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Everything posted by Dhakra

  1. Yep, I am a really calm person. Haha, thank you. He is indeed very fluffy. His fur really feels like a cloud. Can you really be afraid of silence? Silence is the most important thing for me. When it's evening and I don't hear a single noise, it's the best. Silence is what I try to achieve every day. Headphones with noise canceling is the best invention ever. Do you sing in the car?
  2. The fluffy & cute type of cat. Here you go. https://www.instagram.com/dhakra_johnny/ No I am morethe rough hammer type of guy. You like pineapples?
  3. No, just noodles. You don't know Johnny? It's my cat You had a good sleep today?
  4. Baking is made by the devil to make me suffer. Yes, I think so. I never got flowers before, it depends if they are beautiful. But if they are and Johnny doesn't try to eat them. Sure. Do you like to work out (at the gym or at home)?
  5. Even worse. My dough is either hard as rock or totally soft, with the core being liquid. And then I complain to said girls and they tell me stuff like: "Did you use the correct baking dish?", "Did you use a brush to put some butter on the surface?" , "Have you knead the dough properly for trillion minutes?" and I go like: "You said all I needed to do was mixing everything together " I am really not into creating food, where I need to dance around the oven to please the gods of the dough. Hoping it goes up and doesn't gets hard as a rock. Cooking is so much simpler.
  6. We are now halfway throught, 8 episodes in, 8 episodes left and I have to say, the pacing begins to annoy me. Although we saw 8 episodes of drama, it feels like we barely touched anything. It still feels like we just watched two episodes. I honestly thought we would be much, much farther by now. They need to step up the pace. I feel like in other dramas everything that happened to this point would have been done in a way shorter time. Eight episodes and I honestly can't tell how these 8 hours of drama were like. It doesn't feel like the bus scene was already so long ago. Progress is so slow, we learn a lot of backstory and small things here and there, but I don't feel like we take huge steps with each drama. I fear towards the end of the drama, it will be a bit rushed. Does she? I feel like she doesn't. Just is into her, she is into KJ. KJ doesn't care and doesn't sees it either. But MJ doesn't realize that Just is into her. I think she is so used to acting with guys and also playing with guys, that she isn't able to see genuine feelings anymore. She just uses it as a tool to get what she wants. She acts carefree in every scene, only when BJ is involved she uses her brain. MJ doesn't realize her behavior with Just has concequences. She sure knows he enjoys her behavior of oppa and flattering him, but she doesn't realize it made him fall in love with her. Did he? It just seemed he told her that the kid in the picture of Jong Woo was dead. If I remember correctly, he was in a picture with a woman and her son. I imagine the son died and due to that, the woman and JW decided to commit suicide in the car. Min Su was probably the name of the kid. Or did I miss something? For me it seems she still doesn't know Jung Woo is dead.
  7. Episode 8 Usual message about Kyung Eun's beauty. She even looks amazing while signing papers to end her husbands life and while crying. Hug her goddammit. Am I the only one who automatically wants to hug and comfort girls who cry? JS tears were surprising though. Okay, seems Kyung Eun wants to keep him alive. She's a keeper. I would want to date her too. Surprising eh? Jeong A-ran suspecting her only ally probably isn't the smartest idea. He seems to feel more and more uncomfortable around her. Putting your phone on a railing on top of a roof is pure bravery. The Akira Club Guy is so going to blow up everything between BJ and KJ. Is BJ falling in love? Or was she just excited, because someone asked her do die with her? I can't tell. Women are so hard to read. Guys are so much easier. I was so confused by her conversation with dad. I also want to hug Jeong A-ran now She was absolutely right in her scene.
  8. My cooking is domestic aswell. Maybe with some italian things on the side. But since I cook a lot for my mother aswell, my recipes are basic german cuisine with some specialties here and there. I really suck at baking, whenever I try it I fail miserably. Though any of me female friends always tell me how easy it is and that you just put everything in a bowl, mix it and put it into the oven. But somehow it always tastes bad. The only thing I do sometimes is making my own pizza crust. Haha, I will do. I always wanted to translate my recipes anyway.
