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Posts posted by peperomia

  1. Preview for episode 9:



    Too bad no subs, but does Kim Ma Nok remember that Sae Ha had killed his father with the device?




    I just love this scene so much!


    SKJ and the child actor, Kim Si Woo, who plays little Sae Ha.


    SKJ with other child actors. I wonder who they could be?

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  2. Episode 8 was good too! We are starting to get answers. I had my money on Eo Jin turning out to be the janitor’s son, but it is Kim Ma Nok(!) which does make sense in hindsight. Based on how he had witnessed his father’s bizarre death, I can see how the trauma could have caused him turn out the way he did as an adult. Now we just need to know the connection between him and Ghost. @mademoiselle I agree with your logic that they could be father/daughter.


    The latest changed 2021 is interesting so far. We see more of a shady side of Director Choi. Based on the earlier episodes, she was also present at the research center when the janitor and Dr. Kwon died in 1997, right? Sae Ha’s mother does not seem to trust her at all. It is possible that there could be more to Dr. Kwon’s death, but it is strange how Director Choi was adamant that Sae Ha work at the Bureau.


    Right before the explosion, one of the female scientists recognized Sae Byeok and was about to tell her something about Ghost’s DNA. I wonder what she discovered about it. Is the degeneration related to the constant time traveling or is it because of earth's condition from the future time?


    Eo Jin died in the explosion. This seemed to have softened Sae Byeok’s resentment toward him after she reset and finds him alive again. The resetting gets repetitive, but I do like how some of the characters learn to better appreciate what they have after seeing what the alternatives could be.


    I also noticed Sae Ha seems less antagonistic toward Ghost. He placed the teleporting device in her hands right before the explosion. I think he is starting to understand some of her actions and the importance of her existence in the past/present. 


    My favorite scene was of Sae Ha meeting with little Sae Ha. After seeing a world without the grid, he gave up his fight to save his father. So, the next best thing he could do was to give his little self some encouraging words to fight through the tough times. That hug was everything.



    I also really liked how he left his mother a note and information to seek mental help. This move seemed to have kept her healthy and well.



    • Clapping Hands 3
  3. 2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    I was FF through episode 3 last night to the scene where he watched the stolen CCTV of the incidents and he ended with a "that's not all!" - so now I think what he said was the videos and interviews (of his boss and the security guard) made no mention about his father's death.


    That is a good find. Having seen episode 7 with more context of what happened in 1997, it makes sense why Sae Ha would have said that now. The public (including us viewers) did not know Kwon Su Kuen also died in the incident as well. It was not just the janitor and the omission of what happened to his father seems to have upset him all this time.


    2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    That's so weird he died from the burnt mark because Sae Byeok was fine and the other police who was also attacked at the subway when chasing Kim Manok was not dead either, but severely injured. Maybe at the time, the doctors didn't know how to treat him and he died.


    I agree with you that Kwon Su Kuen dying, while the others survived the attack, is somewhat inconsistent. The difference could be that the doctors back then did not know how to treat him or it could be a plot hole for the sake of the twist.


    2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    BTW, does that mean Sae Ha is still adopted then...? Or it's because Sae Ha faked his ID so that the bureau doesn't know he's related to Dr. Kwon.


    I am thinking Sae Ha was not adopted, but he faked his name to disconnect himself from his father in order to get into the Bureau.


    2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:


    True that the janitor's son might be someone else we know too now and likely Eo Jin. 


    Eo Jin seems secretive and his backstory is also mysterious which is why I think the janitor's son could be him, but I was reading some comments today and one of them thinks the janitor's son could be Kim Ma Nok. I don't think so, but we'll see... LOL.




    I thought this was a good catch. In addition to wearing glasses like he did in Third Charm, someone noted that he is playing dual roles again like he did for Are You Human Too? :yayaya:


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  4. 8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    Hey @peperomia I think you are right. Look, this boy looked a lot smaller!


    Thanks for finding this! Yes, little Sae Ha looks younger than the janitor's son. Also, his hair seems longer as well. I think Sae Ha being misled as the janitor's son all along could only be the explanation for his affection for Dr. Kwon and how they can be father/son. 


    I also think the janitor's son could maybe be Eo Jin. There is also a mystery about him too. The janitor's son was declared dead in 2015 because the government could not locate him. There is no actual confirmation of his death. This could explain why Eo Jin is also interested in the grid and Ghost.

