend of Jun and Ji Hoon or if she's Jun childhood friend, but she's just ex schoolmate that happened had crush to Jun. :GengarPout:

    Did she even there when Ji Hoon passed away? Why didn't she console him at that time? If she already went abroad when Ji Hoon accident occurred, shouldn't she at least say something to show her sympathy about it to Jun cause she know they're best friend? But she's talking about Jun viral video and about going to math school. 

    And she didn't look that interested to Jun either. Is she just 'there' to explain Jun obsession over math (Jun bring his math book on his runaway, want to see Mimi do the factorization, etc) and that majoring in math is Jun dream (together with Ji Hoon) once he told Rara?. If that the case , I think it will be more meaningful if he meet Ji Hoon sister Kim Si A. Judging from they way she's talking about Jun when Rara ask about Jun, she cherish him too as his brother best friend. So Jun at least know that even his family not blame him for Ji Hoon accident.


    And the scenes that bother me most of Ep.14: Jun passed out after drink coffee given by GY.

    - why did she do that? Is Jun parents ask for her help?

    - if so, why? To stop him meet Rara that day? 

     Jun change overnight after those specific  scenes. 

    This what make me curious :

    - Jun didn't contact Rara after that. He must know that Rara wait for him. Is he unconscious for days? 

    - even after days he didn't contact Rara yet he spent his time with GY, not to mention that Jun shouId be angry to GY for drug him, but he didn't seem angry to her.

    - we know that Jun stage his date with GY through photos taken by Mr.Chu but I wonder if he know that Hayoung is the one that send Mr.Chu, did Jun purposely ask Mr.Chu to take their fake dating pictures? If he did, will Mr.Chu told Rara about this? I want Rara at least trying to find the reasons behind Jun action.

    Yes, we know that Jun has his own reasons and I think we all agree that Jun deliberately hurt Rara is so wrong. 


    On 11/20/2020 at 8:46 PM, eNDe said:

    Also, did anyone of you just want to shut that girl up or kick her ass when she called out "Jun-ah..." before RaRa could. Oh no you don't! That was my last straw of my patience. I was throwing all the beautiful score sheets from this show at that moment. 

    Yes, and she pretends not to see Rara standing there is just:pandarage2: . But what annoy me most about GY is that she seems know Jun situation (and what happened after she drug Jun) better than Rara and us.:pandaroar:

    On 11/21/2020 at 10:52 PM, JenL said:

    Good news via fans guessing...looks like Jun might be able to give Lala the ring. Fans are speculating that this picture from Go Ara's Instagram has a ring similar to the one Jun bought. Go Ara is also posing here as if to show off the ring...and she makes a video where she waves very obviously with the ring,...I'll put the ring comparison photo below :lenny:

    Some IG user also said that LJW post pics wearing necklace with a ring as pendant. They speculate that's Jun ring but looking at LJW outfit it doesn't looks like Jun style but i am not sure about it too :pandathink:




    On 11/21/2020 at 10:52 PM, JenL said:

    Not a full translation, but at least a brief summary of the radio show that you posted above that someone else wrote and I put the pictures together in one collected post. You might have read the summary already, but if not hope it helps!



    Awww..thank you @JenL..I hope you don't mind if I come often to your blog:heart:







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