  9. Baking? No. Cooking? Yes, absolutely my jam. I cook every Sunday for the upcoming week and fresh on weekends. Cooking is fun. I always have my little notebook with my own recipes with me. Yep. Thanks for thinking about me in this one.
  10. Episode 7 Kyung Eun is just SO BEAUTIFUL So much elegance, so much grace. How she stood there, just smiling. How can you not melt away? I would praise the ground she is walking on. MJ is going to break Just's heart so much. He is lost in love and KJ doesn't realize a thing. The tension and music had SLA vibes. I loved it. Tomato juice. Good talk. MJ will breaking SJ heart so hard. She is so cute, but she is totally not into him. I can feel his pain, I guess every guy can feel his pain. He is chasing a dream, a bubble. I was in the same spot. He clinges onto a dream. BJ's dad is probably the nicest, most humble being in this planet. The KakaoTalk Chatroom about meeting her will be an issue in the future. JS sneaking in BJ stuff, now we really enter "It will be over soon"-territory. Not that I can't understand him, but he will slowly piece the puzzle together. Kyung Eun's husband is dying, so as horrible as it sounds, but she will be "free" soon. JS finding KJ's card, discovering BJ's lies and also seeing her dad slowly doubting her. It feels like we enter a stage where things will start to change soon. Overall another slow episode, but I feel like the pace will increase soon. I did not know he died of such young age, but his cover of the song is so well used in this drama. It is used in so many different moments to add emotions and it is always a perfect fit. In the cab it was perfect to add to Just's sadness. Same goes for the scene on the roof at the end. Maybe to check if she still has a death wish? My thought during the scene were that he found out she was in contact with his dying friend. KJ also knows that she was supposed to die with him. He also received her message on his friends phone, thinking she was texting the guy she wanted to commit suicide with. So he knows she doesn't know about his death. What he doesn't know though is the exact reason why she tried to conctact him again after a while. So my guess is that he tried to find out if BJ still wants to die, if she still has the "dream" of dying together with someone. Especially after the story she told KJ.
  11. Out elections were so close. Now the negotiations for a coalition begin. Interesting times.
  12. Interesting, it feels hard to imagine. I wonder how Johnny would react to an earthquake.
  13. So you openly like to see me suffer So it is only worth mentioning when people die or it causes severe damage? What a cruel world. But I guess all our media outlets are busy enough with the election and the guy who shot a 20y student who worked at a gas station, because he told him to wear a mask. Probably the weirdest and most unnecessary crime in a long time in Germany. We don't have earthquakes either, so I can't even imagine how it feels. How did it feel? Did you shake aswell? Did you had trouble standing?
  14. There was an earthquake in Australia? Why didn't any of our medias mention it? Mhm, probably because we have elections this Sunday. Sunday, after 16 years, Mrs. Angela Merkel won't be our chancellor anymore. Anyway, I hope you are all safe. It's Friday! (When I wake up) Yaaay! That means I will get my thai food like every Friday and a new episode of Girls Planet 999 will be aired. So, there is just a single question left: Do kangaroos jump higher during an earthquake?
  15. It will be interesting to find out why Kyung Eun decided against JS in the first place and how their "affair" a year ago ended or turned out. It seemed to linger in him. When he talked with his mother about it, it felt like, for the first time, he spoke it out loudly in the open and admitted that he had these kind of feelings.
