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Everything posted by bai

  1. @SilverMoonTea Kangjae if keeping his hair with no cut after 2 months ๐Ÿ˜‹ sexc his debut in exhibition:
  2. yup yup. I also can't imagine he was to that stage of passion with Xia Qing. Nah for that seems 'pro' Yu Tu I think he could learn from movies or anything by watch and given he is a smooth genius (which is very rare in society, after all this is why he is a fiction character LOL) so.. Plausible? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. expect me to put your face to Eunbin so? btw Park Eunbin is so handsome thereee!!
  4. Heheheheh, at the time I watched R88 in 2019 (very newbie to real Kdrama worlds), I somehow started watch YOF fully (yesssss love sssamundong gang sm) but there was rl problem that made it just didn't in mood anymore for me & I forgot about it later busy catching up Kdramas I want to watch.. Good things I still have many resources to watch when the drought comes ๐Ÿ˜† LOLS
  5. haven't really watched but saw many cuts of it. Often finds myself losing focus when watching varieties.. But I found recently on my searching & this makes me want to try watch it whole ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ his English accent: his change is so Korean cuteee (changgggjjj eeee) this one I'm cracking. From YOF, I kind of grasp his style of talking is really Junghwan R88, and someone comment that too. No wonder he said that role is really hard to let go from him @mademoiselle so YY new photoshoots above Tofu posted hahahaha well my fave & fail
  6. btw mentioning about 'Sweet Home', Sweet Home S2 is really there in production yeah? I read between my scrollings there is audition for child actor for it Idk(??) YEAY tomorrow is public holiday?
  7. hi hi.. I haven't yet watched ep 6. I have really slow progress to eat this drama, but really want to and can't stop watching it. Stumbled on talk in twitter that relatable: "the strange thing about Lost is that I have no idea how to feel about it. Honestly. it's like.. Slap you on the face yet it ain't painful. Makes you feel that you're not lonely alone. Idk how to say it either." I'm just thankful for it. My ep 5 fave moment: about the idol group market tho, it smart move from director/writer/actor (Naeun) is like they are ๐Ÿค handshaking. Those bling bling world that may be a dream of many youngsters now comes with a bitter fact like she said there, and they need to know I think, eyes open. I'm so afraid writings my thoughts of this drama bcs it just can simply too my own emotional things when I see cafe-Hallelujah cafe-LBJ things it is really interesting reveals. Whoa. By glance I thought maybe it was suicidal cafe bcs the scene in ep 1, (my fave!!) when late JW tied to BJ in the picture, but BJ is actually just dive in her bath. And yes ppl pointing that in Twitter too, both join the gc of suicidal. Ugh that is true I know it. I was a member too like 7 years ago, ouch. I was so close to give up. Insomnia was hitting hard too, both mental & physic it just ruined. Thank you for Dhakra points out the Kyungeun condition, which is really make sense.. I'm having better understanding for my late father condition now. And in regards of the drama ratings (which it doesn't matter to me, but the reaction outside esp. for those who is waiting another drama releases and blame the acting, is just makes me ugh. (I'm so thankful for Lost drama pls hold on yeah team). Really agree with this one below.