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  5. @mademoiselle Grid is the only drama I am watching right now so plan to rewatch some parts tomorrow to see if it was previously mentioned that in addition to the janitor, Dr. Kwon also had died. I thought he did because this was why Sae Ha needed to hand the badge to Ghost so she would not need to (untentionally) kill him to get it. It seemed this was the event he needed to go back and change. When he said sorry and goodbye to his parents in the changed 2021, he realized that his father (Dr. Kwon) needed to die as he had did in the original timeline in order for grid to exist and his mother will be her coma state.


    I will try to confirm if Sae Ha witnessing the death of father was one of his flashbacks or if we thought it was him based on his emotional reaction in watching the video with Sae Byeok as an adult. Also, I will see if I could try to match the kids. 

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  6. @abs-oluteM @mademoiselle It is possible we were misled (intentionally) that the janitor was Sae Ha's adoptive father and he is the kid seen in the video. I had posted this clip from episode 6 above. When Sae Byeok told Sae Ha that she knows he is doing all of this because of his father, he does not deny it. However, when she told him that she knows he is the child in the video, he told her that he is not. I did not think much of this at first, but now I am realizing that we may have made assumptions based on the bits of the past that has been shown to us. Sae Ha is not the janitor's son and not the kid the video. If so, then who is?



    @mademoiselle Seriously, what a pleasant surprise...I love it so much! LOL. I do hope we get to see a bit more of Dr. Kwon at least in the next episode. (I have not seen the preview for episode 8 yet. If anyone happens to see a post of it, please do let me know.)

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  7. @mademoiselle I finally had some down time to watch episode 7 and thought it was very good - had me hooked the whole time. I agree we did not get much answers. I am just as confused as you are about how Sae Ha is the son of Kwon Su Kuen. The fact that they look exactly the same makes me believe Kwon Su Kuen is his biological father - somehow... When he realized he needed to put back the past the way it was for the sake of the grid and tearfully said sorry/goodbye to his parents, he seemed to sincerely feel that Kwon Su Kuen is his father. We knew the janitor was his adoptive father so the story would eventually need to reveal his biological father? How is this possible within the same timeline though? I hope it all will be explained well later.


    Great question on how Sae Ha will complete the grid without the existence of Ghost. When she was "dying", she had told him some of the coding of the initial program. Not sure if that, combined with the current coding he may know from working at the Bureau, would be enough for him figure the rest out and install it. (He had told her they do not use the original coding. I believe he was part of the grid control team before he was transferred to the secretariat. He must know something about the current coding.)


    Let's see how many times Sae Ha will need to time travel in order for him to successfully fix everything. LOL.




    I thought this was funny...exactly how we felt. I like men in glasses so I loved seeing SKJ wearing them. :wow:


    • Haha 3
  8. @SilverMoonTea Wow, the spiral made me dizzy, but the galaxy picture moving afterward is pretty neat. I do recall reading articles about LSY's inspiration for Grid and believe there is an overarching message about saving and protecting earth. I am thinking the insertion of the concept "time doesn't flow" in the story is meant to remind viewers that climate issues are not problems of the future, but they have happened (past) and are happening (present).


    I did get some vibes of Sisyphus from episode 6 as well. LOL. I am going have faith in LSY that she will not let us down on the ending though. Fingers crossed.


    I am also curious to know which movie she watched. If anyone finds out the title, do let me know as well.


    10 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

    SKJ really do a good job on scene where he demanded the shooter to give their gun for him to investigate.


    As the intensity of the story ramps up so does SKJ's acting...I love it. Looks like we will get to see more of it in the next episode.


    This scene was also very good. Not only does Sae Ha want to save his parents, but Director Choi as well. I want to hug him tightly too.


    11 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    So the Ghost knows what was in store for her and she blackmailed Sae Ha to save her, right?


    I do think Ghost's actions all along are pushing Sae Ha toward a certain direction. Maybe to save her and earth?

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  9. @abs-oluteM I am going to miss SKJ after this series is done. He is so good with intense and emotional expressions. I love it. I am starting to take notice of Kim Mu Yeol too. I liked this scene of them together.



    I agree there was more traction in episode 6. However, when Ghost told Eo Jin that "time doesn't flow", not gonna lie, my brain hurt a little. LOL. Based on what I tried to read about it, the post you shared seems to sum it up. From our perspectives, time passes, but in the case of the whole universe, the past, present and future all exist simultaneously. I am curious how this connects to the story and to Sae Ha wanting to change events.