  16. He struggles with himself and doesn't know his position yet. He doesn't know what he can do for her and what he is supposed to do. I don't know, could be. Could also be just a "therapy" kind of thing. The relationship between JS & BJ is long over, she began to hide from him a long time ago. The only difference is now she also begins to hide physically from him. I guess the next episodes will be about that, finding their positions. And which decisions will KJ make. I am sure his "job"-offer will create some fuss later aswell, when she finds out that he was offered a job to seduce or shadow her. It will feed her and create issues. Another question is, how will he feel when BJ starts an affair? He looks desperate and doesn't know what to do. BJ having an affair and leaving could open a door for him to be with Kyung Eun, which seem to have an interest in him. You were right about it. I dig slice of life dramas that are close to reality like this one and make you think about (your own) life. I like the dark, depressing mood, asking important questions, make you think about life. Dramas that make me a little sad myself. There is always something I take of these dramas. A drama need to change my life. That's why I am so picky and drop so many dramas. It has quite some similarities to SLA, The Package or ONS. HomeCha is absolutely not my kind of Drama. It's fluffy and a good watch, which doesn't require much thinking. I think this drama shows perfectly how loneliness can affect a person and a whole marriage, caused by trauma. BJ seems to be her rescue anchor. JS shows over and over again, how overwhelmed he is by anything she throws at him. He is always defensive, she can't hold onto him, because he crumbles everytime. It's not even his fault, I can see why he acts the way he does, he just doesn't know it better. He knows so little about relationships and love, that he pretty much gets every piece of advice from his younger co-worker, who expertise is to date, or pretend to date, a stand-in girl. He believes everything his co-worker says. How can BJ rely on a guy like this? KJ's type of having this dry, but self-confident humor may have impressed her. He is strong enough to deal with everything. He pretty much saw her already in her weakest moments, but he always solved the moment with humor and didn't make a big fuss.
  17. You make fun of a man who is about to die? What a cruel world. We still eat the soup anyway.
  18. That's something I was also wondering, is he doing it without charge? I imagine before booking the client tells you what to do and based on this the price will be different. Her dressing up, putting on make-up, which is the first time as far as I remember, tells me that at least she considers this as some sort of date. I really don't know what to think of this. This could go in so many directions from here. Is it the starting point of an affair? Or is he using this as an opportunity to (fake) that he slept with her? His suggestion to lie down could be used to bring them in such a position. He could have placed cameras in the room beforehand. I mean he booked the place. He never declined or accepted the job openly. We don't know for certain what his motives might be. His speech beforehand, about his goals being 40, could also be meant like he is willing to do everything to succeed, so he won't end up like his parents. It actually remembered me of myself from a few years ago. Remember during the time when we first met? I was so scared and obsessive with the age of 33. Turning 33 without being married felt like a nightmare to me. 33 was, or still is, the average age of men being married in Germany. So everything above 33 makes me above average. And I am still neither married nor is a girl even thinking about being engaged to me, let alone marry. The section actually hit me quite hard aswell, this is why I like watching these dramas. I am so far away from achieving anything in my life aswell, that I could relate to her. I am far, far away from suicide though. That would be giving up and I don't do that. @SilverMoonTeaBut I guess we can safely say now I am hooked and you successfully recommended me a drama. Congratulations. You are one of a few.
  19. Episode 6 So Cafe Hallejulah is a place for people with depression who seek counceling? BJ was aware she needed counceling. Holy smokes....okay the "we might die together" hit different. So SHE was actually meant to be the girl in the car next to Jung Woo. She wanted to die. She wanted to die together with JW. Oh my gosh, this is so Richard Simmons. She wanted to commit suicide. She would have been in the car with her hands tied to JW. So BJ also doesn't know that JW is dead and did "the job" with someone else. There is something like a refridgerator specifically made for kimchi? Do koreans make really so much kimchi that they need an extra fridge for it? @stroppyse Do you have something like this aswell? Help me out stroppy BJ suicide note was so sad. Boooy, this really goes into a very dark direction right now. I really hope KJ doesn't begin to play any shenanigans on her right now. He needs to safe her somehow. Just's heart will be so broken with MJ at one point. He won't be able to handle it. I feel so sorry for him. His face looked so sad. He also drank alcohol because of her. Sigh...I feel him, I do the same if my heart gets broken. Clean it away with a good bottle of alcohoic beverage. That's why MJ wasn't SLS material aswell. I mean GS is a good guy, he's just.....so not ready to be married. He looks so overstrained with everything. He is constantly apologizing. Their marriage is so over. I mean Kyung Eun also plays into it, which is an issue, but he doesn't seem like he can handle a marriage. Potatoes! I love how the drama handles these very dark moments and then suddenly has such funny scenes. KJ is so smart and quick witted. When Soon Kyu took his bowl, instead of taking it back from her, he took it from Woo Nam. He knew, Woo Nam would never take it from Soon Kyu. I don't know what to think about the last 20 minutes. I need some time to order my thoughts.