  8. you know him regretting in that front of old PC like most dumb genius men is one of my fave. Ugh he becomes that sure & desperate to do that karaoke PDA kiss hahahahah fanfic Paper Rings by huanzhuyulu: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33402781/chapters/83097091 OMG this is so cute, the fanfic you recommend to me! I already attached when reading the weibo post edit + comments & the forum post play so so so cuteee me too think like this @gilaswanbased on Tianmi Jun's tho, when she gradually 'afraid'/intimated by Yu Tu 'desires' in ep. 25, it is more likely to me simply just Yu Tu that made her feels that way even she already explored. Hihihi Idk tho if based on novel, I'm not really readers type I didn't finished the novel after feeling satisfied with the 'films', only Harry Potter & Lord of The Rings that made me, by far xD
  9. huhuhuhu thankful it doesn't cause great damages you are all safe โ™ฅ yeay this afternoon maybe I will released as outpatient โ˜บ hiehehehehe
  10. I LOVE IT sm & to know you highlight that here I'm so hwapppppyyyy ๐Ÿ˜ญ but also he once stumbled on Ilbe user scandal ๐Ÿ˜… He denied it tho. Ilbe is K-forum site that has negative image because its talk including toxic things. But I think, even he joined, maybe he becomes like someone that just has interest to know what others think & wants to challenge it. He loves reading anyway. He got the role of R88 before he joined CJes. And by the third pict you attach, we kinda have glimpse he is really workin' hard for pursuing acting path. I recommend you to read this: https://www.cloverblossomsblog.com/2015/11/all-about-ryu-joon-yeol-new-charming.html (especially the short facts session) he is close friend with Byun Yohan (Socialphobia film!) It also has most random things: a point said he wants his child like a Spongebob who mostly positive and happy lols VERY true huhuhu (now you kind of understand why I become that hesitant to make YY into my VIP tier? Bcs one of my already VIP: Junyeol oppa has those things that make me, so it just harder) btw, Saturday is his birthday (Sep 25)
  11. these earthquake talk chingus ah I'm so relieved you are all ok ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I just read it tonight #late that there was earthquake in Au & quite bizzare (no history? So long its not, I grasp it quite like that). My provider is just so meh today. As I love beautiful beaches but it comes with risk too when there is earthquake it is really terrifiying. To be outdoor is make sense but you dont know if it will trigger tsunami or not. Just a really hopeless condition one. I'm so scared when there is big earthquake at shore. Human is literally just a little dust in that terms of natural disaster ๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿฅฒ P. S. But with higher technology I also question if that is really natural disaster or.. Experiment? #hallunight
  12. @SilverMoonTea go watch Little Forest, to me it is amazing yeah there is no shrine for oppa yet, tempted but I'm so bad at maintain hiks ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿฅฒ lol @mademoiselle cause if tea sets the standard, it will be unreachable for many 'social' classes ๐Ÿ˜‚ is there anyone watching Hometown? Han Yeri, Um Taegoo there
  13. ah no la, your bank interest will enough for getting the gift for me too ๐Ÿคฃ charity is good!!! HAHAHA your R88 comment ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  14. OH SHEEET?!!!? YESSSS!!! ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ let's request badge later? PLEASE?(!) LOLOLOL I will add Lucky Romance to watchlist: maybe when I'm having withdrawal of him as Kangjae in Lost. Btw I love their b&w photoshoot there btw new updates ๐Ÿ˜ I love the overall mood with the music here ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— the yellow black sweater in here reminds me of Hogwarts Hupplepuff/Gryffindor hehehehee lovee
  15. loools I got Hong Dusik too for the quiz ๐Ÿ˜‚ cc: @Tofu @SilverMoonTea @ssteph @abs-oluteM ahh I like Kim Raewan! @mademoiselle lolol cute answer, you take just Kim Seonho Lee Hi has good good songs. Breathe, Holo, etc this one with Lee Jehoon x Won Jinah for the mv her recent Savior too is quite catchy
  16. wow yeah for someone that dropping dramas, this is kinda uwo? Lololols ryusdb? \m/ well I like this, a bit progressive, alternative but melancholy and its Sondia here lol lovely, hahaha seems kdrama team makes Sondia as reliable one for this kind of mood
  17. Idk too I'm still confused as well lols but from my side, I think it is more the journey of them while he was twenty two she was eighteen etc etc he was twenty five, she was twenty one??