    Not to make things more complicated, but here is a post of Lee Si Young in an interview saying that there are 3 Ghosts. What...?! Ghost who is captured by the Bureau and Ghost who is the caregiver of Sae Ha’s mom do look somewhat different. Hmmm...


    @SilverMoonTea Hope we didn't lose you. Please watch with us.

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  10. Some stills for episode 6 which looks intense. 



    On 3/19/2022 at 7:25 AM, abs-oluteM said:

    I wouldn't say that nothing has happened in eps 5. In some ways with this new strategy to get the citizens involved, it bore some fruit. At least SB crossed paths with Ghost, and at the end of the episode was able to come face to face with the murderer. There are still plenty of unanswered questions of course. The only thing I can be certain is that Ghost is here because she needs to ensure that the Grid remains up and running - so this means that she's come back to this point in time because the Grid may be what is needed for her survival in the future. 


    I agree. Based on the preview and stills, I wonder if Sae Byeok manages to catch Kim Ma Nok, but the Bureau ends up taking him away with them. Will this be why Ghost appears at their headquarters? I hope she doesn't save KMN again. I don't think I've heard him speak a word yet. LOL. It would be nice to know more about him and how he may be connected to Ghost or her purpose.


    The higher ups at the Bureau seem greedy. They are more interested in her time travel technology than the grid now. Major Im is telling his agents to kill her, if needed, to secure her device. I believe these orders come from Director Jo. Without her, how would they be able to maintain the grid if anything were to go wrong with it?



    I thought this was funny. Seo Kang Jun is partially my motivation for being here, but this person is solely here for Kim Mu Yeol. :laugh:

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  11. 3 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

    Storywise I don't think it's progressing much at all. Still busy chasing the ghost, not that interesting? Oh but I think SH might have some intention to time travel back with his mom, so she can be healthy again? 

    And regarding the bounty rewards, I sensed it might bring new victims as the bounty hunter might get touched by Ghost and will find demise instead? 


    @SilverMoonTea Other than finding out why Ghost had killed his dad, I also think Sae Ha's reason to catch Ghost is to time-travel and change the event that caused her condition. The scene of him laying next to mom on her bed and him saying, “We’re almost there, mom." seems to indicate so. I agree the bounty situation will cause more harm than good. The cleaning lady was close to danger and the two guys vanished.


    There was not much development in episode 5, but I thought some things were interesting (however, more questions):

    • Ghost did not harm Sae Ha’s mom at the end of episode 4, but why did she stand-in as a caregiver?
    • Sae Byeok brought up Ghost’s abnormal DNA again which is out of alignment. Her theory is the damage may be caused by Ghost teleporting. This condition should be painful and exhausting. So, if true, why is Ghost doing it anyway?
    • Sae Ha proposed to the Bureau to put out fake news that the grid is breaking down to lure Ghost to reappear there again. His theory is since she built the grid and brought it back in time, it must be needed for the future that she comes from. Otherwise, she would not care and teleport back for it.
    • The grid seems to be working fine. Most people at the Bureau seem interested in catching Ghost to monopolize on time-travel. Sae Ha has personal reason, his mom. The other people at the Bureau seem greedy.
    • Sae Ha had a flashback from his childhood where it looked like his mom was contemplating suicide. This makes me wonder if her comatose condition is a result of a suicide attempt.
    • Sae Byeok had another theory that Ghost may only be able to time-travel alone. Could it be the device in her hand that enables teleporting?
    3 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

    Hahaha yes I'm still here somehow.


    Managed to finish episode 5, just try to vibing but then dozed off almost the whole episode 😂 Wake up again when there is some shipping material, like how her brother sort of thinking she's in relationship with SH. And her ex husband start to develop jealousy as she mentioned his name casually, Kim Saeha-shi? Not sure how this indicate closeness that send him a bit mad? As she still use honorifics shi? Anyway I pick all of this as signal that there could be some potential romance in the making 😅 This author always teasing me, same as in Secret Forest, and I always fell into the trap 😂


    I am glad you are still here. Just 5 more episodes. The shipping material and whether there is a potential romance should be worth staying, right? LOL. The writer definitely teased us in Secret Forest. I loved it though. Always made me smile.