  20. Episode 5 It's interesting that KJ only uses emojis as reply to messages. Maybe it's because this way he doesn't reveal anything from himself, like actual feelings. it keeps up his barrier. All this is very funny if you compare it how chatty he always is with BJ. Where can I find these pillows with the brick pattern! I need them! The black one is so stylish! Korea has actually specific places to hold a wedding? I didn't know that aswell. So many awkward moments in this episode. KJ has a very clear image of himself, especially when he is working, and thus he has also a very clear image of MJ. He said MJ is the female version of himself. When he said Just is off limits, MJ said Just isn't someone who should be defiled and KJ agreed. Which means KJ is also someone who defiles people. I begin to think he actually doesn't like his own kind of work, maybe due to BJ and the new confusing feelings he seems so have. But it seems he begins to change already, he doesn't want people close to him be the victims of stand-in "actors". MJ also realizes what KJ sees in her, she seems to have an interest in him, but KJ sees her as someone potentially dangerous, lovewise. Her story about not having a boyfriend and telling her client that KJ is her boyfriend was actually kinda cute. "I'm more expensive than you" cracked me up. Is Naeun, I mean MJ asks YOU for one hour. You gonna do it! For free! Free time extensions aswell. Gosh, she is so beautiful. Her similiaty to KSJ is confusing me so hard. In every scene I think this could also be played by KSJ. She would fit in this role so much aswell. Kyung Eun gets me everytime, she looked so broken and unemotional while treating her husband. I can relate to her, she is married without being married anymore. She just takes care of her husband, because it's her husband, but she doesn't feel love anymore. It's like a second fulltime job with really, really bad payment. She just functions. Still she is a good wife. SLS definitely kicking in. I want a girl like that! She reminds me of T.C.W. (Tasty Coma Wife) of a case in Scrubs. It's very similiar. So JS meet with KJ a couple of times in the past and during this time BJ had a miscarriage. JS admits he liked Kyung-Eun. And let's face it, he still does. He already proved it with his behavior. It's kinda funny to see MJ talking about idols, especially the part where she says the kids are like products who go in and out, considering that Naeun was a very successful idol. So BJ had the number of late Jung Woo. I mean she was "his client", so maybe that has do something with it. Wouldn't be totally unusual, but it's still very strange. Since she didn't know anything before about Stand-In services, she probably wouldn't have used this service. Indeed a very slow episode like @abs-oluteMmentioned. But a lot of backstory. Ep6 will be interesting. BJ wants to book him. The guy from the Akira Club ( don't know if I remember correctly) wants him to sleep with her. I wonder if they really start to date or begin an affair. This would be very similiar to SLA then. I really wonder by now what KJ's role will be from now on, he doesn't seem to have made a decision. Will they start dating? Will they have an affair? Will he work against her or with her? Will she save her and visa versa? Is he able to pull her out of her hole?
  21. Well, don't get me wrong, it would be still awkward to sleep in the same bed with a girl I am not dating, but it would be less awkward than being in the same bed or room with a guy. It's not like I am totally fond of the thought to sleep with a girl every night. And it is obvious that sleeping in the same bed is only a possibility if the girl is fine with it. It's not like I am totally ignoring a girls feelings. I am very concerned about it aswell. I can't speak for every man of course, but I try to do my best to give some insights. Reminds me of the days I tried to help girls on the "Ask a guy"-thread back in the days. It was so much fun. Heyheyhey How dare you The man's flu is a very serious disease. Like I said, it still our proud. We can't risk it.
  22. Ah, I see. The Pudding Caps got me confused then. Since I have the previous model, the HyperX Alloy Origins. Nice keyboard though. Never tried black switches.