  18. hey noooooooo, not like that too! his movements in Yu Tu role is example of great moving frames but not oh-I'm-so-handsome-pose ๐Ÿ˜˜
  19. @SilverMoonTea re: jamet (skip the spoiler guys this just talkin' about Indonesian slang) Idk what PSH means by that lol, but as I know he is quite artsy man, yeah he wants a new beginning? Hehehehe broke my heart when Kangjae character said he feels not human, disqualified from it because his job.. So lonely I haven't watched weekend dramas hufff. Even my ace Lost ep 6 not yet yeah agree with that but here focused more on end-consumer. I think Junyeol there said it is more about what consumer will able to change if they demand less.. Like, for cosmetic, recycle bank for reuse packaging like bottles etc I think quite good idea, because it is rare mixed with other thing, need a clean up or re-mold something and it can be used again. And also there is option to buy just the filling, little thing like body wash, shampoo refill etc with using of our own container ref for Jakarta bulk store: https://aliansizerowaste.id/2021/02/09/5-rekomendasi-bulk-store-keren-di-jakarta-untuk-kamu/ (the article is in English tho, heheheh cc: @SilverMoonTea if you are interested) it will make some of the manufactures (that able, I don't say all can be, but there are special sectors for consumable products) think again how to sell & produce. Well this is big, and ofc need massive system overhaul of supply chain management.. Hard but from little things, example I like how recycling thing triggers us to really aware of waste that we produce be it monthly by cleaning the waste (non-organic one) before categorize it. And so the urge to use reusable is higher.. (??) but sigh yeah I should be thankful I have privilege to do all of that, like, bury my organic waste in my own garden, make compost of it etc. Sometimes I think because it is not initialized as lifestyle before, to approach these things nowadays need more $ than not.. Hopefully there is a way later ADD: have to add this. Gawd. One of the reason why I hate sm Covid era is really restrict zero waste movement due to virus safety, hygiene (that I think too much, but SIGH we really need that for now so single use is unavoidable for now, like mask. DANG. CRIES. So far from blend in barefoot on mother earth land. CRIESSSS) hahahaha prince Yang ๐Ÿ˜ I want gif one after this puhleasee ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ but tbh this kind of photo is too much for me I prefer more the not 'hey I'm handsome' pose one btw stock market comment @mademoiselle this thing on ep 6 is more like RJY himself LOL, the straw talks, I wonder if he adds/requests that to the script himself
  20. k but what this means translate pls I'm 0 in Mandarin ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚ Gtrans said: promise? IT IS MOI he did some scenes, directed by himself due to deadline etc. There are 3 scenes in YAMG if I'm not wrong from Gtrans: The scene that Yang directed 1. The bus sign after refusing to Jing Jing 2. Eat bread in front of the phone locker 3. In the meeting room, prepare before launching the rocket I like how he explores (He has such poetic visual perspective ahahaha) & plays around that, and said he thankful how the director believes the actors. such an awhhhhh moment for me
  21. OHHH time to talk bout this YEAAAY lols yup when I watch Lost, yoooo I kind of clown here but I think I can understand a bit why the director Hur Jinho projects him as Kangjae from the start. I like his statement about what styling/appearance does: "I think clothes are the first means of expressing yourself. I want to express who I am (through my clothes, what I'm wearing). And by expressing yourself well, you make the other person feel good." By his personal insta posts, he is more like a simple kind, but having that strong aura of cool (bcs often his style if goes to wrong person it becomes jamet what the English for this yeah? @SilverMoonTea) and yawwwww his tall figure fit so much. Anyway, so charismatic! I love his vibe. AND talk about environmental thing, he is often IN for that & YAY he finally becomes greenpeacekr ambassador. teamed up with them. I ADOREEEEEE. Here is the short history about that: So maybe thats why that kind of question will around for him. To think about, in Korea, by far I watched some dramas, or even varieties (especially those released before 2019) they use a lot of plastic bag. Just like in my country. Know from that interview, I think it is still lifestyle problem there in 2021. We are still struggling with this plastic bag thingy. And the thing is here, often I find even it is substituted with re-useable bag like tote one, but it still used as single use because forgot to bring etc. So the production for that (the demand) is still up because it just piles up in home. Becomes a business opportunity too for some (SO BEND from the purpose). Heck. AAAAAA. Struggling, struggling. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ But still I'm thankful, seems more people are aware with the issue ๐Ÿ’™ P. S. I love in that interview he is TRYING to not surprised by popped out balloon: trying to keep straight face (which is very his Jungwan role alike lol) but still surprised then gradually nailed the cold between popped thing. Hahahahaha ๐Ÿ˜
  22. it is moi just can't sleep with another guy that just friend in one room, except there is a bulk sleep event like, major event (like when joining a committee and event was too late, often all people sleep randomly in one room just because feel so tired), otherwise nooooo no no traits unlocked LOL clingy with people he feels comfortable? I love that for the ship ๐Ÿฅฐ LOL me too, aiyaaaa yes yes.. There are moments we girls use more logic than them LOL
  23. while me with Kangjae (Ryu Junyeol in Lost): DON'T YET NOOO PLS NOOO NOT YET lols
  24. lolols, nah you know who's the #1 in my heart for that called hair BUT wow him in the press con of this drama is 100, the hairstyle is very nice on him: haven't able to try watch the drama~
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