    By the way (and off topic), I just finished Juvenile Justice. It was really good so thanks for the rec! Kim Mu Yeol's character and story was my favorite. It took me awhile to recognize him as the actor playing Eo Jin here. Both characters in look and personality are drastically different. 

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  12. @abs-oluteM Same with you. The story is not bad for me. It is interesting, but just slow so far. It would be great if we start to get some answers over the next few episodes. I am glad you plan to continue. Hope SilverMoonTea does too. Haha.


    I am in agreement with the article. I have Disney+ U.S. and was disappointed that Grid was not available while Snowdrop is. This was strange to me. Given how successful Netflix has been with marketing dramas, I am surprised Disney is not following similar strategies. Maybe they will eventually figure it out. :yayaya:

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  13. I knew Ha Young would recover from the accident, but I was not sure how he would pick himself back up again mentally and emotionally. The accident was unfortunate, but the silver lining in it was the opportunity for Ha Young to decompress the bottled up “trash” he had absorbed from the various cases and empty it all out of him. The main turning point was meeting Hwa Yeon’s mother at the hospital. Her expression of gratitude to Ha Young and his team validated the importance and meaning of his work – to help and prevent people from losing their loved ones. This was the light through the darkness.


    When Ha Young gave his resignation to Chief Kook, things became awkward between them. It was a smooth move by Ha Young to convey to his team that he was not quitting with a “see you in the office” as they were leaving the hospital from visiting him. Chief Kook and Woo Ju’s faces completely lit up. When Ha Young was discharged from the hospital, he went immediately straight to work. He is still the same dedicated Ha Young, but I can tell after this experience, he is in better spirits and understands the need to maintain a healthy balance between life and work.


    My favorite part of the finale was the unity between the team members. In the beginning, the Behavioral Analysis Team was nuisance to their counterparts. They were excluded from investigating cases with the crime unit and had to do so discretely. With Woo Ho Sung’s case, it was nice change to see Chief Park seek BAT’s expertise on it. BAT was even tasked to set up a special investigation team and this time around, it was Chief Yoon who requested to be a part of it. They all used to butt heads in the past, but now the whole team is having a meal together while brainstorming what is the killer’s M.O. It is such a big evolvement from how it all started. I loved the team gathering on the rooftop and how they agreed they will continue to meet up with each other like this again.


    A few other bits that I also liked from these episodes were:

    • Reporter Choi gifting Ha Young a box of the best candies when she visited him at the hospital. It was really sweet of her, especially to take note of this liking of Ha Young.
    • The team making a wish together after their meal on the rooftop.
    • Chief Kook and Ha Young getting their hair done at the salon together for the new recruitment ceremony. Chief Kook was so funny.
    15 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    There are talks of S2.  I do feel sad this has ended and  won't mind it if they can bring back the same cast since they all did very well.  And of course KNG was just awesome. I loved his interpretation of Ha Young; it is actually a lot harder to play introverted characters like that. But I feel the show wrapped up quite nicely, so would there be more things to tell?


    @abs-oluteM The final 2 episodes were really good. It was sad when Ha Young was by himself in the empty BAT office. I assume he was saying his goodbye to it because the team was getting an official office at the station or headquarters. I also thought everything wrapped up nicely, but in the closing clip, Ha Young reminded us that they have not caught the Daesung serial murderer and vows to do so. It seems they have left it open for a potential season 2. I love the show and cast so I am definitely up for it. If true, like other shows with multiple seasons such as Voice and Stranger, though I am hopeful, I will keep in mind that it may not be as good as the original season. 

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  14. On 3/10/2022 at 12:37 AM, abs-oluteM said:

    She seems to be getting physically weaker - I wonder it the sugary stuff is meant to give her some energy? But her ability  to control time & dimensions is on a level that I am unable to understand - the guy clearly escaped but she was able to reset it and he's back in the jail she put him in. What is not clear is what happens to the rest of the world, each time she does things like that.


    It did cross my mind whether the sugary stuff is a source of energy for her. One other thought that came to my mind is whether the constant time-traveling and resetting weakens her. Yes, good question on the ripple effects of her changing the sequence of events. Not sure if she is acting as things happen or if all of this is directed toward a planned result.