  23. Strangely? Naeun is absolutely gorgeous looking, I am sure a lot of people feel attracted to her. And she is absolutely aware of it, because she plays with it whenever she can and takes advantage of it. She always plays the card when she is interacting with Just, she knows he has a weak spot for her too. BJ was pretty accurate when he said MJ is the female version of him. She can act, she can use her beauty as an asset to get whatever she wants. I like the fact that they say she was an idol trainee, when in fact the person behind MJ was an actual quite succesful idol. But this also explains her visuals and effect on boys. His ex, Kyung-Eun doesn't really lack of beauty aswell, she probably is a few years older, but she doesn't need to hide comparing to MH. Gyung-Eun has really caught my attention, I like her character so far. I can also relate to her situation, I am just wondering what happened in the past and why she ditched JS. If she hurt him a lot, I can understand why he is hesistating to start over with her. He sure has feelings for her left, she is lingering in his mind. She actually might be his true love. But she felt so hurt, so broken and done with life, even when she wasn't around JS. I am looking forward to see more of her. SLS definitely doing work here. The soundtrack actually feels like SLA aswell. SLA had a very poignant, memorable soundtracks, which underlined a lot of scenes. Lost feels similiar with "Halleluja", a old song aswell. Na Eun fits perfectly for this role, her beauty and idol roots are an ideal fit for this role. She looks like a younger version of Kyung Soo Jin, they both have similar face shapes and I could see KSJ in this role aswell. Maybe that's why I like her role. She also feels like a player though, so I think in real life I wouldn't be interested in her.
  24. The matter of him dating your friend isn't the matter here or if "you" or they both know they are not gay, the fear still remains. We also wouldn't like if a third party knows we slept in the same bed. We don't want to look or feel odd, it just doesn't feel "normal" or like it's not a big deal for us. We are well aware that the chance of sausage contact is very little, but why risk it. And here lies your "mistake". You try to explain it with logic and arguments, which won't work here. You cannot explain this with pure logic, it's just a deep dwelling fear or misconception in us that keeps us away from doing it. Like I said, from the days we are young boys, we are told from every generation that boys don't share the same bed with boys. It sticks, and since guys are also way less touchy among themselves, we rather sleep on the floor. No, because the scenario is different for us. Sleeping with a girl who is not our girlfriend is just a case of being careful. You are not of the same gender, but you are not our girlfriend, so it's to a decent normal and we just have to be careful. In our eyes sleeping with a girl in the same bed is considered not unusual. Why shouldn't we be afraid? Like I said, if you take in pure logic, the chances of sausage contact is very little, because he's not a "big" deal. Get it? "Big" deal? This is kind of in our instincts, so it's hard to explain with logic. The world won't stop spinning if we sleep with a guy in the same bed, but still, we will never do it if there is a different opportunity. Sure, but there is a difference between being a weakling and being vulnerable. I am very vulnerable in a lot of scenarios, I am good at talking about feelings and admitting my weaknesses, but we won't let a simple sting to bring us down. I am by no means too tough in any ways, when I have the flu I act like I am going to die soon, but this is just a sting for us. Just a needle. If vulnerable, let it be a real disease or injury. Yes, that is true, but we still want to impress the girl. That's just who we are, it might be totally wrong and not necessary, but we can't allow weakness in front of a girl we think is pretty. Guys are very good at blending out things. Let me say it like this and I think @TRaNzwill agree. We never said our behavior is correct, reasonable and good. We know that it probably wouldn't be as bad as we think it is, but still we do it. Because we don't want to make a fuss, our false proud tells us that we can endure it "like a man" and that it will be gone soon. We just want to leave asap and deal with it on our own. I didn't try to justify our behavior, I am just stating the thoughts that go through our minds and explain our behavior. I give you a little insight into a guys mind. @TRaNzI feel like I know this mechanical keyboard in the picture of yours. Is it the HyperX Alloy Elite 2? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel like I haven't posted and written so much in years.
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