    On 3/10/2022 at 12:37 AM, abs-oluteM said:

    1. I always had this inkling that Sae Byuk and Song Eo Jin knew each other , but I was surprised that they were ex-spouses. No wonder the animosity. The episode does give hints as to why the marriage broke down - SB with her temper and Eo Jin with his tendencies to keep things to himself ( I think given his job, perhaps he had a lot of secrets he had to hide.)  Eo Jin clearly still cares for Sae Byuk.


    I was surprised too. I thought they might have possibly dated in the past, but I never thought they would be ex-spouses. I agree it is apparent Eo Jin still cares for Sae Byeok, but he has his reasons for keeping things from her. I am curious to know what it is – is it related to his job or it is personal?


    On 3/10/2022 at 12:37 AM, abs-oluteM said:

    2. I thought SaeHa's boss knows who he is - that he is the dead janitor's son. But it seems she doesn't . SaeHa given how skilled he is may have been able to change his identity and declared himself dead. I was surprised he was adopted.


    3. It doesn't seem like a coincidence that SaeHa's father was killed the way he was. It wasn't just that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Ghost didn't kill anyone off except him - and you wonder if SaeHa's father is merely just a janitor. Now that Ghost has entered SaeHa's home - I am beginning to wonder SaeHa is her main target here. I don't think she wants to kill him or anything like that, but does she want to use him? Or is he someone she needs to protect?


    Since Ghost did not kill Sae Ha along with his father, it makes me suspect he is important to the future and to her agenda. We do not know what she did in his mother’s room yet, but it seems she has been keeping tabs on him and may be doing things to steer him toward a certain direction.


    On 3/10/2022 at 4:57 AM, SilverMoonTea said:

    I like SH and SB interaction at least, this what make me stay to watch it. I secretly wishing for some slight romance between them.


    Oh, let’s see if there will be any kind of romance brewing. With Eo Jin and Sae Byeok being ex-spouses and Eo Jin and Sae Ha are coworkers, this would make the character relationships more interesting. :smug:

    I do feel Sae Ha and Sae Byeok have a trust with each other. For example, the fake handprint took effort and it broke laws, but she did it for him anyway. He is always secretive and mysterious, yet he shares information with her. If he had not been open about how his father had died by the hands of Ghost, she would not have figured out that his real surname is Lee, not Kim. Surprisingly, Director Choi – even with her position at the Bureau – has not figured it out yet.


    Did anyone get strange vibes from Director Jo during the video call with Director Choi? Director Choi wants to catch Ghost, but based on the questions she has for her, she seems concerned about the future of mankind and wants to know why she had killed Sae Ha’s father. Whereas Director Jo’s big question is how time-travel is possible. Compared to Director Choi, I feel like he could be the one at the Bureau with ulterior motives.


    The pacing of the story is slow and we are given crumbles of information each episode so far. We reach the halfway point on Wednesday. I am hoping we will get some kind of a significant revelation to move the plot forward.

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  15. On 1/29/2022 at 11:59 PM, SilverMoonTea said:

    So SHY change to suit is for the prisoner interview mainly? As CHG commented how nice KYS wearing suit just to meet him.


    @SilverMoonTea You were right about Ha Young switching to wearing suits purposely for the interviews. Here is what Professor Kwon said:


    4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    In eps 10 , HY was really suffering while listening to Nam Ki Tae. But he had to hold it in, keep a neutral tone and ensure he gets the confessions he needed. You can see he was disgusted but he had a job to do,  and understood he would be the best person to do it.  No surprise after that he ended up being so affected by all that he had heard . Props to Kim Nam Gil for such solid acting. 


    Well said. Throughout the interview, it was visible that Ha Young was reaching his breaking point, but he focused on the overall purpose and endured through it. It was indeed solid acting by Kim Nam Gil. He nailed every expression. Even little nonverbal details such as adjusting his collar to try to soothe his frustration was on point.


    When Ha Young was at the hospital and the doctors/nurses were treating him, he imagined himself falling into the waters and trying to the reach for the dead lady again. What do you all think this scene meant?

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  16. @40somethingahjumma The noble idiocy (for the second time) was so unnecessary. I felt so bad for Liang Yi. I understand Qiu Yan had good intentions and wanted to protect him. However, he was already grief stricken by his mother’s death. Fabricating her lie, believing it was for his well-being, hurt him more than help him. He is a grown man. If the truth is his mother had poisoned his father, he had the right to know and face it. She should have just let him find out and stayed by his side when he needed her the most. Wasn’t that the meaning behind their couple bracelets? LOL. I was also dumbfounded by Qiu Yan willing to give up the evidence against Yuan Lang for this as well. She could have taken him down and avenged her father’s and Song Jin's deaths. I would have loved to see that!


    Awww, Jeremy and Qiao Xin completed the hug for us. They are charming together and why I stuck through to the end. Please do another project together. Just no plotlines turning each other into vampires and no "ba ba" time-travel plot twists. LOL.

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  17. @abs-oluteM @Tofu OMG…what sort of ending did I just watch? Woke up early to as well. LOL.


    While I did not have high expectations for the finale and willing ignore plot-holes, even some unrealistic character developments, the episodes prior teased the couple would be heading toward a smooth happy ending. What is so hard with truly following through with that? Why add a makjang twist to Li Yiang’s father’s death and use it torture him once again? Not sure how long they separate, but I guess I will take that he knew her better than that and they eventually reunite. Still leaves bitterness in what could have been a decent ending though.


    1 hour ago, Tofu said:

    I'm glad they met at the end, but was it that difficult to have them hug?! They were just staring at each other for so long. 😩


    Ugh. I felt the same. Better they reunite than never - but seriously, at least a hug would have done the couple more justice.


    1 hour ago, Tofu said:

    I still found this drama enjoyable despite some of the flaws during the latter half of the drama. I love the leads' chemistry and I hope they do another drama together. 


    Totally agree here. The highlight of the drama was always Liang Yi and Qiu Yan and Jeremy Tsui and Qiao Xin did an excellent job. From the bits of their promo videos, I could sense they get along well too. They also hypothetically talked about a second project. Would be nice if they do another drama together.

    • Clapping Hands 4
  18. Ha Young was noticeably more engrossed in profiling and somewhat impatient in these episodes. It was understandable why Captain Kook was getting worried about Ha Young – to the point where he was on the verge of smoking again. Even Ha Young’s mother was concerned for him. She noticed he was drinking when he cannot. While with good intentions, Ha Young submersing himself in becoming the murderer inadvertently became a threat to society and to himself. Captain had a point that they are in it for the long haul. He needs to take care of himself and to a certain extent, he must be able to separate himself from work. If he goes in too deep, he may fall into a hole. He has been holding up well on the outside, but given how sensitive and empathetic he is, it must have been difficult for him to do so internally. He thought Gu Young Chun was sadistic. Nam Ki Tae is equally so, if not worse. I can see why profiling him (and the accumulation of previous criminals) drove Ha Young over the edge…figuratively and literally. After the accident, I am hoping he will find a healthy balance between work and the well-being of himself.


    On the positive side, as Captain Kook had wished, Ha Young starts to cross police jurisdictions and enlighten them about the method of behavioral analysis in catching criminals. Though doubtful at first, it starts to make sense and they open-up to it. It was nice to see them start to realize the importance of understanding criminal minds and modify their process such as pre-planning how to approach interrogations beforehand. This step forward in cooperating and incorporating BA helped the organization as a whole catch Nam Ki Tae and tie in the various victims to him, which there were shockingly so many.


    Is it right that there are 2 more episodes left? I am not ready for the end yet.

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  19. I watched episode 3. I agree, we are definitely accumulating more questions than answers. Perhaps the story would flow better if all episodes were released together or at least 2 were provided per week. 10 total is do-able for me though. Just hoping the mystery will start to come together at the midpoint. I think sci-fi is a difficult genre to master so I will consider that as well. The last Korean sci-fi series that I watched was Sisyphus: The Myth and I only did it for Cho Seung Woo. Comparing this to that, Grid is faring much better so far. LOL. (By the way, C-drama Reset was excellent!)


    The circumstances surrounding Sae Ha's father's death is very strange. I mean, Sae Ha was a witness too. Why was his life spared by Ghost? Was it because he was an innocent child or maybe he is important to the future. I think it is possible Director Choi may have already been involved with Ghost back then and she knows what really happened.


    It is also strange that Sae Byeok was attacked by Ghost with the same hand device, but she did not die like Sae Ha's father and the sniper guy from the Investigation Bureau. Back in 2005 when the solar winds were coming for earth, she was not able to take shelter inside the school with the others and was outside. I wonder if that incident has something to do with her surviving the hand device. I am not sure if Ghost intended to spare her life.


    I noticed that Ghost binge eats all things sugary - cakes, chocolate and cola. Strange as well.

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  20. I ended up watching 31-32 which were pretty good – the plotline and characters are tying together. Now I am more optimistic for a sensible finale. :eeeee:

    - Spoilers Ahead - 


    I am happy Qiu Yan quickly hurries back to Li Yiang’s side (also that Qin Xuan understands her heart and lets her go). Li Yiang did not want to drag her into his dangerous situation, but she shows him she is wearing their couple bracelet and tells him she wishes to live and die together with him. Very sweet. Love seeing them investigating and enduring hardships together again. Li Yiang even realizes it is best to never separate and the safest for Qiu Yan is to always keep her in his line of sight. :hearties:


    So sad about Miss Shi and Mr. Yao. It was heartbreaking to see Li Yiang lose more of his friends. Yuan Long seemed saddened over Miss Shi’s death too. He buries them which shows some compassion from him.


    I would not have guessed the turn of events with Yuan Long and Consort Guo. Who knew Consort Guo’s origin is Northern Liang and is the one who killed Liang Yi’s father because he found out about it 6 years ago. However, she is not part of the spies and has no intentions of hurting Dashuo. She plead with him to help her protect her son, the Crown Prince, for the well-being and future of Dashuo. Li Yiang considers that the Crown Prince would be a good emperor and complies. Consort Guo promises she will take responsibility for his father’s death after they root out the masterminds. Although Yuan Long and Liang Yi have their differences, they are results of misunderstandings of each other’s intentions and yearn for power – they actually share the same care and patriotism for Dashuo. Good to see them willing to working together for the sake it -with Qin Xuan included too. Liang Yi questions whether his decisions to cooperate forsakes Song Jin (probably his father too), but Qiu Yan comforts him and tells him it is apparent that is because he puts the interests of the country before personal grievances.


    I was hoping Qiu Min would show there is some good in her by saving Qiu Yan, but nope – she is still proving to be terrible to the core.


    13 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    I haven't seen him one - so far I am watching the historcal ones...but @Tofu thinks he looks better in historicals though..


    Ah okay. This is my first time seeing Jeremy and in historical which I agree totally suits him well. As for a modern day drama, I think if he is styled right and he speaks in his own voice, it could potentially work for him. The line-up for his future projects look like they are all historical so that is great for Tofu. 


    I have been eyeing his investigative drama called Trace which has his voice. Too bad no Eng subs. :cry:

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  21. I watched episodes 25-30 in one go. Maybe because I did so, the angst I felt when Qiu Yan left Li Yiang was short-lived because she realized she was wrong later. However, I totally agree that her reasons for leaving were not fully justified. When she told him, he had not officially confessed to her yet, but given everything they have been through together and how much he put at risk for her, she should have known her decision would break his heart. Later before she leaves, they confessed their feelings to each other. At this point, if not stay, it would be more logical if she tried to work something out with him – like a long-distance relationship. Still together while she is traveling and writing her book, and he is still at his post. When they parted ways, she said to herself that if Li Yiang asked her to stay, she would. I have mixed feelings about this. Yes, he could have, but she was determined to leave – it is a hard ask from him.


    I totally agree the scenes between Qin Xuan and Qiu Min were very difficult to sit through. However, all along, I did believe that he deserved an explanation from Qiu Yan which he finally got it from her. She was quite honest too. LOL. To snap out of his mopiness and move on, he needed to know that she had used him and her feelings toward him was not love. She told him he needed look to the future. I think it is good that he refocused his energy and found a purpose in the Ministry of War. Also, after all this, it was also good to see his friendship with Li Yiang is still there.


    I always thought there was more to Liang Yi’s father’s death. The mastermind knew Li Yiang’s inability to resist taking part in re-investigating this would be his weakness and set-up a trap on him. What I do not understand is why Liang Yi ran off and became a fugitive. I guess he thought the chances of proving his innocence while being arrested were slim. Anyway, if nothing else, a good thing from Qiu Yan traveling to Northern Liang is that she was able to give him the lead that the An Ling poison is from there and connect that his father may have died of the same poison. I miss seeing them investigating together so although brief, it was nice to see them put their brains together.


    4 more episodes! I plan to watch them all together. I have been burned by many costume C-dramas so I stopped having high expectations. Hoping because there was a hiccup in the middle, we will get a happy ending. Logical or not. LOL.

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